83 research outputs found

    Ab initio Beschreibung der elektronischen Struktur und der Transporteigenschaften von metallischen Nanodrähten

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    Ab initio calculations of the electronic structure of freestanding Cu and Na nanowires with a diameter of few atoms are presented. The calculations are based on density functional theory in local density approximation using a Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker-Green's function method. The method was extended for the description of quasi-onedimensional systems. Translational invariance in direction of the wire is assumed. The dependence of the bandstructure and the density of states from thickness and shape of the cross-section is discussed. The quantum confinement of the eigenstates is analysed. By comparing the results of the Na and Cu wires, the influence of the d-electrons is shown. Based on the Landauer theory of transport the conductance is obtained within a Green's function formalism. The numerical description of the conductance is tested for ideal translationally invariant Na and Cu wires. The influence of substitutional transition metal impurities on the electronic structure and the conductance of the 2x2 Cu wire is studied. A spin-dependent discussion is given for magnetic impurities.Es werden ab initio Berechnungen der elektronischen Struktur freistehender Na- und Cu-Nanodrähte mit einem Durchmesser von wenigen Atomen präsentiert. Für die Berechnung wird eine Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker-Grennsche Funktionsmethode genutzt, die auf der Spindichtefunktionaltheorie in lokaler-Spindichtenäherung basiert. Diese Methode wurde für die Beschreibung von quasieindimensionalen Systemen erweitert. Die Drähte werden als translationsinvariant in Drahtrichtung beschrieben. Es wird die Abhängigkeit der Bandstruktur und der Zustandsdichte von der Dicke und der Form des Querschnitts diskutiert. Das Quantenconfinement der Eigenzustände wird analysiert. Durch den Vergleich der Resultate für den Na- und den Cu-Draht kann der Einfluss der d-Elektronen gezeigt werden. Ausgehend von der Landauer-Theorie des Transports wird der Leitwert im Rahmen eines Greenschen Funktions-Formalismus berechnet. Diese neue numerische Beschreibung des Leitwertes wird an idealen translationsinvarianten Drähten getestet. Es wird der Einfluss von substitutionellen 3d-Übergangsmetall-Störungen auf die elektronische Struktur und auf den Leitwert von 2x2-Cu-Drähten studiert. Im Fall magnetischer Defekte wird dieser Einfluss spinabhängig diskutiert

    Biofunctionalization of annealed nanodiamonds

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    In the last decades nanodiamonds have received special attention from the scientific community as a new carbon material with unique properties. Along with the macrosize diamond, those nanoparticles exhibit an exceptional hardness and sp3-core whereas, the size allows different applications. Among others they can be applied in new composites, lubrication oils, polishing and electronic materials, and drug delivery, biolabeling and bioimaging systems. To improve biocompatibility of diamond nanocrystals the surface functionalization is a favorable solution. The nanodiamonds the authors used were obtained by detonation synthesis and for this possess several functional groups on the surface. Further modifications require a homogeneous surface. In this approach a thermal methodology was used to remove the functional groups in order to produce an uniform carbon surface. The chosen biomolecules were phenylalanine, glutathione, biotin and O-phosphorylethanolamine to increase the biological suitability. The thermal annealing process was performed at three different temperatures: 750 °C, 900 °C and 1100 °C, under nitrogen flow to prevent oxidation. In the end of the procedure, samples were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed a significant decrease in functional groups for all temperatures. At 1100 °C onion like carbon can be identified in our sample, proving of a successful graphitization of the nanodiamonds. For biofunctionalization different approaches were applied: 1) carboxylation and further peptide bonding; 2) hydroxylation, silanization and further peptide bonding; 3) click chemistry, as depicted in figure 2. Success of the modification is verified by infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis which evidence the success of the surface modification

    Umsetzung EG-WRRL in Sachsen - Untersuchung zur wirtschaftlichen Fragestellung der Europäischen Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (EG-WRRL) – Umsetzung von Artikel 9 EG-WRRL in Sachsen

