39,224 research outputs found

    Roughness exponents and grain shapes

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    In surfaces with grainy features, the local roughness ww shows a crossover at a characteristic length rcr_c, with roughness exponent changing from α1≈1\alpha_1\approx 1 to a smaller α2\alpha_2. The grain shape, the choice of ww or height-height correlation function (HHCF) CC, and the procedure to calculate root mean-square averages are shown to have remarkable effects on α1\alpha_1. With grains of pyramidal shape, α1\alpha_1 can be as low as 0.71, which is much lower than the previous prediction 0.85 for rounded grains. The same crossover is observed in the HHCF, but with initial exponent χ1≈0.5\chi_1\approx 0.5 for flat grains, while for some conical grains it may increase to χ1≈0.7\chi_1\approx 0.7. The universality class of the growth process determines the exponents α2=χ2\alpha_2=\chi_2 after the crossover, but has no effect on the initial exponents α1\alpha_1 and χ1\chi_1, supporting the geometric interpretation of their values. For all grain shapes and different definitions of surface roughness or HHCF, we still observe that the crossover length rcr_c is an accurate estimate of the grain size. The exponents obtained in several recent experimental works on different materials are explained by those models, with some surface images qualitatively similar to our model films.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures and 2 table

    Finite-size effects in roughness distribution scaling

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    We study numerically finite-size corrections in scaling relations for roughness distributions of various interface growth models. The most common relation, which considers the average roughness asscalingfactor,isnotobeyedinthesteadystatesofagroupofballistic−likemodelsin2+1dimensions,evenwhenverylargesystemsizesareconsidered.Ontheotherhand,goodcollapseofthesamedataisobtainedwithascalingrelationthatinvolvestherootmeansquarefluctuationoftheroughness,whichcanbeexplainedbyfinite−sizeeffectsonsecondmomentsofthescalingfunctions.Wealsoobtaindatacollapsewithanalternativescalingrelationthataccountsfortheeffectoftheintrinsicwidth,whichisaconstantcorrectiontermpreviouslyproposedforthescalingof as scaling factor, is not obeyed in the steady states of a group of ballistic-like models in 2+1 dimensions, even when very large system sizes are considered. On the other hand, good collapse of the same data is obtained with a scaling relation that involves the root mean square fluctuation of the roughness, which can be explained by finite-size effects on second moments of the scaling functions. We also obtain data collapse with an alternative scaling relation that accounts for the effect of the intrinsic width, which is a constant correction term previously proposed for the scaling of . This illustrates how finite-size corrections can be obtained from roughness distributions scaling. However, we discard the usual interpretation that the intrinsic width is a consequence of high surface steps by analyzing data of restricted solid-on-solid models with various maximal height differences between neighboring columns. We also observe that large finite-size corrections in the roughness distributions are usually accompanied by huge corrections in height distributions and average local slopes, as well as in estimates of scaling exponents. The molecular-beam epitaxy model of Das Sarma and Tamborenea in 1+1 dimensions is a case example in which none of the proposed scaling relations works properly, while the other measured quantities do not converge to the expected asymptotic values. Thus, although roughness distributions are clearly better than other quantities to determine the universality class of a growing system, it is not the final solution for this task.Comment: 25 pages, including 9 figures and 1 tabl

    Stellar archeology of the nearby LINER galaxies NGC 4579 and NGC 4736

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    Stellar archeology of nearby LINER galaxies may reveal if there is a stellar young population that may be responsible for the LINER phenomenon. We show results for the classical LINER galaxies NGC 4579 and NGC 4736 and find no evidence of such populations.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium no. 26
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