254 research outputs found

    Analyzing Cybersecurity-related Articles in Japan's English Language Online Newspapers

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    Globalization has connected the nations of the world in a way never seen before. Happenings or events in one nation has the potential to impact other nations also. By collecting and analyzing cybersecurity-related articles from three major national newspapers of Japan, this research is trying to find out and understand Japan’s newspaper reporting on the cybersecurity issue. Content analysis of those cybersecurity-related articles is used to find critical themes and patterns. The content analysis found that the contention over 5G between the U.S. and China is the most critical issue in Japanese newspapers. From an international relations perspective, the issue between the U.S. and China over 5G is an adverse event represented in newspapers with words such as tussle, tech-war, and contention, but by performing sentiment analysis (content-based analysis) on the articles only related to Huawei, this research tried to find how machine categorize this issue. Then this research critically analyzed the whole 5G war between the U.S. and China and what is Japan’s perspective on it

    Distant Location Selection Using Genetic Algorithm for Live Migration Method in OpenFlow Networks

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    In the last decade, the massive undersea earthquake and Tsunami occurred in Taiwan on Tuesday December 26, 2006 and Japan on Friday March 11, 2011. Those natural disasters had affected the telecommunication in the worldwide. They disrupted the infrastructures including not only Internet services but also business and financial transactions. Thus, keeping the system and functions alive are particularly crucial to many organizations relying on them. Migration is one of the solutions to keep the systems alive. This paper introduces a migration technique to migrate network systems from origin sites to other remote sites. We propose a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach to solve shortest path problems for selecting the best possible remote site prior to initiate a migration. Network virtualization in OpenFlow technology is particularly valuable in the implementation to relocate the systems by using network segmentation technique

    Openflow Path Fast Failover Fast Convergence Mechanism

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    Whenever there is a link failure in the network, OpenFlow controller can react by computing a new backup path and provide the information to the affected node or the node can switch to backup path locally using the predefined backup path table provided by the OpenFlow controller. Setting predefined backup paths, results in a faster network rerouting time compared to backup path that establish on demand. However, it may lead to the use of sub-optimal backup path. In this paper, we present a fast and efficient failover mechanism for redirecting traffic flows to more optimal backup path when there is a link failure or congestion problem. We introduce a switch flow entry expiry mechanism to immediately reroute traffic to backup path to reduce the network restoration time. To update the switch with more optimal path information, the controller require a round trip to the network and this can introduce to slow network convergence. We proposed a local pre-calculated path dataset mechanism in Openflow controller to allow fast network convergence

    GA for Popularity Based Cache Management in ICN

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    One paragraph only. Information Centric Networks (ICNs) is a new architecture for the Future Internet to deliver content at large-scale. It relies on named data and caching features, which consists of storing content across the delivery path to serve forthcoming requests. In this paper, we study the problem of finding the optimal assignment of popular contents in the available caches storage in ICN. We formulate this problem as a combinatorial optimization problem. Metaheuristic methods are considered as effective methods for solving this problem. We will adapt cache management system based on GA for solving the considered problem in order to minimize overall network overhead

    Evaluation of OpenFlow's Enhancements

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    This paper shows our proposed design and discusses in more details about the evaluation of our two enhancements to the current OpenFlow technology [11]. OpenFlow is a promising future internet enabling technology that has a great potential to improve the current Internet by providing new functionalities and a new control scheme, and thus, enabling new smarter applications to be created. Our study aims to provide OpenFlow with two new features; network equipment to equipment flow installation (Ne-Ne FI), and a new type of proactive flows. Through which we aim to extend OpenFlow’s usability, by making it more self-aware and traffic-aware, by relieving some of the load off the OpenFlow controller, and by providing OpenFlow controller with a relaxed method to support flows with strict timing requirements

    Improvement of Content Server with Contents Anycasting Using OpenFlow

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    In this paper, we show our design and implementation method ofcontents anycasting using OpenFlow that is a promising future internet enabling technology. This method aims to improve the content server by enabling it serve more clients, also this method aims to make a more efficient use of the overall bandwidth available in the network by providing more flexible and dynamic redirection of contents that is done with the help of OpenFlow's new potential abilities and thus giving new opportunities to the future internet that are currently not available. This method relies on three important ideas which are; the content based networking, decision making by the network in a similar manner to anycast and the participation of user clients in providing the service. All this is done using the newly invented OpenFlow. It is done through some modifications to the content server and client, thus imposing small changes to the application layer

    Wider Adaptation and Enhancement of OpenFlow

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    This paper shows our design of three enhancements to the current OpenFlow technology. OpenFlow is a promising future internet enabling technology that has a great potential to improve the current Internet by providing new functionalities and a new control scheme and thus enabling new smarter applications to be created. Our study aims to provide OpenFlow with three new features; network equipment to equipment flow installation, low level header description, and a new type of inactive flows. Through which we aim to extend OpenFlow’s usability, by making it more self-aware and traffic-aware, by relieving some of the load off the OpenFlow controller, by enabling it to have the ability to forward and manipulate user defined protocol headers, and by providing OpenFlow with a method to support flows with strict timing requirements. Those modifications are proposed as a step forward towards encouraging a wider adoption of OpenFlow as an easily programed flow-based network technology that holds a great potential as a future Internet technology that can support newer and smarter class of applications

    On the Mechanical Disintegration of Metal by a Stamp Mill

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    A disintegration experiment was made on some metals of different property by using a stamp mill, which was especially designed by one of the authors for the present work. The relationships between the work and the time, the mechanical property and the size of the material, and between the particle size distribution of the disintegrated product and the disintegrating time, were studied. The microscopic observation was also carried out on the all of the products during disintegration. On the basis of the experimental results the disintegration process and mechanism were considered

    A greedy ant colony forwarding algorithm for Named Data Networking

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    The Named Data Networking (NDN) is a newly proposed Internet architecture based on Content-Centric Networking, which transforms data, instead of hosts, into a first-class entity. However, one of the major challenges is supporting intelligent forwarding of Interests over multiple paths while allowing an unbounded name space. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a Greedy Ant Colony Forwarding (GACF) algorithm which uses the ISP-based aggregation to reduce the content naming space. There are two kinds of ants in GACF. One is Hello Ant which is used to discover the all possible paths and optimize them; the other is Normal Ant which is used to get data and reinforce the optimization of the paths simultaneously. The GACF algorithm is a Quality of Service aware forwarding algorithm. It adaptively reduces the impacts incited by the dynamic complex network

    A Joint Network Coding and Scheduling Algorithm in Wireless Network

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    Network coding (NC) is an emerging technique of packet forwarding thatencodes packets at relay node in order to increase network throughput. It is understoodthat the performance of NC is strongly dependent on the physical layer as well as theMAC layer, and greedy coding method may in fact reduce the network throughputowing to the reduction in the spatial reuse. In this paper, we propose a NC-awarescheduling method combining link aggregation to improve the network throughput byconsidering the interplay between NC and spatial reuse. Simulation resultsdemonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed link aggregation method compared withthe unicast transmission model