13 research outputs found

    Risks to biodiversity from temperature overshoot pathways

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    Temperature overshoot pathways entail exceeding a specified global warming level (e.g. 1.5°C or 2°C) followed by a decline in warming, achieved through anthropogenically enhanced CO2 removal from the atmosphere. However, risks to biodiversity from temperature overshoot pathways are poorly described. Here, we explore biodiversity risks from overshoot by synthesizing existing knowledge and quantifying the dynamics of exposure and de-exposure to potentially dangerous temperatures for more than 30 000 species for a 2°C overshoot scenario. Our results suggest that climate risk to biodiversity from temperature overshoot pathways will arrive suddenly, but decrease only gradually. Peak exposure for biodiversity occurs around the same time as peak global warming, but the rate of de-exposure lags behind the temperature decline. While the global overshoot period lasts around 60 years, the duration of elevated exposure of marine and terrestrial biodiversity is substantially longer (around 100 and 130 years, respectively), with some ecological communities never returning to pre-overshoot exposure levels. Key biodiversity impacts may be irreversible and reliance on widespread CO2 removal to reduce warming poses additional risks to biodiversity through altered land use. Avoiding any temperature overshoot must be a priority for reducing biodiversity risks from climate change, followed by limiting the magnitude and duration of any overshoot. More integrated models that include direct and indirect impacts from overshoot are needed to inform policy. This article is part of the theme issue 'Ecological complexity and the biosphere: the next 30 years'

    A SOM-based analysis of the drivers of the 2015–2017 Western Cape drought in South Africa

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    The multi-year (2015–2017) drought in the South West of the Western Cape (SWC) caused a severe water shortage in the summer of 2017–2018, with damaging impacts on the local and regional economy, and Cape Town being in the news one of the first major cities to potentially run out of water. Here, we assess the links between the rainfall deficits during the drought and (a) large scale circulation patterns, (b) moisture transport, and (c) convective available potential energy (CAPE). We used self-organising maps (SOM) analysis to classify daily ERA-interim 850 hPa geopotential height for the period 1979–2017 (March–October) into synoptic types. This allowed us to identify the dominant synoptic states over Southern Africa that influence the local climate in the area affected by the drought. The results show that (a) the frequency of nodes with rain-bearing circulation types decreased during the drought; (b) the amount of rain falling on days that did have rain-bearing circulation types was reduced, especially in the shoulder seasons (March–May and August–October); (c) the rainfall reduction was also associated with anomalously low moisture transport, and convective energy (CAPE), over SWC. These results add to the existing knowledge of drivers of the Cape Town drought, providing an understanding of underlying synoptic processes

    Potential of Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering on Cocoa Suitability in Nigeria

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    Cocoa is an important cash crop that contributes to the economy of Nigeria via job creation and foreign exchange earnings. However, escalating global warming trends threatens Cocoa cultivation and have resulted in a decline and heightened variability in Cocoa production in Nigeria, with potential for further exacerbation in the future. A potential way to reduce the warming is through climate intervention (CI) techniques, including Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which involves the injection of sulphur into the stratosphere to reflect a small percentage of incoming solar radiation and lower earth’s temperature. To gauge GHG and SAI impact on Cocoa suitability in Nigeria, we used Geoengineering Large Ensemble Simulations (GLENS) dataset as input into Ecocrop model for historical (2011–2030) and future periods (2070–2089). Our results show GHG impact will increase mean and minimum temperatures (up to 3°C) and total monthly rainfall (up to 15 mm) by the end of century in the southwest and north-east area of Nigeria while rainfall decrease of similar magnitude in the other parts of the country. With SAI intervention, rainfall may decrease by about 10–20 mm over the country and reduce mean and minimum temperature by 2°C. Suitable land for Cocoa cultivation in Nigeria may decrease by 24 and 18% under GHG and SAI, respectively, while unsuitable may increase by 14 and 24% by the end of century. Our study has implications for the economies based on Cocoa production in Nigeria

    Anthropogenic influence on the drivers of the Western Cape drought 2015-2017

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    In the period 2015-2017, the Western Cape region has suffered from three consecutive years of below average rainfall - leading to a prolonged drought and acute water shortages, most prominently in the city of Cape Town. After testing that the precipitation deficit is the primary driver behind the reduced surface water availability, we undertake a multi-method attribution analysis for the meteorological drought, defined in terms of a deficit in the 3 years running mean precipitation averaged over the Western Cape area. The exact estimate of the return time of the event is sensitive to the number of stations whose data is incorporated in the analysis but the rarity of the event is unquestionable, with a return time of more than a hundred years. Synthesising the results from five different large model ensembles as well as observed data gives a significant increase by a factor of three (95% confidence interval 1.5-6) of such a drought to occur because of anthropogenic climate change. All the model results further suggest that this trend will continue with future global warming. These results are in line with physical understanding of the effect of climate change at these latitudes and highlights that measures to improve Cape Town's resilience to future droughts are an adaptation priority

    Attributing the driving mechanisms of the 2015–2017 drought in the Western Cape (South Africa) using self-organising maps

