134 research outputs found

    The Baby Boom, Baby Busts, and Grandmothers

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    Studies in family economics and anthropology suggest that grandmothers are a highly valuable source of childcare assistance. As such, availability of grandmothers affects the cost of having children, and hence fertility decisions of young parents. In this paper, we develop a simple model to assess the fertility implications of the fluctuations in both output (as argued by demographers) and grandmother-availability induced child-care costs over the period 1920-1970. Model does a good job of mimicking the bust-boom-bust pattern during this period. When the child-care cost channel is shut down, the model’s performance weakens significantly; in particular, it fails to capture the bust in the 1960’s altogether.fertility, baby boom, baby bust, female labor-force participation, grandmother availability

    Religion, Income Inequality, and the Size of the Government

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    Recent empirical research has demonstrated that countries with higher levels of religiosity are characterized by greater income inequality. We argue that this is due to the lower level of government services demanded in more religious countries. Religion requires that individuals make financial sacrifices and this leads the religious to prefer making their contributions voluntarily rather than through mandatory means. To the extent that citizen preferences are reflected in policy outcomes, religiosity results in lower taxes, which in turn implies lower levels of spending on both public goods and redistribution. Since measures of income typically do not fully take into account the part of income coming from donations received, this increases measured income inequality. We formalize these ideas in a general equilibrium political economy model and also show that the implications of our model are supported by cross-country data.religion, voluntary donations, taxation, redistribution, income inequality

    Influence of articular arthroscopy-like washout on fracture healing of intra-articular fractures; animal experiment

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    Aim: To examine whether the application of intra-articular lavage during arthroscopic joint fracture surgery can disturb fracture union and cartilage healing. Metods: Twenty New Zealand rabbits were then randomly divided into 3 groups; these groups consisted of 2 surgical groups including eight rabbits and a control group consisting of 4 rabbits. After both rear limbs exposed with a medial parapatellar incision, medial femoral condyle was fractured. Four groups were created by doing anatomic reduction or non-anatomic reduction and making irrigation or no irrigation. (Group 1: Fixed by creating a gap and no Irrigation; Group 2: Fixed by creating a gap and irrigation; Group 3: Fixed with complete reduction and no irrigation; Group 4: Fixed with complete reduction and irrigation) X-rays of both knees of all rabbits were taken at the end of the second week and at the end of the eighth week. The operated knees were collected for histopathological analysis. Results: Radiological data show a significant difference in the level of ossification between the groups in the 2nd week; however, this difference was lost in the 8th week. Histopathologically, at the end of week 8, it was observed that the subchondral bone tissue was incompletely renewed in all the groups. The cartilage tissue of the joint surface was not fully formed and renewed and that it did not completely coalesce with the old cartilage tissue in all of the groups. Compared with the other groups, the group that fracture was anatomically reducted with no irrigation (Group 1), the cartilaginous tissue layer formed was thicker while the surface of the tissue was flatter. Conclusion: There were no adverse effects of intra-articular lavage on fracture union and cartilage healing in an in vivo environment. Nonetheless, the findings of this study should be confirmed with a larger sample size

    The Baby Boom, Baby Busts, and Grandmothers

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    Studies in family economics and anthropology suggest that grandmothers are a highly valuable source of childcare assistance. As such, availability of grandmothers affects the cost of having children, and hence fertility decisions of young parents. In this paper, we develop a simple model to assess the fertility implications of the fluctuations in both output (as argued by demographers) and grandmother-availability induced child-care costs over the period 1920-1970. Model does a good job of mimicking the bust-boom-bust pattern during this period. When the child-care cost channel is shut down, the model’s performance weakens significantly; in particular, it fails to capture the bust in the 1960’s altogether

