6,791 research outputs found

    Piggybacking on an Autonomous Hauler: Business Models Enabling a System-of-Systems Approach to Mapping an Underground Mine

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    With ever-increasing productivity targets in mining operations, there is a growing interest in mining automation. In future mines, remote-controlled and autonomous haulers will operate underground guided by LiDAR sensors. We envision reusing LiDAR measurements to maintain accurate mine maps that would contribute to both safety and productivity. Extrapolating from a pilot project on reliable wireless communication in Boliden's Kankberg mine, we propose establishing a system-of-systems (SoS) with LIDAR-equipped haulers and existing mapping solutions as constituent systems. SoS requirements engineering inevitably adds a political layer, as independent actors are stakeholders both on the system and SoS levels. We present four SoS scenarios representing different business models, discussing how development and operations could be distributed among Boliden and external stakeholders, e.g., the vehicle suppliers, the hauling company, and the developers of the mapping software. Based on eight key variation points, we compare the four scenarios from both technical and business perspectives. Finally, we validate our findings in a seminar with participants from the relevant stakeholders. We conclude that to determine which scenario is the most promising for Boliden, trade-offs regarding control, costs, risks, and innovation must be carefully evaluated.Comment: Preprint of industry track paper accepted for the 25th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'17

    An Empirical Study on Decision making for Quality Requirements

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    [Context] Quality requirements are important for product success yet often handled poorly. The problems with scope decision lead to delayed handling and an unbalanced scope. [Objective] This study characterizes the scope decision process to understand influencing factors and properties affecting the scope decision of quality requirements. [Method] We studied one company's scope decision process over a period of five years. We analyzed the decisions artifacts and interviewed experienced engineers involved in the scope decision process. [Results] Features addressing quality aspects explicitly are a minor part (4.41%) of all features handled. The phase of the product line seems to influence the prevalence and acceptance rate of quality features. Lastly, relying on external stakeholders and upfront analysis seems to lead to long lead-times and an insufficient quality requirements scope. [Conclusions] There is a need to make quality mode explicit in the scope decision process. We propose a scope decision process at a strategic level and a tactical level. The former to address long-term planning and the latter to cater for a speedy process. Furthermore, we believe it is key to balance the stakeholder input with feedback from usage and market in a more direct way than through a long plan-driven process

    “Tax Simplification”—Grave Threat to the Charitable Contribution Deduction: The Problem and a Proposed Solution

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    The present National Administration has continued to support proposed legislative changes aimed at substantially reducing the number of income tax returns in which deductions are itemized. The author contends that these tax simplification proposals are incompatible with the preservation of the charitable contribution deduction and would undermine the position of voluntary charitable organizations by reducing the incentives for giving. He proposes a solution to this dilemma by promoting the charitable contribution deduction, with certain limitations, to the position of a deduction from gross income, rather than a deduction from adjusted gross income

    Video Game Development in a Rush: A Survey of the Global Game Jam Participants

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    Video game development is a complex endeavor, often involving complex software, large organizations, and aggressive release deadlines. Several studies have reported that periods of "crunch time" are prevalent in the video game industry, but there are few studies on the effects of time pressure. We conducted a survey with participants of the Global Game Jam (GGJ), a 48-hour hackathon. Based on 198 responses, the results suggest that: (1) iterative brainstorming is the most popular method for conceptualizing initial requirements; (2) continuous integration, minimum viable product, scope management, version control, and stand-up meetings are frequently applied development practices; (3) regular communication, internal playtesting, and dynamic and proactive planning are the most common quality assurance activities; and (4) familiarity with agile development has a weak correlation with perception of success in GGJ. We conclude that GGJ teams rely on ad hoc approaches to development and face-to-face communication, and recommend some complementary practices with limited overhead. Furthermore, as our findings are similar to recommendations for software startups, we posit that game jams and the startup scene share contextual similarities. Finally, we discuss the drawbacks of systemic "crunch time" and argue that game jam organizers are in a good position to problematize the phenomenon.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Game