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    The Southwestern Cape (SWC) region in South Africa experienced a severe rainfall deficit between 2015–2017. The resulting drought caused the City of Cape Town to almost run out of water during the summer of 2017–2018. Using the self-organising maps approach, we identify and classify the synoptic circulation states over Southern Africa known to influence the local climate in the SWC into three groups (dry, intermediate, and wet circulation types) using large ensembles of climate model simulations with anthropogenic forcing and natural forcing. We then assessed the influence of anthropogenic climate change on the likelihood of these circulation types and associated rainfall amounts over the SWC during the drought. Our findings suggest that during the drought, the frequency of dry (wet) circulation types increases (decreases) across all models under anthropogenic forcing relative to the natural forcing. While there was no clear direction in the associated rainfall change in the dry circulation types, rainfall decreased across most models in wet nodes. All models agree that anthropogenic climate change has increased the likelihood of dry circulation types (median probability ratio (PR): 0.93–0.96) and decreased that of wet circulation types (median PR: 1.01 and 1.12), indicating a shift towards lesser (more) wet (dry) synoptic circulation states and associated rainfall during the drought. The long-term climatology also depicts similar patterns indicating the drought may result from long-term changes in the frequency of wet circulations and their associated rainfall. This study further explains the anthropogenic influence on the dynamic (synoptic circulation states) and thermodynamic (rainfall) factors that influenced the SWC 2015–2017 drought

    Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering could lower future risk of 'Day Zero' level droughts in Cape Town

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    Anthropogenic forcing of the climate is estimated to have increased the likelihood of the 2015–2017 Western Cape drought, also called 'Day Zero' drought, by a factor of three, with a projected additional threefold increase of risk in a world with 2 °C warming. Here, we assess the potential for geoengineering using stratospheric aerosols injection (SAI) to offset the risk of 'Day Zero' level droughts in a high emission future climate using climate model simulations from the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Large Ensemble Project. Our findings suggest that keeping the global mean temperature at 2020 levels through SAI would offset the projected end century risk of 'Day Zero' level droughts by approximately 90%, keeping the risk of such droughts similar to today's level. Precipitation is maintained at present-day levels in the simulations analysed here, because SAI (i) keeps westerlies near the South Western Cape in the future, as in the present-day, and (ii) induces the reduction or reversal of the upward trend in southern annular mode. These results are, however, specific to the SAI design considered here because using different model, different SAI deployment experiments, or analysing a different location might lead to different conclusions

    Current and future potential of solar and wind energy over Africa using the RegCM4 CORDEX-CORE ensemble

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    Renewable energy is key for the development of African countries, and knowing the best location for the implementation of solar and wind energy projects is important within this context. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of climate change on solar and wind energy potential over Africa under low end (RCP2.6) and high end (RCP8.5) emission scenarios using a set of new high resolution (25 km) simulations with the Regional Climate Model version 4 (RegCM4) produced as part of the CORDEX-CORE initiative. The projections focus on two periods: (i) the near future (2021–2040) and ii) the mid-century future (2041–2060). The performance of the RegCM4 ensemble mean (Rmean) in simulating relevant present climate variables (1995–2014) is first evaluated with respect to the ERA5 reanalysis and satellite-based data. The Rmean reproduces reasonably well the observed spatial patterns of solar irradiance, air temperature, total cloud cover, wind speed at 100 m above the ground level, photovoltaic power potential (PVP), concentrated solar power output (CSPOUT) and wind power density (WPD) over Africa, though some biases are still evident, especially for cloud-related variables. For the future climate, the sign of the changes is consistent in both scenarios but with more intense magnitude in the middle of the century RCP8.5 scenario. Considering the energy variables, the Rmean projects a general decrease in PVP, which is more pronounced in the mid-century future and under RCP8.5 (up to 2%). Similarly, a general increase in CSPOUT (up to 2%) is projected over the continent under both the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The projection in WPD shows a similar change (predominant increase) in the near and mid-century future slices under both RCPs with a maximum increase of 20%. The present study suggests that the RCP2.6 emission scenario, in general, favours the implementation of renewable energy in Africa compared to the RCP8.5

    Twenty-First Century Projected Changes in Extreme Temperature over Cîte d’Ivoire (West Africa)

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    The projection of the future climate changes is of paramount importance inasmuch as it contributes to provide useful information for adaptation planning worldwide to local scales. This study investigated the future changes using four temperature related indices based on an ensemble of 14 CORDEX-Africa simulations at 0.44° × 0.44° of resolution under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. These indices indicate moderate extremes over Cîte d’Ivoire. The results show an increase in the warm extreme indices such as the warm spell days index (HWFI), very warm days frequency index (TX90P), and the warm nights frequency index (TN90P) over the entire country under both emission scenarios. The increase in these indices was higher under RCP8.5 and reached 85, 72, and 90% for HWFI, TX90P, and TN90P respectively. In addition, the magnitude of the changes is relevant along the coastal areas in the 2031–2060 and 2071–2100 periods. Moreover, the intra period extreme temperature range (ETR) shows future decrease following a south-north gradient with values in the range [−0.5; 1.5°C] over the country during January–March (JFM) and October–December (OND) seasons whereas an increase (~0.5°C) is projected for April–June (AMJ) and July–September (JAS) seasons, particularly in the central and northern parts. The minimum temperature increases faster than the maximum, except in AMJ and JAS in the central and northern regions. On the other hand, the changes in the indices based on the mean values of the reference period (1976–2005) are in concordance to the expected warming at the end of the twenty-first century with important trends. The projected changes are, however, subject to uncertainties, which are higher under RCP8.5 than under RCP4.5 scenarios. Overall, these changes are meaningful as all the 14 CORDEX-Africa simulations agree to an increase of warm extreme temperature