159 research outputs found

    Novel Divisome-Associated Protein Spatially Coupling the Z-Ring with the Chromosomal Replication Terminus in Caulobacter crescentus

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    Cell division requires proper spatial coordination with the chromosome, which undergoes dynamic changes during chromosome replication and segregation. FtsZ is a bacterial cytoskeletal protein that assembles into the Z-ring, providing a platform to build the cell division apparatus. In the model bacterium; Caulobacter crescentus; , the cellular localization of the Z-ring is controlled during the cell cycle in a chromosome replication-coupled manner. Although dynamic localization of the Z-ring at midcell is driven primarily by the replication origin-associated FtsZ inhibitor MipZ, the mechanism ensuring accurate positioning of the Z-ring remains unclear. In this study, we showed that the Z-ring colocalizes with the replication terminus region, located opposite the origin, throughout most of the; C. crescentus; cell cycle. Spatial organization of the two is mediated by ZapT, a previously uncharacterized protein that interacts with the terminus region and associates with ZapA and ZauP, both of which are part of the incipient division apparatus. While the Z-ring and the terminus region coincided with the presence of ZapT, colocalization of the two was perturbed in cells lacking; zapT; , which is accompanied by delayed midcellular positioning of the Z-ring. Moreover, cells overexpressing ZapT showed compromised positioning of the Z-ring and MipZ. These findings underscore the important role of ZapT in controlling cell division processes. We propose that ZapT acts as a molecular bridge that physically links the terminus region to the Z-ring, thereby ensuring accurate site selection for the Z-ring. Because ZapT is conserved in proteobacteria, these findings may define a general mechanism coordinating cell division with chromosome organization.; IMPORTANCE; Growing bacteria require careful tuning of cell division processes with dynamic organization of replicating chromosomes. In enteric bacteria, ZapA associates with the cytoskeletal Z-ring and establishes a physical linkage to the chromosomal replication terminus through its interaction with ZapB-MatP-DNA complexes. However, because ZapB and MatP are found only in enteric bacteria, it remains unclear how the Z-ring and the terminus are coordinated in the vast majority of bacteria. Here, we provide evidence that a novel conserved protein, termed ZapT, mediates colocalization of the Z-ring with the terminus in; Caulobacter crescentus; , a model organism that is phylogenetically distant from enteric bacteria. Given that ZapT facilitates cell division processes in; C. crescentus; , this study highlights the universal importance of the physical linkage between the Z-ring and the terminus in maintaining cell integrity

    Metabolic engineering of S. pombe via CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing for lactic acid production from glucose and cellobiose

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    We constructed D-lactic acid (D-LA) producing Schizosaccharomyces pombe using CRISPR-Cas9 system. Two PDC genes, intact L-LDH, a minor gene of alcohol dehydrogenase (SPBC337.11) were disrupted to attenuate ethanol production pathway. To increase the cellular supply of acetyl-CoA, an important metabolite for growth, we introduced bacterial acetylating acetaldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme genes. Two kinds of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase genes from Escherichia coli, mhpF and eutE, were expressed. D-LA production was achieved by expressing D-lactate dehydrogenase gene from Lactobacillus plantarum. The engineered strains efficiently consumed glucose and produced 25.2 g/liter of D-LA from 35.5 g/liter of consumed glucose with the yield of 0.71 g-D-LA / g-glucose. Finally, we expressed beta-glucosidase by cell surface display techniques, and the resultant strain produced 24.4 g/L of D-LA from 30 g/L of cellobiose in minimal medium with the yield of 0.68 g-D-LA / g-glucose. This is the first report to generate metabolically engineered S. pombe strain using CRISPR-Cas9 system and we showed the possibility of S. pombe for the production host cell of value-added chemicals

    The advantages of fentanyl for the treatment of pain: Studies of pharmacological profiles and fentanyl relatedside effects

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    The understanding of the pharmacological profiles of fentanyl and fentanyl-related side effects seems to be critical for the management for control of pain. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the advantages for treatment with fentanyl and the side effects such as emesis and gastrointestinal transit inhibition. The results demonstrated that fentanyl produced a profound antinociception in ferrets and mice than that induced by morphine. These findings are consistent with the experiences in the clinic. Morphine with lower doses than antinociceptive doses, produced a significant increase in gastrointestinal transit inhibition. However, fentanyl produced no gastrointestinal transit inhibition unlike morphine. These findings are consistent with the clinical experiences in the use of fentanyl. The clinical studies in patients chronic cancer pain showed that transdermal therapeutic delivery system for fentanyl (TTS-fentanyl) produces less side effects such as constipation, nausea and vomiting than that induced by oral morphine. Morphine with lower doses than that used for antinociceptive assay also produced either in the number of retching or vomiting. However, fentanyl failed to produce emetic response in ferrets. These findings indicate that fentanyl produces much less emesis than that induced by morphine. Finally, we conclude that fentanyl produced potent antinociception in ferrets and mice. In addition, fentanyl produced much less side effects including emesis and constipation. These findings may provide evidence for benefit and usefulness of fentanyl for clinical frame on the management of pain treatment.Key word: fentanyl; antinociception; emesis; ferret


