144 research outputs found
Rapport Annuel de PerformanceActivité de l’USAID/CINSERE (1er avril-30 septembre 2016)
Ce rapport resume les activités meneées par les projet USAID/CINSERE d'avril à Septembre 2016.
CINSERE est un projet de trois (3) ans (2016-2019) financé par l'USAID/Sénégal
et mis en œuvre par l'ICRISAT/CCAFS en collaboration avec ANACIM. USAID/CINSERE
vise à accroître l'accès et l'utilisation des services d'information climatique (SIC) pour encourager
une meilleure prise de décision face aux changements climatiques et à la variabilité du
climat. Les principaux bénéficiaires de l'USAID/CINSERE sont des acteurs qui vivent dans
la zone d’intervention de l'USAID/Naatal Mbay, USAID/COMFISH, l'USAID/Yaajeende et
de l'USAID/ERA. Ces quatre projets ont investi des ressources importantes dans la création
et le renforcement des groupes d'agriculteurs et de pêcheurs artisanaux, et les institutions
concernées. L'objectif de l'USAID/CINSERE est d'accroître la résilience et la productivité
des communautés d’agriculteurs, pêcheurs artisanaux et éleveurs sénégalais ciblés, hommes
et femmes, dans la zone d’intervention du FtF, en matière de la variabilité et le changement
du climat, à travers l'amélioration de la fourniture, la communication et l'utilisation des
services d’information climatiques. Cet objectif sera atteint à travers (i) le renforcement des
capacités au niveau national dans la production, fourniture et l'utilisation de SIC et (ii)
l'élaboration d'un cadre durable pour la vulgarisation et l’utilisation à grande échelle des
Annual Performance Report – USAID/CINSERE Activity (Apr 01st – Sept 30th 2016)
During this first year (Apr 01st – Sept 30th 2016), the USAID/CINSERE activity has been technically launched through a workshop that gathered key stakeholders of the project. This allowed assessing the specific needs in Climate Information Services (CIS) of the 4 Feed the Future (FtF) projects and the possible communication channels that could be used to disse- minate the information to benefit farmers, pastoralists and fisher folks. Also, the Advisory Committee of the project has been formally setup during its first meeting concomitantly organised with the official launching ceremony with attendance of high level authorities (HEM Ambassador of USA, Secretary General of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equip- ment and of Ministry of Tourism and Aviation Transport). A roadmap for the Advisory Com- mittee’s activities has been developed, in line with the timeline of USAID work planning and reporting for projects. The recruitment of the project staff (Project Coordinator, M&E Specialist and Climatologist) is now completed and the contract between ICRISAT/CCAFS and ANACIM has been signed. This allowed to capacitate ANACIM to start developing and communicating tailored and salient CIS in support of farms’, fisheries’ and pastoralists’ communities, including members of both sexes, in their management decision making. The above actions allowed to roll out the planned ground activities for the rainy season 2016. The main achievements in the ground include 1) the setup of 17 local multi-disciplinary working 4 groups (MWGs) in 8 regions covered by Naatal Mbay and Yaajeende projects; (2) training of key stakeholders that will disseminate CIS within each of the FtF projects (Stakeholders from government, NGOs, CBOs, private sector, etc.); (3) Dissemination of CIS to benefit farmers, fisher folks and pastoralists
Consultation meeting with key stakeholders
The consultation workshop with Burkinabe key stakeholders for the V1 Project within the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) of the Volta Basin took place from 14 to 15 March 2011 in Ouagadougou. The meeting room of the DIST in CNRST was booked for the first day while in the second day, the workshop took place in the conference room of the National Archives Centre.
The opening ceremony was made by Dr. Eric Kemp-‐Benedict (SEI/Boston, USA) and Dr. Kaboré Séraphine (INERA/Ouagadougou). After welcoming all attendees of the workshop, Dr. Eric has thanked INERA for its active participation in the 2nd phase of the CPWF program for the Volta Basin and particularly in the V1 project “targeting and scaling out water harvesting interventions for agriculture”. He has outlined the objectives of the workshop, that is, to consult and discuss among actors for the better understanding of the methodology adopted for the V1 research project.
The coordinator of the V1 project in INERA (Dr. Kaboré) seconded Dr. Eric and, on behalf of the Director of INERA welcomed the trainer as well as all participants who positively responded to her invitation. She argued that the main objective of the project is to elaborate a reliable tool suitable for scaling out good water management practices and approaches for food production in the Volta Basin. She finally asked attendees to actively work for the success of the workshop.
