13 research outputs found

    Newly discovered Early Miocene deposits in the Nowy Sącz area (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians)

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    In the Nowy Sącz area Early Miocene marine deposits have been discovered in the southern part of the Rača Subunit, and at the front of the Bystrica Subunit of the Magura Nappe. These deposits belong to the Zawada Formation, which is represented by medium- to thick-bedded glauconitic sandstones with intercalations of thick-bedded marls and marly claystones. The formation is at least 550 m thick. Calcareous nannofossils show the age of the formation to be Early Burdigalian (NN1-2-3 biozones). Due to a lack of exposures the relationship between the deposits of the Malcov and the Zawada formations is not yet clear. However, comparing the youngest age of the Malcov Formation in the Nowy Sącz I borehole (NP 25) with the age of the Zawada Formation suggests sedimentary continuity transition between these formations

    Biostratygrafia i warunki paleośrodowiskowe najmłodszych osadów płaszczowiny magurskiej na wschód od Skawy w oparciu o nannoplankton wapienny (polskie Karpaty fliszowe)

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    The Magura Nappe is the largest and southernmost tectonic unit of the Western Outer Carpathians and differ in lithofacies development from the Middle and Marginal groups of units. The age studies of the youngest deposits of the Magura Nappe play an important role in understanding the tectogenesis of the Outer Carpathians. The aim of this work was to find the litho- and biostratigraphic correlation with the more external units. For this purpose the youngest deposits from selected sections of the Magura Nappe located east of the Skawa River, were chosen. For the lower limit of the youngest sediments, Middle/Upper Eocene variegated shales with Reticulophragmium amplectens Grzybowski were taken. The analysis of nannoplankton assemblages enable to establish the age of these deposits which varies from Middle Eocene (NP15) up to Upper Oligocene (NP25) and Lower Miocene (NN2). The Eocene/Oligocene boundary lies within the NP21 nanno-zone and was found in the Krynica Zone within the Globigerina Marls (Leluchów section), in the Rača Zone within Poprad Sandstone Mbr of the Magura Fm. and in the Siary Zone within supra-Magura (Budzów) Beds (Budzów section), Wątkowa Sandstone (Ropica and Małastów sections) and within Zembrzyce (sub-Magura) Beds (Folusz section). In the Rača and Krynica zones the youngest - Upper Oligocene deposits from the studied sections belong to the Malcov Fm., whereas in the Siary Zone they belong to the supra-Magura (Budzów) Beds. The age of the Malcov Fm. was determined as NP24 in Leluchów and as NP25 in the Nowy Sącz I borehole, whereas the Budzów Beds belong to zone NP24. The youngest deposits so far described from the Magura Nappe belong to the Zawada Fm. whose age was determined as NN2. In the Polish part of the Bystrica Zone deposits younger than NP18, have so far not been found. The analysis of autochtonous nannoplankton assemblages from the Magura Basin enable to follow the palaeoecological changes in the Magura Basin, both in regional and global sense, from Late Eocene through Oligocene. The global changes are the drop of the water temperature accompanied by the progressing eutrophication of the Magura Basin. Further events were also recorded in zone NP23. The assemblage of this zone was characterised by the presence of species which are believed to be indicative of brackish water and restricted to the Paratethys region

    The stratigraphy of the Oligocene deposits from the Ropa tectonic window (Grybów Nappe, Western Carpathians, Poland)

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    The Ropa tectonic window of the Magura Nappe is composed of Oligocene deposits that belong to the Grybów Nappe. The youngest deposits of the Ropa tectonic window are correlated with calcareous nannoplanton zones NP24 and NP25. The NP24 zone interval was determined in the Sub-Grybów Beds and in the Grybów Marl Formation, whereas the Krosno (Cergowa) Beds belong to zone NP25. This age determination corresponds well with that of other Magura Nappe tectonic windows and also with the southern part of the Silesian and Dukla nappes. The facies and age of the Krosno Beds from the Grybów succession record the termination of Fore-Magura basins. The Grybów Nappe deposits in the Ropa tectonic window are overthrust by Cretaceous-Eocene formations of the Magura Nappe

    New data on the late Badenian–Sarmatian deposits of the Nowy Sacz Basin (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians) and their palaeogeographical implications

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    In the Nowy Sacz Basin, newly exposed Middle Miocene deposits have been studied and sampled in the Kamienica Nawojowska, Poprad and Dunajec rivers. The calareous nannoplankton of the freshwater to marine deposits was examined. Palegrey and brown clayey shales with plant remains and thin seams of lignite represent the freshwater depos its of the Biegonice Formation. These deposits pass upwards into ca. 50 m thick packet of brackish and marine deposits, represented mainly by dark marly shales with bivalves and gastropods of the Iwkowa and Niskowa formations. These deposits contain relatively rich late Badenian to Sarmatian calcareous nannoplakton (NN6/7 Zone)