    The Baby Boom, Baby Busts, and Grandmothers

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    Studies in family economics and anthropology suggest that grandmothers are a highly valuable source of childcare assistance. As such, availability of grandmothers affects the cost of having children, and hence fertility decisions of young parents. In this paper, we develop a simple model to assess the fertility implications of the fluctuations in both output (as argued by demographers) and grandmother-availability induced child-care costs over the period 1920-1970. Model does a good job of mimicking the bust-boom-bust pattern during this period. When the child-care cost channel is shut down, the model’s performance weakens significantly; in particular, it fails to capture the bust in the 1960’s altogether

    The baby boom, baby busts, and the role of grandmothers in childcare

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    Studies in family economics and anthropology suggest that grandmothers are a highly valuable source of childcare assistance. As such, the availability of grandmothers affects the cost of having children, and hence the fertility decisions of young parents. In this paper, we develop a simple model to assess the fertility implications of the fluctuations in both output (as argued by demographers) and grandmother-availability induced child-care costs over the period of 1920-1970. The model does a good job of mimicking the bust-boom-bust pattern during this period. When the child-care cost channel is shut down, the model’s performance weakens significantly; in particular, it fails altogether to capture the bust in the 1960’s

    The baby boom, baby busts, and the role of grandmothers in childcare

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    Studies in family economics and anthropology suggest that grandmothers are a highly valuable source of childcare assistance. As such, the availability of grandmothers affects the cost of having children, and hence the fertility decisions of young parents. In this paper, we develop a simple model to assess the fertility implications of the fluctuations in both output (as argued by demographers) and grandmother-availability induced child-care costs over the period of 1920-1970. The model does a good job of mimicking the bust-boom-bust pattern during this period. When the child-care cost channel is shut down, the model’s performance weakens significantly; in particular, it fails altogether to capture the bust in the 1960’s

    The Prevalence of Sacroiliitis and Spondyloarthritis in Patients with Sarcoidosis

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    Introduction. Sarcoidosis is a chronic granulomatous disease, which can involve different organs and systems. Coexistence of sarcoidosis and spondyloarthritis has been reported in numerous case reports. Purpose. To determine the prevalence of sacroiliitis and spondyloarthritis in patients previously diagnosed with sarcoidosis and to investigate any possible relation with clinical findings. Materials and Methods. Forty-two patients with sarcoidosis were enrolled in the study. Any signs and symptoms in regard to spondyloarthritis (i.e., existence of inflammatory back pain, gluteal pain, uveitis, enthesitis, dactylitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriasis) were questioned in detail and biochemical tests were evaluated. Sacroiliac joint imaging and lateral heel imaging were performed in all patients. Results. Sacroiliitis was found in 6 of the 42 (14.3%) sarcoidosis patients and all of these patients were female. Common features of the disease in these six patients were inflammatory back pain as the major clinical complaint, stage 2 sacroiliitis as revealed by radiological staging, and the negativity of HLA B-27 test. These six patients with sacroiliitis were diagnosed with spondyloarthritis according to the criteria of ASAS and of ESSG. Conclusion. We found spondyloarthritis in patients with sarcoidosis at a higher percentage rate than in the general population (1–1.9%). Controlled trials involving large series of patients are required for the confirmation of the data

    Religion, Income Inequality, and the Size of the Government

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    Recent empirical research has demonstrated that countries with higher levels of religiosity are characterized by greater income inequality. We argue that this is due to the lower level of government services demanded in more religious countries. Religion requires that individuals make financial sacrifices and this leads the religious to prefer making their contributions voluntarily rather than through mandatory means. To the extent that citizen preferences are reflected in policy outcomes, religiosity results in lower taxes, which in turn implies lower levels of spending on both public goods and redistribution. Since measures of income typically do not fully take into account the part of income coming from donations received, this increases measured income inequality. We formalize these ideas in a general equilibrium political economy model and also show that the implications of our model are supported by cross-country data

    Socio economic status of parents, their participation in class parental meetings and success of students: Tahir Merzeci Primary School sample

