30 research outputs found

    Uticaj vremena zrenja i CaCl2 na kvalitet junećeg mesa

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    Investigations were carried out on four muscles (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) taken from five young cattle (crosses Domestic Spotted x Limousine) of average body mass prior to slaughtering of 587 kg. On all muscles, 24 h after slaughtering, sensory evaluation was carried out and the following parameters determined: pH value, colour, water binding ability, cooking loss and tenderness (initial values). The remaining part of each muscle was divided into 6 parts, 3 were packaged in plastic foil (control samples), and other 3 were soaked in solution containing 0,4% CaCl2 and 0,4% NaCl and packaged in plastic foil. Pieces of meat prepared in this way were left on temperature of + 40C 7, 14 and 21 days to mature. After this period, all mentioned analyses were carried out on meat samples. It was established that pH value during maturation increased, that meat packaged in plastic foil after 14 days of maturation becomes unusable, whereas the increase of pH values of meat whose maturation occurred in solution CaCl2 and NaCl was slower and therefore meat was still usable after 21 days. Color of meat in control samples was slightly lighter compared to initial condition, whereas the color of meat whose maturation occurred in solutions of salt was statistically considerably lighter (P (lt) 0,05 after 7 days, a P (lt) 0,001 after 14 and 21 days). Water binding ability in control samples was slightly better (P>0,05) after 7 days and after 14 days it was statistically significantly better (P (lt) 0,05) compared to initial state, whereas in meat whose maturation occurred in salt solution this ability was at initial level even after 21 days. Cooking loss in control samples was lower compared to initial values whereas in meat soaked in salt solution cooking loss was higher. Meat tenderness in control samples was statistically considerably better after 14 days of maturation (when meat was not fit for use) and in meat soaked in salt solution it was statistically highly significantly better after 14 and 21 days. According to sensory evaluation, control samples of meat, after 14 days of maturation are not fit for use, whereas meat whose maturation occurred in solution of CaCl2 and NaCl even after 21 days is acceptable from the sensory aspect.Ispitivanja su obavljena na četiri miÅ”ića (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) uzetih od pet junadi (melezi domaće Å”areno goveče x limuzin), prosečne mase pred klanje 587 kg. Na svim miÅ”ićima 24 sata posle klanja obavljena je senzorna ocena i određeni su: pH vrednost, boja, sposobnost vezivanja dodate vode, kalo kuvanja i mekoća (početne vrednosti). Ostatak svakog miÅ”ića podeljen je na 6 delova od kojih su po 3 upakovani u plastičnu foliju (kontrolni uzorci), a ostala 3 dela su potopljena u rastvor koji sadrži 0,4% CaCl2 i 0,4% NaCl i upakovani u plastičnu foliju. Ovako pripremljeni komadi mesa ostavljeni su pri temperaturi od + 40C 7, 14 i 21 dan na zrenju. Posle isteka zadatog vremena urađena su na komadima od svih miÅ”ića navedena ispitivanja.Utvrđeno je da se pH vrednost tokom zrenja povećava i da u mesu koje je upakovano u plastičnu foliju posle 14 dana zrenja dospeva u oblast kad je meso neupotrebljivo, dok je povećanje pH vrednosti kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl sporije tako da je meso i posle 21 dan upotrebljivo. Boja mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno svetlija u odnosu na početno stanje, dok je boja mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli bila statistički značajno svetlija (P (lt) 0,05 nakon 7 dana, a P (lt) 0,001 nakon 14 i 21 dan). Sposobnost vezivanja vode kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno (P>0,05) bolja nakon 7 dana dok je nakon 14 dana bila statistički značajno bolja (P (lt) 0,05) u poređenju sa početnim stanjem, dok je kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli i posle 21 dan bila na nivou početnog stanja. Kalo kuvanja kod kontrolnih uzoraka bio je manji u poređenju sa vrednostima na početku ogleda dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bio veći. Mekoća mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je statistički značajno bolja nakon 14 dana zrenja (kad je meso bilo neupotrebljivo) dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bila statistički visoko značajno bolja posle 14 i 21 dan. Prema senzornoj oceni kontrolni uzorci mesa nakon 14 dana zrenja postaju neupotrebljivi, dok je meso čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl i nakon 21 dan zrenja senzorno veoma prihvatljivo