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the radio-ulnar longitudinal rotation during baseball pitching. We captured movements of nine skilled pitchers during pitching by using a system with 16 high-speed cameras (Vicon MX, 1000 Hz). Ten fastest trials which hit a target were averaged to obtain representative data for each participant. We found that the radio-ulnar joint supinated at around the moment of ball release (BRL), although the wrist continued rotating in the direction of pronation at around BRL in the global coordinate. The supination occurred due to the influence of the combination of elbow extension and shoulder internal rotation

    Effect of a selective GABAB receptor agonist, baclofen, on the opioid-induced antinociception and rewarding effect

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    The management of excessive adverse effects is a major clinical problem. Multiple approaches have been described to address this problem. Successful pain management with opioids required the adequate analgesia without excessive side effects. The present study was designed to investigatethe effect of a selective GABAB receptor agonist baclofen on the opioid induced antinociception and rewarding effect. In the present study, we confirmed that either morphine or fentanyl produced a dose dependent antinociceptive effect in mice using tail-flick test. The results demonstratedthat co-administration of baclofen with morphine, fentanyl or oxycodone produced the synergistic effect on antinociception in mice. In the place preference study, we found that baclofen inhibited on morphine or fentanylinduced place preference in rats. These results suggest that coadministrationof baclofen with opioids produce synergistic antinociception with less effects of place preference We propose here that co-administration of baclofen with opioids may pave the way for the new strategy for the control of pain and recommended for the adjuvant drug.Key words : opioid, place preference, rewarding effects, baclofe

    Initiatives of the Hiroshima University Writing Center Expanding and Developing University Library Functions

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    広島大学ライティングセンターは学習支援と研究支援を行うことを目的として設置され,広島大学図書館はライティングセンターの設置と運営に中心的な役割を果たしている。ライティングセンターは学習支援としてライティング相談を,研究支援として研究成果発信のための様々な取り組みを行い,学習と研究の両面のサポートを行っている。ライティングセンターが行っている活動は,図書館が他の関連部署と密接に連携し,学習と研究の両面からアカデミックライティングの支援を行うことで,大学図書館機能を拡張し,発展させていく先駆的な取り組みである。 The Hiroshima University Writing Center was established with the goal of supporting learning and research, and the Hiroshima University Library plays a central role in the Writing Centerʼs establishment and operation. TheWriting Center engages in a variety of support initiatives for both learning and research, offering writing consultation for the former and submission of research findings for the latter. The library closely coordinates the Writing Centerʼs activities with other related departments, and through academic writing support for both learning and research, these trailblazing efforts expand and develop the university libraryʼs functions

    Radiofrequency Ablation with the Real-Time Virtual Sonography System for Treating Hepatocellular Carcinoma Difficult to Detect by Ultrasonography

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    Radiofrequency ablation has been applied to treat hepatocellular carcinoma, with favorable therapeutic outcomes. Nevertheless, practitioners have approached radiofrequency ablation with some reluctance due to the difficulty of identifying isoechoic tumors and recurrent tumors. The aim of the present study is to investigate the efficacy of Real-time Virtual Sonography to treat hepatocellular carcinoma difficult to detect by conventional ultrasonography. Real-time Virtual Sonography is a system generating multiplanar reconstruction images in real-time using the Hitachi medico EUB-8500 equipped with a probe. The system included following components: 1) digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) data from dynamic CT, 2) a magnetic field generator to match the multiplanar reconstruction image on the monitor and the actual ultrasonography image, 3) the cross section with the tumor displayed as a multiplanar reconstruction image. Total twenty-five nodules of twenty-one patients underwent radiofrequency ablation monitored by Real-time Virtual Sonography. All nodules difficult to detect via conventional ultrasonography were clearly visualized in real-time. The average nodule diameter was 2.4 ± 1.6 cm, and punctures and coagulation were performed an average of 2.2 and 3 times per session. Dynamic CT after session confirmed effective coagulation of each nodule. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the present system is capable of effectively and accurately treating tumors difficult to detect by conventional ultrasonography

