2 research outputs found
Fixed Energy X‑ray Absorption Voltammetry
In this paper, the fixed energy X-ray
absorption voltammetry (FEXRAV) is introduced. FEXRAV represents a
novel in situ X-ray absorption technique for fast and easy preliminary
characterization of electrode materials and consists of recording
the absorption coefficient at a fixed energy while varying at will
the electrode potential. The energy is chosen close to an X-ray absorption
edge, in order to give the maximum contrast between different oxidation
states of an element. It follows that any shift from the original
oxidation state determines a variation of the absorption coefficient.
Although the information given by FEXRAV obviously does not supply
the detailed information of X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES)
or extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), it allows to
quickly map the oxidation states of the element under consideration
within the selected potential windows. This leads to the rapid screening
of several systems under different experimental conditions (e.g.,
nature of the electrolyte, potential window) and is preliminary to
more deep X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) characterizations, like
XANES or EXAFS. In addition, the time-length of the experiment is
much shorter than a series of XAS spectra and opens the door to kinetic
Easy Accommodation of Different Oxidation States in Iridium Oxide Nanoparticles with Different Hydration Degree as Water Oxidation Electrocatalysts
this paper, we present a comprehensive study on low hydration Ir/IrO<sub>2</sub> electrodes, made of an Ir core and an IrO<sub>2</sub> shell,
that are designed and synthesized with an innovative, green approach,
in order to have a higher surface/bulk ratio of Ir–O active
centers. Three materials with different hydration degrees have been
deeply investigated in terms of structure and microstructure by means
of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and synchrotron radiation
techniques such as high-resolution (HR) and pair distribution function
(PDF) quality X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), X-ray absorption spectroscopy
(XAS), and for what concerns their electrochemical properties by means
of cyclic voltammetry and steady-state <i>I</i>/<i>E</i> curves. The activity of these materials is compared and
discussed in the light of our most recent results on hydrous IrO<sub><i>x</i></sub>. The main conclusion of this study is that the Ir core is noninteracting
with the IrO<sub><i>x</i></sub> shell, the latter being
able to easily accommodate Ir in different oxidation states, as previously
suggested for the hydrated form, thus explaining the activity as electrocatalysts.
In addition, in operando XAS experiments assessed that the catalytic
cycle involves IrÂ(III) and (V), as previously established for the
highly hydrated IrO<sub><i>x</i></sub> material