9 research outputs found

    Formiranje policikliÄŤkih ugljikohidrata tijekom procesa dimljenja sira

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    The smoking process determines the characteristic flavour, odour, colour and texture of several cheese varieties. Some smoke compounds are known to have bacteriostatic and antioxidant effects, and may act as preservatives. Smoked cheese is appreciated by consumers due to its sensorial properties. However, with smoking process there is a risk of formation of toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This review emphasises the occurrence of polycyclic hydrocarbons on smoked cheeses and their health impacts.Dimljenje određuje specifičnost arome, mirisa, boje i tekstura nekim vrstama sira. Poznata su bakteriostatska i antioksidativna svojstva za neke spojeve dima, te mnogi među tim spojevima imaju konzervirajući učinak. Dimljeni su sirevi cijenjeni među konzumentima zbog svojih senzorskih osobina. Međutim, postupkom dimljenja postoji određeni rizik za nastajanje otrovnih policikličkih aromatskih ugljikohidrata (PAU). Ovaj pregledni članak naglašava pojavu policikličkih ugljikohidrata u sirevima i njihov utjecaj na zdravlje konzumenata

    Preživljavanje bakterija Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 i Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12 u sutlijašu

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the survival of two probiotic micro-organisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12) in a rice pudding, the impact of these bacteria on hygienic quality, and to verify the perspectives of the product with regard to consumer sensorial acceptance. The products were monitored for the microbial population, pH, titratable acidity and consistency, during storage at 4±1 °C for up to 21 days. Sensory preference was also tested. Even though the viability of the probiotic bacteria was reduced over 21 days of storage, the viable cell concentrations were still sufficient to obtain the desired therapeutic impact. The counts of yeasts-moulds and Staphylococcus spp. decreased in samples with added probiotic bacteria. The sensorial properties of probiotic rice pudding demonstrated similar acceptability to the control up to 14 days and declined thereafter. Rice pudding was considered suitable food for the delivery of probiotic micro-organisms, with sufficient viability and acceptable sensory characteristics.Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi preživljavanje probiotičkih mikroorganizama (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 i Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12) u sutlijašu, utjecaj tih bakterija na higijensku kvalitetu i potvrditi perspektivu proizvoda glede senzorskog prihvaćanja potrošača. U proizvodima je praćena populacija mikroorganizama, pH, titracijska kiselost i konzistencija tijekom skladištenja na 4±1 °C u trajanju do 21 dan. Također su testirana senzorska svojstva. Iako je preživljavanje probiotičkih bakterija smanjeno tijekom 21 dan skladištenja, broj preživjelih mikroorganizama bio je dovoljan da se dobije željeni terapijski učinak. Broj kvasaca, plijesni i Staphylococcus spp. smanjen je u uzorcima s dodatkom probiotičkih bakterija. Sutlijaš se može smatrati pogodnim probiotičkim proizvodom prihvatljivih senzorskih svojstava

    Evaluation of physicochemical and sensory properties of green olive pastes

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    654-658In this study, the physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of green olive pastes from retail markets were analyzed. Physicochemical analysis showed that the titritable acidity, salt and pH values of the pastes varied between 0.58–1.78 gm 100 gm-1, 3.45–7.16 gm 100 gm-1 and 2.82–4.08, respectively. The major fermentation compounds were lactic acid, ethanol and methanol, which were significantly different in all samples (p<0.01). Sucrose was detected in only one sample, at a concentration of 5.17 mg 100 gm-1; the glucose, fructose and citric acid concentrations ranged from 1.44–243.85 mg 100 gm-1, 5.58–474.25 mg 100 gm-1 and 102.5–774 mg 100 gm-1, respectively. Acetaldehyde and n-propanol were detected at very low concentrations. All green olive pastes were recognized as “generally acceptable” by the panelists, however, sample D was the most preferred paste in terms of the overall sensorial attributes

    The formation of polycyclic hydrocarbons during smoking process of cheese

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    The smoking process determines the characteristic flavour, odour, colour and texture of several cheese varieties. Some smoke compounds are known to have bacteriostatic and antioxidant effects, and may act as preservatives. Smoked cheese is appreciated by consumers due to its sensorial properties. However, with smoking process there is a risk of formation of toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This review emphasises the occurrence of polycyclic hydrocarbons on smoked cheeses and their health impacts

    Viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12 in Rice Pudding

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the survival of two probiotic micro-organisms (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-12) in a rice pudding, the impact of these bacteria on hygienic quality, and to verify the perspectives of the product with regard to consumer sensorial acceptance. The products were monitored for the microbial population, pH, titratable acidity and consistency, during storage at 4±1 °C for up to 21 days. Sensory preference was also tested. Even though the viability of the probiotic bacteria was reduced over 21 days of storage, the viable cell concentrations were still sufficient to obtain the desired therapeutic impact. The counts of yeasts-moulds and Staphylococcus spp. decreased in samples with added probiotic bacteria. The sensorial properties of probiotic rice pudding demonstrated similar acceptability to the control up to 14 days and declined thereafter. Rice pudding was considered suitable food for the delivery of probiotic micro-organisms, with sufficient viability and acceptable sensory characteristics

    Enhanced Functionality and Bio-Accessibility of Composite Pomegranate Peel Extract-Enriched Boba Balls

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    “Boba balls” or pearls have recently gained popularity for beverages or food toppings. “Boba balls” could be developed into functional foods by the encapsulation of bioactive compounds. In this study, gelatin/sodium alginate composite “Boba balls” enriched with pomegranate peel extract (PPE) at different concentrations (0, 1, 2, and 3%) were prepared. They were characterized in terms of physical, rheological, textural, morphological, and sensory properties, as well as in vitro digestion, bio-accessibility, and release kinetic of PPE. Adding PPE improved the “Boba” mix’s viscoelasticity and decreased the “Boba balls”’ hardness. The increasing PPE ratio significantly (p \u3c 0.05) increased the antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content. The addition of PPE preserved the spherical shape of the “Boba balls”, and as the PPE ratio increased, new junction zones were observed in SEM images. The in vitro digestibility of PPE was significantly (p \u3c 0.05) improved by preserving PPE from the mouth and gastric medium, and “Boba balls” showed the highest release and bio-accessibility in the intestinal medium. Consequently, PPE as a by-product could be successfully used at 2% concentration for enhancing the functionality and bio-accessibility of “Boba balls” without affecting sensory properties

    Enhanced Functionality and Bio-Accessibility of Composite Pomegranate Peel Extract-Enriched “Boba Balls”

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    “Boba balls” or pearls have recently gained popularity for beverages or food toppings. “Boba balls” could be developed into functional foods by the encapsulation of bioactive compounds. In this study, gelatin/sodium alginate composite “Boba balls” enriched with pomegranate peel extract (PPE) at different concentrations (0, 1, 2, and 3%) were prepared. They were characterized in terms of physical, rheological, textural, morphological, and sensory properties, as well as in vitro digestion, bio-accessibility, and release kinetic of PPE. Adding PPE improved the “Boba” mix’s viscoelasticity and decreased the “Boba balls”’ hardness. The increasing PPE ratio significantly (p p < 0.05) improved by preserving PPE from the mouth and gastric medium, and “Boba balls” showed the highest release and bio-accessibility in the intestinal medium. Consequently, PPE as a by-product could be successfully used at 2% concentration for enhancing the functionality and bio-accessibility of “Boba balls” without affecting sensory properties