38 research outputs found

    Decompositions of Rational Gabor Representations

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    Let Γ=Tk,Ml:kZd,lBZd\Gamma=\langle T_{k},M_{l}:k\in\mathbb{Z}^{d},l\in B\mathbb{Z}% ^{d}\rangle be a group of unitary operators where TkT_{k} is a translation operator and MlM_{l} is a modulation operator acting on L2(Rd).L^{2}\left( \mathbb{R}^{d}\right) . Assuming that BB is a non-singular rational matrix of order d,d, with at least one rational non-integral entry, we obtain a direct integral irreducible decomposition of the Gabor representation which is defined by the isomorphism π:(Zm×BZd)ZdΓ\pi:\left( \mathbb{Z}_{m}\times B\mathbb{Z}^{d}\right) \rtimes\mathbb{Z}^{d}\rightarrow\Gamma where π(θ,l,k)=e2πiθMlTk.\pi\left( \theta,l,k\right) =e^{2\pi i\theta}M_{l}T_{k}. We also show that the left regular representation of \left( \mathbb{Z}_{m}\times B\mathbb{Z}% ^{d}\right) \rtimes\mathbb{Z}^{d} which is identified with Γ\Gamma via π\pi is unitarily equivalent to a direct sum of card([Γ,Γ])\mathrm{card}\left( \left[ \Gamma,\Gamma\right] \right) many disjoint subrepresentations: L0,L1,,Lcard([Γ,Γ])1.L_{0},L_{1},\cdots,L_{\mathrm{card}\left( \left[ \Gamma,\Gamma\right] \right) -1}. It is shown that for any k1k\neq 1 the subrepresentation LkL_k of the left regular representation is disjoint from the Gabor representation. Furthermore, we prove that there is a subrepresentation L1L_{1} of the left regular representation of Γ\Gamma which has a subrepresentation equivalent to π\pi if and only if detB1.\left\vert \det B\right\vert \leq1. Using a central decomposition of the representation π\pi and a direct integral decomposition of the left regular representation, we derive some important results of Gabor theory. More precisely, a new proof for the density condition for the rational case is obtained. We also derive characteristics of vectors ff in L2(R)dL^{2}(\mathbb{R})^{d} such that π(Γ)f\pi(\Gamma)f is a Parseval frame in $L^{2}(\mathbb{R})^{d}.

    Dihedral Group Frames which are Maximally Robust to Erasures

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    Let nn be a natural number larger than two. Let D2n=r,s:rn=s2=e,srs=rn1D_{2n}=\langle r,s : r^{n}=s^{2}=e, srs=r^{n-1} \rangle be the Dihedral group, and κ\kappa an nn-dimensional unitary representation of D2nD_{2n} acting in Cn\mathbb{C}^n as follows. (κ(r)v)(j)=v((j1)modn)(\kappa (r)v)(j)=v((j-1)\mod n) and (κ(s)v)(j)=v((nj)modn)(\kappa(s)v)(j)=v((n-j)\mod n) for vCn.v\in\mathbb{C}^n. For any representation which is unitarily equivalent to κ,\kappa, we prove that when nn is prime there exists a Zariski open subset EE of Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} such that for any vector vE,v\in E, any subset of cardinality nn of the orbit of vv under the action of this representation is a basis for Cn.\mathbb{C}^{n}. However, when nn is even there is no vector in Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} which satisfies this property. As a result, we derive that if nn is prime, for almost every (with respect to Lebesgue measure) vector vv in Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} the Γ\Gamma -orbit of vv is a frame which is maximally robust to erasures. We also consider the case where τ\tau is equivalent to an irreducible unitary representation of the Dihedral group acting in a vector space Hτ{C,C2}\mathbf{H}_{\tau}\in\left\{\mathbb{C},\mathbb{C}^2\right\} and we provide conditions under which it is possible to find a vector vHτv\in\mathbf{H}_{\tau} such that τ(Γ)v\tau\left( \Gamma\right) v has the Haar property

    Sampling and Interpolation on Some Nilpotent Lie Groups

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    Admissibility For Monomial Representations of Exponential Lie Groups

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    Let GG be a simply connected exponential solvable Lie group, HH a closed connected subgroup, and let τ\tau be a representation of GG induced from a unitary character χf\chi_f of HH. The spectrum of τ\tau corresponds via the orbit method to the set GAτ/GG\cdot A_\tau / G of coadjoint orbits that meet the spectral variety A_\tau = f + \h^\perp. We prove that the spectral measure of τ\tau is absolutely continuous with respect to the Plancherel measure if and only if HH acts freely on some point of AτA_\tau. As a corollary we show that if GG is nonunimodular, then τ\tau has admissible vectors if and only if the preceding orbital condition holds

    Groups with frames of translates

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    Let GG be a locally compact group with left regular representation λG.\lambda_{G}. We say that GG admits a frame of translates if there exist a countable set ΓG\Gamma\subset G and φL2(G)\varphi\in L^{2}(G) such that (λG(x)φ)xΓ(\lambda_{G}(x) \varphi)_{x \in\Gamma} is a frame for L2(G).L^{2}(G). The present work aims to characterize locally compact groups having frames of translates, and to this end, we derive necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the existence of such frames. Additionally, we exhibit surprisingly large classes of Lie groups admitting frames of translates