6 research outputs found

    Work-family relationship, mental health and resilience in working men

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    Wśród naglących problemów współczesnego świata coraz częściej pojawiają się zagadnienia związane z równoważeniem zaangażowania między życiem zawodowym a rodzinnym pracowników. Relacja praca-rodzina staje się bardzo istotnym aspektem funkcjonowania osób aktywnych zawodowo także w kontekście zdrowia, zwłaszcza zdrowia psychicznego. Problem ten został poruszony w badaniach przeprowadzonych w dużym przedsiębiorstwie z województwa małopolskiego, z uwzględnieniem różnic indywidualnych w zakresie prężności psychicznej. W badaniu wzięło udział 276 pracowników fizycznych oraz biurowych. Dalszym analizom poddano dane uzyskane od 194 mężczyzn w związkach małżeńskich (92%) lub nieformalnych (8%). Wykazano, że mężczyźni o wyższym poziomie w porównaniu do tych o niższym poziomie prężności psychicznej charakteryzowali się niższymi wynikami konfliktów: praca-rodzina oraz rodzina-praca, a także wyższym poziomem facylitacji praca-rodzina. Ponadto zgłaszali mniej objawów obniżenia poziomu zdrowia psychicznego zarówno w aspekcie objawów somatycznych, jak i niepokoju, bezsenności oraz symptomów depresji. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na pozytywną rolę prężności psychicznej w odniesieniu do zdrowia psychicznego oraz w kształtowaniu relacji między pracą a rodziną. Mężczyźni o wyższym poziome prężności łatwiej godzą sferę pracy z obszarem życia rodzinnego, doświadczają mniej konfliktów między tymi dziedzinami życia i sprawniej radzą sobie ze stresem wynikającym z zaangażowania w pełnienie wielu ról. Ich psychiczne samopoczucie jest lepsze i subiektywnie zgłaszają mniej problemów związanych z pogorszeniem zdrowia psychicznego. Wynik ten może być wskazówką dla działań profilaktycznych w firmach, w zakresie dbałości o zdrowie psychiczne pracowników.Nowadays, issues connected with balancing work-life and family-life emerge increasingly among other pressing problems in the world. Work-family relationship becomes a very significant aspect of working men’s functioning with regard to health, especially mental health issues. To address this issue a study in large enterprise was conducted and individual differences such as resilience were taken into account. 276 blue- and white-collar workers were investigated. Of those 194 sets of answers by men who were married (92%) or in informal relationship (8%) were further analyzed. Men with higher scores of resilience when compared with men with lower scores reported lower levels of work-family and family-work conflicts as well as higher level of work-family facilitation. Moreover, they reported fewer mental health issues connected with somatic symptoms, anxiety and depression. Obtained results may point to a positive role of resilience in mental health and work--family relationship. Men of higher resilience might easier reconcile work-life with family, might experience less conflict between the two domains and cope better with stress emerging form engagement in many roles. Their mental well-being was better and they reported fewer health issues. These results may point to preventive measures with regard to mental health of workforce

    Personality and demographic predictors of work-family interface in local government workers

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    The aim of the study was to find out whether and how personality and demographic factors interact in shaping the relationship between work and family in the local government employees. The participants (N=100) were male (33) and female (67) workers of a local government office aged between 26 and 66 years (M=45.0 years; SD=10.4 years). Work-family interface was assessed using Work-Family Spillover Scale and personality traits were measured by NEO-Five Factor Inventory. Multivariate regression analyses (stepwise method) and bivariate correlation analyses were applied in order to find out the determinants of the work-family interface. The results have shown that work- family relationship was determined by both personality and demographic variables and their interactions (weak or moderate fit). Work-family conflict was explained by openness to experience (negative relationship) and positive interaction of neuroticism and having small children, and age and sex (weak fit of the model). Family-work conflict was explained (moderately) by agreeableness (negative), interaction of neuroticism and having small children (positive) and conscientiousness (negative). Work-family facilitation was determined (weak fit) by interactions of sex, having small children, neuroticism and agreeableness and separately by conscientiousness. Family-work facilitation was determined (moderate fit) by extraversion (positive) and interactions of sex and agreeableness (negative in females) and conscientiousness (positive in males). The results showed that in the population of local government workers dominated by women in early and middle adulthood, the relationships between work and family were determined by interaction of personality and demographic variables

    Blaski i cienie życia – Perspektywa psychologiczna

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Książka zatytułowana Blaski i cienie życia – perspektywa psychologiczna wpisuje się w badania dotyczące uwarunkowań zachowania człowieka w wymiarze biologicznym, psychicznym i społecznym. Poszczególne rozdziały tej publikacji powiązane są z różnorodną problematyką, ale mają pewną wspólną właściwość – wszystkie dotyczą psychologicznych problemów życia współczesnego człowieka, jakże złożonych i interesujących z perspektywy badań i praktyki zawodowej."(...

    The influence of extreme low temperatures on human psyche : selected issues

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    Work-family relationship, burnout and health among shift working municipal police officers

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    Nowadays the number of non-standard shift work systems increases. Shift work itself creates particular conditions for functioning of the family and could be the source of both: conflicts and crisis in professional, family and personal domains of worker’s life. Therefore it is necessary to find an effective way of balancing family and work life. The aim of this study is to present result of research of 90 married male municipal police officers. 86,5% of them had at least one child in the household. They were employed in slow and fast rotating shift work systems with respectively: 8- and 12-hour shifts. Means of age and work experience were 37,2 years (SD=7.1) and 10.7 years (SD=6.5). The research has focused on work/family and family/work facilitation and conflict (Work-Family Spillover, Grzywacz & Marks, 2000), burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey) and job satisfaction (Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire). In this study subjective health was measured with regard to digestive and cardiovascular symptoms. The research results show that exhaustion (important element of burnout) could be explained in a great proportion (R²=60%) by work/family conflict, work/family facilitation and family/work conflict. Among the three of them the strongest predictor of exhaustion is work/family conflict, described as negative job bearing on family life. Exhaustion leads to decrease of job satisfaction and decrease of subjective health and therefore the conflicts among the family and work roles could result in poorer health. The findings of this stuffy suggest that it is crucial for shift workers employed in non-standard shift work systems to balance work and family domains