    Zagreb 2016 classification of cervical cytology findings ā€“ modification of Zagreb 2002 and NCI Bethesda System 2014 classifications

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    The objective of the Zagreb 2016 classification as the third modification of the unique classification of cervical cytology findings based on the previous Zagreb 2002 and the latest Bethesda 2014 classifications is standardization of cervical cytology findings for the whole Croatia, according to the latest concepts on the biologic behavior of cervical cancer and its precursors. Besides cytomorphological lesions, Zagreb 2016 includes recommendations for diagnostic therapeutic procedures in line with the international recommendations and the experience of Croatian cytologists and gynecologists. It was presented and accepted by Croatian clinical cytologists at the Croatian Society of Clinical Cytology Convention held on December 12, 2016 in Zagreb. The main modifications relative to the Zagreb 2002 classification refer to the following: classification of ā€˜koilocytosisā€™, i.e. cytomorphological lesions associated with human papillomavirus, into the category of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL); classification of ā€˜atypical glandular cells ā€“ probably reactive lesionsā€™ into the category of non-neoplastic lesions; and the introduction of ā€˜atypical glandular cells ā€“ not othervise specifiedā€™ (AGC-NOS) into the category of abnormal glandular cells. In addition, the finding of endometrial cells in women aged ā‰„45 and absence of the transformation zone elements is highlighted

    Zagreb 2016 classification of cervical cytology findings ā€“ modification of Zagreb 2002 and NCI Bethesda System 2014 classifications

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    The objective of the Zagreb 2016 classification as the third modification of the unique classification of cervical cytology findings based on the previous Zagreb 2002 and the latest Bethesda 2014 classifications is standardization of cervical cytology findings for the whole Croatia, according to the latest concepts on the biologic behavior of cervical cancer and its precursors. Besides cytomorphological lesions, Zagreb 2016 includes recommendations for diagnostic therapeutic procedures in line with the international recommendations and the experience of Croatian cytologists and gynecologists. It was presented and accepted by Croatian clinical cytologists at the Croatian Society of Clinical Cytology Convention held on December 12, 2016 in Zagreb. The main modifications relative to the Zagreb 2002 classification refer to the following: classification of ā€˜koilocytosisā€™, i.e. cytomorphological lesions associated with human papillomavirus, into the category of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL); classification of ā€˜atypical glandular cells ā€“ probably reactive lesionsā€™ into the category of non-neoplastic lesions; and the introduction of ā€˜atypical glandular cells ā€“ not othervise specifiedā€™ (AGC-NOS) into the category of abnormal glandular cells. In addition, the finding of endometrial cells in women aged ā‰„45 and absence of the transformation zone elements is highlighted