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    Araştırmada, 2010-2011 öğretim yılında, Tahir Merzeci İlköğretim Okulu'nda, 4'üncü ve 5'inci sınıflar düzeyinde yapılan sınıf veli toplantıları incelenmiştir. Öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamalarının, velilerinin sınıf veli toplantılarına katılma durumuna ve sosyo-ekonomik özelliklerine göre, önemli farklılık gösterip, göstermediği saptanmaya çalışılmıştır.İlgili literatür incelendiğinde, Türk eğitim sisteminde, ilköğretim okulu öğrencilerinin başarısını, velilerinin sınıf veli toplantılarına katılma durumuna ve sosyo-ekonomik özellikle-rine göre inceleyen, sınırlı sayılabilecek araştırmaya rastlanmaktadır. Araştırma, bu alanda görülen boşluğu, bir ölçüde doldurmayı, katkı yapmayı, uygulayıcılara ve araştırmacılara önerilerde, bulunmayı hedeflemiştir.Araştırmada iki veri toplama aracı kullanılmıştır. Bunlardan birincisi, araştırmanın bağımsız görünümlü değişkenlerini ölçen, Velilerin Sosyo Ekonomik Düzeyleri Anketi'dir (Ek I). İkincisi ise velilerin sınıf veli toplantılarına katılımı ile öğrencilerin başarısı hakkındaki verileri toplamak üzere geliştirilen, Sınıf Veli Toplantısı Bilgi Toplama Formu'dur (Ek II). Ayrıca, öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nın, e okul sisteminden alınarak, araştırmada veri olarak kullanılmıştır (Ek III).Öğrenci başarısının temel verisi olan, yıl sonu not ortalamaları, bir öğretim yılı süresince, öğrencilerin gösterdiği performansı saptamakta olup, yazılı sınavlar ve diğer öğretimsel etkinliklerin sonucunu özetlemektedir. Sınıf ve ders öğretmenlerince, ölçme sonucu belirlenmiş güvenilir bir veri olup, öğrenci başarısının sayısal ifadesidir.2010-2011 öğretim yılında, yapılan uygulamalar sonucu, 205 öğrenci velisine ait formlar değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada 30 alt problem yanıtlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, t Testi, Ki-kare analizi, F testi, LSD testi, uygulanmıştır.Araştırmanın sayıltıları doğrulanmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları aşağıdaki gibi özetlenebilir.Veli Toplantılarına Katılım ve Öğrenci BaşarısıÖğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, velilerinin bir öğretim yılı içinde yapılan sınıf veli toplantılarına katılma sayılarına göre, önemli fark vermektedir. Velilerin sınıf veli toplantılarına katılma sayısı arttıkça, öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları da artmaktadır. Sınıf veli toplantılarında söz alan, soru soran velilerin temsil ettiği öğrenciler, söz almayan, soru sormayan velilerin temsil ettiği öğrencilere göre daha başarılıdır.Sosyo ?Ekonomik Düzey ve Veli Toplantılarına KatılımVelilerin bir öğretim yılı içinde yapılan sınıf veli toplantılarına katılma sayıları, sahip oldukları çocuk sayısına, göre, değişmektedir. Sahip olunan çocuk sayısı arttıkça, veli toplan-tılarına katılma sayıları düşmektedir. Buna benzer bir bulgu da, velisi olunan öğrenci sayısı için söylenebilir. Bu bulgular, ailedeki çocuk sayısı, 3 ve daha fazla olduğunda, veli ilgisinin azaldığı şeklinde yorumlanabilir. Ailedeki çocuk sayısı arttıkça, öğrenci başarısında düşme gözükmektedir. Alt gelir grubu ailelerde, çocuk sayısı arttıkça, olanaklarda yetersizlikler de artmaktadır. Bunun sonucu olarak, anne ve babalar, çocuklarının diğer gereksinimlerinin yanı sıra, eğitim gereksinimlerini de yeterince karşılayamamaktadır.Velilerin, bir öğretim yılı içinde yapılan sınıf veli toplantılarına katılma sayıları, veli cinsiyeti, medeni durumu, doğum yeri, öğrencinin annesi ya da babası olması etmenlerine göre önemli farklılık göstermemektedir. Aynı zamanda bu etmenler öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları üzerinde de önemli farklılıklara yol açmamaktadır.Sosyo ?Ekonomik Düzey ve Öğrenci BaşarısıÖğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, anne ve babalarının eğitim düzeyine göre, önemli farklılık göstermektedir. Annelerin ve babaların eğitim düzeyi yükseldikçe, temsil ettiği öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları da artmaktadır. Bu sonuç, velilerin eğitim düzeyi arttıkça, ilgilerinin çoğaldığı şeklinde yorumlanabilir.Öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, evlerine düzenli gazete alınıp alınmamasına, bilgisayar ve internet bağlantısı bulunup bulunmamasına, çocuk odası olup olmamasına, elektronik eşya sayısı etmenlerine göre de farklılaşmaktadır. Evlerine düzenli gazete alınan, bilgisayar ve internet bağlantısı bulunan, çocuk odasına sahip, yeterli elektronik araçları bulunan velilerin temsil ettiği öğrenciler, bu imkanları bulunmayan öğrencilere göre daha başarılıdır. Öğrencilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecek kadar, iyi düzenlenmiş aile ortamı, akademik başarısı açısından önemli bulunmaktadır.Öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, velilerinin okul aile birliğine bağış yapıp yapmaması etmenine göre önemli fark vermektedir. Burada duyarlı ve ilgili velilerin, çocuklarının eğitim ihtiyaçları için, okul aile birliğine bağış yaptıkları görülmektedir. Velilerin çoğunluğu okul aile birliğine bağış yapmamaktadır.Öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, evlerinde kitaplık olup olmamasına, annelerinin ve babalarının çalışıp çalışmamasına, ailelerinin ekonomik durumuna, oturulan evin kendileri-ne ait olup olmamasına, göre önemli farklılık göstermemektedir.Öğrenci Özellikleri ve Yıl Sonu Not OrtalamalarıÖğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, cinsiyet durumu, okula düzenli devam edip etmeme, okul öncesi eğitim alıp almama, sınıf başkanlığı, başkan yardımcılığı yapıp yapmama etmenlerine göre de farklılaşmaktadır.Kız öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, erkek öğrencilere göre daha yüksektir. Okula düzenli devam eden öğrenciler, devamsızlık yapan öğrencilere göre daha başarılıdır. Okul öncesi eğitimi alan öğrenciler, almayanlara göre daha başarılıdır. Sınıf başkanlığı ya da başkan yardımcılığı yapan öğrenciler, yapmayan öğrencilere göre daha başarılıdır.Araştırmanın bulgularından çıkan en önemli sonuç, sosyo-ekonomik düzeyi yüksek olan velilerin, sınıf veli toplantılarına daha fazla katıldığı ve bu velilerin temsil ettiği öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamalarının, diğer öğrencilerden daha yüksek olduğudur.Sosyo ekonomik düzey kadar önemli diğer bir etmen ise öğrenci velilerinin sınıf veli toplantılarına katılmalarıdır. Sınıf veli toplantılarına sürekli katılan velilerin temsil ettiği öğrencilerin yıl sonu not ortalamaları, diğer öğrencilere göre daha yüksektir.Ailelerin sosyo- ekonomik düzey farklılığı nedeniyle, öğrenciler aleyhine oluşan açıklıkların, sınıf veli toplantılarına, veli katılımı sağlanarak, büyük ölçüde telafi edilmesi olanaklıdır In this study, class parental meetings which were held for 4th and 5th grades at Tahir Merzeci Primary School in 2010-2011 academic year are examined. It is aimed to find out whether or not end of the year degrees of the students differentiate according to parents? participation in parental meetings and their socio- economic status.While the concerning literature is examined, one can find out relatively limited studies, which examine the success of primary school students in the Turkish education system according to their parents? participation in the parental meetings and their socio- economic status. This study aims to contribute and fill in the gap in that field, and also to suggest implementers and researchers.In this study, two data collection instruments are used. The first one is ?Parents? Socio- Economic Levels Survey?, which measures the independent variable of the study (Appx. I). The second one is ?Parental Meeting Information Collecting Form?, which is designed to collect the data of parents? participation in the meetings and students? successes (Appx. II).In addition, students? end of the year degrees are taken from the e- school system of Ministry of Education and used as data for the study (Appx. III).End of the year degrees, which are the main data of the students? successes, determine the performance of the students shown during a year and sum up the results of the written exams and educational activities. They are reliable data determined by measurement applied by Class and Branch Teachers and also quantitative expressions of students? successes.After the implementation in 2010- 2011 academic year, 205 forms relating to students? parents are evaluated. In the study, 30 sub problems are coped to get answers. For the analyses of the data, t-test, chi- square analyze, F-test and LSD test are applied.The hypotheses of the study are confirmed. The results of the study can be outlined as follows.Participation