170 research outputs found

    Indeks Sri-kehati dan Reaksi Harga Saham Emiten terhadap Pengumuman Indeks Sri-kehati (Studi Kasus pada Indeks Sri-kehati)

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    Sustainability Responsible Investment KEHATI indeks merupakan salah satu jenis indeks yang ada di bursa efek Indonesia, yang merupakan indikator pergerakan harga saham untuk digunakan sebagai pedoman bagi investor dalam berinvestasi terhadap saham,dimana emiten-emiten yang terpilih masuk kedalam SRI KEHATI indeks merupakan Perusahaan yang memiliki kepedulian pada lingkungan, tata kelola Perusahaan, peduli terhadap masyarakat sekitar dan manusia serta memiliki perilaku bisnis dan etika bisnis yang dapat diterima di tingkat nasional dan Internasional. Pemilihan daftar Perusahaan yang masuk dalam SRI KEHATI dilakukan 2 kali dalam satu tahun melalui proses seleksi yang ditentukan oleh Yayasan KEHATI dan Bursa Efek Indonesia. Menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut, mengenai karakteristik Perusahaan yang masuk dan keluar dalam daftar 25 Perusahaan SRI KEHATI Indeks serta manfaat indeks tersebut bagi Perusahaan sendiri. Selain itu penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi terdapatnya Abnormal Return akibat ditetapkannya emiten/Perusahaan ke dalam Indeks tersebut. Hal ini akan dapat memberi informasi yang bermanfaat bagi investor, Perusahaan dan dunia pasar modal di Indonesia.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perusahaan yang masuk dalam daftar SRI KEHATI indeks untuk periode 2009-2013, dengan jumlah total populasi sebanyak 200 Perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kuantitatif dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu menentukan return dari setiap saham, menghitung Abnormal Return dengan menggunakan Market Model dan Capital Asset Pricing Model pada periode event Window, menghitung rata-rata Abnormal Return setiap saham serta dilakukan pengujian t-test untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian untuk membuktikan apakah terjadi Abnormal Return pada event window

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Pengelolaan USAha Pelaku USAha Mikro di Sekitar UNPAR dengan Pemberian Pelatihan dan Membangun Jejaring

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    Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Jurusan Manajemen UNPAR yang telah dilakukan selama ini terhadap warga yang merupakan ibu-ibu PKK maupun pelaku USAha di RW 11 dirasa telah berjalan dengan baik. Para peserta selalu antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan yang diberikan, dan mereka menjadi lebih mengetahui apa yang seharusnya dilakukan ataupun tidak dilakukan berhubungan dengan USAha mereka ataupun terhadap pengelolaan rumah tangganya.Pelatihan yang telah dilakukan sehubungan dengan kegiatan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Jurusan manajemen adalah pelatihan pembukuan, pelatihan perhitungan harga pokok, diskusi tentang menabung dan investasi, pelatihan pemasaran, pemberian inspirasi tentang menjadi pelaku bisnis yang work smart, serta beberapa pelatihan yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan keahlian.Hasil yang didapat saat ini adalah para peserta merasa ditambah pengetahuannya, digugah kesadarannya, dan ditambah keahliannya. Walaupun pasti ada kendala, tetapi lebih banyak benefit yang didapat baik dari sisi peserta maupun dari sisi Jurusan Manajemen yang memberikan pelatihan dan melakukan pengembangan.Diharapkan kedepannya kegiatan ini terus berkesinambungan dan terus memberikan arti bagi kedua belah pihak, yaitu UNPAR dan masyarakat di RW 11. Selain itu diharapkan akan banyak pihak-pihak lain yang mau terlibat dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini, terutama pihak-pihak dari eksternal UNPAR, sehingga kegiatan ini dapat memunculkan banyak jejaring bagi semua pihak

    First international proficiency testing for laboratory performance on Xylella fastidiosa detection

