34 research outputs found

    Utilization of poultry waste as feed and supplementary feed for fish growth

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    This research work was carried out to evaluate poultry waste as a potential feed for fish growth. The poultry droppings were collected for analysis. The parameter determined to ascertain the potential of this poultry waste were proximate analysis (Moisture, dry matter, ash, crude protein, fat, crude fibre and carbohydrate contents) and mineral nutrient composition (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese). The proximate analysis determined estimated moisture content to be 9.62±0.02%, dry matter 90.38±0.03%, ash content: 28.83±0.29%, crude protein: 21.34±0.16%, fat content: 2.61±0.13%, crude fibre:16.09±0.04, and carbohydrate: 21.53±0.03. The minerals nutrient composition for metals analysed is as follows; calcium: 2349.9±56.57mg/kg, potassium: 6239±572.76mg/kg. Magnesium: 1075.0±141.42mg/kg, sodium: 292.3±10.61mg/kg, copper: 104.8±7.07mg/kg, zinc: 395.0±7.07mg/kg, iron: 519.7±7.07mg/kg and manganese: 257.5±10.61mg/kg. However, based on the result for proximate analysis of the poultry waste analysed and mineral nutrients estimated compared with the mineral nutrient requirement of fish the results were not adequate for direct use as feed for fish. Thus the poultry droppings could only serve as feed or supplement for the conventional fish feeds use for fish to give excellent growth rate.Keywords: Poultry Waste, Feed, Fish, Proximate, Minerals, Parameters, poultry dropping

    Effects of Cucumis metuliferus (Cucurbitaceae) fruits on enzymes and haematological parameters in albino rats

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    The effects of the powdered fruits of Cucumis metuliferus on enzymes and haematological indices were evaluated in adult albino rats. The study revealed a significant (

    Gestational age at first antenatal attendance in Kano, northern Nigeria.

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    Objectives: To determine the gestational age at which women register for antenatal care and the reason why they register at that time. Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered by trained personnel to the women attending the Thursday booking clinic in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano. The questionnaire contains the bio-social characteristics of the respondents, gestational age, parity and reason(s) for booking at that time. Results: Majority (62.4%) of the women were aged between 20 and 29 years. The mean gestational age at booking was 24 weeks. Ninety two per cent of the women booked in the second and third trimesters. Fifty-seven per cent had no specific reason for booking at the time they did, while 6% booked late because they just relocated. Conclusion: Majority of our women book late for antenatal care. Health education with emphasis on the benefits of booking in the first trimester of pregnancy is advocated. Service providers should also develop a referral system for those pregnant women relocating to new stations. Keywords: Gestational age, booking, pregnancy, antenatal care, Kano.Highland Medical Research Journal Vol. 5 (1) 2007 pp. 75-7

    An Assessment Of The Various Mitigation Strategies To Combat Desertification In Jibia And Kaita Local Government Areas Of Katsina State

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    This study was conducted on an assessment of the various mitigation strategies to combat desertification in Jibia and Kaita Local Government Areas of Katsina State, Nigeria. The data use includes Satellite imageries for the study such as landsat MSS of 1976, landsat TM of 1987, SPOT XS of 1995 and landsat ETM of 2006 as well as structured questionnaires. Sixty close ended copies of the Questionnaire were administered in the study. Purposive sampling method of administering questionnaires was adopted. The percentages land mass covered for each of these variables was determined and estimated in M2. literature was obtained from various agencies which were responsible for desertification control in Katsina state. It was found from the reserved forest that in 1976 the percentage of reserved forest was 2.57%. In 1987 however, it increased by 73.9% to 76.47 %. By 1995, it declined by 9.42% to 67.05% and further declined by 0.52% in 2006. Effort to combat desertification through the use of reserved forest has been quite significant over the years. Also, noticed was a declined in shelter belt from 5.91% in 1987 to 1.097% in 1995 and a shot up to 7.39% in 2006. About 37% of the respondent opined that the deforestation leads to the disappearance of trees while 33% pinioned that it leads to reduction on agricultural productivity. The major strategy adopted to combat desertification is tree planting as supported by 88% of the respondents. It found that desertification as major environmental problem of the study area has reduced drastically from 43.34% in 1976 to 1.29% in 2006. It was also revealed from this study that some organizations such as European Economic Community/Katsina State government EEC/KTSG, Katsina Afforestation Project Unit KTAPU and Local Government Councils are the major agencies that are responsible for mitigating desertification in the study area. Keywords: Desertification, Mitigation, Afforestation, Shelterbelt and Satellite image References Ariyo, J.A, Abdullahi, C.J. Stigter, O.Z Onyewotu and I. Musa (2005). Community Participation in Planning Desertification, Control Interventions in Northern Nigeria. Lessons from Kano State. A Paper Presented at the Conference on Prospects and Problems of Agricultural Development in Nigeria, Held in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. June 29th – July 2nd, 2005. Auwal, U. (2006). An Appraisal of Desertification in Arid Zone of Bauchi State. Unpublished PGDEM thesis Department of Geography, Bayero University Kano. Babura, D.U. (2001). Desertifucation in Babura Local Government Area. Unpublished PGDEM Thesis. Department of Geography, Bayero University Kano.                                                                            Bala, A. (2003). An Evaluation of Drought Incidence and Hazards in Northern Nigeria. A Paper Presented at a Seminar on the Conservation of the environment. Department of Geography Isa Kaita College of Education, Dutsinma, Katsina State 5th November. Bins, T. (1990). The Threatening Deserts: Ox Blackwell. Campbell, D.J (1986). The  Prospects For desertification in Kajiado District Kenya, Geg. Federal Office of Statistics (1999). Annual Abstracts of Statistics: facts and Figures about Nigeria. Katsina  Afforestation Project Unit (2006). A brief on Katsina Afforestation Project Unit (FGN ASSISTED) 1st February, 2006. Katsina Afforestation Project Unit (2006). Annual Reports on Afforestation Projects. Katsina Afforestation Project Unit (2009). Annual Reports on Afforestation Project. Katsina Afforestation Project Unit KTAPU. (2009). A brief on Katsina Afforestation Project Unit (FGN  ASSITED) 5th February, 2009. Katsina Agricultural and Rural Development Authority KTARDA. (2006). Land Management\ Unit, Historical Background to soil conservation in Katsina State. Katsina Arid Zone Programme EEC/KTSG (1995). Soil Conservation Experience, A paper for KSACDP one day Soil conservation Strategy Workshop 14th December, 1995. Katsina Arid Zone Programme EEC/KTSG. (1995). Historical background of soil conservation efforts in Katsina State. Msafirri, F. (2009). Involving or not Involving Communities in strategies to combat Desertification and Drought in Kenya. Murtala S.K.  (2003). An Analysis of the problems of desertification in Katsina local government area. An NCE project, Isa kaita College of Education Dutsin Ma, Katsina state.  Nasiru, I.M. (2009). Combating Desertification and Drought in Nigeria. Daily Trust Monday, 25th. National Population Commission (2006). Federal Republic of  Nigeria (2009), National Population Commission Official Gazette No2, Abuja 2nd February 2009 Vol 96. Njeru, J. (2005). Monitoring and Modelling crop growth, water use and production crop growth, water use and production under dry land environment, north west of mount Kenya. Nyong, A.O. and Kanoroglou, P.S (1999). The Influence of water resources and their locations on rural distribution in north eastern Nigeria. A journal of environmental sciences. Owen and Pickering (1997). Global environmental issues. Rutledge and New York. Sagua, V.O, Enabor, E.E, K.O P.R.O, Ojanuga A.V, Mortimore, M. and Kalu, A.E. (1987). Ecological Disasters in Nigeria. Drought and Desertification Federal Ministry of science and Technology Lagos. Sani, M. (1996). Evaluation of Desertification and its effects in Jibia local Government area of Katsina state. Unpublished PGDEM Thesis. Department of Geography Bayero University Kano. Shittu, K. (1999). An Assessment on the socio economic effects of desertification in Katsina state. An Unpublished BSC project Department of Geography Bayero University Kano. Stebbing, E.P. (1935). The Encroaching Sahara: The Threat to west Africa colonies. A geographical Journal. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (1997). A new Response an age – old problem. United Nations Conversation on Desertification (1977). Desertification, it Causes and Consequences: Pergmon Press. United Nations, Department for Public Information (1997). The United Nations convention to combat desertification. Whates and Jones (1992). Land Degradation. Edward Arnold London. Copyright (c) 2019 Geosfera Indonesia Journal and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International Licens

