918 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation of Combustion in the Ironmaking Blast Furnace Raceway

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    As almost all conversion of raw iron ore to pig iron at the start of the ironmaking process currently takes place in a blast furnace, these furnaces remain a critical component in the iron and steelmaking industry. Enhancements in the efficiency of blast furnace operation have a significant effect on industrial energy consumption, as the process represents nearly 70% of the total energy consumption of the iron and steelmaking process. Over the past several decades, auxiliary fuel injection has been adopted as a method of reducing the total amount of coke necessary for furnace operation. Coke making is both energy intensive and environmentally unfriendly, and as such, any reduction in coke usage by the blast furnace is positive for the iron and steelmaking industry. However, the intricate variations in blast furnace raceway conditions and injected fuel combustion characteristics due to the method and conditions at which auxiliary fuels are injected into the furnace are still not fully understood. The goal of this research is to utilize computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to provide a deeper level of understanding of the complex relationships between blast furnace injection system designs and operating conditions on the combustion processes and phenomena within the raceway. In this vein, a multi-stage 3-D CFD model has been developed and applied to simulate combustion phenomena within several industrial blast furnace raceway regions. The three primary components of focus in this research are the tuyere and injection apparatus, raceway formation, and raceway combustion. A comprehensive CFD methodology for simulation operating conditions and combustion within the blast furnace raceway has been developed. This methodology utilizes CFD modeling to simulate conditions within the raceway region. A revised raceway formation model has been developed to better correspond to industrial observations, and new methodology for analysis and presentation of simulation results from these models have been developed. The models have been validated against industrial observation and measurements from three currently operating industrial blast furnaces. The models have also been utilized to examine varied operating conditions in the aforementioned furnaces. Two new methods of exploring raceway gas temperature using simulation modeling were developed in this research, namely a Topographical Flame Temperature (TOFT) and a Raceway Adiabatic Flame Temperature (RAFT) analogue. These methods allow for both better validation of computational modeling results against industrial observation and measurement, as well as providing a new path to explore raceway gas temperature distribution under unique conditions, including extremely high natural gas injection rates, which may present potential for significantly improving the economic and operational efficiency of the furnace. The analyses of industry blast furnaces provide significant insight into the effects of injection conditions and apparatus designs upon combustion characteristics and reaction phenomena within the raceway. Previously unexplored novel fuel injection techniques were explored within this research, and simulations have indicated that injected fuel burnout rates could be improved by as much as 23% in specific scenarios and production could be increased by roughly 2.5%. While a switch to these injection techniques may pose some difficulties in practice, industrial project partners have already begun trials for implementation on a full-scale furnace. Finally, this modeling revealed significant potential benefits to blast furnace operation through modification of natural gas and pulverized coal injection locations, pulverized coal carrier gas type, injection lance tip design, and other parameters. While these exact parameters cannot be implemented identically across all plant furnaces, they provide a baseline of fundamental understanding from which furnace operators and engineers can draw in their ongoing attempts to optimize combustion efficiency and reduce operational expenditures

    The Evolution of Development Associations in Infrastructure Development in Nigeria: (The Ilawe Society Experience)

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    Infrastructure is refers to those basic services without which primary, secondary and tertiary productive activities cannot function, this includes schools, water supply, electricity supply, roads and town halls among others. The purpose of the study was to highlight the history and urbanization process of Ilawe-Ekiti as well as the Development Associations in infrastructure development in Nigeria. The research survey method was adopted for use in this study. Questionnaire was used in collecting relevant information from the authority of the Ekiti South-West LGC officials and the developments associations. The findings revealed that problems encounter by the development associations ranges from low level of participations, economics and political crisis, funding and logistics problems. Finally the paper calls on encouragement of peoples/community participation toward the development of communities as well as locating cooperative banks which should be directed to give loan to the development associations. Keywords: Development Associations, Infrastructure Development, Participation, Ilawe-Ekiti, Nigeria


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    Infrastructure is refers to those basic services without which primary, secondary and tertiary productive activities cannot function, this includes schools, water supply, electricity supply, roads and town halls among others. The purpose of the study was to highlight the history and urbanization process of Ilawe-Ekiti as well as the Development Associations in infrastructure development in Nigeria. The research survey method was adopted for use in this study. Questionnaire was used in collecting relevant information from the authority of the Ekiti South-West LGC officials and the developments associations. The findings revealed that problems encounter by the development associations ranges from low level of participations, economics and political crisis, funding and logistics problems. Finally the paper calls on encouragement of peoples/community participation toward the development of communities as well as locating cooperative banks which should be directed to give loan to the development associations. However, the two tiers of government, (local and state) particularly the LG that supposed to be grassroots-based, should identify these DAs, streamline their activities and provide adequate supervision, motivation, monitoring, coordination, and evaluation of their projects to support development.   Keywords: Development Associations, Infrastructure Development, Participation, Ilawe-Ekiti, Nigeria

