187 research outputs found

    Innovative development of social entrepreneurship in Sverdlovsk region

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    The article examines the innovative development of social entrepreneurship that is one of the most significant factor of modern economic development. The study makes recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of the institutional management of social entrepreneurship. In order to achieve the aim of our research, it has been developed typology andanalytical review of practices of social innovations in Sverdlovs Region.Исследование поддержано Российским Государственным Научным Фондом, проект №16-32-00003

    Advertising in Economic Institutions and its Psychological Impact on Personality Perception

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    This article covers psychology in economic relations and its psychological impact on the perception of the individual, opinions on gender differences in advertising perception. Also, the results of the research carried out are given in a taxable way

    Radiation Effects on Bismuth and Antimony Chalcogenide Thin-Film Elements: Structural, Electrical, and Optical Characterization

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    The study investigates the effect of radiation on thin-film elements utilizing bismuth and antimony chalcogenides. Radiation-induced damage in such materials is of significant interest due to their promising properties for applications in optoelectronic devices. The research employed a series of experiments to examine the response of thin-film elements under various radiation conditions. Results demonstrate the impact of radiation on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of bismuth and antimony chalcogenide thin films, shedding light on their suitability for radiation-hardened devices. &nbsp

    Bronxial astmaning turli shakllarida immunologik ko’rsatgichlar tahlili

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    Bronxial astma (BA) bilan og’rigan 45 nafar bemor tekshirildi. Birinchi guruhga allergik BA (ABA) bo’lgan 17 bemor, ikkinchi guruhga noallergik BA (NBA) bo’lgan 11 bemor, uchinchi guruhga esa aralash BA (ARBA) bo’lgan 17 bemor kirdi. Qon zardobidagi IL-4, IFN-γ darajasi qattiq fazali IFA miqdoriy aniqlash uchun test-tizimlari yordamida aniqlandi. Olingan natijalar ыon zardobidagi IL-4 va IFN-γ miqdorining kasallik patogenetik varianti bilan bog’liqligini ko’rsatadi va bu bog’liqlik ABA bemorlarda kuchliroq ifodalangan. ABA va ARBA bilan og’rigan bemorlarda IFN-γ ishlab chiqarishning ifodalangan kamayishi kuzatiladi, kasallikning asosan allergik mexanizmi bilan og’rigan bemorlarda esa IL-4 darajasining sezilarli darajada oshishi qayd etildi

    Analysis of civic initiatives: Multiparameter classification of social innovations

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    This paper focuses on the topical and problematic area of social innovations. The aim of this paper is to develop an original approach to the allocation of social innovations, taking into account characteristics such as the degree of state participation, the scope of application, the type of initiations as well as the degree of novelty, which will be elaborated on further in this article. In order to achieve this goal, the forty-two most successful social innovations were identified and systematized. The results of this study demonstrated that 73.5% of social innovations are privately funded, most of them operating on an international level with a high degree of novelty. Moreover, 81% of all social innovations are civic initiatives. Social innovations play an important role in the growth of both developed and less developed countries alike as highlighted in our extensive analysis. © 2016 Evgeny Popov, Jol Stoffers, Zhoomart Omonov and Anna Veretennikova