33 research outputs found

    Effect of acid and alkaline hydrolysis on the concentrations of albumin and globulin in Thevetia peruviana seed cake protein extract

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    Thevetia peruviana seeds cake were defatted and then treated with varying concentrations each of hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide solutions. Each product of hydrolysis was extracted with chloroform to isolate aglycones, the toxins of the seed. Various concentrations of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution effected complete detoxification. Only 0.4M and 0.5M of calcium hydroxide solution detoxified the seeds completely. Albumin and globulin determination by biuret method confirmed that various concentrations of the hydrolyzing agents increased the quantity of extractable albumin and globulin in the cake. Each solution used for the detoxification had closely related trend on the total albumin and globulin value of the treated cake. Higher quantities of albumin and globulin were recorded in the samples treated with various concentrations of calcium hydroxide solutions. The study suggests that calcium hydroxide at high concentrations appear to be the best detoxicant.Keywords: Thevetia peruviana; detoxification, albumin, globuli

    Comparative Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Profile of Four Capsicum Fruits Species

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    Capsicum fruits are commonly consumed vegetables included in foods worldwide as spices. Capsicum species are known to improve digestion and appetite, cure colds, coughs, fever, colic, dysentery, worms, and piles among others. This research is therefore aimed at evaluating the phytochemicalas well as the antioxidant activities of four different varieties of Capsicum commonly consumed in Africa. The fruits were extracted using 3 different solvents; n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. The phytochemical evaluation was carried out using standard methods. Antioxidant activities were evaluated using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay. The highest yield of extract was obtained with methanol from Capsicum annuum var. grossum (25.48%); The phytochemical screening of crude extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, tannins, coumarins, and cardiac glycosides. The total phenolic contents of crude extracts of Capsicum species ranged from 25.10±0.3 to 62.01±0.1 mg GAE g-1 (Gallic acid equivalent) of dry weight and the flavonoid contents ranged from 206.08±0.03 to 474.23±0.04 mg QE g-1 (Quercetin equivalent) of dry weight. The capacity to neutralize DPPH radicals was found to be at the highest in methanolic extracts of Capsicum species which neutralized 50% of free radicals at the concentrations of 5.79 μg mL-1, 8.08 μg mL-1, 5.76 μg mL-1, and 8.81 μg mL-1for Capsicum annuum var. accuminatum, Capsicum frutescens var. baccatum, Capsicum annuumvar. grossum and Capsicum annuum var. abbreviatum respectively. The study has concluded that Capsicum species contain phytoconstituents with high antioxidant activities and great potential to combat oxidative stress and other related diseases

    Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (eMTCT) in Western Nigeria: how far have we gone?

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    Background: HIV pandemic has continued to be a huge challenge in Nigeria, with the problem of stigmatization reducing the chances of early determination of the HIV status of pregnant women, which may increase the chances of transmission to the child from the mother. Hypotheses tested were the influence of maternal antiretroviral therapy (ART) use and infant’s feeding option on baby’s final early infant diagnosis (EID) outcome. The study was aimed at determining the trend as well as diagnosis of HIV infection in exposed infants. It will also determine among infants the factors associated with the transmission of the infection from their mothers.Methods: This study was a prospective cohort study of HIV-exposed infants conducted in Ekiti State, South Western Nigeria, between June 2015 and June 2017. Dried Blood Spots (DBS) were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction technique. All data were statistically analyzed, using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) and statistical test of significance was performed with Chi-Square test.Results: A total of 200 infants were included in the study, 91 (45.5%) female and 109 (54.5%) male. Three (1.5%) babies were confirmed positive after cessation of all exposures. Maternal antiretroviral therapy (ART) use has significant effect on baby early infant diagnosis (EID) outcome (χ² = 65.40, df = 2, P = 0.001). Infant feeding option has significant effect on baby early infant diagnosis (EID) outcome (χ² = 132.67, df = 2, P = 0.001). Baby’s mode of delivery have higher association with the final EID outcome of the baby (OR: 1.018, 95% CI: 0.998 – 1.038).Conclusion: ART administration to both HIV-infected mothers and their babies has demonstrated an effective mechanism in the elimination of mother-to-child transmission (eMTCT), as this is evident in the very low positivity outcome. However, the degree to which Cuba, Armenia, Belarus, and Thailand have eliminated HIV transmission from mother-to-baby is achievable in Nigeria through provision of universal access to health care.Key words: infant, mother, dried blood spot, polymerase chain reactio

    Investigation of the Larvicidal Potential of Silver Nanoparticles against Culex quinquefasciatus

