15 research outputs found

    Knowledge of risk factors of obesity by young female adults (19 - 35 years) in Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria

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    Background: The association between excess weight and cardio-metabolic disease is widely recognized by the medical profession as well as the general public Objective: The study assessed the knowledge of risk factors of obesity among young females (reproductive age) in Owo Local Government Area (LGA) of Ondo State. Materials and methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to elicit information on dietary habits and knowledge of risk factors from 500 young female adults. Knowledge of risk factors (RFs) was assessed on a 10-point scale and scored as low (≤3), average (≥4≤6), and high (≥7≤10). Central obesity was assessed using data from the waist and hip circumferences measured with non-flexible tape rule) waisthip ratio was calculated. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. In all cases, a probability of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Finding shows that 43.6% of the respondents were within the age range of 19-23years, 59.8% were single, about 28.6% were able to eat 3times daily while 22.4% skipped meal with 13.0% skipping breakfast. Lack of physical exercise (85%) and stress (47.5%) were the most identified risk factors of obesity. About 53.4% of the subjects had low knowledge, 33.4% had average knowledge, while only 13.2% had high knowledge scores of obesity risk. There was a significant difference between the mean waist circumference, waist circumference and waist-hip-ratio between the urban and rural participants (P<0.05). More than half (53.2%) and 48.0% of the respondents had central obesity using waist-hip ratio and waist circumference, respectively. Conclusion: The study revealed that more than half of respondents display a lack of knowledge on risk factors of obesity. Public health education should be geared towards educating women of reproductive age on the risk of obesity

    Dietary habits, lifestyles and anthropometric characteristics of police officers in Owo Local Government Area Ondo State, Nigeria

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    Background: Poor nutritional status couples with sedentary lifestyles are some of the risk factors that hindered optimum health not only among individual but also the Nigeria police officers. Objectives: This study aimed at assessing the dietary habits, lifestyles practices and anthropometric status of police officers in Owo local government area of Ondo state. Method: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study, which involved 200 (140 male and 60 female) police officers who were randomly selected from seven (7) police divisional stations in Owo local government area of Ondo state. Information on socio-demographic characteristics, medical and lifestyle was obtained using a self-administered questionnaire. Food consumption data was obtained using the World Food Programme (WFP)'s standard food consumption score questionnaire. Obesity was assessed using Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist –Hip Ratio (WHR) and Waist Circumference (WC). Statistical Product Service Solution (SPSS) version 20.0 was used in data analysis. Coded data were analyzed using descriptive and statistics results presented in frequencies and percentage Result: Finding shows that nearly half (46%) of them were of 30-49yrs. More (70%) male police officers participated than female police officers (30%). One third (33%) had parents that were suffering from chronic diseases while 38% were hypertensive. About (60%) drink alcohol, 67% smoke cigarette, 23% did not engage in physical exercise. Large number (66%) always adds vegetables to their diet, 30% took orange fruit been the most widely consumed and 16% skipped meal. On food consumption score, 50% met the acceptable consumption score for calorie level Prevalence of underweight and Overweight/Obesity as determined by abnormal values for BMI, WC, and WHR, 17%, 30%, 35% and 16% respectively. Conclusion: This study observed high prevalence of obesity, poor dietary practices and higher consumption of alcohol and cigarette among the police officers in Owo

    Anthropometric indices and factors affecting dietary practices of diabetics attending Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Southwest, Nigeria

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    Background: Nutritional care is an important part of the overall medical management of patients with diabetes which plays a key role in the improvement, prevention and control of blood glucose level.Objective: The study assessed the dietary practices, and anthropometric status of type 2 diabetics attending Federal Medical Centre Owo.Methods: A random sampling method was used to select 70 respondents whose socio-demographic characteristics, dietary habits and factors affecting dietary practices were obtained via structured questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements were taken and used to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI), and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR). Descriptive and inferential statistics were analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Significance was accepted at p < 0.05.Results: A total of 35.7% of the respondents were in-patients while 64.3% were out-patients. More than half (60%) of the male respondents were diabetics. The feeding frequency per day for majority (54.3%) of the respondents (in- patients and out-patients) was three times; breakfast and lunch were consumed by 34.3% and 45.7%, respectively. Fruits and vegetables were mostly consumed in-between meal, 36.1% and 30%, respectively. Only 17.1% of the respondents skipped breakfast. More than half (61.4%) forgot to plan their meal, 41.4% missed the previous day diet planning, 68.6% forgot to comply to diet regimen while 62.9% stopped diet plan. A total of 45.7% and 7.1% of the participants were overweight and obese, respectively.Conclusion: To improve nutritional care in hospitals, effective nutrition training and continuing education for all staff involved in nutritional care of patients must be prioritized.Keywords: Diabetes care, dietary practices, anthropometry, meal skippin