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    A proficiency test (PT) to evaluate the performance of laboratories involved in molecular and serological detection of X. fastidiosa was carried out in early 2017; 35 laboratories from EU/non- EU Countries tested 4 different methods to purify DNA, conventional and qPCR assays, and 2 ELISA tests. The number of resultant positive agreement/negative agreement/positive deviation/negative deviation was used to determine the laboratory performance (i.e. accuracy 100%). The overall results showed that all laboratories were able to correctly diagnose X. fastidiosa in the blind samples containing the highest X. fastidiosa concentrations, whereas the performance of several laboratories was negatively affected by the lack of detection in the samples with the lowest concentrations, both through molecular and serological tests. Accuracy level of 100% (laboratory conformed to the PT) was successfully recovered in the majority of the laboratories performing qPCR and PCR assays on DNA purified using at least 2 of the 4 tested protocols. The use of automated platform ensured higher laboratory performance. As expected, results of the ELISA tests generated lower performance values in the majority of the laboratories, due to the lack of detection of positive samples containing the lowest the bacterial concentration. This study provides a good overview on the laboratory performance for the diagnostics currently used in the EPPO countries and indicate useful improvements that laboratories can adopt to achieve a better performance

    Pola Gaya Hidup dalam Keuangan Keluarga (Studi Kasus:unit Kerja Institusi Pendidikan Swasta di Bandung)

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    This research was conducted to determine lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was conducted in a private educational institution in Bandung. Data collection technique used in this research is survey technique with questionnaires and for data analysis technique that used in this study is descriptive analysis. It has been found that the lifestyle patterns of employees at one of private educational institution in Bandung generally still have a good patterns.This is proved by the monetary sequences of their revenue and expense. Also, the priority selection of their needs and wants in fullfilling their life style is still in control.The result of this research, generally the respondents already have their own house, vehicles, and mobile communication devices like handphone, with purchasing frequency in 1 year mostly less than 2 times.Moreover, the respondents also already have a habit of saving/investing and insurance.T o fill their spare time, respondents prefer to gather with their family, go to mall with frequency in a month 1-4 times and also they do exercise. But, the problem that needs to be taken care of is how to handle their credit card/loans because a lot of respondents have routine spending of paying credit card installment/loans.From this research, also found that there is still a lack of awareness for making simple bookkeeping of their revenue and expense. Therefore to make them literate family finances, they need to follow a counseling and training about family finances. Even, they are suggested to follow the counseling and training with their family members

    Pola Gaya Hidup dalam Keuangan Keluarga (Studi Kasus:unit Kerja Institusi Pendidikan Swasta di Bandung)

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    This research was conducted to determine lifestyle patterns in family finances. This research was conducted in a private educational institution in Bandung. Data collection technique used in this research is survey technique with questionnaires and for data analysis technique that used in this study is descriptive analysis. It has been found that the lifestyle patterns of employees at one of private educational institution in Bandung generally still have a good patterns.This is proved by the monetary sequences of their revenue and expense. Also, the priority selection of their needs and wants in fullfilling their life style is still in control.The result of this research, generally the respondents already have their own house, vehicles, and mobile communication devices like handphone, with purchasing frequency in 1 year mostly less than 2 times.Moreover, the respondents also already have a habit of saving/investing and insurance.T o fill their spare time, respondents prefer to gather with their family, go to mall with frequency in a month 1-4 times and also they do exercise. But, the problem that needs to be taken care of is how to handle their credit card/loans because a lot of respondents have routine spending of paying credit card installment/loans.From this research, also found that there is still a lack of awareness for making simple bookkeeping of their revenue and expense. Therefore to make them literate family finances, they need to follow a counseling and training about family finances. Even, they are suggested to follow the counseling and training with their family members

    Giant hepatocellular adenoma as cause of severe abdominal pain: a case report

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    The authors describe the case of a large hepatocellular adenoma diagnosed in a 30-year old woman who came to us complaining of acute pain in the upper abdominal quadrants. The patient had been taking an oral contraceptive pill for the last ten years. We present the clinical features, the diagnostic work-up and the treatment prescribed