4 research outputs found

    Vocational counselling in the context of human resource development

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    Naujas požiūris į profesinį konsultavimą - permanentinį, trunkantį visą gyvenimą procesą - skatina ieškoti naujų galimybių visoje šiuolaikinėje profesinio konsultavimo sistemoje. Profesinio orientavimo ir konsultavimo paslaugas Lietuvoje jau daugiau kaip dešimtmetį Lietuvoje teikia Darbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos, skatinančios žmones mokytis, padedančios priimti informacija paremtus realistinius profesinio tobulėjimo sprendimus, ugdančios universaliuosius veik-os ir socialinius gebėjimus. Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvosdarbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos patirtis, įgyta teikiant šias paslaugas įvairioms tikslinėms asmenų grupėms, nepriklausomai nuo jų amžiaus, išsilavinimo, darbo patirties ar socialinės situacijos, bei siekiant užtikrinti optimalią kiekvieno gebėjimų, poreikių ir interesų raidą, prisitaikant prie esamų mokymosi ir užimtumo galimybių.A new outlook on vocational counselling as a permanent,lifelong process encourages the search for new opportunities in the whole contemporary system of vocational counselling. Labour market training institutions in Lithuania have been providing services of vocational guidance and counselling for more than ten years inviting people to study, helping to make information based, realistic decisions for vocational growth, developing core work and social skills. The article presents Lithuanian labour market training institution experience acquired in the process of providing services to different target groups irrespective of their age, education, work experience or social situation and striving to ensure optimal skills, needs and interests development,adapting to present learning and employment opportunities

    Research on social-psychological problems of the unemployed for development of training and consultancy programmes

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    Official statistics indicates that in some regions unemployment reaches 30 and more percentage. Economical factors have great influence on growth of unemployment, however human potential is not of less importance. Demand of high qualification and professional workers is constantly rising, and unqualified people constitute a major part of the permanent jobless. It is evident that it is indispensable to learn constantly in order to respond to nowadays labour market demands, however activity of the unemployed is often limited. The most significant goals of labour market training and consulting institutions are to develop programmes for psychological and vocational guidance of unemployed that would correspond to changing demands of labour market and to jobless' possibilities and ranges. The article describes the research that is fulfilled in Alytus labour market training and consultancy service on social-psychological problems of the unemployed. The results will be used for development of programmes for social and psychological adaptation, vocational training and integration to labour market of the unemployed

    Vocational counselling in the context of human resource development

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    Naujas požiūris į profesinį konsultavimą - permanentinį, trunkantį visą gyvenimą procesą - skatina ieškoti naujų galimybių visoje šiuolaikinėje profesinio konsultavimo sistemoje. Profesinio orientavimo ir konsultavimo paslaugas Lietuvoje jau daugiau kaip dešimtmetį Lietuvoje teikia Darbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos, skatinančios žmones mokytis, padedančios priimti informacija paremtus realistinius profesinio tobulėjimo sprendimus, ugdančios universaliuosius veik-os ir socialinius gebėjimus. Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvosdarbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos patirtis, įgyta teikiant šias paslaugas įvairioms tikslinėms asmenų grupėms, nepriklausomai nuo jų amžiaus, išsilavinimo, darbo patirties ar socialinės situacijos, bei siekiant užtikrinti optimalią kiekvieno gebėjimų, poreikių ir interesų raidą, prisitaikant prie esamų mokymosi ir užimtumo galimybių.A new outlook on vocational counselling as a permanent,lifelong process encourages the search for new opportunities in the whole contemporary system of vocational counselling. Labour market training institutions in Lithuania have been providing services of vocational guidance and counselling for more than ten years inviting people to study, helping to make information based, realistic decisions for vocational growth, developing core work and social skills. The article presents Lithuanian labour market training institution experience acquired in the process of providing services to different target groups irrespective of their age, education, work experience or social situation and striving to ensure optimal skills, needs and interests development,adapting to present learning and employment opportunities