28 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Daily Eating Habits and Physical Activity on Anthropometric Parameters in Elementary School Children in Latvia : Pach Study

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    Funding Information: This paper describes the baseline characteristics of pupils enrolled in the Physical Activity and Children Overall Health (PACH) study and presents data related to this cross-sectional quantitative research design. The study involved 1788 8ā€“10-year-old pupils from the second (n = 1119) and third class (n = 669) of which 53.5% (n = 957) were boys and 46.5% (n = 831) were girls who joined the Latvian Olympic Committee project ā€œSport for All Classesā€ (SFAC) in the school year 2019/2020. Project SFAC is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia and ensures 5 vs 2 school-based PE lessons per week, promoting structured physical activities in schools. To participate in SFAC, school authorities (principals, form teachers, and physical education teachers) had to submit an official application with the list of pupils and corresponding signatures of their parents. Funding Information: Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to Latvian Olympic Committee, Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia and University of Latvia for the financial support. Thankful to all schools for participation in the project SFAC and this research, furthermore for the support during researcher visits. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Growing incidence of obesity and related diseases in children poses new challenges and calls for a review of lifestyle habits. This study aimed to assess daily eating habits (EH) and physical activity (PA) levels and identify their association with obesity in 8ā€“10-year-old children. Childrenā€™s EH and time spent in moderate-to-vigorous physical intensity (MVPA) was estimated from questionnaires (N = 1788). Weight, height, and waist circumference (WC) were collected, and body mass index (BMI) calculated. Girls consumed more fruits and vegetables, drank more water, and ate smaller portions of carbohydrate and protein rich foods but spent less time in MVPA compared to boys (p < 0.05). Obese children skipped breakfast more often and consumed less fruits and vegetables. Children who chose to eat in front of the screen had higher WC (62.88 Ā± 8.70 vs 60.59 Ā± 7.40 cm, p < 0.001) and higher BMI, and chose smaller vegetable portions and more calorie dense snacks (p < 0.001). 15.4% of pupils covered weekly MVPA recommendations with structured PA on weekdays. Increasing MVPA was related to a smaller number of unhealthy EH (p < 0.001). In conclusion, EH and PA levels differ between sexes and obese children have unhealthier EH. Higher levels of MVPA are related to healthier food choices, while pupils having meals in front of the screen have unhealthier EH and anthropometric measures. The majority of pupils did not reach the WHO recommendations of MVPA through structured PA on weekdays. Association between factors (EH and time spent in PA) and BMI was not found in this study.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Intracerebral Plasmacytoma in a Patient with HIV-1 Infection and SARS-CoV-2 Superinfection

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    Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.We present a rare case of intracranial solitary plasmacytoma arising in brain parenchyma in the basal nuclei. Clinical management and autopsy results of the case are described. Background: Intracranial plasmacytomas arising from brain parenchyma are extremely rare, and data from the literature are limited. Primary intracranial plasmacytomas are rare because plasma cells are not found in the brain in normal conditions. Commonly, intracranial plasmacytoma is associated with multiple myeloma, which is why multiple myeloma must be ruled out to diagnose solitary intracranial plasmacytoma. Considering that solitary plasmacytoma and multiple myeloma have some histopathological similarities, it is important to differentiate them because their respective treatments and prognoses are different. Imaging features of primary extramedullary plasmacytoma are nonspecific but are compatible with solid tumors with invariable enhancement. Plasmacytoma was aggressive because it was not diagnosed after the first MRI, but 1.5 months later, MRI showed a large object. We present a rare case of intracranial solitary plasmacytoma arising in brain parenchyma in the basal nucleipublishersversionPeer reviewe