    Oligocene-Lower Miocene sequences of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and adjacent Magura Nappe between Jarabina and the Poprad River (East Slovakia and South Poland): their tectonic position and palaeogeographic implications

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    This paper provides the results of a new litho- and biostratigraphic study from the contact zone between the Magura Nappe and Pieniny Klippen Belt close to Polish-Slovakian border. In the southernmost part of the Krynica facies zone of the Magura Nappe two new lithostratigraphic units have been established: the Poprad Member and the Kremna Formation. The Late Eocene-Oligocene age of the Malcov Formation (NP 19-NP 24) of the Pieniny Klippen Belt has also been confirmed. A Late Oligocene age (Zone NP 25 and lower part of NN1) was determined in deposits belonging to the Poprad Member of theMagura Formation, while an EarlyMiocene age (upper part of NN1 and NN2 zones) was established for the Kremna Formation. The Late Cretaceous-MiddleMiocene geotectonic evolution of the orogenic suture zone, between the Inner and Outer Carpathians, is outlined

    Lito- i biostratygrafia utworów fliszowych górnego albu-dolnego/środkowego eocenu w jednostce bystrzyckiej i raczańskiej płaszczowiny magurskiej w Beskidzie Wyspowym i Gorcach (Zachodnie Karpaty fliszowe)

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    LithostratigraphyandbiostratigraphyoftheBystricaandRaèasubunitsoftheMaguraNappehavebeen studied in the southern part of the Beskid Wyspowy Range and on the northern slopes of the Gorce Range (Polish part of the Western Flysch Carpathians). Six new lithostratigraphic units (Jasień Formation, Białe Formation, Jaworzynka Formation, Szczawina Sandstone Formation, Krzysztonów Member, and Ropianka Formation) of the UpperAlbian–Palaeocene age have been established, and five other units (Malinowa Shale Formation, Hałuszowa Formation, Łabowa Shale Formation, Beloveza Formation, Bystrica Formation) have been additionally described. The newly created formations as well as the Malinowa Shale Formation and the Hałuszowa Formation have been included to a new Mogielica Group of units (Upper Albian–Palaeocene). This group of units passes upwards into the Beskid Group (Eocene–Oligocene).The Mogielica Group, spanning over 40 myrs, represents the turbidite depositional system, separated by highstand variegated clays which can be correlated with minor sequences in terms of sequence stratigraphy. The following biostratigraphic zones have been recognised in the Cretaceous–Lower/Middle Eocene deposits: Plectorecurvoides alternans, Bulbobaculites problematicus, Uvigerinammina jankoi, U. jankoi-C. gigantea, Caudammina gigantea, Remesella varians, Rzehakina fisistomata, Glomospira div. sp., and Saccamminoides carpathicus. A few lithostratigraphic units consisting of calcareous sediments have been correlated with the standard calcareous nannoplankton zonation and the chronostratigraphy.Płaszczowina magurska, największa jednostka tektoniczna zewnętrznych Karpat Zachodnich (Fig. 1), jest całkowicie odkorzeniona od swego podłoża. Utwory serii magurskiej starsze od turonu znane są jedynie z jednostki Grajcarka (sukcesja magurska pienińskiego pasa skałkowego), wiercenia Obidowa IG-1 oraz z kilku niewielkich odsłonięć przy południowym obrzeżeniu okna tektonicznego Mszany Dolnej (Fig. 2, por. Birkenmajer & Oszczypko, 1989). W jednostce Grajcarka, ponad głębokowodnymi utworami jury górnej i neokomu, występuje “czarny flisz” formacji wronińskiej (alb-cenoman) oraz zielone łupki radiolariowe cenomanu (formacja hulińska) (Birkenmajer, 1977, por. Oszczypko et al., 2004). Szaro-zielone łupki plamiste albu-cenomanu, znane z południowego obrzeżenia okna tektonicznego Mszany Dolnej, zdefiniowane zostały w pracy jako formacja łupków z Jasienia. Formacja ta, o miąższości niemniejszej od kilkunastu metrów, zazębia się w stropie z łupkami czerwonymi formacji z Malinowej. W Beskidzie Wyspowym i Gorcach ponad łupkami pstrymi formacji z Malinowej (turon-santon/kampan) oraz poniżej łupków pstrych formacji z Łabowej (eocen dolny i środkowy) występują zróżnicowane facjalnie osady fliszowe, zaliczane dotychczas do różnych nieformalnych jednostek litostratygraficznych, takich jak: warstwy z Kaniny, piaskowce ze Szczawiny (strefa bystrzyck i raczańska) oraz warstwy z Jaworzynki (strefa raczańka i strefa Siar). Najwyższą pozycję stratygraficzną zajmują utwory tradycyjnie nazywane “warstwami inoceramowymi” lub ropianieckimi. Na podstawie szczegółowych badań lito- i biostratygraficznych wyżej wymienionych utworów kredy górnej i paleocenu, zaproponowano cztery nowe formalne jednostki litostratygraficzne w randze formacji: formację z Białego (dotychczasowe warstwy z Kaniny), formację piaskowców ze Szczawiny (dotychczasowe piaskowce ze Szczawiny), formację z Jaworzynki (dotychczasowe warstwy z Jaworzynki) oraz formację ropianiecką (dotychczasowe warstwy ropianieckie). Ponadto badano pięć innych górnokredowo-eoceńskich formacji: łupków z Malinowej, z Hałuszowej, łupków z Łabowej, beloweskiej i bystrzyckiej, które dodatkowo opisano. Wszystkie nowo zdefiniowane formacje oraz formacje: łupków z Malinowej oraz z Hałuszowej, włączono do nowo wydzielonej grupy Mogielicy (górny alb-paleocen). Grupa ta przechodzi w stropie w grupę beskidzką (eocen-oligocen) opisaną przez Bir- kenmajera & Oszczypkę (1989). Grupa Mogielicy, obejmująca okres czasowy liczący ponad 40 mln lat, reprezentowana jest przez turbidytowy system depozycyjny, ograniczony w stropie i spągu przez osady łupków pstrych, związanych z okresem wysokiego względnego poziomu morza. Wśród zespołów mikrofauny otwornicowej albu - dolnego/ środkowego eocenu, znalezionych w badanych utworach płaszczowiny magurskiej, rozpoznano większość poziomów biostratygraficznych opracowanych dla polskich Karpat zewnętrznych przez Gerocha & Nowaka (1984) oraz przez Olszewską (1997). Do tego schematu włączono również poziomy charakterystyczne dla utworów płaszczowiny magurskiej. Poziom Plectorecurvoides alternans (poziom interwałowy IZ) Definicja: dolna granica - pojawienie się gatunku Plectorecurvoides alternans Noth (w badanym materiale dolna granica nie jest uchwycona, odpowiada początkowi profilu sukcesji magurskiej), górna granica - pojawienie się Bulbobaculites problematicus (Neagu)