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    Die Studie ermittelt den betriebswirtschaftlichen Kostendeckungsgrad bei 194 sächsischen Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgern. Der Kostendeckungsgrad liegt bei den Wasserversorgungsleistungen bei 99 Prozent und bei den Abwasserentsorgungsleistungen bei 95 Prozent für Teil- bzw. bei 98 Prozent für Vollentsorgung. Damit hat der Freistaat Sachsen bei der Umsetzung des Grundsatzes der Kostendeckung nach Artikel 9 der EG-WRRL einen guten Stand erreicht. Nach der Studie können in Sachsen allerdings künftig Probleme bei der Beibehaltung dieser Kostendeckungsgrade auftreten. Ursachen sind die demografische Entwicklung, die Entwicklung der Rohstoffpreise, die prognostizierte Klimaentwicklung und höhere Anforderungen an den Reinheitsgrad. Um den erreichten Stand halten zu können, ist eine regelmäßige Überwachung der Kostendeckungsgrade erforderlich. Die Studie enthält Vorschläge zur Erhaltung bzw. Verbesserung der Kostendeckung

    A cognitive behavioural mHealth intervention for families in the postpartum period to enhance weight management, mental well-being and resilience : a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (I‑PREGNO) : [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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    Introduction: The postpartum period goes along with an increased risk of unhealthy weight gain and numerous physical and psychological challenges, which are associated with mental well-being and resilience. Given the individual circumstances and the accompanying time constraints, evidence-based mHealth interventions may be useful for flexible, spot-on complementary care. Thus, the mHealth app I-PREGNO aims to enhance mental well-being and resilience by offering cognitive-behavioural and behaviour change skills training to prevent unhealthy weight development in this vulnerable life episode. In a randomised controlled trial, we will examine its effectiveness and acceptance. Protocol: Parents of infants between 0 and 12 months will be randomised to the intervention or control group. Both groups will take part in a baseline survey (t0) and further assessments after 12 weeks (intervention duration, t1), and 6 months (t2). The intervention group will use the self-guided mHealth app after t0 and both groups will get unlimited access after t2. The primary outcomes will be i) weight (difference of weight in kg after the intervention and pre-pregnancy); ii) mental well-being assessed through the Edinburgh-Postnatal-Depression-Scale and Parenting Stress Index; iii) resilience assessed through the General Self-Efficacy Scale and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. Secondary outcomes will be sociodemographic variables, eating behaviour, physical activity, relationship experiences, childhood trauma, postpartum bonding, regulatory disorders, and app usability. Gender differences between mothers and fathers will be considered. Conclusion: Positive effects on weight development in the postpartum period, mental well-being, and resilience due to the I-PREGNO intervention will support parental health in the critical postpartum phase. The study results will contribute to the growing field of evidence-based, highly scalable, low-cost, geographically independent, just-in-time mobile support for a target group that is restricted in time and resources. Trial registration: The trial has been registered at the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00031067) in January 2023 prospectively

    I-PREGNO – prevention of unhealthy weight gain and psychosocial stress in families during pregnancy and postpartum using an mHealth enhanced intervention: a study protocol of two cluster randomized controlled trials

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    Background The transition to parenthood represents a critical life period with psychosocial, and behavioral changes and challenges for parents. This often increases stress and leads to unhealthy weight gain in families, especially in psychosocially burdened families. Although universal and selective prevention programs are offered to families, specific support often fails to reach psychosocially burdened families. Digital technologies are a chance to overcome this problem by enabling a low-threshold access for parents in need. However, there is currently a lack of smartphone-based interventions that are tailored to the needs of psychosocially burdened families. Aims The research project I-PREGNO aims to develop and evaluate a self-guided, smartphone-based intervention in combination with face-to-face counseling delivered by healthcare professionals for the prevention of unhealthy weight gain and psychosocial problems. The intervention is specifically tailored to the needs of psychosocially burdened families during the pregnancy and postpartum period. Methods In two cluster randomized controlled trials in Germany and Austria (N = 400) psychosocially burdened families will be recruited and randomized to i) treatment as usual (TAU), or ii) I-PREGNO intervention (self-guided I-PREGNO app with counseling sessions) and TAU. We expect higher acceptance and better outcomes on parental weight gain and psychosocial stress in the intervention group. Discussion The intervention offers a low cost and low-threshold intervention and considers the life situation of psychosocially burdened families who are a neglected group in traditional prevention programs. After positive evaluation, the intervention may easily be implemented in existing perinatal care structures in European countries such as Germany and Austria. Trial registration Both trials were registered prospectively at the German Clinical Trials Register (Germany: DRKS00029673; Austria: DRKS00029934) in July and August 2022

