6 research outputs found

    The Problem of National and Cultural Semantics of Lexical Units in Spanish (On Material of Venezuelan And Nicaraguan Words Reflecting Forms of Work)

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    This article is within the framework of inter-variant dialectology - a relatively young scientific branch in the domestic Spanish studies, the main purpose of which is to establish the national and cultural specifics of the use of the Spanish language. In turn, the revelation of linguocultural specifics of national variants of the Hispanic area is one of the urgent problems of modern Spanish-American studies. Since the national specificity of speech is particularly evident in comparison, the article considers the communicative behavior of the representatives of two sociocultural communities:  Venezuelan and Nicaraguan linguistic cultures.The choice of the topic is determined by the growing interest in domestic and foreign linguistics to studying the national identity of linguistic culture as a specific form of human existence and society in the world. Language thus acts as a means of constructing and interpreting social reality, including culture, ethnicity, mentality, in the expression of which an important role is played, in particular, by the culturally specific names of the phenomena of the surrounding reality.The method of continuous sampling from the dictionaries “Diccionario de venezolanismos” by M. J. Tejera, “Diccionario del Español de Nicaragua” by Arellano Oviedo F., “Diccionario de nicaraguanismos” by H.A. Castellón was used to select lexical units that make up the semantic group of “activities” which are specific to the Venezuelan and Nicaraguan variants of the Spanish language and reflect the linguistic and cultural specifics of the countries under consideration. The comparative analysis of the selected lexical units was carried out, and

    Enfermedades y componentes de rendimiento en dieciséis genotipos de fréjol en Quevedo, Ecuador

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the severity of foliar diseases, yield and its components, in 16 bean genotypes during the rainy season of 2011, in Quevedo, Ecuador. The experimental design used was the randomized complete block (RCBD) with 16 treatments and four replications. Mutual effect of the web blight severity (%), rust and viruses, during stages R5 (preflowering), R6 (flowering) and R7 (pod formation) was estimated. After harvesting, yield components per plant were quantified (pods number, seeds number, number of seeds per pod, grains weight and sterile pods) as well as grain yield (kg ha-1) corrected to 13% of the moisture content. The lines Cf4 0-0-2-1 and EVG-16-08 showed the lowest final severity (phenological stage R7) of foliar diseases (28.3%). Number of pods, grains number and grains weight per plant were determined as important secondary components, showing significant yield regressions (p.0.01). Cluster analysis clearly distinguished foreign variety FTS Soberano and the line-EVG 16-08, as promising lines with higher production qualities.El objetivo del trabajo fue cuantificar la severidad de enfermedades, el rendimiento y sus componentes, y su relacion en 16 genotipos de frejol durante la epoca lluviosa del 2011, en Quevedo, Ecuador. El diseno experimental empleado fue en Bloques Completos al Azar (DBCA) con 16 tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Se estimo la severidad (%) de la mustia hilachosa, la roya y virosis de manera conjunta, durante los estadios R5 (prefloracion), R6 (floracion) y R7 (formacion de vainas). Despues de la cosecha se cuantifico los componentes de rendimiento por planta (numero de vainas, numero de granos, numero de granos por vaina, peso de granos y vainas esteriles) y rendimiento de granos (kg ha-1) corregidos al 13% de humedad. Las lineas Cf4 0-0-2-1 y EVG-16-08 con 28.3% presentaron la menor severidad final (estadio fenologico R7) de enfermedades. Se determinaron como componentes secundarios importantes al numero de vainas por planta, numero de granos por planta y peso de granos por planta, por haber obtenido regresiones significativas (p.0.01) con el rendimiento. En funcion del analisis de conglomerados, se destacaron la variedad extranjera FTS Soberano y la linea promisoria EVG-16-08 con cualidades productivas superiores

    In vivo reprogramming of wound-resident cells generates skin epithelial tissue

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    Large cutaneous ulcers are, in severe cases, life threatening(1,2). As the global population ages, non-healing ulcers are becoming increasingly common(1,2). Treatment currently requires the transplantation of pre-existing epithelial components, such as skin grafts, or therapy using cultured cells(2). Here we develop alternative supplies of epidermal coverage for the treatment of these kinds of wounds. We generated expandable epithelial tissues using in vivo reprogramming of wound-resident mesenchymal cells. Transduction of four transcription factors that specify the skin-cell lineage enabled efficient and rapid de novo epithelialization from the surface of cutaneous ulcers in mice. Our findings may provide a new therapeutic avenue for treating skin wounds and could be extended to other disease situations in which tissue homeostasis and repair are impaired

    Informe 'La Marca Canadiense: La Violencia Y La Minerra Canadiense En Guatemala' (The Canada Brand: Violence and Canadian Mining in Guatemala)

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