    白レグの産卵,採食,飲水におよぼす環境温度の影響 : III. 湿度の影響について

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    白レグ産卵鶏24羽を用い,実験(I)は乾球温度30および32.5℃でRH60又は80%で,実験(II)は同じ鶏で25~32.5℃低湿条件で行ない,さらに以下の実験をとりまとめ,1971実験(A)25~35℃(既報)および同じ鶏で高湿で1971実験(B)と1970・実験25~35℃(既報)について,湿度が採食,飲水,卵かくにおよぼす影響を調査し,次の知見を得た. 1) 体重あたりの採食量は湿球温度の変化(RHの変化)に関係なく,ほぼ乾球温度により影響(高温で減少)をうけた. 2) 飲水量,卵重,卵かくの厚さも同様に乾球温度により影響をうけた.(高温で飲水量大,卵重・卵かくのあつさの低下) 3) 高温における体重減少は,鶏の体熱放散機構からみて湿度が関与しているかもしれない.The present research work was performed in view of investigating the effects of humidity, under the several DBT and changes of WBT, on food intake, water consumption and egg shell quality in White Leghorns based on a series of experiments. Twenty-four laying hens were kept in a temperature controlled room under 30 and 32. 5℃ at 60 and/ or 80% RH during 3 weeks in Experiment I; and under 25, 30 and 35℃ at lower humidity in Exp. II. For confirmation, previously reported 1970 Exp. (A) and more humid 1970 Exp. (B) (unpublished, 30 and 32. 5℃, 60-70% RH) and previously reported 1971 Exp. were compared to the present data. The results obtained were as follows. 1) Each food intake per 1 kg of body weight, irrespectively of wide change of WBT and controlled by DBT, was surprisingly constant especially under higher temperature ranges. 2) Water consumption, egg weight and egg shell thickness also seemed to be controlled mainly by DBT. 3) The body weight may have a tendency to be affected by humidity in relation to evaporative system as to the thermo-regulation in chickens

    Association between the quality of life and asymptomatic episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the J-RHYTHM II study

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    AbstractBackgroundParoxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) patients have a reduced quality-of-life (QoL) despite the fact that the majority of AF episodes are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic AF is likely to be associated with substantial morbidity and mortality rates similar to those with symptomatic AF, whereas its effect on the QoL has not yet been clarified.PurposeWe studied the specific contribution of asymptomatic AF episodes to reducing the QoL.MethodsWe assessed the QoL in 233 patients with paroxysmal AF and hypertension (age 64.9±9.7 years, 71% male) enrolled in the Japanese Rhythm Management Trial II for Atrial Fibrillation (J-RHYTHM II study) using an AF-specific QoL questionnaire (AFQLQ). The AFQLQ comprised 3 components: AFQLQ1, the frequency and duration of symptoms; AFQLQ2, severity of symptoms; and AFQLQ3, limitations in daily activities and mental anxiety. Higher scores indicated a better QoL. Each patient transmitted electrocardiograms for 30s daily at a predetermined time as well as whenever arrhythmia-related symptoms were experienced. We examined the relationship between the 3 AFQLQ components and frequency of symptomatic and asymptomatic AF episodes (days/month) during 12 months of follow-up.ResultsThe symptomatic and asymptomatic AF frequencies were 0.9±3.1 days/month and 1.5±3.5 days/month, respectively. AFQLQ1 negatively correlated with the symptomatic AF frequency (Spearman's correlation coefficient: r=−0.332, p<0.001). AFQLQ2 and AFQLQ3 correlated with both the symptomatic AF frequency (r=−0.27, p<0.001 and r=−0.265, p<0.001, respectively) and asymptomatic AF frequency (r=−0.197, p<0.01 and r=−0.229, p<0.005, respectively).ConclusionThe asymptomatic AF episode frequency correlates with a reduced QoL in patients with paroxysmal AF, suggesting that there would be psychological benefits to its reduction

    Corporate Organizational Reform and Corporate Performance: Empirical analysis based on interviews with Tokyo-area firms (Japanese)

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    In tandem with the advance of IT usage in the economy and society, it is becoming more widely recognized that for greater IT usage to lead to higher productivity it is essential not only to increase the amount of IT equipment, but also for corporate organizations and human resources to correspond with new technological innovation of the kind represented by the enhanced use of IT. Based on this perception, in this paper we emulate the company interviews conducted by Bloom and Van Reenen (2007) by carrying out an independent interview-based survey of firms' organizational management and human resource management. Using the results of those interviews, we then quantify them by awarding higher scores when organizational goals are more diffused between the upper echelons and the workplace, when organizational reforms have been implemented in recent years, and also when companies have human resource management that respond quickly to individuals' job performances. Our survey covers 151 Tokyo-based firms in four industries in the manufacturing sector (electrical machinery, equipment and supplies manufacturing; information and communications electronics equipment manufacturing; motor vehicles, parts and accessories manufacturing; and precision instruments and machinery manufacturing) and three in the service sector (video picture and sound information production, information services, and retailing), and the results of this survey show that the largest number of companies have scores that are close to the overall median. Broken down by industry, in the manufacturing industry there are numerous companies that have high scores with respect to organization, but with regard to human resources there are also many companies that are conservative. In the retailing industry, meanwhile, there are numerous companies that are flexible with regard to human resources. Examining the relationship between these scores and corporate performance, we find that estimates based only on the arithmetic average of the scores produce no significant results. Nevertheless, significant results are achieved with regard to cross terms between scores and a dummy at two years after organizational reform. This is the same when taking the main components and regarding them as explained variables. Given this, simply having transparency in an organization and flexibility in its personnel management system will not lead to greater productivity; if the degree of transparency of an organization is higher at least two years after it undergoes reforms, and the human resources management is made flexible, its impact will be to enhance productivity.