    Economic analysis evaluation of dairy farms in Latvia

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    Piena lopkopÄ«ba ir viena no galvenajām lauksaimniecÄ«bas preču ražoÅ”anas nozarēm, un tai vienmēr ir bijusi svarÄ«ga loma lauksaimnieciskajā ražoÅ”anā un lauksaimnieku ienākumiem. Galvenais piensaimniecÄ«bas nozarē ir piena ražoÅ”ana, un pēdējo gadu laikā saražotā piena apjomi ir pieauguÅ”i, kā arÄ« piena un piena produktu ražoÅ”ana un eksports. Piena ražotājiem ir liela konkurence un pēc piena kvotu atcelÅ”anas 2015.gadā, konkurence palielināsies, Å”obrÄ«d Latvijas piena ražotāji ir konkurēt spējÄ«gi, bet nepiecieÅ”ams izvērtēt vai pēc kvotu atcelÅ”anas, piena ražoÅ”anas saimniecÄ«bas spēs turpināt konkurēt tādā lÄ«mēnÄ« kāds tas ir Å”obrÄ«d. Atslēgas vārdi: attÄ«stÄ«ba, govs produktivitāte, piena ražoÅ”ana, piensaimniecÄ«ba.Dairy farming is one of the major agricultural industries, and has always played an important role in agricultural production and farmers' incomes. The main dairy milk production, and in recent years the production of milk has increased, as well as milk and dairy products and exports. Dairy industry is highly competitive and abolition of milk quotas in 2015, competition will increase, currently Latvian dairy producers are able to compete, but is necessary to evaluate or after the elimination of quotas, dairy farmers will be able to continue to compete at a level as it is now. Keywords: a cow productivity, dairy, development, milk production

    Indicators of Emotional Intelligence of Nurses in different Types of Healthcare Facilities

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    MāszinÄ«bas (ar specializāciju GarÄ«gās veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes māsa)VeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peNursing StudiesHealth CareAnotācija VeselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes kvalitāti nosaka attiecÄ«bas starp veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes personālu, aprÅ«pes saņēmēju un pārvaldes struktÅ«rām. Emocionālais intelekts ir svarÄ«ga Ä«paŔība, kas atspoguļo noteiktu profesionālās kompetences virzienu, kas saistÄ«ts ar savu un sveÅ”u emociju sapraÅ”anas un vadÄ«Å”anas spēju. Bakalaura darba ā€žEmocionālā intelekta rādÄ«tāji dažādu profilu stacionāros strādājoŔām māsāmā€ mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot emocionālā intelekta rādÄ«tājus dažādu profilu stacionāros strādājoŔām māsām. Pēc iegÅ«tajiem datiem, salÄ«dzināt māsu emocionālā intelekta rādÄ«tājus starp psihiatrijas un daudzprofilu stacionāriem. Noteikt emocionālā intelekta saistÄ«bu ar darba stāžu māsas profesijā, ar darba slodzi, ar vecumu un ar izglÄ«tÄ«bas lÄ«meni. PētÄ«juma jautājums: kādi ir māsu emocionālā intelekta rādÄ«tāji dažādu profilu stacionāros strādājoŔām māsām? Lai sasniegtu pētÄ«juma mērÄ·i tika veikts kvantitatÄ«vs neeksperimentāls, Ŕķērsgriezuma, salÄ«dzinoÅ”ais pētÄ«jums, pielietojot Ŕādus pētÄ«juma instrumentus: izlases sociāli demogrāfisko rādÄ«tāju aptauja un D.Ä»jusina emocionālā intelekta (EmIn) aptauja. PētÄ«juma dalÄ«bnieki bija psihiatrijas stacionārā un daudzprofilu stacionārā strādājoŔās māsas. PētÄ«jums tika veikts X psihiatrijas stacionārā un Y daudzprofilu stacionārā Latvijā. PētÄ«jumā tika iekļautas 197 aptaujas anketas (99 ā€“ psihiatrijas stacionārs; 98 ā€“ daudzprofilu stacionārs). IegÅ«tie rezultāti liecina, ka kopējais emocionālā intelekta lÄ«menis psihiatrijas stacionāra māsām ir augsts, savukārt, daudzprofila stacionāra māsām - vidējs. Nepastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas saistÄ«bas starp kopējo emocionālo intelektu un darba slodzi mēnesÄ«, darba stāžu un māsu izglÄ«tÄ«bas lÄ«meni. Nepastāv statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas saistÄ«bas starp kopējo emocionālo intelektu un vecuma grupām, taču psihiatrijas stacionāra māsām ir vērojama tendence, ka palielinoties vecumam, samazinās kopējā emocionālā intelekta rādÄ«tāji. Statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«ga korelācija abu profilu stacionāru māsām tika konstatēta starp kopējo emocionālo intelektu un komponentiem, kas to veido. Bakalaura darbā ir 6 tabulas, 10 attēli, izmantoti 37 literatÅ«ras avoti. Darba apjoms bez pielikumiem ir 48 lapaspuses, pielikumi 15 lapaspuses. Atslēgas vārdi: emocionālais intelekts, māsa, māsas darbs, komponenti, modeļi.Abstract The quality of health care is defined by relation between health care provider, patient and management. Emotional intelligence is a fundamental quality reflecting a certain level of professional competence related to comprehension and management of oneā€™s own emotions and that of the others. The aim of the Bachelorā€™s Thesis ā€œIndicators of Emotional Intelligence of Nurses in Different Types of Healthcare Facilitiesā€ was to clarify the level of emotional intelligence of nurses working in different types of hospitals; to compare ratio of emotional intelligence of nurses in psychiatry and multispecialty hospitals according to the obtained data; to establish connection of emotional intelligence between the nurseā€™s length of service, amount of work, age and level of education. Research question: what is the level of the emotional intelligence of inpatient nurses of different specialties? In order to achieve the aim of the Thesis the author performed a comparative quantitative cross-sectional study using the following tools: a selection questionnaire of socio-demographic indices and EmIn questionnaire by D. Lyusin. The respondents were nurses working in psychiatric and multispecialty hospitals. The research was performed in an X psychiatric hospital and an Y multispecialty hospital in Latvia and it comprises 197 questionnaires (99 from psychiatric hospital and 98 from multispecialty hospital). The obtained results ascertain that the general level of emotional intelligence of the psychiatric nurses is high, and medium for the nurses working in multispecialty hospital. There is no statistically proven connection between the general emotional intelligence and the amount of work in a month, the length of service and the level of education. Also, there is no statistically significant connection between general emotional intelligence and age groups, however, as regards psychiatric nurses there is a tendency of indices of general emotional intelligence to decrease with age. Corelation between general emotional intelligence and its components was proved to be statistically significant for nurses of hospitals of both specialties. The Bachelorā€™s Thesis contains 6 charts, 10 images, 37 bibliographic resources were used. The Thesis consists of 48 pages, 15 pages of appendices. Key words: emotional intelligence, nurse, nursing, components, models

