72 research outputs found

    On the Sum of Exponentially Distributed Random Variables: A Convolution Approach

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    In this paper, Exponential distribution as the only continuous statistical distribution that exhibits the memoryless property is being explored by deriving another two-parameter model representing the sum of two independent exponentially distributed random variables, investigating its statistical properties and verifying the memoryless property of the resulting model

    On the Exponentiated Generalized Weibull Distribution: A Generalization of the Weibull Distribution

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    In this article, a generalization of the Weibull distribution is being studied in some details. The new model is referred to as the Exponentiated Generalized Weibull distribution. The aim is to increase the flexibility of the Weibull distribution. Methods: The concepts introduced in the Exponentiated Generalized family of distributions due to Cordeiro et al.11 were employed. Findings: Some basic mathematical properties of the resulting model were identified and studied in minute details. Meanwhile, estimation of model parameters was performed using the maximum likelihood method. Application/Improvement: The Exponentiated Generalized Weibull distribution was presented as a competitive model that would be useful in modeling real life situations with inverted bathtub failure rates. The R-code for the plots was also provided. Further research would involve applying the proposed model to real life data sets

    Some Basic Statistical Properties of the Transmuted Burr X Distribution

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    In this article, the Burr X distribution was extended using the transmuted family of distributions. Some basic statistical properties of the resulting Transmuted Burr X distribution were established while the method of maximum likelihood was proposed for parameter estimatio

    A Study of Probability Models in Monitoring Environmental Pollution in Nigeria

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    In Lagos State, Nigeria, pollutant emissions were monitored across the state to detect any significant change which may cause harm to human health and the environment at large. In this research, three theoretical distributions; Weibull, Log-normal, and Gamma distributions were examined on the carbon monoxide observations to determine the best. The characteristics of the pollutant observation were established and the probabilities of exceeding the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) acceptable limits have been successfully predicted. Increase in the use of vehicles and increase in the establishment of industries have been found not to contribute significantly to the high level of carbon monoxide concentration in Lagos state for the period studied

    On a Modified Ratio of Exponential Distributions

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    In this paper, the ratio of two independent exponential random variables is studied and another two-parameter probability model representing the modified ratio of exponential distributions (MRED) is defined. This new model is proposed in modeling the survival of patients undergoing surgery

    On a Modified Ratio of Exponential Distributions

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    In this paper, the ratio of two independent exponential random variables is studied and another two-parameter probability model representing the modified ratio of exponential distributions (MRED) is defined. This new model is proposed in modeling the survival of patients undergoing surgery

    Convergence and Stability of Some Modified Iterative Processes for a Class of Generalized Contractive-like Operators

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    In this paper, we establish that the modified Jungck-Ishikawa iterative scheme converges strongly to the common fixed point of a pair of weakly compatible mappings satisfying generalized contractive-like conditions in Banach spaces. Furthermore, we study the stability of the iterative scheme. Our results extend and generalize some results in the literature

    A Comparative Study of the Use of Statistical Process Control in Monitoring Health Care Delivery

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    To control and improve on the quality of products and services is an important business strategy. Hence, the yearnings for quality services in all sector is not just a call from the consumers, clients or patients but an act to maintain the integrity of the manufacturer or service providers. In this research, the importance of statistical process control to health care delivery is being re-iterated with application to a real data set. The p-chart is being used and results compared with other results/findings in the literature. KEYWORDS: Health, Patients,

    On a Fractional Beta-Exponential Distribution

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    A four parameter distribution representing the ratio of two independent Beta-Exponential variates is defined. An expression for the probability density function and the cumulative density function is given. The resulting distribution has the Quotient of Beta-Weibull distribution and the Pareto distribution as special cases. Its statistical properties were investigated and the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) has been proposed for estimating the parameters of the model. Based on the behavior of its hazard function, the model is appropriate in modeling the occurrence of infant mortality failures


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    In this paper we present results of optimization of loan portfolio management of banks. An Operational Research technique, Goal programming, is applied to the management of loan portfolio in banks in order to optimize it. With the result obtained, using a multi objective package, provides an answer on how to handle cases of bad loans or doubtful loans. Bad loan is a major factor militating against optimization of bank goals, and it is one of the major causes of bank failure