    Ocena priplodne vrednosti bikova simentalske rase za osobine mlečnosti u Srbiji

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    The basis for selection work is knowledge of the quality of bull sires used for conception, as well as how the major traits are passed on to the progeny. BLUP method (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) is the basis of the most favourable solution for evaluation of additive gene value in cattle production, and it is implemented in various variants depending on the structure of data used. This research included 2.121 Simmental first cavers under control, with lactations completed within one year. All first calvers were located on holdings of individual agricultural producers on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Evaluation of the bull breeding value for lactation duration, milk production, milk fat yield, yield of 4% FCM and percentage of milk fat, was carried out by using the mixed model (BLUP), the calculation included random effect of bull sire and fixed effect of the region, year and season of calving. In this study, bull sires which had in two or three regions over 20 daughters - first calvers of Simmental breed. Number of first calving heifers ranged from 22 to 215 animals per bull sire. By using BLUP method in evaluation of breeding value of bulls in terms of yield of milk, milk fat, content of milk fat and 4% FCMI and by ranking, results were obtained showing superiority and inferiority of breeding males.Osnovu za svaki selekcijski rad predstavlja poznavanje kvaliteta bikova očeva koji se koriste za oplodnju, kao i način prenoÅ”enja važnijih svojstava na potomstvo. U osnovi najpovoljnijeg reÅ”avanja problema ocene aditivne genotipske vrednosti osobina u govedarstvu leži BLUP metod (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction), koji se primenjuje u raznim varijantama zavisno od strukture podataka. Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćena 2.121 kontrolisana prvotelka simentalske rase, sa laktacijama zaključenim u toku jedne godine. Sve prvotelke su se nalazile na imanjima individualnih poljoprivrednih proizvođača na području Republike Srbije. Ocena priplodne vrednosti bikova za osobine trajanje laktacije, proizvodnju mleka, mlečne masti, 4% MKM i procenat mlečne masti, izračunata je pomoću meÅ”ovitog modela (BLUP), u čiju jednačinu je uključen slučajni uticaj bika-oca i fiksni uticaj regiona, godine i sezone telenja. Ispitani su bikovi-očevi koji u dva ili tri regiona imaju 20 i viÅ”e kćeri prvotelki simentalske rase. Broj prvotelki je bio od 22 do 215 po biku-ocu. KoriŔćenjem BLUP metoda za ocenu priplodne vrednosti bikova na prinos mleka, mlečne masti, sadržaja mlečne masti i 4% MKM i formiranjem ranga dobijeni su rezultati koji pokazuju znatnu superiornost ili inferiornost priplodnjaka

    Heritability of type traits in first calving Black and White cows

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    Group of secondary traits such as health, longevity, type and milkability represents some of very important factors for successful milk production. These traits have been given great importance in recent years. In order to realize productive life of dairy cows as long and successful as possible, special attention should be directed to traits of type and body constitution. Objective of the research was to establish heritability coefficients for 14 type traits of first calving Black and White cows, effect of genetic and paragenetic factors (bull sires, farm, year and season of calving, age at scoring and share of Holstein-Friesian [HF] genes) on type traits, so that these scores could be included in calculation of breeding value of the animal. Also, average values of milk traits have been established: milk yield and yield of 4% fat corrected milk (FCM), content and quantity of milk fat. Evaluation was performed on a sample of 2 976 first calving Black and White cows. Evaluated cows were reared on 7 farms of the Agricultural Corporation Belgrade in Serbia. Analysis of discontinuous and continuous influences was done using the method of least squares. Investigation indicated that the value of linear type evaluation should be included in the total evaluation of the breeding value and in this way complete insight into genetic supremacy, especially of breeding bulls, would be obtained. Use of bull semen of proven supremacy in transmission of genes desirable from the aspect of body constitution, in the process of artificial insemination, would lead faster to production herds with animals which are uniform in type, of good conformation and longevity, which is of special significance in conditions of intensive rearing of dairy cattle

    Heritability and genetic correlation of production and reproduction traits of Simmental cows

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    Improvement of production capacity of cattle in terms of increasing the production of milk, milk fat and number of calves, greatly depends on phenotype and genotype variability, heritability and correlation between desirable traits, as well as on the production level of the cattle population. Heritability, as a value expressing and measuring average additive gene effect, is one of the major characteristic of quantitative traits from the point of view of creating genetically high-value cattle populations. Knowledge of the heritability is necessary in the estimation of the beeeding value of cattle and has significant impact on the selection of breeding method. Genetic correlations are very important in indirect selection where changes in one trait are induced through selection of other traits between which a genetic correlation exists. Genetic correlations can be determined in all cases where heritability coefficient can be calculated. This research included 3.461 first calving Simmental cows under control, with lactation concluded within one year. All first-calvers were reared on individual farms in the territory of Republic of Serbia. In this study, heritability and genetic correlations between the the following milk and fertility traits were investigated: duration of lactation (days)- DL, milk yield in standard lactation (kg)- MY, milk fat content in standard lactation (%)- MFC, milk fat yield in standard lactation (kg)- MFY, yield of 4% FCM in standard lactation (kg)- 4%FCM, age at first calving (days)- AC and duration of service period (days)- DSP

    First limnological investigations of the water quality of the Lake Srebrno in Serbia