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    Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using Cassia hirsuta aqueous leaf extract were reported in this study. The synthesis was optimized by measuring various parameters such as temperature, time, volume ratio, and concentration. The surface plasmon resonance at 440 nm for 30°C and 420 nm for both 50°C and 70°C measured using the UV-Vis spectrophotometer confirmed the formation of AgNPs synthesized using C. hirsuta (CAgNPs). The functional groups responsible for the reduction and stabilization of the NPs were identified using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The morphology, size, and elemental composition of the NPs were obtained using scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). X-ray diffractometer was used to identify the phases and crystallinity of CAgNPs. Crystalline spherical NPs with average diameter of 6.9 ± 0.1 nm were successfully synthesized. The thermal analysis of CAgNPs was observed from DSC-TGA. The larvicidal results against the different larva instar stage of Culex quinquefasciatus gave LC50 = 4.43 ppm and LC90 = 8.37 ppm. This is the first study on the synthesis of AgNPs using C. hirsuta and its application against lymphatic filariasis vector. Hence, it is suggested that the C. hirsuta synthesized AgNPs would be environmentally benign in biological control of mosquito

    Efficacy of Catalysts in the Batch Esterification of the Fatty Acids of Thevetia Peruviana Seed Oil

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    The methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl esters of the fatty acids of Thevetia peruviana seed oil were successfully prepared by the batch-esterification procedures. Various acid catalyst and various molar ratios of fatty acid to alcohol were investigated. H3PO4 was found to be ineffective to catalyze the esterification of the free fatty acid. HCl gas and conc. H2SO4 both proved very effective in catalyzing the reaction. Concentrated H2SO4 however, proved better of the two acids. Three molar ratios 1:1, 1:3 and 1:10 were investigated, 1:3 molar ratio of the free fatty acid to the alcohol was found to be the most efficient. @JASE


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    This article analyses the trajectory of the peace process implemented to mitigate the resource-based violent conflict in the Niger Delta region. Based on secondary sources, this article examines the peaceful responses of the Nigerian state to the violent oil contestation in the Niger Delta oil-rich region and what such efforts portend for the stability and development of the region. This paper concludes that the current peace process is fragile and may inundate the whole peace architecture except efforts are tilted towards understanding the structural and precipitating causes of such conflict and the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) are sustained for the benefit of the oil-rich areas. However, the political will of the government towards achieving concrete peace architecture is fuzzy

    Preliminary Studies on the effect of processing methods on the quality of three commonly consumed marine fishes in Nigeria

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    Three commonly available species of marine fishes in Nigeria, Clupea harengus , Scomber scombrus and Trachurus trachurus were subjected to boiling, frying and roasting and their effects on the fishes were observed. Frying reduced the protein content for all the fish types with the effect very pronounced on Clupea harengus and Trachurus trachurus but made fish less susceptible to spoilage. Fresh and fried C. harengus had 62.7 % and 10.6 % protein content respectively, while T. trachurus had 57.3 % and 9.18 %, respectively. The ash content reduced with all the treatment methods for all the fish species except for boiled Scomber scombrus. Boiling in water gave fish with the best nutritive value overall. Scomber scombrus was the most nutritious (in terms of protein and mineral content) of the three and the nutritive value did not diminish with the method of preparation. It is also the most palatable in terms of flavour and texture. Trachurus trachurus had the least protein value and the protein was very unstable to the treatment methods. The third species, Clupea harengus is also rich in protein but the protein content reduced with frying. Frying gave a better result when long-time preservation is of interest but boiling was the better processing method when preservation of nutrient is the focus. The results also showed that Scomber scombrus had the highest oil content (30.30%) followed by Clupea harengus (12.70%) while Trachurus trachurus has the lowest oil content (12.25) and irrespective of the processing method, the order remains unchanged. This work also shows that the effect of a treatment type on a fish sample is dependent on the fish species. The oils obtained from the fried fish samples had the least acid values in all cases, while the oils from the roasted samples had the highest saponification value

    Efficacy of Catalysts in the Batch Esterification of the Fatty Acids of Thevetia Peruviana Seed Oil

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    The methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl esters of the fatty acids of Thevetia peruviana seed oil were successfully prepared by the batch-esterification procedures. Various acid catalyst and various molar ratios of fatty acid to alcohol were investigated. H3PO4 was found to be ineffective to catalyze the esterification of the free fatty acid. HCl gas and conc. H2SO4 both proved very effective in catalyzing the reaction. Concentrated H2SO4 however, proved better of the two acids. Three molar ratios 1:1, 1:3 and 1:10 were investigated, 1:3 molar ratio of the free fatty acid to the alcohol was found to be the most efficient. (Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management: 2003 7(1): 15-18