in Parental Meetings and Student SuccessStudents? end of the year degrees show a considerable difference whether or not parents participate in parental meetings during a year. The more parents participate in parental meetings, the better end of the year degrees students get. The students whose parents talk or ask questions during meetings are more successful than the students whose parents don?t talk or ask any questions.Socio- Economic Level and Participation in Parental MeetingsThe number of the parents? participation in parental meetings change according to the number of the children they have. As the number of the possessed children increases, the number of the participation in the meetings decreases. A similar finding to that one can also be said for the number of students. These findings can be interpreted as having 3 or more children in a family decreases parents? attention. As the number of the children in a family increases, a decrease at the student success is apparent. Furthermore, financial potential insufficiencies increase with the increase of the number of the children in low income group families. As a result of this, parents are not able to afford the educational needs of their children besides other needs.The number of parents? participation in parental meetings do not differentiate according to the factors of their gender, marital status, place of birth and whether it is mother or father. At the same time, these factors do not cause considerable difference on students? end of the year degrees.Socio- Economic Level and Student SuccessStudents? end of the year degrees have a considerable difference according to their parents? educational level. As parents? educational level increases, end of the year degrees of the students also increase. It can be said that when parents? educational levels get higher, they pay more attention to their children.Students? end of the year degrees differentiate according to the factors of whether there is a daily newspaper at home or not, whether there is a computer with internet connection at home or not, whether there is a child room or not and the number of the appliances at home. The students who are represented by parents at whose homes there is a daily newspaper, a computer with internet connection, a child room are more successful than the ones who don?t have such opportunities. A home which is arranged appropriately enough for student?s needs is also relatively important.Students? end of the year degrees differentiate considerably according to whether parents subscribe to school council or not. Here it is seen that sensible and caring parents subscribe to school council for their children?s educational needs. However, most of the parents do not subscribe to school councils.Students? end of the year degrees differentiate considerably according to the factors of whether there are bookcases at their homes or not, whether their parents work or not, their parents? economical status and whether their residence belongs to them or not.Student Features and End of theYear DegreesStudents? end of the year degrees differentiate according to the factors of their gender, regular attendance or nonattendance to the school, having pre-school education or not, being the president or vice president of the class or not.Female students? end of the year degrees are higher than the male students?. Students who attend to the school regularly are more successful than the ones who do not. Students who studied at pre-school are more successful than the ones who do not. Students who become the president or vice president of the class are more successful than the ones who do not.The most considerable result of the study is that the parents whose socio- economic status are higher participate in parental meetings more often and their children?s end of the year degrees are higher than the other students.Another factor which is also so considerable as the socio- economic status is the parents? participation in parental meetings. End of the year degrees of the students whose parents participate in parental meetings more often are higher than the other students.By assuring parents? participation in parental meetings, it is possible to compensate the negative aspects which come out due to the socio- economic status difference of the parent