    Some Parametric Factors Influencing Cottage Ethanol Plant

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    Abstract: A cottage ethanol plant was designed, constructed and tested in major effect to make reasonable contribution in the current drive for renewable energy. The plant consists of a stoker chamber, fermentation vessel, two-stage distillation column, a condenser and the ethanol receptacle. The conditioned feedstock, freshly harvested cassava, was feed into the fermentation vessel, allowed 48 h fermentation with enzymes and yeast added. The ethanol was distilled and allowed to pass through a condenser and finally the ethanol was collected. The ethanol unit prototype was evaluated using tests on three varieties of cassava. The degree of recovery of the distilled sample ranged from 18.28 % ethanol for 3-5 mm Cassava chips to 62.03% ethanol by volume for sieved cassava liquor on one hand, and ranged from 49.37% of ethanol for a packing size of 3-6 mm to 62.81% of ethanol for a packing size of 8-10 mm. Mean values of some tests parameters were also determined. These parameters as quantitatively analysed using ANOVA, showed high significant difference (p<0.01) for the conditioned samples effect on volume of sample, percentage ethanol, density and refractive index, but was just significant (p<0.05) for the effect of variety of feedstock on density and percentage ethanol while having no significant effect on the volume of sample and refractive index. With the change in the design figuration of the condenser, the ANOVA result showed high significant (p<0.01) effect on volume of sample, significant (p<0.05) effect on percentage ethanol, density and refractive index. The varieties however, showed no significant effect on density


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    The potential availability of Copper in soils from Panteka and Kurmin-mashi areas as motor mechanic village in Kaduna was evaluated to support ecological risk assessment. Copper toxicity was predicted by cupric ion activity as Cu 2+ in the soil extracts and was measured using a copper-ion selective electrode. Thirty four (34) soil samples were collected from the two sampling sites. Total copper concentrations ranged from 30−1100 ppm and pH from 3.9−8.0 ranges were used for a series of toxicity test and to obtain soil extracts for total copper, free cupric ion activity and pH measurements. The total copper in the soil extracts was measured using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Multiple regression analyses showed that pCu +2 is strongly correlated with soil extract pH, total copper and to a lesser extent soil organic matter ( R 2 =0.9, p<0.05). Key Words: Copper, pH and Soi

    The Effect Of Cucumis Metuliferus E Meye (Cucurbitaceae) On Rat Gastric Functions And Mucosa Intergrity

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    Extract of fruit pulp of Cucumis metuliferus was screened for its effects on gastric functions and mucosal intergrity in albino rats. The study revealedsignificant (P < 0.05) dose-dependent decrease in the number and type of gastro mucosal lesions as compared to ranitidine (a standard anti-gastric ulcer drug). Similarly, the effect of the extract on gastric acid secretion was significant (P < 0.05). The results of this work showed that extract of Cucumismetuliferus significantly reduces gastro mucosal lesions and can be use for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease