92 research outputs found

    2D Bayesian automated tilted-ring fitting of disk galaxies in large HI galaxy surveys: 2DBAT

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    We present a novel algorithm based on a Bayesian method for 2D tilted-ring analysis of disk galaxy velocity fields. Compared to the conventional algorithms based on a chi-squared minimisation procedure, this new Bayesian-based algorithm suffers less from local minima of the model parameters even with highly multi-modal posterior distributions. Moreover, the Bayesian analysis, implemented via Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling, only requires broad ranges of posterior distributions of the parameters, which makes the fitting procedure fully automated. This feature will be essential when performing kinematic analysis on the large number of resolved galaxies expected to be detected in neutral hydrogen (HI) surveys with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its pathfinders. The so-called '2D Bayesian Automated Tilted-ring fitter' (2DBAT) implements Bayesian fits of 2D tilted-ring models in order to derive rotation curves of galaxies. We explore 2DBAT performance on (a) artificial HI data cubes built based on representative rotation curves of intermediate-mass and massive spiral galaxies, and (b) Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) HI data from the Local Volume HI Survey (LVHIS). We find that 2DBAT works best for well-resolved galaxies with intermediate inclinations (20 deg < i < 70 deg), complementing three-dimensional techniques better suited to modelling inclined galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 46 pages, 33 figure

    Structure and Kinematics of the Nearby Dwarf Galaxy UGCA 105

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    Owing to their shallow stellar potential, dwarf galaxies possess thick gas disks, which makes them good candidates for studies of the galactic vertical kinematical structure. We present 21 cm line observations of the isolated nearby dwarf irregular galaxy UGCA 105, taken with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), and analyse the geometry of its neutral hydrogen (HI) disk and its kinematics. The galaxy shows a fragmented HI distribution. It is more extended than the optical disk, and hence allows one to determine its kinematics out to very large galacto-centric distances. The HI kinematics and morphology are well-ordered and symmetric for an irregular galaxy. The HI is sufficiently extended to observe a substantial amount of differential rotation. Moreover, UGCA 105 shows strong signatures for the presence of a kinematically anomalous gas component. Performing tilted-ring modelling by use of the least-squares fitting routine TiRiFiC, we found that the HI disk of UGCA 105 has a moderately warped and diffuse outermost part. Probing a wide range of parameter combinations, we succeeded in modelling the data cube as a disk with a strong vertical gradient in rotation velocity (60kms1kpc1\approx -60\,\rm km\,s^{-1}\,kpc^{-1}), as well as vertically increasing inwards motion (70kms1kpc1\approx -70\,\rm km\,s^{-1}\,kpc^{-1}) within the radius of the stellar disk. The inferred radial gas inflow amounts to 0.06Myr10.06\,\rm M_\odot \rm yr^{-1}, which is similar to the star formation rate of the galaxy. The observed kinematics are hence compatible with direct or indirect accretion from the intergalactic medium, an extreme backflow of material that has formerly been expelled from the disk, or a combination of both.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    An HI study of the collisional ring galaxy NGC 922

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    We present new atomic hydrogen (HI) observations of the collisional ring galaxy NGC 922 obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Our observations reveal for the first time the vast extent of the HI disc of this galaxy. The HI morphology and kinematics of NGC 922 show that this galaxy is not the product of a simple drop-through interaction, but has a more complex interaction history. The integrated HI flux density of NGC 922 from our observations is 24.7 Jy km s1^{-1}, which is within the error of the flux value obtained using the 6464-m Parkes radio telescope. This flux density translates to a total HI mass of 1.110101.1*10^{10} M_{\circ} and corresponds to an HI to total mass fraction (MHI_{HI}/Mtot_{tot}) of approximately 0.110.11. The gaseous structures of NGC 922 are more extended to the north and include an HI tail that has a projected physical length of 88 kpc. Gas warps are also evident in the velocity field of NGC 922 and are more prominent on the approaching and the western side of the disc. In comparison with a large sample of star-forming galaxies in the local Universe, NGC 922 possesses a high gas fraction relative to galaxies with a similar stellar mass of ~1010.410^{10.4} M_{\circ}, and exhibits a high specific star formation rate.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, published in MNRA

    The Shape of LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Galaxies DDO 46 and DDO 168: Understanding the stellar and gas kinematics

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    We present the stellar and gas kinematics of DDO 46 and DDO 168 from the LITTLE THINGS survey and determine their respective Vmax/sigma_z,0 values. We used the KPNO's 4-meter telescope with the Echelle spectrograph as a long-slit spectrograph. We acquired spectra of DDO 168 along four position angles by placing the slit over the morphological major and minor axes and two intermediate position angles. However, due to poor weather conditions during our observing run for DDO 46, we were able to extract only one useful data point from the morphological major axis. We determined a central stellar velocity dispersion perpendicular to the disk, sigma_z,0, of 13.5+/-8 km/s for DDO 46 and of 10.7+/-2.9 km/s for DDO 168. We then derived the maximum rotation speed in both galaxies using the LITTLE THINGS HI data. We separated bulk motions from non-circular motions using a double Gaussian decomposition technique and applied a tilted-ring model to the bulk velocity field. We corrected the observed HI rotation speeds for asymmetric drift and found a maximum velocity, Vmax, of 77.4 +/- 3.7 and 67.4 +/- 4.0 km/s for DDO 46 and DDO 168, respectively. Thus, we derived a kinematic measure, Vmax/sigma_z,0, of 5.7 +/- 0.6 for DDO 46 and 6.3 +/- 0.3 for DDO 168. Comparing these values to ones determined for spiral galaxies, we find that DDO 46 and DDO 168 have Vmax/sigma_z,0 values indicative of thin disks, which is in contrast to minor-to-major axis ratio studies


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of specific muscle imbalance improvement training (SMIIT) on the balance ability. Subjects were 9 male national team fencers with 28.2±2.2 yrs, 182.3±4.0 cm, and 76.5±8.2 kg. The SMIIT included flexibility training, Pilates, muscle balance training and was conducted for 12 weeks with 4 times per week. As a result, there was no significant difference in COM dispersion among static balance maintaining abilities, but reduction in the COP dispersion was shown. In conclusion, SMIIT seemed to affect in improving dynamic balance maintaining abilities especially in non-dominant leg

    The Gas Phase in a Low Metallicity ISM

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    Original article can be found at: http://journals.cambridge.org/ Copyright International Astronomical Union. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921308024927We present several results from our analysis of dwarf irregular galaxies culled from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). We analyse the rotation curves of two galaxies based on “bulk” velocity fields, i.e. velocity maps from which random non–circular motions are removed. We confirm that their dark matter distribution is best fit by an isothermal halo model. We show that the star formation properties of dIrr galaxies resemble those of the outer parts of larger, spiral systems. Lastly, we study the large scale (3–D) distribution of the gas, and argue that the gas disk in dIrrs is thick, both in a relative, as well as in an absolute sense as compared to spirals. Massive star formation through subsequent supernova explosions is able to redistribute the bulk of the ISM, creating large cavities. These cavities are often larger, and longer–lived than in spiral galaxies.Peer reviewe