After this ceremony, each attendee was asked to fully present himself. This was followed by two PowerPoint presentations of an overview of the project. Attendees were from INERA, government institutions, NGOs and development projects on water and agriculture
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, antenatal diagnosis: about one case
Antenatal ultrasound screening of fetal malformations requires for management, the immediate nature of which at certain birth, conditions the survival of the newborn. The Objectives Describe a case of pulmonary cystic adenomatoid malformation discover during antenatal ultrasonography. It was a 36 years old primary patient, referred to the maternity of Lafontaine hospital (France) for the presence, on obstetrical ultrasound screening, of suspected lesions on the foetal right lung’s field in a 21 weeks gestation pregnancy. After successive obstetric ultrasound scan, it was discovered that the left lungs were big with some parenchymal cysts of different sizes more than 3 mm in diameter. We made a diagnosis of type I left pulmonary cyst adenoma with excess amniotic fluid, without associated anomalies. The pregnancy progressed to 40 weeks gestation and a caesarean section was done with extraction of a live female new born weighing 2730 gr. The new born had 40 days later a successful surgical lobectomy for a cystic adenomatoid dysplasia. Histological examination revealed type I Stocker congenital pulmonary cystic adenomatoid malformation. During obstetrical ultrasound screening, we paid more attention to the brain, the heart, the face. Through this study we realised that during routine antenatal ultrasound for morphology, we should also pay more attention to the lungs
Climate change affects differently men and women around the world. Due
to women’s limited access to, and control over key assets, information and
inputs for instance, they tend to be disadvantaged in terms of ability,
flexibility and means to change their agricultural practices to adapt to a
changing climate (Bryan et al. 2012). In sub-Saharan Africa in particular,
where women are mostly engaged in rain-fed agriculture under precarious
conditions, the effects of land degradation linked to climate change are
increasingly affecting their production system. This is why the gender roles
in climate-related practices and policies is more and more desired. In order
to improve farmers’ capacity to cope with recurrent climate variability
through the use of climate information, a study was conducted in 10
Regions of Senegal. The specific objectives were to: i) understand and
identify farming adaptation practices used by men and women, ii)
determine the climate information needs from women, and iii) identify the
factors that can influence women's access to climate information
Maternal mortality by direct obstetric causes in an urban referral hospital: case of Boulmiougou District Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Background: Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death and disability for women of childbearing age. Objective of this study was to study maternal mortality of direct obstetric origin at the Boulmiougou district hospital from 2010 to 2014.Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study of maternal deaths by direct obstetric cause at the maternity ward of Boulmiougou District Hospital during the period from January 1st 2010 to December 31st, 2014, i.e. 5 years.Results: The maternal mortality rate by direct obstetric cause of 147.68 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The average age of the patients was 27.09 years old. The direct causes of maternal death were hemorrhage (47.06%), hypertensive disorders (20.59%), infections (14.71%) and unsafe abortion (11.76%). Contributing factors to maternal deaths were delay in evacuation (47.06%) and delay in care (38.23%).Conclusions: Maternal mortality remains high in the Boulmiougou District Hospital. To effectively combat maternal mortality, it is important to focus on the continuous training of staff and the strengthening of the technical platform
Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria provides substantial protection against malaria in children already protected by an insecticide-treated bednet in Burkina Faso: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
BACKGROUND: Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in children (IPTc) is a promising new approach to the control of malaria in areas of seasonal malaria transmission but it is not known if IPTc adds to the protection provided by an insecticide-treated net (ITN). METHODS AND FINDINGS: An individually randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of seasonal IPTc was conducted in Burkina Faso in children aged 3 to 59 months who were provided with a long-lasting insecticide-treated bednet (LLIN). Three rounds of treatment with sulphadoxine pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine or placebos were given at monthly intervals during the malaria transmission season. Passive surveillance for malaria episodes was established, a cross-sectional survey was conducted at the end of the malaria transmission season, and use of ITNs was monitored during the intervention period. Incidence rates of malaria were compared using a Cox regression model and generalized linear models were fitted to examine the effect of IPTc on the prevalence of malaria infection, anaemia, and on anthropometric indicators. 