356 research outputs found


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    The study analyzed the climatic and economic factors affecting goat production and marketing in South EastNigeria. A total of 360 respondents were selected from South East (Abia, Ebonyi and Enugu States) Nigeria. Datawere elicited from primary source using structured and pretested questionnaire to collect data on goat productionand marketing. Method of data analysis involved the use of descriptive (tables, mean, frequency, Gini coefficient)and inferential statistics (multiple regression). The result obtained showed that majority (64%) of theagripreneurs operated on a small-scale with flock size ranging between 5-10 goats. The average number of goatssold was four indicating that goat marketing is at micro-scale in the area. Many (37.54%) of the agripreneursengage in extensive goat production system. The result further showed that out of 341 respondents interviewed,227 (66.57%) marketers were in agreement that there is no barrier to goat market entry and exit, while the Ginicoefficient was0.5,indicating presence of average competition in goat marketing. The clustered mean of 3.41implies that climate change element is a limitation to goat husbandry practice in South East Nigeria. Thesignificant factors for production function include: feed, stock density, capital and medication. The studyrevealed that climatic and economic factors affect the productivity and marketing of goat in South East Nigeria.The study recommends that goat farmers should adopt intensive system of goat production and take advantage ofdifferent sources of finance, production and market information provided by the government and nongovernmentalorganizations for enhanced productivity

    Difficulties in understanding mathematics: an approach related to working memory and field dependency

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    It is commonly agreed that learning with understanding is more desirable than learning by rote. Understanding is described in terms of the way information is represented and structured in the memory. A mathematical idea or procedure or fact is understood if it is a part of an internal network, and the degree of understanding is determined by the number and the strength of the connections between ideas. When a student learns a piece of mathematical knowledge without making connections with items in his or her existing networks of internal knowledge, he or she is learning without understanding. Learning with understanding has progressively been elevated to one of the most important goals for all learners in all subjects. However, the realisation of this goal has been problematic, especially in the domain of mathematics where there are marked difficulties in learning and understanding. The experience of working with learners who do not do well in mathematics suggests that much of the problem is that learners are required to spend so much time in mathematics lessons engaged in tasks which seek to give them competence in mathematical procedures. This leaves inadequate time for gaining understanding or seeking how the procedures can be applied in life. Much of the satisfaction inherent in learning is that of understanding: making connections, relating the symbols of mathematics to real situations, seeing how things fit together, and articulating the patterns and relationships which are fundamental to our number system and number operations. Other factors include attitudes towards mathematics, working memory capacity, extent of field dependency, curriculum approaches, the classroom climate and assessment. In this study, attitudes, working memory capacity and extent of field dependency will be considered. The work will be underpinned by an information processing model for learning. A mathematics curriculum framework released by the US National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) offers a research-based description of what is involved for students to learn mathematics with understanding. The approach is based on “how learners learn, not on “how to teach”, and it should enable mathematics teachers to see mathematics from the standpoint of the learner as he progresses through the various stages of cognitive development. The focus in the present study is to try to find out what aspects of the process of teaching and learning seem to be important in enabling students to grow, develop and achieve. The attention here is on the learner and the nature of the learning process. What is known about learning and memory is reviewed while the literature on specific areas of difficulty in learning mathematics is summarised. Some likely explanations for these difficulties are discussed. Attitudes and how they are measured are then discussed and there is a brief section of learner characteristics, with special emphasis on field dependency as this characteristic seems to be of importance in learning mathematics. The study is set in schools in Nigeria and England but the aim is not to make comparisons. Several types of measurement are made with students: working memory capacity and extent of field dependency are measured using well-established tests (digit span backward test and the hidden figure test). Performance in mathematics is obtained from tests and examinations used in the various schools, standardised as appropriate. Surveys and interviews are also used to probe perceptions, attitudes and aspects of difficulties. Throughout, large samples were employed in the data collection with the overall aim of obtaining a clear picture about the nature and the influence of attitudes, working memory capacity and extent of field dependency in relation to learning, and to see how this was related to mathematics achievement as measured by formal examination. The study starts by focussing on gaining an overview of the nature of the problems and relating these to student perception and attitudes as well as working memory capacity. At that stage, the focus moves more towards extent of field dependency, seen as one way by which the fixed and limited working memory capacity can be used more efficiently. Data analysis was in form of comparison and correlation although there are also much descriptive data. Some very clear patterns and trends were observable. Students are consistently positive towards the more cognitive elements of attitude to mathematics (mathematics is important; lessons are essential). However, they are more negative towards the more affective elements like enjoyment, satisfaction and interest. Thus, they are very realistic about the value of mathematics but find their experiences of learning it much more daunting. Attitudes towards the learning of mathematics change with age. As students grow older, the belief that mathematics is interesting and relevant to them is weakened, although many still think positively about the importance of mathematics. Loss of interest in mathematics may well be related to an inability to grasp what is required and the oft-stated problem that it is difficult trying to take in too much information and selecting what is important. These and other features probably relate to working memory overload, with field dependency skills area being important. The study identified clearly the topics which were perceived as most difficult at various ages. These topics involved ideas and concepts where many things had to be handled cognitively at the same time, thus placing high demands on the limited working memory capacity. As expected, working memory capacity and mathematics achievement relate strongly while extent of field dependency also relates strongly to performance. Performance in mathematics is best for those who are more field-independent. It was found that extent of field dependency grew with age. Thus, as students grow older (at least between 12 and about 17), they tend to become more field-independent. It was also found that girls tend to be more field-independent than boys, perhaps reflecting maturity or their greater commitment and attention to details to undertake their work with care during the years of adolescence. The outcomes of the findings are interpreted in terms of an information processing model. It is argued that curriculum design, teaching approaches and assessment which are consistent with the known limitations of the working memory must be considered during the learning process. There is also discussion of the importance of learning for understanding and the problem of seeking to achieve this while gaining mastery in procedural skills in the light of limited working memory capacity. It is also argued that positive attitudes towards the learning in mathematics must not only be related to the problem of limited working memory capacity but also to ways to develop increased field independence as well as seeing mathematics as a subject to be understood and capable of being applied usefully

