10 research outputs found


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    Pneumonia is a major economic threat to swine industry worldwide, however, there is still dearth of information on the pathology and associated pathogens in Nigeria, and these were therefore investigated. Lungs from 408 slaughtered pigs were randomly collected from abattoirs in Abeokuta, Ibadan and Lagos. The lung samples were cultured for bacterial pathogens using standard techniques, while formalin-fixed tissues were processed for histopathological examination. Grossly, the most consistent lesion was bronchopneumonia (35.3%). The main histopathological findings were lymphoid hyperplasia of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) (88.2%), suppurative bronchopneumonia (63.6%), suppurative bronchitis and bronchiolitis with concurrent epithelial hyperplasia (57.1%), as well as thickened alveolar septa due to cellular infiltration consisting predominantly of neutrophils (54.1%). Ten different species of bacteria were isolated from the lung samples in which two or more pathogens were isolated from each sample (82.7%). Pasteurella multocida was the most frequently isolated bacterium (54.8%). Among the bacteria isolated, there were significant (P < 0.05) differences in the frequencies of isolation of β-haemolytic Streptococci, P. multocida, Haemophilus species and Escherichia coli between the pneumonic lungs and apparently normal lungs. The results of bacterial culture, gross and histopathological changes recorded in this study are consistent with bacterial pneumonia possibly caused by most of the bacteria identified in the present study.   &nbsp

    Haematological changes associated with porcine haemoparasitic infections in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The study was carried out between January and July 2016. Blood samples were obtained from 153 pigs by venipuncture and jugular severance at slaughter. The blood samples were examined for all known hemoparasites detectable by light microscopic examination. Haematimetric indices, complete blood cell count and leukocyte differentials were determined. The level of parasitaemia and changes in blood indices were subjected to statistical analysis across seasons. Trypanosoma brucei and Eperythrozoon suis were the only hemoparasites detected in the blood of pigs during the period of sampling. The prevalence of haemoparasitic infections in sampled pigs was 5.23%. T. brucei contributed 3.9% while E. suis contributed 1.31% to the prevalence. Anaemia (PCV<32) was a consistent and significant finding in all parasitemic samples. Eperythrozoon suis caused more severe anaemia (20±9.89) when compared with Trypanosoma brucei (27±3.03). The anaemia caused by E. suis was mostly microcytic normochromic while T. brucei mostly caused normocytic normochromic anaemia. Mild leucopenia was observed in eperythrozoonosis while a moderate lymphocytosis was observed in T. brucei infections. It was observed that in spite of intense chemoprophylaxis and other control measures employed, we still have persistent infections with Eperythrozoon sp and Trypanosomes in our pig population. Further studies should be carried out to detect the possibility of drug resistance by some of these circulating hemoparasites in the pig industry. Attempts should also be made to control the vectors of these parasites which are usually abundant during the rainy season and may be responsible for the higher prevalence recorded during this period.Keywords: Porcine, Infection, Haemoparasites, Haematological changes, Nigeri

    Gastric Acid Secretion and Experimental Ulceration in rats fed Soybean Diet Preparations

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    Effects of different preparations of Soybean diet on histamine or carbachol-induced acid secretion and indomethacin –induced ulceration were studied in male albino Wister rats. The animals were divided into four dietary groups (groups I, II, III and IV) and fed normal rat diet, 75% soybean diet, 50% soybean diet and 25% soybean diet respectively. Rats in group I served as control. After six weeks of feeding, acid secretion studies using histamine (3mg/Kg) or carbachol (50μg/Kg) and ulcer studies were carried out. While histamine and carbachol produced 400% and 350% increases respectively in acid output in rats fed normal diet, the acid output in soybean diet fed rats were between 210% and 280%. Also, rats fed soybean diets had lower ulcer scores than rats fed normal diet. Indeed, the higher the concentration of soybean in the diet the lesser the ulcer scores. The results therefore seem to suggest that soybean has buffering effect on induced acid secretion and protect the stomach against ulcer formation

    Osteodystrophia fibrosa secondary to a chronic renal failure in a dog: A case report