    Cross-Platform Video Management Solutions

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    With a multitude of platform and operating system combinations available to- day, ranging from laptops and workstations to tablets and smartphones, users want to use their favorite applications regardless of device. Cross-platform development has thus become more important in recent years. When devel- oping a new application the developers must decide what platforms to support and what strategy to use to reach out to them. By developing both native and cross-platform prototypes we try to find advantages and disadvantages of using a cross-platform strategy for video management applications. We show that it indeed is possible to develop cross-platform video management applications for both Windows and OS X and find both advantages and disadvantages of this strategy. The result of this thesis state that the choice of cross-platform or not depends much on the situation and the preferences of the developers

    V-GQM: a feed-back approach to validation of a GQM study

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    The Goal/Question/Metric paradigm is used for empirical studies on software projects. Support is given on how to define and execute a study. However, the support for running several subsequent studies is poor. V-GQM introduces a life-cycle perspective, creating a process, spanning several GQM studies. After the GQM study has been completed, an analysis step of the plan is initiated. The metrics are analysed to investigate if they comply with the plan or has extended it, and also to investigate if the metrics collected answer more questions than posed in the plan. The questions derived from metrics are then used to form the goal for the next GQM study, effectively introducing a feed-back loop. By introducing the bottom-up approach, a structured analysis of the GQM study is possible when constructing several consecutive GQM studies. A case study, using V-GQM, is performed in an industrial setting

    Model updating of multiple nominally identical car components

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    A method for estimation of rubber bushing stiffness parameters is presented. Four individual rubber bushings, mounted in a car rear subframe are considered. A traditional model of the bushing elements using a generalised spring model, known as a CBUSH element in Nastran, is compared to a geometrically more realistic approach where the bushing is modelled with solid elements and a linear elastic material model. Each bushing is mass loaded to better reveal the bushing\u27s dynamic behaviour in a lower frequency range of interest. In an initial step, the overall subframe model is updated towards test data.In a second step, the bushing parameters are updated. Three nominally identical components are used to investigate the spread between the identified parameters. The model updating procedure is based on frequency responses and equalised damping. The undamped behaviour at frequencies below 300~Hz are considered. To quantify the parameter uncertainty, with respect to measurement noise for each individual, an uncertainty quantification procedure is proposed, using a linear-in-parameters surrogate model with bootstrapping

    How to characterize the health of an Open Source Software project? A snowball literature review of an emerging practice

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    Motivation: Society's dependence on Open Source Software (OSS) and the communities that maintain the OSS is ever-growing. So are the potential risks of, e.g., vulnerabilities being introduced in projects not actively maintained. By assessing an OSS project's capability to stay viable and maintained over time without interruption or weakening, i.e., the OSS health, users can consider the risk implied by using the OSS as is, and if necessary, decide whether to help improve the health or choose another option. However, such assessment is complex as OSS health covers a wide range of sub-topics, and existing support is limited. Aim: We aim to create an overview of characteristics that affect the health of an OSS project and enable the assessment thereof. Method: We conduct a snowball literature review based on a start set of 9 papers, and identify 146 relevant papers over two iterations of forward and backward snowballing. Health characteristics are elicited and coded using structured and axial coding into a framework structure. Results: The final framework consists of 104 health characteristics divided among 15 themes. Characteristics address the socio-technical spectrum of the community of actors maintaining the OSS project, the software and other deliverables being maintained, and the orchestration facilitating the maintenance. Characteristics are further divided based on the level of abstraction they address, i.e., the OSS project-level specifically, or the project's overarching ecosystem of related OSS projects. Conclusion: The framework provides an overview of the wide span of health characteristics that may need to be considered when evaluating OSS health and can serve as a foundation both for research and practice.Comment: Accepted for publication at Open Source Systems (OSS) Conference 202