4 research outputs found

    Towards homogenization of total body irradiation practices in pediatric patients across SIOPE affiliated centers. A survey by the SIOPE radiation oncology working group

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To reduce relapse risk, Total Body Irradiation (TBI) is part of conditioning regimens for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in pediatric acute leukemia. The study purpose was to evaluate clinical practices regarding TBI, such as fractionation, organ shielding and delivery techniques, among SIOPE affiliated radiotherapy centers. METHODS: An electronic survey was sent out to 233 SIOPE affiliated centers, containing 57 questions about clinical practice of TBI. Surveys could be answered anonymously. RESULTS: From over 25 countries, 82 responses were collected. For TBI-performing centers, 40/48 irradiated ≤10 pediatric patients annually (range: 1-2 to >25). Most indications concerned acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Four different fractionation schedules were used, of which 12 Gy in 6 fractions was applied in 91% for ALL and 86% for AML. Dose reduction to the lungs, mostly to a mean dose of 8-10 Gy, was applied by 28/33 centers for ALL and 19/21 centers for AML, in contrast to much less applied dose reduction to the kidneys (7/33 ALL and 7/21 AML), thyroid (2/33 ALL and 2/21 AML), liver (4/33 ALL and 3/21 AML) and lenses (4/33 ALL and 4/21 AML). Conventional TBI techniques were used by 24/29 responding centers, while 5/29 used advanced optimized planning techniques. CONCLUSION: Across SIOPE, there is a high level of uniformity in fractionation and use of lung shielding. Practices vary regarding other organs-at-risk shielding and implementation of advanced techniques. A SIOPE radiotherapy working group will be established to define international guidelines for pediatric TBI

    ESTRO ACROP and SIOPE recommendations for myeloablative total body irradiation in children

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    Background and purpose: Myeloablative Total Body Irradiation (TBI) is an important modality in conditioning for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), especially in children with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). TBI practices are heterogeneous and institution-specific. Since TBI is associated with multiple late adverse effects, recommendations may help to standardize practices and improve the outcome versus toxicity ratio for children. Material and methods: The European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE) Radiotherapy TBI Working Group together with ESTRO experts conducted a literature search and evaluation regarding myeloablative TBI techniques and toxicities in children. Findings were discussed in bimonthly virtual meetings and consensus recommendations were established. Results: Myeloablative TBI in HSCT conditioning is mostly performed for high-risk ALL patients or patients with recurring hematologic malignancies. TBI is discouraged in children <3–4 years old because of increased toxicity risk. Publications regarding TBI are mostly retrospective studies with level III–IV evidence. Preferential TBI dose in children is 12–14.4 Gy in 1.6–2 Gy fractions b.i.d. Dose reduction should be considered for the lungs to <8 Gy, for the kidneys to ≤10 Gy, and for the lenses to <12 Gy, for dose rates ≥6 cGy/min. Highly conformal techniques i.e. TomoTherapy and VMAT TBI or Total Marrow (and/or Lymphoid) Irradiation as implemented in several centers, improve dose homogeneity and organ sparing, and should be evaluated in studies. Conclusions: These ESTRO ACROP SIOPE recommendations provide expert consensus for conventional and highly conformal myeloablative TBI in children, as well as a supporting literature overview of TBI techniques and toxicities

    Personalized radiation dosimetry for PRRT : how many scans are really required?

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    Purpose Over recent years, peptide receptor radiotherapy (PRRT) has been recognized as an effective treatment for patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Personalized dosimetry can contribute to improve the outcome of peptide receptor radiotherapy (PRRT) in patients with metastatic NETs. Dosimetry can aid treatment planning, ensuring that absorbed dose to vulnerable normal organs (kidneys and bone marrow) does not exceed safe limits over serial treatments, and that absorbed dose to tumor is sufficient. Absorbed dose is estimated from a series of post-treatment SPECT/CT images. Total self-dose is proportional to the integral under the time activity concentration curve (TACC). Method dependence of image-based absorbed dose calculations has been previously investigated, and we set out here to extend previous work by examining implications of number of data points in the TACC and the numerical integration methods used in estimating absorbed dose. Methods In this retrospective study, absorbed dose estimates and effective half-lives were calculated by fitting curves to TACCs for normal organs and tumors in 30 consecutive patients who underwent a series of 4 post-treatment SPECT/CT scans at 4 h, 24 h, 4–5 days, and 1 week following 177Lu-DOTATATE PRRT. We examined the effects of including only 2 or 3 rather than all 4 data points in the TACC, and the effect of numerical integration method (mono-exponential alone or in combination with trapezoidal rule) on the absorbed dose and half-life estimates. Our current method is the combination of trapezoidal rule over the first 24 h, with mono-exponential fit thereafter extrapolated to infinity. The other methods were compared to this current method. Results Differences in absorbed dose and effective half-life between the current method and estimates based only on the second, third, and fourth scans were very small (mean differences &lt; 2.5%), whereas differences between the current method and 4-point mono-exponential fit were higher (mean differences &lt; 5%) with a larger range. It appears that in a 4-point mono-exponential fit the early (4 h) time point may skew results, causing some large errors. Differences between the current method and values based on only 2 time points were relatively small (mean differences &lt; 3.5%) when the 24 h and 1 week scans were used, but when the 24 h and 4–5 days scans, or the 4–5 days and 1 week scans were used, differences were greater. Conclusion This study indicates that for 177Lu-DOTATATE PRRT, accurate estimates of absorbed dose for organs and tumors may be estimated from scans at 24 h, 72 h, and 1 week post-treatment without an earlier scan. It may even be possible to cut out the 72 h scan, though the uncertainty increases. However, further work on more patients is required to validate this

    Pensamiento social ruso sobre América Latina

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    El objetivo principal de esta antología no es, desde luego, hacer el recuento integral de todo lo que se pensó y dijo en Rusia acerca de América Latina. Antes bien, de lo que se trata es de ofrecer elementos que puedan ayudar al lector a emprender rastreos más sistemáticos de las transformaciones en la percepción rusa acerca de América Latina a la luz de los cambios políticos en Rusia, con un triple acento colocado en la latinoamericanística académica, en la dimensión histórica y en la geopolítica de las identidades. El entrecomillado utilizado para la palabra Rusia obedece a que, de modo similar a lo que ocurre con otras regiones, el uso de un topónimo específico implica ocluir los complejos procesos que van dando lugar a la conformación de una entidad histórico-cultural. Rusia en esta antología denota, en efecto, lo que fuera el Imperio Ruso antes de 1917, la Unión Soviética entre 1922 y 1991, y la Federación Rusa a partir de 1991. Las comillas recuerdan entonces tanto el inevitable componente de arbitrariedad que comporta el topónimo cuanto su plasticidad. Es un excelente momento para conocer el trabajo y las interpretaciones de estos autores y disponerse a entender los debates teóricos que guiaban y guían su trabajo y poder, así, tender puentes de comparación con lo que los propios latinoamericanos han investigado sobre Rusia, ejercicio que implicaría una segunda antología, complementaria a la presente. Faltaría ver si los latinoamericanos somos ahora capaces de mirar más allá de nuestro propio ombligo y robustecer el diálogo tan necesario con otras regiones del mundo. La serie Miradas Lejanas, oportunamente promovida por CLACSO, es un aporte clave en esta dirección. De la Introducción de Soledad Jiménez Tovar y Andrés Kozel