4 research outputs found

    Serratia Abundance

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    Raw data from the main experiment, pertaining to Serratia abundance over time. Observations were input by row. Column titles specify the following: "day" -- day of the experiment on which the observation was made; "repID" -- replicate label of the microcosm; "trtmt" -- treatment label of the microcosm; "prey" -- presence (yes) or absence (no) of Paramecium in the microcosm; "predator -- presence (yes) or absence (no) of Didinium in the microcosm; "parasite" -- presence (yes) or absence (no) of Holospora in the microcosm; "species" -- the species to which the observation pertains ("SERRA" -- Serratia); "Platevol" -- volume of sample (in microliters) plated on agar gel for incubation; "Dilution" -- the factor by which the original sample from the microcosm had been diluted before plating; "Colonies" -- the number of colony-forming units counted on the plate

    Paramecium Morphology & Trajectory

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    Raw data obtained from video capture and image analysis of swimming Paramecium ("un" -- uninfected; "inf" -- infected by Holospora)

    Paramecium & Didinium Abundance

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    Raw data from the main experiment, pertaining to ciliate abundances over time. Observations were input by row. Column titles specify the following: "day" -- day of the experiment on which the observation was made; "repID" -- replicate label of the microcosm; "trtmt" -- treatment label of the microcosm; "prey" -- presence (yes) or absence (no) of Paramecium in the microcosm; "predator" -- presence (yes) or absence (no) of Didinium in the microcosm; "parasite" -- presence (yes) or absence (no) of Holospora in the microcosm; "species" -- the species to which the observation pertains ("PARA" -- Paramecium; "DIDI" -- Didinium); "vol" -- the volume sampled for the observation; "count" -- the number of individual present within the volume sampled