    Fatty Acids Prole of Repeatedly Used Vegetable Oils by the Roadside Food Vendors in Owo Metropolis, Ondo State, Nigeria

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    Background: The consumption of saturated fatty acid is a major risk factor for the rise in the mortality rate among individuals who suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Objective: The study investigated the fatty acid profile of repeatedly used vegetable oils by the road side food vendors in Owo metropolis.Methods: Two (2) different vegetable oils used for frying fish and bean cake by the vendors were collected in Owo. The oils were chosen on the bases that they have been reused for at least five days. Fresh palm olien oil and palm oil were used as control samples. The fatty acid composition of the oil samples was determined using gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionization detector. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using ANOVA to test for the level of significant difference in the variation of the means.Results: Findings showed that repeatedly used palm olien oil and palm oil respectively had higher values of total saturated fatty acid (62.36% and 60.09%) compared to the control samples (45.50% and 51.00%) Total unsaturated fatty acid (40.21% and 45.13%), total Polyunsaturated fatty acid (9.96% and 9.98%), and total monounsaturated fatty acid (26.42% and 30.05%) of the reused oil samples were significantly lower when compared to the control samples (54.50% and 49.00%), (11.50% and 10.00%), and (43.90% and 39.00%), respectively.Conclusion: Repeatedly used oils increased the concentration of TSAs and decreased TUSFAs, which can negatively impact on the cardiovascular health of the consumers Keywords: Palm olien oil, palm oil, reused oil, unsaturated fatty acid, cardiovascular healt

    Evaluation of dietary adherence and body mass index of diabetics attending outpatient clinic of Federal medical centre, Idi Aba, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria

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    Background:  Abundant literature supports the benefits of diet and exercise recommendations for improving and maintaining glycemic levels of people with diabetes mellitus especially type 2 patients.However, reasons for nonadherence amongst diabetics are very complex and multifaceted in nature. Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the dietary adherence and body mass index of diabetes patient attending the outpatient clinic of Federal Medical Centre, Idi Aba,  Abeokuta, Ogun State. Methods: Convenient sampling was used to select 200 participants, demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the participants were obtained, anthropometric measurements were taken and used to calculate their body mass index (BMI). Data obtained were analyzed using SPPS version 20.0. Results: The result showed that 52% were females, 48% males and majority (80.3%) of the participants were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. About 83.8% were above 40 years old, 60% were overweight and 59.3% were observed not to adhere to dietary regime. The main reasons for non-adherence to diet were eating out (41.1%), financial constraints (24.1%), inappropriate dietary habit (14.5%) and poor self-control (10.3%).  About 84% of the participants agreed that diet and exercise could improve and maintain their glycemic control. Conclusion: The rate of non-adherence to dietary recommendations was high among the study population. Diabetes education is needed to improve dietary habits to ensure good nutritional status and prevent complications.Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, diet, adherence, body mass inde

    Effect of packaging materials on nutrients, phytochemicals and sensory attributes of Moinmoin

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    Objective: The effect of packaging materials on nutrients, phytochemicals and sensory attributes of moinmoin cooked and wrapped with nylon, banana, and moinmoin leaves (Thaumatococcus danielli) were investigated.Methods: Samples were subjected to sensory, chemical and instrumental analysis for proximate, minerals and phytochemical composition. Chemical analysis was carried out according to AOAC methods . While atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) was used for mineral determination.Results: The result of the nutrient composition revealed that moinmoin packaged in nylon have higher protein content (25.42-26.23%), and fat content (12.29-13.619%) compared to those packed in leaves. Although there was increase in values of Na, Ca and Mg in moinmoin wrapped and cooked with nylon but moinmoin packed with banana leaf have higher values than other packaging materials. Phytate, oxalate and alkaloid were significantly higher in samples wrapped with leaves compared to samples in nylon. Moinmoin prepared with palm oil and wrapped with nylon was significantly different (p<0.05) in terms of colour and flavour from others and were the most preferred.Conclusion: Therefore, processors and local food handlers should work toward conserving the nutrients composition of foods through proper selection or right local or modern packaging materials. This can protect food from packaging material chemicals that may leach and alter nutrient contents and sensory attributes of these foods.Keywords: Packaging materials, Nutrients, Phytochemicals, Sensory Attribute

    Effects of Sorghum bicolor, Carica papaya and Hibiscus sabdariffa leaves extracts on some haematological indices of cyclophosphamide-induced anaemic albino rats