    Future directions and innovations of personnel motivation

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir personāla motivācijas tendences un jauninājumi. Darba motivācijas jēdziens radās lÄ«dz ar jēdzienu darbinieks, lÄ«dz ar to mēs nevaram ignorēt motivāciju, bet gan pieņemt to par vienu no svarÄ«gākajiem faktoriem personālvadÄ«bā. Ir svarÄ«gi gudri rÄ«koties ar cilvēkresursiem uzņēmumā, sekojot lÄ«dzi izmaiņām, kas notiek cilvēcē un sabalansējot to ar straujo tehnoloÄ£isko progresu, lai iegÅ«tu vislabākos rezultātus biznesam un ekonomikai kopumā. Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is ir izstrādāt priekÅ”likumus uzņēmuma un personāla vadÄ«tājiem, kas atvieglotu jauno tendenču integrÄ“Å”anu cilvēkresursu pārvaldes un personāla motivācijas jautājumos. Darba gaitā tika apzinātas motivācijas teorijas un jaunās motivācijas tendences, cilvēkresursu vadÄ«bas tendences Å”odienai un nākotnei un noskaidrots, kāds ir jaunās paaudzes darbinieku, bezdarbnieku un ekonomiski aktÄ«vo iedzÄ«votāju skaitliskais Ä«patsvars Latvijā un Eiropā, kā arÄ« anketÄ“Å”anas rezultātā noskaidrots, cik daudz strādājoÅ”o ir sastapuÅ”ies ar jaunajām motivācijas tendencēm savās darba vietās, vai viņiem arÄ« ir aktuālas Ŕīs tendences un ko viņi paÅ”i uzskata par motivējoÅ”iem faktoriem.The theme of the Bachelorā€™s thesis is ā€žFuture directions and innovations of personell motivationā€. The concept of work motivation arose with the concept employee, so we can not ignore motivation, but to assume it as one of the most important factors in personnel management. It is important to be smart in dealing with human resources in the organization, following up on human changes and balancing them with rapid technological progress to get the best out of business and the economy as a whole. The goal of the Bachelor's thesis is to develop proposals for company managers and HR managers to facilitate the integration of new trends in human resource management. In the course of the work were indentified the motivation theories and new trends of the personell motivation, human resources management trends for today and the future, also were determined the number of young generation, unemployed and economically active population in Latvia and in Europe, as well after questionnaires have found out how many employees have encountered new motivation trends in their workplaces, whether they also agree current trends and what they consider to be motivating factors