    Influence of University Service Quality on International Student Perception of Satisfaction: A Mixed Method Investigation

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    The purpose of this research focuses on international students using an in-depth exploration of service quality in a UK University and to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of one measuring instrument of service quality(namely Higher Education Performance) within a university setting. This scale is advantageous because it examines service quality from a wider point of view; highlighting five dimensions (academic aspects, access, non-academic aspects, reputation and programme issues.A mixed method approach was used for data collection. In the sequence, a quantitative approach was used first by means of a cross-sectional survey. Respondents were drawn from 493 international students at different levels at the University of Huddersfield. Findings from the quantitative method using factor analysis, and principle component analysis, show that on the overall, service service positively influences international students’ perception of satisfaction with the school. However, when examined at the individual dimension level, academic aspects, access and reputation were the only dimension of the HEdPERF scale that positively and significantly predicted international students’ perception of satisfaction. Non-academic aspects and programme issues were not significant predictors. To further have an in depth understanding of the results of the quantitative analysis, a qualitative investigation was conducted by means of interviews. Ten interviews were conducted. Findings from the interviews corroborated the results of the quantitative study. Significantly, analysis show that international students had a negative perception of the communication they had with administrative staff of the business school. Results also show that students did not consider some of the programmes offered as relevant. These explain why non-academic and programme issues had negative results from both qualitative and quantitative analysis.Further,longitudinal research is required to consider satisfaction of student and lectures in relation to service quality. Also, Study is needed to be extended to both international and domestic student. And also,a comparative study within UK and other countries been highlighted as a vital aspect in achieving a high-quality service