3,052 children were screened and 3,014 were enrolled in the trial; 1,505 in the control arm and 1,509 in the intervention arm. Similar proportions of children in the two treatment arms were reported to sleep under an LLIN during the intervention period (93%). The incidence of malaria, defined as fever or history of fever with parasitaemia ≥ 5,000/µl, was 2.88 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.70-3.06) per child during the intervention period in the control arm versus 0.87 (95% CI 0.78-0.97) in the intervention arm, a protective efficacy (PE) of 70% (95% CI 66%-74%) (p<0.001). There was a 69% (95% CI 6%-90%) reduction in incidence of severe malaria (p = 0.04) and a 46% (95% CI 7%-69%) (p = 0.03) reduction in the incidence of all-cause hospital admissions. IPTc reduced the prevalence of malaria infection at the end of the malaria transmission season by 73% (95% CI 68%-77%) (p<0.001) and that of moderately severe anaemia by 56% (95% CI 36%-70%) (p<0.001). IPTc reduced the risks of wasting (risk ratio [RR] = 0.79; 95% CI 0.65-1.00) (p = 0.05) and of being underweight (RR = 0.84; 95% CI 0.72-0.99) (p = 0.03). Children who received IPTc were 2.8 (95% CI 2.3-3.5) (p<0.001) times more likely to vomit than children who received placebo but no drug-related serious adverse event was recorded. CONCLUSIONS: IPT of malaria provides substantial protection against malaria in children who sleep under an ITN. There is now strong evidence to support the integration of IPTc into malaria control strategies in areas of seasonal malaria transmission. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.govNCT00738946. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary
The article goes through the different stages of human at work and it current practices then focuses on the digital revolution coming on. It explores the effects on jobs in the transport and banking sectors. What are the countries that are well prepared for that revolution? Are Africa and Burkina ready for the digital transformation? The lack of infrastructure is severe in some countries. The main keys are to strengthen the educations systems, to build a solid lifelong system and the use the tools of change management. The findings show that countries have an important role to play but also international organizations like ILO, UNESCO, OCED, EU, and AU.
Keywords: Digital revolution, Challenge, Jobs, Future
Renforcement des capacités en appui aux services météorologiques, hydrologiques et climatiques du Mali et du Niger Rapport d’activité : Planification des investissements et orientations vers le partenariat public-privé pour l’appui aux services hydro-météorologiques et climatiques au Mali
L’utilisation des services hydrométéorologiques et climatiques (SHMCs) constitue une opportunité pour le
Mali dans ses efforts visant à réduire la pauvreté, renforcer la résilience et s’adapter au changement
climatique. En effet, les SHMCs permettent de protéger les populations contre les risques climatiques à
court terme ou à évolution rapide (inondations et tempêtes) et à long terme ou à évolution lente (p. ex.
sécheresses et changement climatique durable).
Le développement des SHMCs nécessite des investissements à toutes les étapes de la chaîne de valeur de
l’information allant de la création et du renforcement des réseaux d’observation à la mise en place de
services permettant aux communautés, aux décisionnaires et aux entreprises de comprendre et
d’exploiter les informations météorologiques et climatologiques, en passant par la conception de produits
adaptés aux risques et par l’amélioration de la communication et du partage d’information. Pour
moderniser ses SHMCs, le Mali doit exploiter les capacités existantes, créer des liens entre les projets et
les institutions, mais aussi adopter les dernières technologies à bas coût et favoriser les flux de revenus
tant dans le secteur public que privé. Pour ce faire, le pays doit envisager un nouveau partenariat entre le
secteur public et le secteur privé. La mise en place d’un modèle durable de fourniture de services
hydrométéorologiques efficaces requiert que les décideurs politiques examinent attentivement la
situation actuelle et définir un nouveau cadre pour la mise en œuvre de ce service public essentiel.
L’objectif global de cette étude était de fournir des orientations pour le développement de modèles de
partenariats public-privé (PPP) pour les SHMCs au Mali. Pour ce faire, l’équipe de l’étude a procédé à : (i)
une analyse de la situation des SHMCs au Mali, (ii) une évaluation des besoins d’investissement pour la
modernisation des SHMC, (iii) une revue des bonnes pratiques au niveau régional et global en matière de
modèles de PPP pour les SHMCs, (iii) une analyse de cas concrets de modèles d’affaires sur les SHMC
impliquant le secteur privé afin de proposer de modèles de PPP pour les SHMC au Mali.
