25 research outputs found

    Current developments in X-ray imaging technology: challenges and future

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    X-rays is a discovery that took the shortest path from the moment of invention to practical use in medicine. The high penetrating ability of X-rays has made it a powerful imaging tool in medical practice. In turn, the requests of practical medicine, the development of diagnostic radiographic technologies contributed to the advancement of a wide range of disciplines from fundamental research to practical applications in close combination with modern technologies

    Wavelet analysis for polarization maps of biological images of optical anisotropic layers

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    Анотація. Теоретично обґрунтовано ефективність статистичного і фрактального аналізів розподілів вейвлет-коефіцієнтів матриці Мюллера лазерних зображень мереж біологічних кристалів людської тканини. Встановлено чіткий взаємозв'язок між статистичними моментами і спектрами потужності для розподілів вейвлет-коефіцієнтів і відповідним орієнтаційно-фазовими трансформаціями мереж біологічних кристалів. Визначено критерії статистичної та фрактальної діагностики змін двопроменезаломлюючої структури реальних біологічних кристалічних мереж, що відповідає патологічним змінам у тканині. Аннотация. Теоретически обоснована эффективность статистического и фрактального анализов распределений вейвлет-коэффициентов матрицы Мюллера лазерных изображений сетей биологических кристаллов человеческой ткани. Установлено четкая взаимосвязь между статистическими моментами и спектрами мощности для распределений вейвлет-коэффициентов и соответствующим ориентационно-фазовыми трансформациями сетей биологических кристаллов. Определены критерии статистической и фрактальной диагностики изменений двулучепреломляющей структуры реальных биологических кристаллических сетей, соответствует патологическим изменениям в ткани. Annotation. The efficiency of statistical and fractal analysis of the distribution of wavelet coefficients matrix Muller laser images of nets of crystals of human biological tissue has been theoretically grounded. A clear correlation between statistical moments and power spectrum distributions for wavelet coefficients and the corresponding orientation-phase transformation of crystals of biological nets has been determined. The criteria of statistical and fractal diagnosis of birefringence crystal structure of real biological nets changes, corresponds to the pathological changes in tissue


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    A new azimuthally stable polarimetric method for processing of microscopic images of optically anisotropic structures of different biological layers blood plasma is proposed. A new model of phase anisotropy definition of biological tissues by using superposition of Mueller matrices of linear birefringence and optical activity is proposed. The matrix element M 44 has been chosen as the main information parameter, which value is independent of rotation angle of both sample and probing beam polarization plane

    Multifunctional polarization tomography of birefringence networks of biological crystals

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    The results of optical modeling of biological crystals polycrystalline multilayer networks have been presented. Determined in this work are the algorithms of reconstruction of parameter distributions that describe the linear and circular birefringence. To separate manifestations of these mechanisms, we propose the method of space-frequency filtering. Criteria for differentiation of benign and malignant tissues of the women reproductive sphere have been found

    Evolution of Mueller Matrix Images of the Myometrium for the Optical Anisotropy Oncological Changes

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    The optical model of polycrystalline networks of myometium is suggested. The results of investigating the interrelation between the values correlation (correlation area, asymmetry coefficient and autocorrelation function excess) and fractal (dispersion of logarithmic dependencies of power spectra) parameters are presented. They characterize the distributions of Mueller matrix elements in the points of laser images of myometrium histological sections. The criteria of differentiation of death coming reasons are determined

    Fourier filtering of linear and circular birefringence in cancer diagnosis

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    It has been proposed an optical model of linear and circular birefringence polycrystalline structure of biological crystallites. Method of polarizing optical mapping of anisotropic polycrystalline networks with spatial frequency filtering azimuth coordinate distributions of laser radiation polarization in Fourier-plane is analytically proved. Also was made an analytical study of the effectiveness of the method spatial-frequency selection in differentiation distributions azimuth field of laser radiation

    Phase maps for networks of polycrystalline human biological liquids: Statistical and fractal analyses

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    Performed in this work are complex statistical and fractal analyses of phase properties inherent to birefringence networks of liquid crystals consisting of opticallythin layers prepared from synovial fluid taken from human joints. Within the framework of a statistical approach, the authors have investigated values and ranges for changes of statistical moments of the 1-st to 4-th orders that characterize coordinate distributions for phase shifts between orthogonal components of amplitudes inherent to laser radiation transformed by synovial fluid layers for human joints with various pathologies. Using the Gramm-Charlie method, ascertained are correlation criteria for differentiation of phase maps describing pathologically changed liquid-crystal networks. In the framework of the fractal approach, determined are dimensionalities of self-similar coordinate phase distributions as well as features of transformation of logarithmic dependences for power spectra of these distributions for various types of human joint pathologies

    Polarization-singular structure in laser images of phase-inhomogeneous layers to diagnose and classify their optical properties

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    Adduced in this work are the results of investigation aimed at analysis of coordinate distributions for azimuths and ellipticity of polarization (polarization maps) in laser images of three types of phase-inhomogeneous layers (PhIL), namely: rough, ground and bulk scattering layers. To characterize polarization maps for all the types of PhIL, the authors have offered to use three groups of parameters: statistical moments of the first to fourth orders, autocorrelation functions, logarithmic dependences for power spectra related to distributions of azimuths and ellipticity of polarization inherent to PhIL laser images. Ascertained are the criteria for diagnostics and classification of PhIL optical properties