16 research outputs found

    EU research on social sciences and humanities: The social problem of men volume 1

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    Within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Union for Research and Technological Development (RTD), the Key Action "Improving the socio-economic knowledge base" carried broad and ambitious objectives, namely to improve our understanding of the structural changes taking place in European society, to identify ways of managing these changes and to promote the active involvement of European citizens in shaping their own futures. A further important aim was to mobilise the research communities in the social sciences and humanities at the European level and to provide scientific support to policies at various levels, with particular attention to EU policy fields

    The social problem of men: deliverable 13: policy option paper II EU, European and transnational

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    This supranational policy option paper arises from the work of The European Research Network on Men in Europe project, “The Social Problem and Societal Problematisation of Men and Masculinities” (2000–2003), funded by the European Commission within Framework 5. The Network comprises women and men researchers with range of disciplinary backgrounds from ten countries

    The social problem of men in Europe: The social problem and societal problematisation of men and masculinities: "The social problem of men" Policy Option Paper 1

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    In March 2000, the European Research Network on Men in Europe project entitled “The Social Problem and Societal Problematisation of Men and Masculinities” (HPSE-CT-1999-0008) was initiated. The project, planned for three years (2000–2003), is funded by the Research Directorate of the European Commission under its Framework 5 Programme. The overall aim of the Research Network is to develop empirical, theoretical and policy outcomes on the gendering of men and masculinities. The Research Network has focused on two closely related gendered questions: ‱ first, the specific, gendered social problem of men and certain masculinities; and, ‱ second, the more general, gendered societal problematisation of men and certain masculinities. This work is primarily contextualised in terms of welfare responses to social problems and inequalities. It also has direct relevance to policy outcomes in relation to changing family structures; and work configurations within the labour market, the home and wider European society

    EU FP5 Thematic Network. The European Research Network on Men in Europe: The Social Problem and Societal Problematisation of Men and Masculinities (HPSE-CT-1999-0008): The Social Problem of Men Deliverable 11 Draft Final Network Report From Workpackage 5

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    The topic of men is now on political, policy and media agendas. This report brings together the work of the European Research Network on Men in Europe that has been operating since March 2000, within the EU Framework 5. The overall aim of the Thematic Network is to develop empirical, theoretical and policy outcomes on the gendering of men and masculinities in Europe. The central focus of the Research Network’s effort is the investigation of the social problem and societal problematisation of men and masculinities. The reference to ‘social problem’ refers to both the problems created by men, and the problems experienced by men. The notion of societal problematisation refers to the various ways in which the ‘topic’ of men and masculinities has become and is becoming noticed and problematised in society – in the media, in politics, in policy debates, and so on. This focus is set within a general problematic: that changing and improving gender relations and reducing gender inequality involves changing men as well as changing the position of women

    European-wide critical studies on men: asking theoretical, substantive, political and practical questions

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    Over the last twenty years or more there has been a substantial development of the critical sociology of men and masculinities. More recently there has been increasing sociological research on men and masculinities that moves beyond the earlier sex role models and places questions of power more centrally. These questions lie at the heart of the EU Research Network on Men in Europe (2000-2003), a 10-nation network of feminist and pro-feminist researchers researching collaboratively on men’s practices in the countries involved. The network’s main foci are men in relation to home/work, violences, health, and social exclusion. This paper reviews major theoretical, political, substantive, and practical issues arising in the conduct of the project, and the general development of the academic field. Theoretical issues include the extent to which research on men’s practices can be separated from other sociological fields; national and cultural contextualisation of the problematisation of men and masculinities; and the development of appropriate comparative measures. Substantive concerns include the relationship of men’s power and privilege throughout the countries, and the intersection of structural change in work and employment, violence, relative ill-health and social exclusion of some men. Political and practical issues are also explore

    “The social problem of men”: Deliverable 3: Interim Report on National Reports on Law and Policy Addressing Men’s Practices from Workpackage 3

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    This Interim Report constitutes Deliverable 5 of the Thematic Network. It is a Summary Report of the 10 national reports that have been produced within Workpackage 3. The first workpackage reviewed relevant academic and analytical literature on men’s practices within each country. The second workpackage reviewed relevant statistical information on men’s practices within each country. While both the third workpackage national reports and this summary report need to be read in association with those of the first two workpackage, we have sought to make this summary report understandable in its own right. For this reason there is some repetition of key issues introduced in Workpackages 1 and 2 summary reports. We particularly draw attention to previous discussions in Workpackage 1 in each country on: a) national/societal gender situation, including broad shifts in masculinity formations, and the relationship between different masculinities; and b) general or basic texts on men and masculinities, including the growth of focused studies. The next workpackage focuses on media representations in each countr

    The European Research Network on men in Europe: the social problem and societal problematisation of men and masculinities Draft Interim Final Report: "The social problem of men"

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    Purpose and Structure of this Report This Interim Draft Final Report brings together the work of the European Rsearch Network on Men in Europe over the last 20 months. It is intended that this draft report will act as the basis of the Draft Final Report, and as such feedback and comment are welcomed. There are several diiferent ways of organising the material in the Final Report and this are discussed in section 7 below (see p. 61). Feedback on these alternatives is sought at this stage. The work of the Network has been organised through 4 main phases of ‘workpackages’. The report is structured around the reseults of these workpackages. The first workpackage reviewed relevant academic and analytical literature on men’s practices within each country. The second workpackage reviewed relevant statistical information on men’s practices within each country, and the third reviewed law and policy on men’s practices. The fourth workpackage has examined newspaper representations on men and men’s practices within each country. For each workpackage there are national reports for each of the 10 participating countries. We also draw attention to the first set of national reports from Workpackage 1, as these also include infromation on: a) the general national/societal gender situation, including broad shifts in masculinity formations, and relationship between different masculinities; and b) general or basic texts on men and masculinities, including the growth of focused studies. The report also provides some information on the other outputs of the Network, including the European Data Base and Documentation Centre on Men’s Practices (www.cromenet.org) and relevant publications of the Network members, collectively and individually, arising from the Network’s activities

    The European Research Network on Men in Europe: The Social Problem and Societal Problematisation of Men and Masculinities The social problem of men: deliverable 14: Final Network Report

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    Changing and improving gender relations and reducing gender inequality involves changing men as well as changing the position of women. The EU Framework 5 European Research Network on Men in Europe (2000-2003) has aimed to develop empirical, theoretical and policy outcomes on the gendering of men and masculinities in Europe. The Network has investigated the social problem and societal problematisation of men and masculinities. ‘Social problem’ refers to both problems created by men, and those experienced by men. ‘Societal problematisation’ refers to the ways in which men and masculinities have become problematised in society. The Network comprises women and men, researching men as explicitly gendered, in Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation and UK

    Policy Option Paper II: EU, European and Transnational Options and Priorities

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    This supranational policy option paper arises from the work of The European Research Network on Men in Europe project, “The Social Problem and Societal Problematisation of Men and Masculinities” (2000–2003), funded by the European Commission within Framework 5. The Network comprises women and men researchers with range of disciplinary backgrounds from ten countries. This supranational policy paper complements the ten individual national policy option papers (Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation, the UK) (Deliverable 12). Network associates exist in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark and Sweden. It addresses the following main questions: the EU, European and Transnational Policy Contexts; transnational developments between and across countries; transnational organisations. and the Four Policy Areas – Home and Work, Social Exclusion, Violences, Health - and their Interrelations