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    The first limnological investigations of the Lake Srebrno water quality were performed in March 2007. The investigations included qualitative, quantitative, and saprobiological analyses of bottom fauna communities, physical chemical analyses of sediments and the determination of chlorophyll a concentration, as well as analyses of the trophic status. Samples were collected at eighteen localities distributed along the shore line, as well as from the deep parts of the lake. Twenty taxa from nine macro-invertebrate groups were recorded. The classification of the water in Lake Srebrno was proposed, based on trophic and saprobic levels. Trophic levels were in the range of upper limits of meso- to eutrophy, and within the limits of the eutrophic status. Calculated values of the Saprobic Index S, based on bio-indicator organisms of macrozoobenthos, ranged from S=2.81 to S=3.58. The water quality was estimated to be within the limits proposed to III and IV-III class of the Serbian (Yugoslav) watercourses.Tokom marta 2007. godine obavljena su prva istraživanja kvaliteta vode Srebrnog jezera u Srbiji. Ispitivanja su obuhvatila kvalitativnu, kvantitativnu i saprobioloÅ”ku analizu zajednica makrozoobentosa, fizičko-hemijsku analizu sedimenata i određivanje koncentracije hlorofila, a kao i analizu trofičnog statusa. Uzorci su sakupljeni sa osamnaest lokaliteta, raspoređenih duž obale u litoralu i iz dubljih zona jezera. U okviru faune dna, zabeleženo je devet faunističkih grupa sa ukupno dvadeset taksona. Procenjivan je kvalitet vode Srebrnog jezera sa stanoviÅ”ta trofije i saprobnosti. Stupanj trofije Srebrnog jezera je u oblasti gornje granice mezo- na prelazu u eutrofiju i u granicama eutrofnog statusa. Izračunate vrednosti saprobnog indeksa S po metodi Pantle-Bucka, primenom saprobnog sistema bioindikatorskih vrsta makrozoobentosa, bile su u opsegu od S=2,81 do S=3,60. Procenjeni kvalitet vode bio je u granicama III i na prelazu IV-III klasu.nul

    First limnological investigations of the water quality of the Lake Srebrno in Serbia

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    The first limnological investigations of the Lake Srebrno water quality were performed in March 2007. The investigations included qualitative, quantitative, and saprobiological analyses of bottom fauna communities, physical chemical analyses of sediments and the determination of chlorophyll a concentration, as well as analyses of the trophic status. Samples were collected at eighteen localities distributed along the shore line, as well as from the deep parts of the lake. Twenty taxa from nine macro-invertebrate groups were recorded. The classification of the water in Lake Srebrno was proposed, based on trophic and saprobic levels. Trophic levels were in the range of upper limits of meso- to eutrophy, and within the limits of the eutrophic status. Calculated values of the Saprobic Index S, based on bio-indicator organisms of macrozoobenthos, ranged from S=2.81 to S=3.58. The water quality was estimated to be within the limits proposed to III and IV-III class of the Serbian (Yugoslav) watercourses.Tokom marta 2007. godine obavljena su prva istraživanja kvaliteta vode Srebrnog jezera u Srbiji. Ispitivanja su obuhvatila kvalitativnu, kvantitativnu i saprobioloÅ”ku analizu zajednica makrozoobentosa, fizičko-hemijsku analizu sedimenata i određivanje koncentracije hlorofila, a kao i analizu trofičnog statusa. Uzorci su sakupljeni sa osamnaest lokaliteta, raspoređenih duž obale u litoralu i iz dubljih zona jezera. U okviru faune dna, zabeleženo je devet faunističkih grupa sa ukupno dvadeset taksona. Procenjivan je kvalitet vode Srebrnog jezera sa stanoviÅ”ta trofije i saprobnosti. Stupanj trofije Srebrnog jezera je u oblasti gornje granice mezo- na prelazu u eutrofiju i u granicama eutrofnog statusa. Izračunate vrednosti saprobnog indeksa S po metodi Pantle-Bucka, primenom saprobnog sistema bioindikatorskih vrsta makrozoobentosa, bile su u opsegu od S=2,81 do S=3,60. Procenjeni kvalitet vode bio je u granicama III i na prelazu IV-III klasu.nul