    Oral contraceptives turnover in "Saldus Zaļā aptieka"

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    Perorālie kontraceptÄ«vie lÄ«dzekļi ir iekŔķīgi lietojami pretapaugļoÅ”anās lÄ«dzekļi sievietēm reproduktÄ«vā vecumā, lai izvairÄ«tos no nevēlamas grÅ«tniecÄ«bas. Kombinētā orālā kontracepcija un progestagēnu saturoŔā orālā kontracepcija paredzēta ikdienas lietoÅ”anai. Avārijas kontracepciju drÄ«kst lietot tikai ārkārtas gadÄ«jumos, pēc neizsargāta dzimumakta, lai izvairÄ«tos no nevēlamas grÅ«tniecÄ«bas. NedrÄ«kst lietot biežāk kā reizi menstruālā cikla laikā un nav vēlams lietot biežāk kā 2-4 reizes gadā. Darba mērÄ·is: apsekot un izanalizēt perorālo kontraceptÄ«vo lÄ«dzekļu apriti ā€žSaldus Zaļajā aptiekāā€ no 2010. gada 1. janvāra lÄ«dz 2011. gada 31. decembrim. Darba rezultāti atspoguļo kontraceptÄ«vo lÄ«dzekļu apriti, vispirktākos medikamentus, cenu salÄ«dzinājumu, vecuma intervālus, kuros sievietes visbiežāk izvēlas Ŕīs kontraceptÄ«vās metodes veidu.Oral contraceptives are medication taken by mouth for the purpose to prevent unwanted pregnancy used by women in reproductive age. Combined oral contraceptive pill and progestogen-only pill, both are taken once per day, systematically. Emergency contraception pills are taken after intercourse without any contraception method. Not for offten use. Only in case of emergency, not more offten than once in cycle and maximum 2-4 times per year. The aim of this study: to survey and analyze the turnover of oral contraceptives in ā€žSaldus zaļā aptiekaā€ during the time period 1.01.2010. ā€“ 31.12.2011. The results of this study show how many oral contraceptives been sold in the pharmacy during a years, the most prevalent contraceptives, comparison in-between cost and the age range in which oral contraceptives are used most frequently

