29 research outputs found

    Karyotypic divergence reveals that diversity in the Oecomys paricola complex (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) from eastern Amazonia is higher than previously thought.

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    The genus Oecomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) is distributed from southern Central America to southeastern Brazil in South America. It currently comprises 18 species, but multidisciplinary approaches such as karyotypic, morphological and molecular studies have shown that there is a greater diversity within some lineages than others. In particular, it has been proposed that O. paricola constitutes a species complex with three evolutionary units, which have been called the northern, eastern and western clades. Aiming to clarify the taxonomic status of O. paricola and determine the relevant chromosomal rearrangements, we investigated the karyotypes of samples from eastern Amazonia by chromosomal banding and FISH with Hylaeamys megacephalus (HME) whole-chromosome probes. We detected three cytotypes for O. paricola: A (OPA-A; 2n = 72, FN = 75), B (OPA-B; 2n = 70, FN = 75) and C (OPA-C; 2n = 70, FN = 72). Comparative chromosome painting showed that fusions/fissions, translocations and pericentric inversions or centromeric repositioning were responsible for the karyotypic divergence. We also detected exclusive chromosomal signatures that can be used as phylogenetic markers. Our analysis of karyotypic and distribution information indicates that OPA-A, OPA-B and OPA-C are three distinct species that belong to the eastern clade, with sympatry occurring between two of them, and that the "paricola group" is more diverse than was previously thought

    Comparative genomic mapping reveals mechanisms of chromosome diversification in Rhipidomys species (Rodentia, Thomasomyini) and syntenic relationship between species of Sigmodontinae

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    Rhipidomys (Sigmodontinae, Thomasomyini) has 25 recognized species, with a wide distribution ranging from eastern Panama to northern Argentina. Cytogenetic data has been described for 13 species with 12 of them having 2n = 44 with a high level of autosomal fundamental number (FN) variation, ranging from 46 to 80, assigned to pericentric inversions. The species are grouped in groups with low FN (46–52) and high FN (72–80). In this work the karyotypes of Rhipidomys emiliae (2n = 44, FN = 50) and Rhipidomys mastacalis (2n = 44, FN = 74), were studied by classical cytogenetics and by fluorescence in situ hybridization using telomeric and whole chromosome probes (chromosome painting) of Hylaeamys megacephalus (HME). Chromosome painting revealed homology between 36 segments of REM and 37 of RMA. We tested the hypothesis that pericentric inversions are the predominant chromosomal rearrangements responsible for karyotypic divergence between these species, as proposed in literature. Our results show that the genomic diversification between the karyotypes of the two species resulted from translocations, centromeric repositioning and pericentric inversions. The chromosomal evolution in Rhipidomys was associated with karyotypical orthoselection. The HME probes revealed that seven syntenic probably ancestral blocks for Sigmodontinae are present in Rhipidomys. An additional syntenic block described here is suggested as part of the subfamily ancestral karyotype. We also define five synapomorphies that can be used as chromosomal signatures for Rhipidomys

    First cytogenetic information for Lonchothrix emiliae and taxonomic implications for the genus taxa Lonchothrix + Mesomys (Rodentia, Echimyidae, Eumysopinae).

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    The taxonomic identification of Lonchothrix emiliae (Rodentia, Echimyidae, Eumysopinae) is problematic because of the overlap of morphological characters with its sister clade represented by species in the genus Mesomys which, like L. emiliae, is distributed throughout the Amazonian biome. Cytogenetic studies reported the karyotype of L. emiliae as 2n = 60/FN = 116, but this karyotype and samples were later designated as M. hispidus. To evaluate the karyotype diversity of Lonchothrix and Mesomys, and to provide data useful as karyological diagnostic characters, in the present study we made a comparative analysis of specimens of L. emiliae and M. stimulax collected from two Brazilian Amazonian localities, using C-banding, G-banding, FISH using rDNA 45S and telomeric probes, and Cytochrome-b (Cytb) sequences. The results indicate that L. emiliae has 2n = 64♀, 65♂/FN = 124 and a multiple sexual system (XX/XY1Y2), while M. stimulax has 2n = 60/FN = 116. The Neo-X system found in L. emiliae also occurs in two Proechimys species, but cytogenetic analysis indicated an independent origin for these systems. The rDNA 45S analysis showed interstitial signals at one autosomal pair for each species, while an ITS found in L. emiliae was not coincident with the NOR. The molecular analysis confirmed Lonchothrix and Mesomys are sister genera, and the high level of intraspecific genetic divergence (7.1%) in M. stimulax suggests that it may be a species complex

    Genetic diversity analysis in the Brazilian Amazon reveals a new evolutionary lineage and new karyotype for the genus Mesomys (Rodentia, Echimyidae, Eumysopinae).

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    Morphological, molecular and chromosomal studies in the genera Lonchothrix and Mesomys have contributed to a better understanding of taxonomic design, phylogenetic relationships and karyotypic patterns. Recent molecular investigations have shown a yet undescribed diversity, suggesting that these taxa are even more diverse than previously assumed. Furthermore, some authors have questioned the limits of geographic distribution in the Amazon region for the species M. hispidus and M. stimulax. In this sense, the current study sought to understand the karyotypic evolution and geographic limits of the genus Mesomys, based on classical (G- and C-banding) and molecular cytogenetic analysis (FISH using rDNA 18S and telomeric probes) and through the sequencing of mitochondrial genes Cytochrome b (Cytb) and Cytochrome Oxidase-Subunit I (CO using phylogeny, species delimitation and time of divergence, from samples of different locations in the Brazilian Amazon. The species M. stimulax and Mesomys sp. presented 2n = 60/FN = 110, while M. hispidus presented 2n = 60/FN = 112, hitherto unpublished. Molecular dating showed that Mesomys diversification occurred during the Plio-Pleistocene period, with M. occultus diverging at around 5.1 Ma, followed by Mesomys sp. (4.1 Ma) and, more recently, the separation between M. hispidus and M. stimulax (3.5 Ma). The ABGD and ASAP species delimiters support the formation of 7 and 8 potential species of the genus Mesomys, respectively. Furthermore, in both analyzes Mesomys sp. was recovered as a valid species. Our multidisciplinary approach involving karyotypic, molecular and biogeographic analysis is the first performed in Mesomys, with the description of a new karyotype for M. hispidus, a new independent lineage for the genus and new distribution data for M. hispidus and M. stimulax