    Market Condition and Regional Development Planning in Ekiti-State, South Western Nigeria

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    A market is a geographical space that facilitates trade and enable the distribution and allocation of resources in a society, whereby parties engage in exchange of goods and services which promotes production, distribution and consumption activities and improve the welfare and social life of the people. The purpose of this study is to assess the types and condition of the market facilities in Ikere, Ise/Orun and Emure region of Ekiti state, South Western Nigeria with a view to enhancing the economic development of the study area. This study adopted the survey research method, and used three different questionnaires to collect research data from the Local Government authorities, market authorities and the market traders in the study area. The findings among others revealed that the facilities provided for the market traders are grossly inadequate and the existing market facilities are in bad conditions. Further findings reveal that the condition of most facilities in the markets was dilapidated and had not been adequately maintained; which is affecting the level of patronage of the markets. In view of the these findings, there were need to improve the market facilities and conditions through additional provision and maintenance of the existing markets. It was also suggested that private management firm should be responsible for the inspection and general maintenance of the entire market in the study area. Keywords: Condition, Ekiti-State, Market, Module, Regional Developmen

    A Module on Market Condition and Regional Development Planning in Ekiti-State, South Western Nigeria

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    A market place is a geographical space that facilitates trade and enables the distribution and allocation of resources in a society, whereby parties engage in exchange of goods and services which promotes production, promotion, distribution, and consumption activities and improve the welfare and social life of the people. The purpose of the study was is to assess the types and conditions of the markets facilities in Ikere, Ise/Orun and Emure region of Ekiti state, Nigeria with a view to enhancing the economic development of the study area. This study adopted the survey research method, and used three different questionnaires to collect research data from the authority in Ikere, Ise/Orun and Emure Local Government Councils of Ekiti State, Market authorities in Ikere, Ise/Orun and Emure LG Councils of Ekiti State and the market traders in the study area which is the main focus of this study. The findings among others revealed that the facilities provided for the market traders are grossly inadequate, while the existing market facilities are in bad conditions. However, the condition of most facilities in the markets was dilapidated and had not been adequately maintained, which is affecting the level of patronage of the markets in Ekiti State. In view of the findings, there were need to improve the market facilities and conditions through additional provision and maintenance of the existing markets; private management firm should be responsible for the inspections and general maintenance of the entire market in the study area. Keywords: Condition, Market, Module, Planning, Regional Developmen

    Liquid biopsy in lymphoma: Is it primed for clinical translation?

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    The simultaneous growth in our understanding of lymphoma biology and the burgeoning therapeutic options has come with a renewed drive for precision-based approaches and how best to incorporate them into contemporary and future patient care. In the hunt for accurate and sensitive biomarkers, liquid biopsies, particularly circulating tumour DNA, have come to the forefront as a promising tool in multiple cancer types including lymphomas, with considerable implications for clinical practice. Liquid biopsy analyses could supplement existing tissue biopsies with distinct advantages including the minimally invasive nature and the ease with which it can be repeated during a patient's clinical journey. Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) analyses has been and continues to be evaluated across lymphoma subtypes with potential applications as a diagnostic, disease monitoring and treatment selection tool. To make the leap into the clinic, these assays must demonstrate accuracy, reliability and a quick turnaround to be employed in the real-time clinical management of lymphoma patients. Here, we review the available ctDNA assays and discuss key practical and technical issues around improving sensitivity. We then focus on their potential roles in several lymphoma subtypes exemplified by recent studies and provide a glimpse of different features that can be analysed beyond ctDNA

    Effect of Oral Vitamin E on Serum Lipid Profile of Apparently Healthy Nigerians in Benin City

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of oral vitamin E on serum lipid profile of Apparently Healthy Nigerians in Benin CityMethods: Fifty eight apparently healthy non-smoking males aged 30 - 59 years were randomly selected from Benin metropolis and were divided in three groups. The effect of oral vitamin E (a potent antioxidant) supplementation in various dosages 100 mg/day,200 mg/day and 400 mg/day for 21 days on Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, High Density Lipoprotein, Low Density Lipoprotein and Very low Density Lipoprotein was examined.Results: The serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein of the subjects showed a decrease which was not statistically significant (p > 0.05) after treatment with various doses of oral vitamin E.Conclusion: The effect of oral vitamin E on blood lipids is not significant when administered alone to healthy male subjects. This may be due to the function of α- tocopherol (vitamin E) as a pro-oxidant in the formation of lipid radical via α- tocopherol mediated pathway.Keywords: Atherosclerosis, Pro-oxidant, Vitamin E, Antioxidants, Lipid profile, Dyslipidaemi