    Correlation of Anxiety Coping Strategies and Physical Activity

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    PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot saistÄ«bu starp trauksmi, stresa pārvarÄ“Å”anas stratēģijam un fiziskām aktivitātēm. PētÄ«jumā piedalÄ«jās 113 respondenti vecumā no 18 lÄ«dz 76 gadiem. Trauksmes lÄ«meņa mērÄ«Å”anai tika izmantota SpÄ«lbergera ā€žTrauksmes stāvokļa-iezÄ«mes aptaujaā€ (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Spilberger, 1983). Latvijā to adaptējusi Daina Å kuÅ”kovnika, 2004. Stresa pārvarÄ“Å”anas stratēģiju noteikÅ”anai tika izmantota ā€žStresa pārvarÄ“Å”anas stratēģiju aptaujaā€ (The Coping Orientation of Problem Experience (COPE Inventory), Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989). Latvijā to adaptējusi Signe KnipÅ”e, 2011. Fizisko aktivitāŔu lÄ«meņa mērÄ«Å”anai tika izmantota ā€žFiziskās aktivitātes paÅ”novērtējuma aptaujaā€ ko izveidoja Judzika sava darba ietvaros 2018.g. Rezultāti uzrāda statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gu negatÄ«vu korelāciju starp trauksmi kā iezÄ«mi un uz problēmu vērstu stresa pārvarÄ“Å”anas stratēģiju. Tāpat statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«ga pozitÄ«va korelācija uzrādÄ«jās starp uz izvairÄ«Å”anos vērstu stresa pārvarÄ“Å”anas stratēģiju un trauksmi kā stāvokli un trauksmi kā iezÄ«mi. Fiziskā aktivitāte neuzrādÄ«ja statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas korelācijas ar kādu no skalām.The aim of the study is to find out the connection between stress, anxiety and depression with self-reported health status and physical activity. The study involved 113 respondents aged 18-76. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Spilberger, 1983) adaptation in latvian by Daina Å kuÅ”kovnika, 2004. Was used to measure state-anxiety and trait-anxiety. The Coping Orientation of Problem Experience (COPE Inventory) (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989) adaptation in latvian by Signe KnipÅ”e, 2011. Was used to measure problem-focused, emotion-focused, avoidance-focused coping orientation styles. A physical self-assessment questionnaire for physical activity (Judzika, 2018) was created during her study to measure physical activity. The results showed statistically significant negative correlations between trait-anxiety and problem-focused coping orientation styles. Similarly, a statistically significant, positive correlation was found between avoidance-focused coping orientation style and both of anxiety scales - state-anxiety and trait-anxiety . However, physical activity did not show a statistically significant correlation with any ofother scales. Key words: state anxiety, trait anxiety, problem focused, emotion focused , avoidance focused, coping orientation styles

    Economic assesment of Latvian transport industry bussiness

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    Darbs profesionālā maÄ£istra grāda iegÅ«Å”anai: 84 lapas, 14 attēli, 24 .tabulas, 44 izmantotās literatÅ«ras un citi informācijas avoti, 6 pielikumi. Darba mērÄ·is novērtēt saimniecisko darbÄ«bu Latvijas transporta nozares uzņēmumiem veikt problēmu analÄ«zi un sniegt priekÅ”likums problēmu risināŔanā. Darbs sastāv no 3 nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā pētÄ«ti kravu transporta nozare Baltijas valstÄ«s : dzelzceļa kravu pārvadājumi, sauszemes kravu pārvadājumi, loÄ£istika un citi pakalpojumi, investÄ«cijas Latvijas transporta nozarē, transporta nozares attÄ«stÄ«ba ES. Otrajā nodaļā analizēti kravu pārvadājumu efektivitātes rādÄ«tāji, pakalpojuma raksturojums un dzÄ«ves cikls, pētÄ«tas kravu pārvadājumu problēmas un meklēti risinājumi. TreŔā nodaļā novērtēta trÄ«s lielāko transporta uzņēmumu saimnieciskā darbÄ«ba aprēķinot realizācijas rentabilitātes, likviditātes rādÄ«tājus veikta SVID analÄ«ze. Noslēgumā izdarÄ«ti secinājumi un izteikti priekÅ”likumi par analizējamās nozares uzņēmumu finansiālo stāvokli un tā darbÄ«bas attÄ«stÄ«bas un efektivitātes novērtējumu. Darbā pielietotas metodes ir ekonomiskās, statistiskās (salÄ«dzināŔanas, grupÄ“Å”anas, grafiskās u.c.) analÄ«zes un apraksta metodes. Atslēgvārdi: Kravu pārvadājumi, sauszemes kravu pārvadājumi, dzelzceļa kravu pārvadājumi, jÅ«ras kravu pārvadājumi, saimnieciskās darbÄ«bas novērtējums, rentabilitātes analÄ«ze.Volume of work for a professional Master's degree : 83 pages, 13 figures, 12. tables 44 used literature and other sources of information 6 appendixes Aim of the work: to assess the economic activities of Latvian transport industry for problem analysis and make suggestions to solve the problems. Paper consists of 3 parts. In the first part there is a research of transport sector in Baltic countries as well as railway transit, cargo transport, logistics and other services, investment in Latvian transport field, development of the transport in EU. In the second part of the paper there is analysis of effectiveness results of shipping, description of service and life cycle, researched shipping problems and findings of solutions. In the third part there is evaluation of three the biggest shipping enterprises economic activity by calculating realization, profitability, liquidity results, SWOT analysis. In conclusion, draws conclusions and makes suggestions about the analytic branch in the sector of financial condition and work development and assessment of effectiveness. Work methods are applied to economic, statistical (comparison, grouping, graphics, etc.) and describe the methods of analysis. Keywords: freight forwarding, road freight, rail freight, sea freight, economic,performance,cost-benefit,analysis. Volume of work for a professional Master's degree : 83 pages, 13 figures, 12. tables 44 used literature and other sources of information 6 appendixes Aim of the work: to assess the economic activities of Latvian transport industry for problem analysis and make suggestions to solve the problems. Paper consists of 3 parts. In the first part there is a research of transport sector in Baltic countries as well as railway transit, cargo transport, logistics and other services, investment in Latvian transport field, development of the transport in EU. In the second part of the paper there is analysis of effectiveness results of shipping, description of service and life cycle, researched shipping problems and findings of solutions. In the third part there is evaluation of three the biggest shipping enterprises economic activity by calculating realization, profitability, liquidity results, SWOT analysis. In conclusion, draws conclusions and makes suggestions about the analytic branch in the sector of financial condition and work development and assessment of effectiveness. Work methods are applied to economic, statistical (comparison, grouping, graphics, etc.) and describe the methods of analysis. Keywords: freight forwarding, road freight, rail freight, sea freight, economic,performance,cost-benefit,analysis