    High prevalence of antibodies against polyomavirus WU, polyomavirus KI, and human bocavirus in German blood donors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA of the polyomaviruses WU (WUPyV) and KI (KIPyV) and of human bocavirus (HBoV) has been detected with varying frequency in respiratory tract samples of children. However, only little is known about the humoral immune response against these viruses. Our aim was to establish virus-specific serological assays and to determine the prevalence of immunoglobulin G (IgG) against these three viruses in the general population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The capsid proteins VP1 of WUPyV and KIPyV and VP2 of HBoV were cloned into baculovirus vectors and expressed in Sf9 insect cells. IgG antibodies against WUPyV VP1, KIPyV VP1, and HBoV VP2 were determined by immunofluorescence assays in 100 plasma samples of blood donors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The median age of the blood donors was 31 years (range 20 - 66 yrs), 52% were male. 89% of the samples were positive for WUPyV IgG (median age 31 yrs, 49.4% male), 67% were positive for KIPyV IgG (median age 32 yrs, 46.3% male), and 76% were positive for HBoV IgG (median age 32 yrs, 51.3% male). For WUPyV and HBoV, there were no significant differences of the seropositivity rates with respect to age groups or gender. For KIPyV, the seropositivity rate increased significantly from 59% in the age group 20 - 29 years to 100% in the age group > 50 years.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>High prevalences of antibodies against WUPyV, KIPyV, and HBoV were found in plasma samples of healthy adults. The results indicate that primary infection with these viruses occurs during childhood or youth. For KIPyV, the seropositivity appears to increase further during adulthood.</p

    The Swiss Approach - feasibility of a national low-dose CT lung cancer screening program.

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    BACKGROUND Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Switzerland. Despite this, there is no lung cancer screening program in the country. In the United States, low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening is partially established and endorsed by guidelines. Moreover, evidence is growing that screening reduces lung cancer-related mortality and this was recently shown in a large European randomized controlled trial. Implementation of a lung cancer screening program, however, is challenging and depends on many country-specific factors. The goal of this article is to outline a potential Swiss lung cancer screening program. FRAMEWORK An exhaustive literature review on international screening models as well as interviews and site visits with international experts were initiated. Furthermore, workshops and interviews with national experts and stakeholders were conducted to share experiences and to establish the basis for a national Swiss lung cancer screening program. SCREENING APPROACH General practitioners, pulmonologists and the media should be part of the recruitment process. Decentralisation of the screening might lead to a higher adherence rate. To reduce stigmatisation, the screening should be integrated in a "lung health check". Standardisation and a common quality level are mandatory. The PLCOm2012 risk calculation model with a threshold of 1.5% risk for developing cancer in the next six years should be used in addition to established inclusion criteria. Biennial screening is preferred. LUNG RADS and NELSON+ are applied as classification models for lung nodules. CONCLUSION Based on data from recent studies, literature research, a health technology assessment, the information gained from this project and a pilot study the Swiss Interest Group for lung cancer screening (CH-LSIG) recommends the timely introduction of a systematic lung cancer screening program in Switzerland. The final decision is for the Swiss Cancer Screening Committee to make

    The Swiss Approach - feasibility of a national low-dose CT lung cancer screening program

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    BACKGROUND Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Switzerland. Despite this, there is no lung cancer screening program in the country. In the United States, low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening is partially established and endorsed by guidelines. Moreover, evidence is growing that screening reduces lung cancer-related mortality and this was recently shown in a large European randomized controlled trial. Implementation of a lung cancer screening program, however, is challenging and depends on many country-specific factors. The goal of this article is to outline a potential Swiss lung cancer screening program. FRAMEWORK An exhaustive literature review on international screening models as well as interviews and site visits with international experts were initiated. Furthermore, workshops and interviews with national experts and stakeholders were conducted to share experiences and to establish the basis for a national Swiss lung cancer screening program. SCREENING APPROACH General practitioners, pulmonologists and the media should be part of the recruitment process. Decentralisation of the screening might lead to a higher adherence rate. To reduce stigmatisation, the screening should be integrated in a "lung health check". Standardisation and a common quality level are mandatory. The PLCOm2012 risk calculation model with a threshold of 1.5% risk for developing cancer in the next six years should be used in addition to established inclusion criteria. Biennial screening is preferred. LUNG RADS and NELSON+ are applied as classification models for lung nodules. CONCLUSION Based on data from recent studies, literature research, a health technology assessment, the information gained from this project and a pilot study the Swiss Interest Group for lung cancer screening (CH-LSIG) recommends the timely introduction of a systematic lung cancer screening program in Switzerland. The final decision is for the Swiss Cancer Screening Committee to make