8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of cassava mash dewatering methods

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    Open Access JournalUsing different cassava maturity age of 9, 12 and 15 months, evaluation study was carried out on cassava mash dewatering methods. Dewatering tanks with square and cylindrical shapes were made with steel for the experiment. Pressure devices from screw bolts, hydraulic jack press and rope / stick methods were used to squeezed cassava juice from the mash in the tanks. TMS 4(2) 1425 variety of cassava was used. Cylindrical tank containing a 12 months old sample with hydraulic jack gave mash cake with moisture content of the sample at 44% wet basis in the shortest time

    Effect of filtrating medium resistance on cassava pulp dewatering

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    Open Access JournalCassava pulp dewatering by applying pressure on the grated pulp was carried out. Pulp particles were constrained while the liquid was free. The cassava pulp cake was compressed. Experimental equipment was designed to obtain the applied pressure from various devices and the final moisture content of resulting cake was compared. Hydraulic jack press reduced the moisture content of cake to the acceptable level for gari production at a pressure of 69000 N/m2 and to a moisture content of 40%- 45%wet basis, Pulp particles capable of creating resistances within the filtering medium were identified

    Strength and elastic properties of cassava tuber

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    In this study, some engineering properties of cassava tuber samples were determined experimentally under five moisture content levels of 70 %, 65 %, 60%, 55 %, and 50 %wet basis. The properties measured were tensile strength, compressive strength and elasticity. Three experimental tools were designed and fabricated using spring balance, hose-clips, and 12Volts motor with reels and rope for the investigations. The IITA improved cassava variety TMS 4(2) 1425 was used in the experiments. Results of the tests indicated that all the properties measured were influenced by the moisture contents of the tuber

    Cin茅tica del Secado de Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.).

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    Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is widely produced in West Africa and South America and is a great economic tree crop, with so many industrial uses. In this work, the experimental drying kinetics of foreign species was investigated, and the experiments were carried out under isothermal conditions, using heated batch drier at 55, 70 and 81 掳C. The moisture ratio data obtained from change of moisture content with the drying time was fit to two thin layer drying model with good results. A faster drying process was observed at a higher drying temperature resulting in higher drying rates which is advantageous when evaluating costs. Fick鈥檚 second law of diffusion was used to predict effective diffusivity using experimental data assuming that the variation of diffusivity with temperature can be expressed by an Arrhenius type function, and the values of diffusivity obtained ranged from 6.137 x 10-10 to 2.1855 x 10-9 m2s-1 for the temperature used. The Arrhenius constant (D) is predicted at 8.64 x 10-4 m2s-1 while the activation energy was predicted at 39.94 kJ mol-1.El cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) es ampliamente producido en el Oeste de 脕frica y Sudam茅rica y es un cultivo de gran importancia econ贸mica, con muchos usos industriales. En este trabajo se investig贸 la cin茅tica del secado experimental de especies for谩neas, y se realizaron experimentos bajo condiciones isot茅rmicas, usando un secador discontinuo en caliente a 55, 70 y 81 掳C. Los datos de relaci贸n de humedad obtenidos desde el cambio de contenido de humedad con el tiempo de secado se ajustaron a un modelo de secado de dos capas delgadas con buenos resultados. Se observ贸 un proceso de secado m谩s r谩pido a una temperatura de secado mayor resultando en mayores tasas de secado, lo que es ventajoso al evaluar costos. La segunda ley de difusi贸n de Fick se us贸 para predecir difusividad efectiva usando datos experimentales, asumiendo que la variaci贸n de difusividad con la temperatura puede ser expresada por una funci贸n tipo Arrhenius, y los valores de difusividad obtenidos variaron de 6,137 x 10-10 a 2,1855 x 10-9 m2s-1 para la temperatura usada. La constante de Arrhenius (D) predicha fue 8,64 x 10-4 m2s-1 mientras la energ铆a de activaci贸n predicha fue 39,94 kJ mol-1

    Cassava mash dewatering parameters

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the parameters affecting the dewatering of cassava mash during processing. First, studies on the pressure distribution within the mash during the dewatering were carried out. Experimental equipment consisting of tyre tube filled with water, a copper tube, and a pressure gauge was designed and fabricated to measure pressure used in expressing the juice contained in the grated cassava mash. It also included a cylindrical dewatering tank made of galvanized steel plate and a sack which was used as control. The tank had 7mm holes drilled at the base to allow the flow of juice. The volume of juice was measured using a measuring cylinder and the stopwatch measured the time. IITA TMS 4(2) 1425 variety of cassava at three levels of maturity age of 9, 12 and 15 months was utilized in the study. The dewatering pressure is from hydraulic jack used to press the grated mash. The dewatering parameters investigated were pressure drop, face area of the filter medium and mash resistance. The results showed that mash resistance varied with the age of the cassava with the highest value of 54,000,000,000 mkg recorded. Medium Resistance also varied with the age, 33,000,000,000m was the highest value recorded for 15 months old sample. 0.00371m3 volume of filtrate was obtained from the 12 months old sample with 0.0945 kg mash cake deposit on the filtering medium as the highest deposit. The Kozemy constant value for TMS 4(2) 1425 variety of cassava was found to be 11400000 and Porosity 0.0181, the result presents the distribution and values of identified parameters numerically for equipment designers use

    Effect of speed and back pressure on the performance of screw press in dewatering of cassava mash

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    A cassava mash process handling machine was developed and tested. Studies were conducted on the effect of screw speed at 20rpm to 100rpm at 20rpm interval. Back pressure was induced by the use of spring of 100N, 200N and 300N. Using a TMS 4(2)1425 variety of cassava, the performance of the screw press unit of the machine was evaluated. The operating parameter of the machine at 40-50 rpm produce a mash with an average moisture content of 52% moisture content wet basis. With the back pressure set at 200N as the machine standard

    Cassava Mash Dewatering Parameters

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