83 research outputs found

    Teachers' Pay and Pupil Performance

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    If you pay peanuts, do you get monkeys? If teachers were better paid and higher up the national income distribution, would there be an improvement in pupil performance? Peter Dolton and Oscar Marcenaro-Gutierrez examine the enormous variation in teachers' pay across OECD countries and its significance for educational outcomes.incentive systems, merit pay, education, teacher salaries, pupil outcome

    Matching the supply of and demand for young people graduating from the vocational track in Spain

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    Existe gran interés, tanto desde la perspectiva social como política, por conocer en qué medida la inversión en capital humano puede afectar a la facilidad de los jóvenes para encontrar un trabajo de ‘calidad. En esta aportación se analizan los factores que condicionan la probabilidad, y retardo en el tiempo, de encontrar trabajo y el salario diferencial que obtienen los jóvenes procedentes de diferentes ramas de la formación profesional.Vocational education, vocational track, job search, interval earnings regression

    Exploring the link between employment search time and reservation

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    In our piece of work we are facing a two-fold problem: on the one hand, we study the behaviour of young job seekers and the extent to which reservation wages and unemployment benefits play a relevant role in the transition into working life. On the other hand, we intend to find out whether the determinants of the job search process may also affect subsequent wages. We undertake an empirical approach combining one-step estimations with two-step instrumental variables techniques. The data used to this end come from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) for the period 1995-2001. To be precise, the sub-sample gathers both male and female Southern European (Italian, Greek, Spanish and Portuguese) workers. From the results of the analysis important subtleties arise, particularly related to differences across countries.Transitions into work, unemployment benefits, reservation wages, earnings.

    The Value of Basic Skills in the British Labour Market

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    In this paper we evaluate the labour market value of basic skills in the UK, focusing on the wage and employment returns to having better literacy and numeracy skills. We draw on literacy and numeracy assessments undertaken by all cohort members of the UK 1970 British Cohort Study. The data used are very rich and allow us to account for potential ability bias, including as they do early childhood assessments of ability. We find that the literacy and numeracy effects on earnings are over and above any general effect on earnings from a person being more cognitively able. We also assess whether the value of basic skills, in terms of wage returns, has increased over time, using a cross cohort analysis based on the 1958 National Child Development Study cohort and the 1970 British Cohort Study. Our results show that literacy and numeracy skills retained their high value in the labour market over the period 1995-2004, despite numerous policy attempts to increase the supply of basic skills during this period.Skills, Labour Market, Literacy, Numeracy

    Repercusiones de la prestación de cuidados informales a personas discapacitadas: un análisis detallado para Andalucía

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    En este trabajo se analizan los perfiles que presentan -en Andalucía y en el resto de España- las personas que cuidan de dependientes, centrándonos en aquellas que proporcionan cuidados informales a personas discapacitadas. Entre otras cuestiones se evalúa cómo la atención a personas en situación de dependencia debida a una discapacidad condiciona o limita las posibilidades de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo.Dependencia, discapacidad, género, cuidados, mercado laboral.

    On the use of preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization for solving a credibilistic portfolio selection model

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    The portfolio selection problem tries to identify the assets to allocate the capital, and the proportion to be devoted to each asset, for maximizing the returns at the minimum risk. By nature, this is a multi-objective optimization problem. In this work, we propose a three-objective model for portfolio selection, in which the uncertainty of the portfolio returns is modelled by means of LR-power fuzzy variables. We consider as criteria the credibilistic expected return (to be maxi- mized), the below-mean absolute semi-deviation as a risk measure (to be minimized), and a loss function which evaluates the credibility of achieving a non-positive return (to be minimized). The uncorrelation among the risk and loss measures concludes that they provide different information. Budget, cardinality, and diversification constraints are considered. To generate non-dominated portfolios fitting the investor' expectations, preference-based evolutionary algorithms are applied. The preferences are given by aspiration values to be attained by the objectives and profiles representing aggressive, cautious, and conservative investors are analysed. The results for data of the IBEX35 show that portfolios improving the preferences are found in the cautious and aggressive cases, while portfolios with objective values as close as possible to the expectations are obtained in the conservative case. In the generation process, the credibilistic loss has played an important role to and diversified portfolios.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    A longitudinal analysis of second-generation disadvantaged immigrants

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    In this paper we consider the relative academic achievement in primary school of second generation immigrant children in the UK. We use data for a cohort born in 1970 and find that children born to South Asian or Afro-Caribbean parents have significantly lower levels of cognitive achievement in both mathematics and language in primary school. We then investigated the progression of ethnic minority children in primary school i.e. between age 5 and 10Second-generation immigrants, educational disadvantage.