8 research outputs found

    Community planning as a solution for the challenges of the spatial development

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    One of the weakness points of the Hungarian local development practice is that the participants of the development are not able to recognize the problems of the specific area, the objectives of the community. One of the methods of the regional development is to involve "external" experts, which has several disadvantages like the collected information are centralized in one hand and the decisions are made in that way, so not all of the local actors’ expectations are realized in the final plan. The base of the community planning is the early participation of the local actors in planning process. Hereby the community interests and goals are able to integrate into the final plan. The advantage of this type of planning is that all participants agree on the process and is committed to its implementation. In our research we intended to lit up the advantages of the planning methods as well as the difficulties during their application. Based on the information accumulated, it seems that the community planning requires more energy but still, the development which can be achieved is more successful


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    Az elmĂșlt Ă©vekben folyamatosan növekedett hazĂĄnkban a turisztikai utazĂĄsok Ă©s vendĂ©gek szĂĄma, ami ĂĄltal jelentƑsen nƑttek a turizmusbĂłl szĂĄrmazĂł bevĂ©telek. SzĂĄmos esetben a kisebb- vidĂ©ki telepĂŒlĂ©sek kitörĂ©si pontnak vĂ©lik az endogĂ©n erƑforrĂĄsokra alapozott turizmus mƱködtetĂ©sĂ©t, ami rĂ©vĂ©n lekĂŒzdhetƑek a gazdasĂĄgi, terĂŒleti kĂŒlönbsĂ©gek. TanulmĂĄnyunkban többfĂ©le mĂłdszert alkalmazva vizsgĂĄljuk az ĂĄgazathoz kapcsolĂłdĂł terĂŒleti egyenlƑtlensĂ©geket, valamint kĂŒlön elemezzĂŒk az ezer fƑ alatti telepĂŒlĂ©sek turisztikai lehetƑsĂ©geit.</jats:p

    Community planning as a solution for the challenges of the spatial development

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    One of the weakness points of the Hungarian local development practice is that the participants of the development are not able to recognize the problems of the specific area, the objectives of the community. One of the methods of the regional development is to involve "external" experts, which has several disadvantages like the collected information are centralized in one hand and the decisions are made in that way, so not all of the local actors’ expectations are realized in the final plan. The base of the community planning is the early participation of the local actors in planning process. Hereby the community interests and goals are able to integrate into the final plan. The advantage of this type of planning is that all participants agree on the process and is committed to its implementation. In our research we intended to lit up the advantages of the planning methods as well as the difficulties during their application. Based on the information accumulated, it seems that the community planning requires more energy but still, the development which can be achieved is more successful

    A mezƑgazdasĂĄg 4.0 jelensĂ©gĂ©nek vizsgĂĄlata Ă©s lehetsĂ©ges trendjei = The overview of the concept of agriculture 4.0 and its possible ways of innovation

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    A MezƑgazdasĂĄg 4.0 egy az ipari fejlƑdĂ©s törtĂ©netĂ©bƑl ĂĄtvett kifejezĂ©s, amely arra utal, hogy a fejlƑdĂ©störtĂ©netben korĂĄbbi szakaszaiban mindig egy-kĂ©t jelentƑs technolĂłgiai innovĂĄciĂł ĂĄllt a közĂ©ppontban, amely hosszĂștĂĄvon meghatĂĄrozta a szektor fejlƑdĂ©sĂ©t. A jelen mezƑgazdasĂĄgĂĄnak esetĂ©ben ezt a technolĂłgiai fejlƑdĂ©st a digitalizĂĄciĂł Ă©s az adatalapĂș gazdĂĄlkodĂĄs megjelenĂ©se jelenti. A mezƑgazdasĂĄgi fejlƑdĂ©s egyes szakaszai egymĂĄsra Ă©pĂŒlnek, elƑbbi elterjedĂ©se nĂ©lkĂŒl nem beszĂ©lhetĂŒnk az azt követƑ megjelenĂ©sĂ©rƑl sem: azaz a szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pes rendszerek Ă©s a precĂ­ziĂłs gazdĂĄlkodĂĄs nĂ©lkĂŒl, az adatalapĂș gazdĂĄlkodĂĄs megjelenĂ©se sem lehetsĂ©ges. A mindennapi gazdĂĄlkodĂĄs sorĂĄn hasznĂĄlt adatok kĂŒlönbözƑ csoportokba oszthatĂłak, azonban ezek egy, integrĂĄlt rendszerben valĂł tĂĄrolĂĄsa, illetve megfelelƑ mĂłdszerekkel törtĂ©nƑ feldolgozĂĄsa megkönnyĂ­ti a gazdĂĄlkodĂĄst, a piaci versenyben elƑnyhöz juttatja a gazdĂĄlkodĂłt. Az adatalapĂș gazdĂĄlkodĂĄst a korĂĄbbi innovĂĄciĂłk terjedĂ©sĂ©vel összehasonlĂ­tva az lĂĄtszik, hogy egy Ășj technolĂłgiai fejlƑdĂ©si ciklus korai szakaszĂĄban vagyunk. A 4.0 szakaszban a rendszerek fƑ funkciĂłja a döntĂ©stĂĄmogatĂĄs, de vĂĄrthatĂłan a következƑ szinten döntĂ©shozatalban is nagyobb funkciĂłjuk lesz majd. | Agriculture 4.0 is a term borrowed from the history of industrial development, which refers to the fact that in the earlier stages of the history, every time a few significant technological innovations were at the center of the process, which determined the long-term development of the sector. In the case of today's agriculture, this technological development is represented by digitization and the appearance of data-based decision-making management. Some stages of agricultural development are based on each other, without the spread of the former, we cannot talk about the appearance of the subsequent one either: without computer systems and precision farming, the appearance of databased farming is also impossible. The data used in everyday farming can be divided into different groups but storing them in an integrated system and processing them with suitable methods makes farming easier and gives the farmer an advantage in market. Comparing data-based management with the spread of previous innovations, a conclusion can be drawn: we are in the early stages of a new technological development cycle. At the stage 4.0, the main function of these systems is supporting decision making, but it is expected that they will play a greater role in decision-making at the next level