133 research outputs found

    A study of the Boston Naval Shipyard's community relations problems

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston Universit

    DNA lesion bypass and the stochastic dynamics of transcription coupled repair

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    DNA base damage is a major source of oncogenic mutations and disruption to gene expression. The stalling of RNA polymerase II (RNAP) at sites of DNA damage and the subsequent triggering of repair processes have major roles in shaping the genome-wide distribution of mutations, clearing barriers to transcription, and minimizing the production of miscoded gene products. Despite its importance for genetic integrity, key mechanistic features of this transcription-coupled repair (TCR) process are controversial or unknown. Here, we exploited a well-powered in vivo mammalian model system to explore the mechanistic properties and parameters of TCR for alkylation damage at fine spatial resolution and with discrimination of the damaged DNA strand. For rigorous interpretation, a generalizable mathematical model of DNA damage and TCR was developed. Fitting experimental data to the model and simulation revealed that RNA polymerases frequently bypass lesions without triggering repair, indicating that small alkylation adducts are unlikely to be an efficient barrier to gene expression. Following a burst of damage, the efficiency of transcription-coupled repair gradually decays through gene bodies with implications for the occurrence and accurate inference of driver mutations in cancer. The reinitation of transcription from the repair site is not a general feature of transcription-coupled repair, and the observed data is consistent with reinitiation never taking place. Collectively, these results reveal how the directional but stochastic activity of TCR shapes the distribution of mutations following DNA damage

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Menin Binding Provides Insights into MEN1 Tumorigenesis

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN1) is a familial cancer syndrome characterized primarily by tumors of multiple endocrine glands. The gene for MEN1 encodes a ubiquitously expressed tumor suppressor protein called menin. Menin was recently shown to interact with several components of a trithorax family histone methyltransferase complex including ASH2, Rbbp5, WDR5, and the leukemia proto-oncoprotein MLL. To elucidate menin's role as a tumor suppressor and gain insights into the endocrine-specific tumor phenotype in MEN1, we mapped the genomic binding sites of menin, MLL1, and Rbbp5, to approximately 20,000 promoters in HeLa S3, HepG2, and pancreatic islet cells using the strategy of chromatin-immunoprecipitation coupled with microarray analysis. We found that menin, MLL1, and Rbbp5 localize to the promoters of thousands of human genes but do not always bind together. These data suggest that menin functions as a general regulator of transcription. We also found that factor occupancy generally correlates with high gene expression but that the loss of menin does not result in significant changes in most transcript levels. One exception is the developmentally programmed transcription factor, HLXB9, which is overexpressed in islets in the absence of menin. Our findings expand the realm of menin-targeted genes several hundred-fold beyond that previously described and provide potential insights to the endocrine tumor bias observed in MEN1 patients

    Cell Cycle Genes Are the Evolutionarily Conserved Targets of the E2F4 Transcription Factor

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    Maintaining quiescent cells in G0 phase is achieved in part through the multiprotein subunit complex known as DREAM, and in human cell lines the transcription factor E2F4 directs this complex to its cell cycle targets. We found that E2F4 binds a highly overlapping set of human genes among three diverse primary tissues and an asynchronous cell line, which suggests that tissue-specific binding partners and chromatin structure have minimal influence on E2F4 targeting. To investigate the conservation of these transcription factor binding events, we identified the mouse genes bound by E2f4 in seven primary mouse tissues and a cell line. E2f4 bound a set of mouse genes that was common among mouse tissues, but largely distinct from the genes bound in human. The evolutionarily conserved set of E2F4 bound genes is highly enriched for functionally relevant regulatory interactions important for maintaining cellular quiescence. In contrast, we found minimal mRNA expression perturbations in this core set of E2f4 bound genes in the liver, kidney, and testes of E2f4 null mice. Thus, the regulatory mechanisms maintaining quiescence are robust even to complete loss of conserved transcription factor binding events

    Sex role similarity and sexual selection predict male and female song elaboration and dimorphism in fairy-wrens

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    Historically, bird song complexity was thought to evolve primarily through sexual selection on males; yet, in many species, both sexes sing and selection pressure on both sexes may be broader. Previous research suggests competition for mates and resources during short, synchronous breeding seasons leads to more elaborate male songs at high, temperate latitudes. Furthermore, we expect male–female song structure and elaboration to be more similar at lower, tropical latitudes, where longer breeding seasons and year-round territoriality yield similar social selection pressures in both sexes. However, studies seldom take both types of selective pressures and sexes into account. We examined song in both sexes in 15 populations of nine-fairy- wren species (Maluridae), a Southern Hemisphere clade with female song. We compared song elaboration (in both sexes) and sexual song dimorphism to latitude and life-history variables tied to sexual and social selection pressures and sex roles. Our results suggest that song elaboration evolved in part due to sexual competition in males: male songs were longer than female songs in populations with low male survival and less male provisioning. Also, female songs evolved independently of male songs: female songs were slower paced than male songs, although only in less synchronously breeding populations. We also found male and female songs were more similar when parental care was more equal and when male survival was high, which provides strong evidence that sex role similarity correlates with male–female song similarity. Contrary to Northern Hemisphere latitudinal patterns, male and female songs were more similar at higher, temperate latitudes. These results suggest that selection on song can be sex specific, with male song elaboration favored in contexts with stronger sexual selection. At the same time, selection pressures associated with sex role similarity appear to favor sex role similarity in song structure

    A Model for Using a Concept Inventory as a Tool for Students' Assessment and Faculty Professional Development

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    This essay describes how the use of a concept inventory has enhanced professional development and curriculum reform efforts of a faculty teaching community. The Host Pathogen Interactions (HPI) teaching team is composed of research and teaching faculty with expertise in HPI who share the goal of improving the learning experience of students in nine linked undergraduate microbiology courses. To support evidence-based curriculum reform, we administered our HPI Concept Inventory as a pre- and postsurvey to approximately 400 students each year since 2006. The resulting data include student scores as well as their open-ended explanations for distractor choices. The data have enabled us to address curriculum reform goals of 1) reconciling student learning with our expectations, 2) correlating student learning with background variables, 3) understanding student learning across institutions, 4) measuring the effect of teaching techniques on student learning, and 5) demonstrating how our courses collectively form a learning progression. The analysis of the concept inventory data has anchored and deepened the team's discussions of student learning. Reading and discussing students' responses revealed the gap between our understanding and the students' understanding. We provide evidence to support the concept inventory as a tool for assessing student understanding of HPI concepts and faculty development