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    Background: Medicinal plants and herbs are one of the crucial components as far as the contribution of biodiversity to society is concerned Objective: The Effects of Sorghum bicolor, Carica papaya and Hibiscus sabdariffa leaves extracts on some of Cyclophosphamide-Induced anaemic Albino rats were investigated.Methods: Aqueous extracts of 500 g of each of the pulverized leaves was obtained. Forty non-drug treatment adult male albino rats were randomly allotted to 8 groups of five rats each based on body weight with differences in weight did not exceeding 5g. Anaemia was induced in the rats using cyclophosphamide and 2ml of the blood sample was collected from the retro-bulba plexus of the median canthus of the eye of the rat for biochemical analysis. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Duncan Studentised New Multiple Range Test were used to separate and compare means. The differences in means were considered significant at 5% probability.Results: The group treated with 400mg/kg body weight Carica papaya had the highest (106.43%) increase in packed cell volume and 88.70% haemoglobin concentration. The group treated with 800mg/kg body weight Hibiscus sabdariffa had the highest (107.24%) increase in red blood cell count. There was moderate decrease in the white blood cell (WBC) count of the rats. The group treated with 400mg/kg body weight Hibiscus sabdariffa had the highest decrease (41.77%) in WBC. Dosage of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000mg of the extracts had no fatal effect on the rats.Conclusion: The Sorghum bicolor, Carica papaya and Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf extracts would be beneficial in boosting blood volume and presents alternative to high cost management of nutritional anaemia.Keywords: Sorghum bicolor, Carica papaya, Hibiscus sabdariffa, anaemi

    Blood Pressure Patterns, Stress Assessment and Anthropometric Characteristics of Health Workers in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: Globally, the burden of cardio-metabolic diseases especially obesity, hypertension, diabetes is rapidly increasing, and the African continent is most affected region in the world.Objective: The study assessed the blood pressure patterns, stress assessment and anthropometric characteristics of health workers in Jos university teaching hospital, Jos, NigeriaMethods: Apparently healthy 283 staff was randomly selected. Structured questionnaire, anthropometric instruments and digital sphygmomanometer were used to source information from the respondents. Obesity, blood pressurepatterns and stress assessment of the respondents were assessed in according to WHO standard and International Stress Management Association (ISMA) respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square. In all cases, a probability of (<0.05) were taken to indicates level of significanceResults: The mean age of the respondents was 36.72 ± 9.47years. More females (68%) participated in the study than males (32%). Only (21.6%) of the respondents drink alcohol, 2.5% smoke cigarette, 65% did not engage in physical exercise while 18.1% eat late at night. Prevalence of Overweight/Obesity as determined by abnormal values for BMI, WC, WHR, BIA and WHtR were 48.9%, 31.1%, 43.1%, 65% and 71.4% respectively while 30.1% had a raised blood pressure,more than half (69.9%) of the respondents were either moderately or highly stressed. Significant difference was found in age, nature of work and parents with chronic Diseasesacross the gender (p<0.05).Conclusion: Overweight, obesity, moderate stress level and high blood pressure were prevalent among the health workers. Obesity was the risk factor of high blood pressure among them. Keywords: Hypertension, obesity, stress, health workers, alcoho

    Nutrients and antioxidants composition of complementary foods produced from brown local rice, soybean, and tiger nut supplemented with orange-fleshed sweet potato

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    Background: Infants care and feeding practices have a major effect on short term and long term nutritional status of children as most of malnutrition is associated with faltering growth that occur  during the period complementary feeding. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the nutrients and antioxidants composition of complementary food produced from brown local rice, soybean and tiger nut supplemented with orange fleshed sweet potato Materials and methods: Raw materials and other ingredients used for this study were purchased from Ojakoko in Owo Local Government, Ondo State. Four samples were formulated using brown local rice, soyabean, tigernut and orange flesh sweet potato in different ratios (70:60:50:40, 20:20: 20:20, 5:10:15:20, and 5:10:15:20), respectively. The samples were labeled as RSTO1, RSTO2, RSTO3, and RSTO4. A commercial food was used as control (D). Samples were subjected to chemical analysis according to standard methods. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 22). ANOVA was used to test for the significant difference among means at P<0.05. Results: Finding shows that moisture, crude fibre, fat and protein were significantly (p<0.05) higher in sample RSTO3 but, protein content was lower than the value in the control Sample RSTO1 had the highest carbohydrate and ash content among the samples. Vitamin B3, B6 and B9 are significantly (p<0.05) higher in Sample RSTO4, RSTO3, andRSTO1. All the samples have appreciable amount of beta-carotene, flavonoid, total phenol, sodium, calcium and potassium. Sample RSTO3 was exceptionally high in minerals but significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of the control except for copper and magnesium.  Conclusion: The formulated complementary foods had improved nutrients and antioxidants which can support optimal growth of undernourished children and other age-groups