    Usage of biotechnology in leguminosae therapetical plant breeding

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    Tauriņziežu dzimtas augus plaÅ”i izmanto ārstniecÄ«bā, pateicoties bioloÄ£iski aktÄ«vajām vielām to sastāvā. Sarkanā āboliņa sastāvā esoÅ”ajiem izoflavoniem ir estrogēnam lÄ«dzÄ«ga iedarbÄ«ba. Balto āboliņu tautas medicÄ«nā lieto kā pretklepus lÄ«dzekli. Lucerna ir minerālvielu avots un amoliņā esoŔās aktÄ«vās vielas lieto kā CNS nomierinoÅ”u lÄ«dzekli. Par darba mērÄ·i tika izvirzÄ«ta tetraploÄ«da sarkanā āboliņa iegÅ«Å”ana, izmantojot biotehnoloÄ£ijas metodes - in vitro, molekulārās metodes, plÅ«smas citometrijas metodes. Kā arÄ« tika veikts tauriņziežu dzimtas augu pielietojuma farmācijā izvērtējums. Rezultātā tika iegÅ«ti 179 sarkanā āboliņa kloni no kuriem 81,1% bija miksoploÄ«di ar tetraploÄ«dām Ŕūnām un 10,8% tetraploÄ«di. Latvijas aptiekās pieejami 12 sarkano āboliņu saturoÅ”ie produkti, 6 ar lucernu un 5 produkti ar amoliņu.Leguminosae plant family is widely used as a therapeutic remedy due to its biologically active substances. Isoflavones in red clover have similar effect as estrogens. White clover is used as ethnoscience against caugh. Alfalfa is considered a mineral source and active substance in melilotus has sedative effect on CNS. The aim of the study was to obtain tetraploid red clover by using biotechnology - in vitro, molecular methods, flow cytometry. Also to evaluate leguminosae plant family use in pharmacy. As a result 179 red clover clones were obtained, of which 81,1% were mixoploids with tetraploid cells and 10,8% were tetraploid red clovers. 12 therapeutical products with red clover, 6 with alfalfa and 5 with melilotus were listed as available in pharmacies in Latvia