    Structure and evolution of the Carpathian thrust front between Tarnów and Pilzno (Pogórska Wola area, southern Poland) – results of integrated analysis of seismic and borehole data

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    Seis mic data and core from the shal low car to graphic Pilzno P-7 bore hole were used to con struct a new model of the Carpathian orogenic front be tween Tarnów and Pilzno, in the Pogórska Wola area (south ern Po land). The most ex ter nal, fron tal thrust of the orogenic wedge (the Jaœniny struc ture) was iden ti fied as a syn-depositional fault-prop a ga tion fold de - tached above the Up per Badenian evaporites. Its for ma tion was con trolled by the pres ence of me chan i cally weak foredeep evaporites and by the mor phol ogy of the sub-Mio cene Meso-Pa leo zoic fore land plate (Jaœniny and Pogórska Wola palaeovalleys). The fron tal zone of the Carpathian orogenic wedge (the Skole thrust sheet and the de formed foredeep de - pos its of the Zg³obice thrust sheet) is char ac ter ized by sig nif i cant backthrusting of the foredeep suc ces sion to wards the south, and by the pres ence of a tri an gle zone, with strongly de formed Up per Badenian evaporites of the Wieliczka For ma tion in its core. The tri an gle zone was formed dur ing the lat est thrust ing move ments of the Carpathians. An in di ca tion of the ex is - tence of the tri an gle zone in the vi cin ity of Dêbica has also been pro vided by re in ter pre ta tion of the ar chive re gional geo log i - cal cross-sec tion. The youn gest foredeep de pos its, brought to the sur face above the backthrust, have been dated as Sarmatian (NN7 nannoplankton zone), which in di cates that the lat est thrust move ments within the fron tal Carpathian orogenic in the vi cin ity of Tarnów–Dêbica took place approx. 11–10 mil lion years ago. Thermochronological stud ies (AFT and AHe) in di cated that the foredeep suc ces sion drilled by the Pilzno P-7 bore hole has not been bur ied deeper than 1.5–2 km, which is com pat i ble with re con struc tion based on the seis mic dat