Les données de l’étude ont été collectées à travers : (i) une revue de la littérature sur les bonnes pratiques
en matière de PPP pour les SHMCN, (ii) des entretiens semi-structurés et des enquêtes auprès des acteurs
de la chaine de production, traduction, transfert et utilisation des SHMCs et (iii) des enquêtes des acteurs
potentiels du secteur public et privé pour le PPP sur les SHMCs. Les enquêtes ont été conduites de mars à
juin 2020 dans un contexte de pandémie du COVID 19 qui a créé une réticence des partenaires du secteur
privé à recevoir l’équipe d’investigation du fait des mesures barrières.
Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que :
- Les besoins totaux en financement s’élèvent à 4 470 223 084 F CFA (soit 6 814 811 Euros) avec 72%
destinés aux équipements d’observations et de mesures, 15% aux matériels informatiques et
technologie de communication) et 12% à la formation du personnel des SHMCs.
- Il existe des opportunités de financement aussi par le secteur public et que privé d’où l’opportunité
de développer des modèles de PPP pour les SHMC au Mali.
- Il y a des cas de succès en matière de PPP dans le domaine des SHMC en Afrique de l’ouest notamment
au Sénégal, Ghana et au Mali. Au Mali, plusieurs services ont été développés à travers des modèles de
PPP impliquant Orange Mali et d’autres acteurs pour diffuser des informations climatiques aux
utilisateurs à travers les programmes Sandji, Sénèkela et Garbal.
- Trois modèles génériques de PPP pour les SHMC peuvent être envisagés au Mali : (i) un modèle de
renforcement de la production services, (ii) un modèle de diffusion des services et (iii) un modèle de
développement de nouveaux produits à partir des SHMC.
La mise en œuvre effective de ces PPP nécessite une démarche rigoureuse consistant à (i)
informer/communiquer pour instaurer la confiance entre les acteurs des partenariats, informer sur les
opportunités d’affaires pour le secteur privé, (ii) identifier et formuler des PPP pertinents (iii) mettre en
œuvre et suivre les exigences contractuelles en lien avec les principes et les caractéristiques requis pour
les projets de PPP et à (iv) développer le PPP pour la pérennité
Insect pests of post-harvest storage in promising crop sectors in Burkina Faso: current concerns and prospects for solutions: Presentation
Effective post-harvest management of crops could significantly contribute to food security by improving the availability and quality of food. In Burkina Faso, new concerns have emerged as a result of the growing importance accorded to sesame (Sesamum indica), roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), "zamnè" (Acacia macrostachya), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). The insects identified as storage pests on these crops belong mainly to the order Coleoptera and families of Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae and Bostrichidae are the most representative. The studies carried out allowed a better knowledge of the pests as well as their economic importance. Losses due to insects, estimated up to 100% depending on the crop and protection methods used, are frequently observed after a few months of grain storage. Several alternatives to the use of chemicals including biological control, biopesticides and hermetic storage are being promoted. The triple bagging technology is one of the promising alternatives that can adapt to the post-harvest storage of a wide range of crops. Despite its proven effectiveness for several commodities, there is need to verify its efficiency against a diversity of insect pests with differing behaviour and evolution. The importance of the challenges is such that the strategies to be implemented must be conceived in a comprehensive, integrated approach, even at the regional scale.Effective post-harvest management of crops could significantly contribute to food security by improving the availability and quality of food. In Burkina Faso, new concerns have emerged as a result of the growing importance accorded to sesame (Sesamum indica), roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), "zamnè" (Acacia macrostachya), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). The insects identified as storage pests on these crops belong mainly to the order Coleoptera and families of Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae and Bostrichidae are the most representative. The studies carried out allowed a better knowledge of the pests as well as their economic importance. Losses due to insects, estimated up to 100% depending on the crop and protection methods used, are frequently observed after a few months of grain storage. Several alternatives to the use of chemicals including biological control, biopesticides and hermetic storage are being promoted. The triple bagging technology is one of the promising alternatives that can adapt to the post-harvest storage of a wide range of crops. Despite its proven effectiveness for several commodities, there is need to verify its efficiency against a diversity of insect pests with differing behaviour and evolution. The importance of the challenges is such that the strategies to be implemented must be conceived in a comprehensive, integrated approach, even at the regional scale
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