    Factors Affecting Manpower Capacity Development among Agribusiness-Based Entrepreneurial Organizations in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the factors affecting manpower development among agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations in Abia state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 75 agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations from two local government areas within the two agribusiness zones of Abia State. The method of data collection was through a random sampling technique and the instruments of data collection were questionnaire and oral interviews. The data collected were analyzed were with descriptive statistics, chi-square and Ordinary Least Square multiple regression analysis. Results revealed that, majority of the firms (56.2percent) are well informed and experienced in agribusinesses management practices used by the firms; the agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations that produce primary agribusiness raw inputs have more manpower (80.36percent) than organizations that used the raw materials for further production. Working condition was observed to influence (100 percent) the operations of both entrepreneurial organizations producing primary agribusiness raw inputs and that of those using the raw materials respectively. A total of the firms (68.75percent) using primary agribusiness raw materials are facing constraints of low market patronage. A further analysis showed that there is a significant difference between manpower development and productivity. Results of the multiple regression analysis showed that income, capital available for training and productivity were the major factors that positively and significantly affected manpower development. However, taxation signed negatively but significantly affected manpower development. The study recommends among others, that government and policy makers should come up with tax protection policies for agribusiness-based entrepreneurial organizations as it is found to be hampering the firms development especially manpower wise. Key words: Factors, Manpower development, Agribusiness-Based, Organization

    Profitability and viability analyses of small-holder cocoa production three management systems in Abia State Nigeria: A study for commercialization implications

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    The study examined the viability of small-holder cocoa production under three management systems in Abia State. The systems studied were owner-, lease and sharecrop management systems. The instrument of data collection was questionnaire. Using a random selection method 150 cocoa farmers were selected for the study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Benefit Cost Ratio and Net Present Value at 10% discount rate. Results show that cocoa production is profitable and viable in the study area. Also, the three management systems are efficient and practicable. The NPV for owner managed was highest showing that it is the most economically viable management system. It is recommended that ample amount of capital therefore should be invested into cocoa production to reinvigorate life in this dying and critically dwindling commercialized sector. Thus government and multinationals should assist the cocoa farmers with soft loans to encourage them help enhance production and break even. Moreso, group production should be encouraged in the study area for commercialization purposes considering the fact that cocoa production option is viable and profitable


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    The study examined the effect of Nigeria macro-environment related factors on agribusiness output between 1978 and 2007. The study was conducted with a view of evaluating the macro environment policies adopted in Nigeria and the effect on agribusiness output. Secondary data used for this study covered a period of 24 years and this was sourced from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin. The tools of data analyses were descriptive statistics, involving tables, frequency and percentages. Also, Ordinary Least Square multiple regression analysis was used to analyse the relationship between some relevant macro-environment and macroeconomic factors with agribusiness output over the years. A trend analysis was carried out to know the impact of the macroeconomic policies on agribusiness output over the years. The study revealed that all the policy instruments were useful and had a significant impact on agribusiness output at varying rate of changes of their application. The multiple regression result showed that nominal interest rate, price uncertainty and Government investment (debt) had a negative relationship with agribusiness output at 1%, 1% and 10% probability levels respectively. On the other hand Government expenditure and Foreign Private Investment have a positive relationship with agribusiness output and were statistically significant at 1% risk level respectively and this conveyed that as government expenditure and foreign private investment increases, the agribusiness output will also increase. This study showed that agribusiness output depended more on macroeconomic related factors than political environment. . Also, policy statements on price stability should be streamlined for stable price and better implementation via appropriate institutions. Thus, policies reducing nominal interest rate should be encouraged. Also, based on the findings, there is need to increase expenditures on agribusinesses through well fashioned macroeconomic policies. Key word: Macroeconomic, Environment, Policies, Agribusiness, Outpu

    Mechanized Infantry Training Exercise as a Threat to the Vegetation Resources in the Savanna Ecological Zone, Nigeria

