7,556 research outputs found

    Organometalic carbosilane polymers containing vanadium and their preparation

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    The present invention concerns a new organometallic polymer material containing in part a vanadium-siloxane linkage (V-0-Si), which has excellent resistance to heat and oxidation and a high residue ratio after high temperature treatment in a non-oxidizing atmosphere, for example, nitrogen, argon, helium, ammonia, or hydrogen

    Precision oncology: the intention-to-treat analysis fallacy.

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    It has recently been suggested that precision oncology studies should be reanalysed using the intention-to-treat (ITT) methodology developed for randomized controlled clinical trials. This reanalysis dramatically decreases response rates in precision medicine studies. We contend that the ITT analysis of precision oncology trials is invalid. The ITT methodology was developed three decades ago to mitigate the problems of randomized trials, which try to ensure that both arms have an unselected patient population free from confounders. In contrast, precision oncology trials specifically select patients for confounders (that is biomarkers) that predict response. To demonstrate the issues inherent in an ITT reanalysis for precision cancer medicine studies, we take as an example the drug larotrectinib (TRK inhibitor) approved because of remarkable responses in malignancies harbouring NTRK fusions. Based on large-scale studies, NTRK fusions are found in ~0.31% of tumours. In a non-randomized pivotal study of larotrectinib, 75% of the 55 treated patients responded. Based upon the prevalence of NTRK fusions, ~18,000 patients would need to be screened to enrol the 55 treated patients. Utilizing the ITT methodology, the revised response rate to larotrectinib would be 0.23%. This is, of course, a dramatic underestimation of the efficacy of this now Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drug. Similar issues can be shown for virtually any biomarker-based precision clinical trial. Therefore, retrofitting the ITT analysis developed for unselected patient populations in randomized trials yields misleading conclusions in precision medicine studies

    Renormalization-group and numerical analysis of a noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in 1+1 dimensions

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    The long-wavelength properties of a noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation in 1+1 dimensions are investigated by use of the dynamic renormalization group (RG) and direct numerical simulations. It is shown that the noisy KS equation is in the same universality class as the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in the sense that they have scale invariant solutions with the same scaling exponents in the long-wavelength limit. The RG analysis reveals that the RG flow for the parameters of the noisy KS equation rapidly approach the KPZ fixed point with increasing the strength of the noise. This is supplemented by the numerical simulations of the KS equation with a stochastic noise, in which the scaling behavior of the KPZ equation can be easily observed even in the moderate system size and time.Comment: 12pages, 7figure

    Fast computation of MadGraph amplitudes on graphics processing unit (GPU)

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    Continuing our previous studies on QED and QCD processes, we use the graphics processing unit (GPU) for fast calculations of helicity amplitudes for general Standard Model (SM) processes. Additional HEGET codes to handle all SM interactions are introduced, as well assthe program MG2CUDA that converts arbitrary MadGraph generated HELAS amplitudess(FORTRAN) into HEGET codes in CUDA. We test all the codes by comparing amplitudes and cross sections for multi-jet srocesses at the LHC associated with production of single and double weak bosonss a top-quark pair, Higgs boson plus a weak boson or a top-quark pair, and multisle Higgs bosons via weak-boson fusion, where all the heavy particles are allowes to decay into light quarks and leptons with full spin correlations. All the helicity amplitudes computed by HEGET are found to agree with those comsuted by HELAS within the expected numerical accuracy, and the cross sections obsained by gBASES, a GPU version of the Monte Carlo integration program, agree wish those obtained by BASES (FORTRAN), as well as those obtained by MadGraph. The performance of GPU was over a factor of 10 faster than CPU for all processes except those with the highest number of jets.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Method for producing heat-resistant semi-inorganic compounds

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    The method for producing a heat resistant, semi-inorganic compound is discussed. Five examples in which various alcohols, phenols, and aromatic carbonic acids are used to test heat resistance and solubility are provided

    A simple method for the Kramers-Kronig analysis of reflectance spectra measured with diamond anvil cell

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    When the optical reflectance spectrum of a sample under high pressure is studied with a diamond anvil cell, it is measured at a sample/diamond interface. Due to the large refractive index of diamond, the resulting reflectance Rd(w) may substantially differ from that measured in vacuum. To obtain optical constants from Rd(w), therefore, the usual Kramers-Kronig (KK) transform cannot be straightforwardly applied, and either a spectral fitting or a modified KK transform has been used. Here we describe an alternative method to perform KK analysis on Rd(w). This method relies on the usual KK transform with an appropriate cutoff and extrapolation to Rd(w), and may offer a simpler approach to obtain infrared conductivity from measured Rd(w).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of 6th WIRMS Conference (J. Phys. Conf. Ser.

    Mirror effect induced by the dilaton field on the Hawking radiation

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    We discuss the string creation in the near-extremal NS1 black string solution. The string creation is described by an effective field equation derived from a fundamental string action coupled to the dilaton field in a conformally invariant manner. In the non-critical string model the dilaton field causes a timelike mirror surface outside the horizon when the size of the black string is comparable to the Planck scale. Since the fundamental strings are reflected by the mirror surface, the negative energy flux does not propagate across the surface. This means that the evaporation stops just before the naked singularity of the extremal black string appears even though the surface gravity is non-zero in the extremal limit.Comment: 15 page

    Number Density of Bright Lyman-Break Galaxies at z~6 in the Subaru Deep Field

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    We report on the bright Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) selected in a 767 arcmin^2 area of the Subaru Deep Field. The selection is made in the i-zR vs zB-zR plane, where zB and zR are new bandpasses with a central wavelength of 8842A and 9841A, respectively. This set of bandpasses enables us to separate well z~6 LBGs from foreground galaxies and Galactic cool stars. We detect 12 LBG candidates down to zR=25.4, and calculate the normalization of the rest-frame far-ultraviolet (FUV: 1400A) luminosity function at MFUV = -21.6 to be \phi(-21.6) = (2.6+/-0.7) x 10^{-5} mag^{-1} Mpc^{-3}. This must be the most reliable measurement ever obtained of the number density of bright z~6 LBGs, because it is more robust against both contamination and cosmic variance than previous values. The FUV luminosity density contributed from LBGs brighter than MFUV = -21.3 is (2.8+/-0.8) x 10^{24} ergs/s/Hz/Mpc^3, which is equivalent to a star formation rate density of (3.5+/-1.0) x 10^{-4} Msun/yr/Mpc^3. Combining our measurement with those at z<6 in the literature, we find that the FUV luminosity density of bright galaxies increases by an order of magnitude from z~6 to z~3 and then drops by 10^3 from z~3 to the present epoch, while the evolution of the total luminosity density is much milder. The evolutionary behavior of bright LBGs resembles that of luminous dusty star-forming galaxies and bright QSOs. The redshift of z~3 appears to be a remarkable era in the cosmic history when massive galaxies were being intensively formed.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for PASJ, a high resolution version is available at http://hikari.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~shima/z6LBGs