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    A five year male Rottweiler was presented to the Small animal clinic of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Ibadan, being a referral from Lagos. Bilateral swelling and deformity of the skull bones were observed. Palpation revealed swollen gums and weak mobile teeth weak. Urination was frequent and the urine very clear. Haematology and blood chemistry revealed non-regenerative anaemia, mild leucopenia, hypocalcaemia, hyper-phosphataemia, high serum blood urea and creatinine, and hyper-bilirubinaemia. Treatment was instituted with dextrose saline to rehydrate the animal and correct electrolyte and metabolic disorders. The dog however died despite intervention. At post mortem, the carcass was found to be jaundiced, the premolars were mal-positioned. Calcification was visible on the lower jaw. Kidneys were small, firm, with many white specks on the cortical surface. A diagnosis of Uremic renal failure with Osteodystrophia fibrosa (renal rickets) was made. The possible causes and clinical implications of the condition were discussed

    Some Pathological Effects of Sub-lethal concentrations of the Methanolic Extracts of Raphia hookeri on Clarias gariepinus

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    Raphia hookeri is a piscicidal plant introduced into inland waterways by artisanal fishermen in Nigeria to stupefy fish for easy catch. This study was aimed at evaluating the sub-lethal toxicity of methanol extracts of Raphia hookeri (MERH) based on histopathological alterations in the gills, liver, kidney, brain and heart of the African catfish ( Clarias gariepinus ) over a 56-day exposure and 56-day post-exposure period respectively. Prolonged exposure resulted in pathological changes like erosion of gill filament, thinning of gill lamellae, swollen and oedematous gill filament in the gills and centrilobular vacuolar degeneration, kupffer cell hyperplasia and focal necrosis in the liver. Severe widespread tubular degeneration, sub-capsular congestion and haemorrhage were also observed in the kidney. Pathological changes like meningeal congestion; neuronal degeneration and satellitosis were observed in the brain while hyaline degeneration, epicardial congestion and haemorrhage were some of the changes observed in the heart. In view of these findings, the use of R. hookeri extracts in harvesting fish by local fishermen in Nigeria should be discouraged until information that aid its application in a sustainable manner is made available by further studies

    Histomorphometric and histopathological studies on the effect of Calotropis procera (giant milkweed) on the male reproductive organs of wistar rats

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    Histomorphometric and histopathological evaluations of the effects of fresh leaf extract of Calotropis procera on the reproductive organs of male wistar rats given 20mg\gm body weight of the extract once daily, orally, for varying number of days showed varying degrees of desquamation of seminiferous epithelial cells, degeneration of seminiferous tubules and presence of large-sized multinucleated cells as well as significant reduction (P < 0.05) in the seminiferous tubular diameter. The epididymis of the test rats showed cell debris, numerous immature round cells and pinkish homogenous material in the lumens while the epithelia appeared normal. There was a general reduction in the mean ductular and luminal diameter while fluctuating changes were observed in the epithelial height of the epididymis of treated rats. The accessory glands of test rats showed pinkish homogenous fluid as well as inflammatory cells in the lumen and glandular degeneration of the seminal vesicles. The result from this study revealed that Calotropis procera has a potentially deleterious effect on the testes and accessory sex organs

    Evaluation of hydrocarbon potential of shale outcrops in the flanks of Anambra Basin

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    The research aim is to determine the organic productivity and hydrocarbon potential of the exposed shale lithology along Uzebba road and Bawa hills near Auchi, Southwest Nigeria.Twenty two (22) shale samples were acquired from the study area; twelve (12) from the outcropping section along Uzebba road, and the remaining ten (10) samples obtained from Bawa hills. The samples were then subjected to organic geochemical analysis using Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Rock Eval Pyrolysis to evaluate the organic enrichment, organic quality and thermal maturity espectively.Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content of the twentytwo samples ranges from 3.42 – 4.88 wt. %, affirming a high organic enrichment. Shale samples from Uzebba segment and Bawa hills falls within the Type I and Type II Kerogen class respectively. The former is indicative of immature – sub mature organic matter with no hydrocarbon formation prospect whilst the latter exhibits great hydrocarbon (oil) generation potential Thermal maturation assessment for both samples apparently ranges from immature to mature organic matter. From the Rock-Eval pyrolysis result, all the twenty-two (22) samples were confirmed to be organically enriched. However, the type I kerogen of Bawa at favourable geothermal gradient can potentially serve as a suitable source rock for petroleum generation