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    Infantry training exercises are conducted on terrestrial ecosystem which harbour a lot of natural resources on which the local inhabitants depend for their livelihood. A mechanized infantry training exercise in Kaduna State, Nigeria, was used to assess the impact of these trainings on the natural resources of the ecosystem. Plants and other forms of vegetation damaged by troops were collected. Also, plants that were uprooted or damaged along the trench lines or by moving armoured personnel carriers and military trucks were identified. These damaged plants were put in different use categories. Result revealed that a total of 1813 plants spread in fifty-seven species were uprooted or severed from the main tree during the training. Fifteen (26.3%) damaged species served as food to the indigenous people and animals in the ecosystem. These include Annona senegalensis and Piliostigma thonningii. Ten (0.6%) species are used for soup and spices. They include Brachystegia eurycoma and Afzelia africana. Ficus sur and Afzelia africana were among the seventeen plants that served as forage and fodder species. The people depend on twenty (35.09%) of damaged plant species for their health care and harvest eight plant species for sale, construction and provision of house hold items. The training impacted negatively on the wild plant resources on which the people and wildlife depend on for their sustenance. There is need to integrate the suitability of  any chosen training arena with the potential loss of natural resources that might come to the local people through collateral damage on the biota. Keywords: Damage, Exercise, Infantry, Resources, Vegetatio

    Molecular characterization of some bacteria and fungi associated with the decomposition of leaf litters of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Tectona grandis

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    Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Tectona grandis, have the characteristics of fast growth rate. The decomposition of litter biomass of these exotic plants is necessary in order to return the nutrients taken up by the plants. Some of the major nutrients include nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. To have a better understanding of the decomposition of leaf litters of E. camaldulensis and T. grandis, bacteria and fungi associated with their decomposition were investigated. Soil and leaf litters of these exotic plant species were collected from six sampling sites of each plantation designated as E1 – E6 for E. camaldulensis and T1 – T6 for T. grandis, respectively. Litterbag technique was employed for the decomposition study which lasted for 60 days. Using standard methods, analysis of carbon (IV) oxide evolution and microbial population were done at day 1, 30 and 60 of the decomposition period. Results showed that there was a general decrease in the percentage mass loss of E. camaldulensis and T. grandis leaf litter samples, which ranged from 71-85% and 40-61% respectively. The amount of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium decreased in the leaf litter but increased in the soil during decomposition. The evolution of CO2 was highest in E4 on day 60 (554.4 μg/g/day) among E. camaldulensis samples, whereas the evolution of CO2 was highest in T2 on day 30 with a value of 516.5 μg/g/day among T. grandis samples. The bacteria isolated during the decomposition periods were Bacillus licheniformis, Pseudomonas putida, Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Proteus vulgaris while fungi were Aspergillus niger and Penicillium notatum. Bacillus licheniformis was the most prevalent bacteria isolated. There is need to molecularly establish the specific capability of each microbial isolate with the view to identifying those that sequentially elaborate enzymes that can completely metabolize the leaf litters to their elemental form for adequate enrichment of the soil. This will enhance rapid recovery of the composite undergrowth and also promote diverse microbial colonization.Keywords: Decomposition, leaf litters, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, bacteria, fungi, and Tectona grandi

    Evaluation of Earning Performance of Female Owned Leather-Based Enterprises in Aba Metropolis, Abia State, Nigeria

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    This study examined evaluation of earning performance of female owned leather-based enterprises in Aba Metroplis of Abia State. The study has become relevant considering the performance of women in the other fields of life endeavors. Firstly, through a purposive selection sampling method female owners of leather based enterprises were selected against the males. A random selection of sixty (60) female entrepreneurs involved in leather products preproduction activities such as sales of accessories for shoes, bags and belts, leather cleaning and drying activities, leather spraying and such like activities. Thirty female entrepreneurs were selected from Ariaria and Ahia markets respectively. Questionnaire and oral interview were the instruments for data collection. The tools for data analyses were descriptive statistics, income statement and an econometric model involving Ordinary Least Square regression analyses. The earning performance evaluation indicated that the enterprises have performed creditably considering the value of the gross margin analysis which is high and gross return per each capital invested which is also positively significant. The analyses of determinants of earning performance indicated the significant variables as interest rate on credit, distance to the nearest market, amount of credit available for investment and rent. It is recommended that female entrepreneurs owning leather enterprises should be empowered financially and that at a reduced rate of interest to enhance the enterprise performances