5 research outputs found

    Assessment of a mature hydrocarbon field in SE Czech Republic for a CO2 storage pilot

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    Preparation and execution of a CO2 storage pilot project is one of the first logical steps in the effort to kick-start CCS in the region of Central & Eastern Europe, utilizing onshore geological structures for permanent CO2 storage. The main aims of this activity are to test the suitability of local geological structures and demonstrate the feasibility and safety of the technology to local stakeholders. The Czech-Norwegian CO2-SPICER project is an example of such developments. The target structure of CO2-SPICER – Zar−3 – is a hydrocarbon field situated in an erosional relict of fractured carbonates of Jurassic age on the SE slopes of the Bohemian Massif, covered by Paleogene deposits and Carpathian flysch nappes. The first stage of site assessment has been completed, and the article provides an overview of its results. Construction of a 3D geological model of the storage complex was the first important step on the route, preparing input for subsequent reservoir simulations of the field history and planned CO2 injection. Reservoir assessment is also focusing on specific features of the fractured-vuggy reservoir and accounting for the effects associated with CO2 injection, including geochemistry and geomechanics. Geochemical studies focus on fluid-rock interactions, and geomechanical ones on formation integrity and fracture mechanics under reservoir pressure build-up and cooling of the formation by injected CO2. Risk assessment is another component of the project, aiming at identifying potential leakage pathways and assessing consequences for the area of interest. Preparatory work for the site monitoring plan includes applicability analysis of various monitoring methods, supported by execution of baseline monitoring of selected phenomena, in particular composition of soil gas, natural and induced seismicity and properties of shallow groundwater. The project also includes evaluation of advanced reservoir containment monitoring technologies including time-lapse pressure transient analysis. While the key actions are directed towards the piloting activities, the project also looks beyond to full-field implementation and potential to establish a regional CCS cluster.acceptedVersio

    Source rock potential of the Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Carpathian Foredeep of the Czech Republic

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    We determine the organic matter content, its thermal maturity, genetic type, and source rock potential of the Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Czech Carpathian Foredeep. In the Czech Republic the Carpathian Foredeep represents a peripheral foreland basin formed due to the tectonic emplacement and loading of the Alpine-Carpathian Thrust Wedge onto the passive margin of the Bohemian Massif. Random vitrinite/huminite reflectance measurements and maceral analyses were performed on 25 samples from the Carpathian Foredeep succession. Additionally, results of 135 TOC content measurements, 141 Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyses and 27 vitrinite reflectance measurements were used to evaluate the regional distribution and depth trends for the entire Carpathian Foredeep. The thermal maturity of organic matter is between the immature part and peak of the oil window (Tmax = 413–448°C). Beneath the Western Carpathian Thrust Belt, the thermal maturity reaches higher values (Rr = 0.43–0.58%, Tmax = 429–448°C). The hydrocarbon generation potential is poor or fair, even if the total organic carbon values indicate good or even very good source rock potential. This is mainly due to the prevailing gas-prone Type III kerogen. The best source rocks were observed in the Miocene strata of the southern and central segments of the area discussed

    Quantum ferromagnet in the proximity of the tricritical point

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    Echoes of quantum phase transitions at finite temperatures are theoretically and experimentally challenging and unexplored topics. Particularly in metallic quantum ferromagnets the experimental investigations are hampered by an intricate preparation of sufficiently pure samples and the access to the proper coordinates in parameter space. The present study shows that it is possible to tune a specific system at easily accessible conditions to the vicinity of its quantum phase transition. The physics is demonstrated on Ru-doped UCoAl, driven by pressure or substitution to and across the tricritical point and follows the first-order transition line to the theoretically presumed quantum phase transition. These findings open the possibilities for further in-depth studies of classical and quantum critical phenomena at easily reachable conditions

    Co2-Spicer – Czech-Norwegian Project to Prepare a Co2 Storage Pilot in a Carbonate Reservoir

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of key technologies to decarbonise the emission-intensive industries in the Czech Republic and reach the 2050 carbon-neutral economy target. An important step on the road to the deployment of the technology is to prepare and realise a CO2 storage pilot project in the country. The newly launched CO2- SPICER project has been designed to make significant progress in this direction. It is the first project in Europe, targeting an onshore hydrocarbon field situated in carbonates as a pilot CO2 storage site. Achieving the main project objective - to reach the implementation-ready stage of site development - would allow direct follow-up to project activities, using main project results as ready-made input. The target Zar-3 site is a hydrocarbon field located in the SE part of the Czech Republic. It is situated in an erosional relict of fractured carbonates of Jurassic age on the SE slopes of the Bohemian Massif, covered by Paleogene deposits and Carpathian flysch nappes. The field was discovered in 2001 and is now nearly depleted. This relatively “young age” of the field, together with active participation of field operator in the consortium and ongoing hydrocarbon production provide many advantages, such as direct access of the reservoir, availability of field monitoring data, generally good condition of wells, well-preserved core material and detailed reservoir description. However, the geology of naturally fractured carbonates brings specific research challenges. This paper provides a brief overview of the storage site and the project, its objectives, planned activities and expected outcomes