    Lipolytic effect of Calotropis procera in the skin of wistar rats

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    Histopathological studies of skin samples from Wistar rats treated once daily for four weeks with 20mg/gm body weight of the fresh leaf extract of Calotropis procera by the oral route showed significant degeneration of adipose tissue in the hypodermis and partial degeneration of the dermis at the site of merging with the hypodermis. No significant histological changes were, however, observed in the stratified squamous epithelium of the epidermis. Hair follicles and sebaceous glands were not affected. It was concluded from these observations that the subcutaneous layer was the one mainly affected by the treatment with the leaf extract

    Application of electrical and magnetic geophysical methods in depth estimation of potential mineral depositat Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Geophysical techniques are powerful tools in depth estimation of minerals deposits. This survey was carried out to evaluate the nature and&nbsp; depth of mineral deposits near the Sports complex of Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye.’. A total of five (5) Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) points were investigated using Pasi Terrameter. The spread across the area using the Schlumberger&nbsp; configuration was with a maximum current electrode separation of 100m. The results obtained were interpreted quantitatively and&nbsp; qualitatively using partial curve matching and computer iteration programs known as WINRESIST and SURFER 11. Also, forty one (41) survey profiles were taken at a station interval of 5m using the GEM Magnetometer to acquire the Total Magnetic Intensity reading. The Guassian filter-Oasis Montaj was used for the computation of regional field from the observed TMI readings of the area. The geologic andstructural map reveals a few visible fractured zones imbedded in the migmatite-gneiss deposits which spread from the northwest to the southern and eastern part of the study area and the granite gneiss was seen around the Southwestern and Northern parts. The delineated fractures could potentially serve as geologic traps for mineral localization. The 2D radial average power spectrum indicates that, the northeast part of the mapped area has a depth of 4.5mand a depth of 13m at the eastern part. It can be seen that the depth are shallow and there are visible outcrops at the study area.The approximate depth to the mineral deposit was determined using the standard Euler solution to be around 13 m and the elevation range obtained varies between 37 m – 50 m. The correlation of the electrical and magnetic techniques shows that both methods are able to give the estimated depth of shallow mineral deposit which range between 13 m – 18m. Keywords: Euler solution, Geophysical Techniques, Lithology, Total Magnetic Intensity, Vertical Electrical Sounding

    Retrospective study of swine respiratory diseases in Ogun and Oyo States, Nigeria: Immunohistochemical detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

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    Swine respiratory diseases particularly enzootic pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo) constitutes a significant health problem to pig production in many countries. However, the impact has been underestimated in Nigeria. This study therefore, retrospectively analyzed swine respiratory diseases and the associated pulmonary histopathology. Postmortem records and archival lung samples were obtained from the Departments of Veterinary Pathology University of Ibadan, Ibadan and Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. A total of 98 pig carcasses were presented for necropsy during the period between 2005 and 2017. The diseases presumptively diagnosed using gross morphological criteria were extracted from the postmortem records while, 21 formalin-fixed archival lung samples were used for histopathology and immunohistochemistry using standard techniques. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics while Chi Square was used to test for association between different variables and pulmonary lesions at α0.05. In this study, respiratory diseases had a prevalence of 56.1% with enzootic pneumonia as the most frequently diagnosed at postmortem (49%, 48/98). Only age was identified to be a significant (P = 0.019) predisposing factor in the development of respiratory diseases. Microscopically, hyperplasia of bronchus associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) with formation of lymphoid nodules and thickening of alveolar septa were the most significant changes (38.1%, 8/21). Immunohistochemically, M. hyopneumoniae antigen was detected in 13/21 (61.9%) of the lung samples and were immunolabelled as granular brown reactions on the luminal surfaces of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial cells and intraluminal cellular exudates within the airways. The histopathological findings and the detection of M. hyopneumoniae antigen indicated that the organism is primarily involved in the development of enzootic pneumonia in naturally infected pigs and may be central in the pathogenesis. It is concluded that enzootic pneumonia is a serious health issue in pigs in the study area and needs urgent attention. Keywords: Archival lung samples, Histopathology, Pigs, Pneumonia, Retrospective analysis &nbsp