172 research outputs found

    Philosophy of the creative city

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    Economic and political fundamentals for the establishment of the cabinet-owned metallurgical complex in Siberia in the 18th century

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    Economic and political fundamentals for the development of mining and metallurgical production in Siberia in the 18th century are discussed in this paper. The principal type of ownership of large enterprises at that time was serf manufactory, the development of which took place in the conditions of absolutism based on forced labor. Based on a comprehensive set of archive documents, the authors have studied the problem of the transfer under the authority of the Imperial Cabinet of the private Kolyvano-Voskresensk enterprises owned by Demidov, which were established in the 1720s in the south area of Western Siberia. The status change of industrial enterprises is discussed in the context of accidental events (the death of Akinfiy Demidov and the controversy of his heirs) and the consistent processes of development of silver smelting production in the country. The quick development of the metallurgical industry in Russia in the 18th century was caused by a number of domestic and external factors. The Crown extensively attracted private sector capital for the search and development of ore deposits, especially in remote Uralian and Siberian areas. In the 1720s-1740s, the Kolyvano-Voskresensk industrial-territorial complex privately owned by Akinfiy Demidov was established in the south area of Western Siberia. In the middle of the 1740s, the events happened, as a result of which the possessory belonging of the enterprises was changed and these enterprises were transferred under the control and management of the governmental institution – that is, the Imperial Cabinet. Thus, the Kolyvano-Voskresensk plants became the basis of the Cabinet production unit which existed in the 18h-19th centuries.peer-reviewe

    Development of human capital in the system of economic categories of work

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    Today, human capital is one of the main factors in the formation of the knowledge economy, which is the highest stage in the development of an innovative, post-industrial economy. The development of intellectual and spiritual capabilities of a person, as well as the accumulation of human capital, which has a strong influence on the productivity and quality of labor, becomes one of the priorities for the future development of the state. This article discusses the development of human capital in the system of economic categories of labor.peer-reviewe

    Organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production

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    The increase in the production of agricultural products and food supplies in excess of regulatory needs and the provision of food safety in Russia led to the expansion of the export of agricultural products and the change in the course of the development of the agro-industrial complex from import substitution to export-oriented production. However, the entry to world food markets requires high quality of products from manufacturers and its certification in accordance with world standards. The article presents the organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production, namely, the use of the resource potential, the involvement of Russian manufacturers in the production of environmentally friendly products and the development of organic agriculture; the mechanisms for solving the set problems are substantiated.peer-reviewe

    Formation of zonal agro-eco clusters as a mechanism for the development of rural areas

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    Today, the degree of agricultural development, and, in the future, the level of national food security, the public health and the quality of life, are largely ensured by innovative developments in the field of alternative agriculture, the preservation of natural resources and, above all, the main production facility – land. At the same time, the unfilled market capacity of organic products and the significant land potential for the development of organic farming create all the necessary prerequisites for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian rural producers. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship towards the greening of land use, organic production and development of the domestic market for organic (ecological) products in the format of zonal agro-eco clusters is one of the strategic directions for implementing reforms in the agricultural sector. The paper presents the directions of the formation and development of zonal agro-eco clusters for the production, processing and sale of organic products in the agricultural regions of Russia.peer-reviewe

    Economic potential and development prospects of small businesses in rural areas

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    The article examines the role of small business in the development of rural areas by the example of bakery production. Moreover, it demonstrates the need for the interaction of small bakery businesses with large enterprises of the industry and grain processors. The article reveals the development trends of small bakery production in rural areas. The conditions for the participation of small bakery businesses in rural areas in the development of the production of functional and specialized bread are substantiated. The article proposes the directions and mechanisms of support for small bakery production at the level of rural territories. The development of modern methods of redistribution of bakery production in proportion to the living population, measures of state support for small bakery production and expansion of the range of bread products that contribute to improving the health of the population of Russia, is the theme of this study. The object of the research is the development of small bakery production as a condition for improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas. The subject of the research is production and management relations that ensure the development of small bakery production and its impact on the quality of life of the population in rural areas.peer-reviewe

    Long-term management of patients with epilepsy. Organization of a service in the Tyumen Region

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    Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease that requires a long-term or lifelong follow-up of patients. The factors that influence the outcome of therapy are various; moreover, the key factors of them are the organization of care and the mode of patient follow-up. The necessity of optimizing the specialized health care to this category of patients stems from the poorer quality of life in the patients and their families and from the more frequentdevelopment of mental disorders and drug-resistant forms of the disease during ineffective therapy. These and other issues are considered in this paper with emphasis on the specific area – the south of the Tyumen Region. This underlines the importance of setting up not only highlevel epileptologic centers, but also a whole network that provides access to specialized epileptologic care. It seems today that it is more appropriate to solve problems in the organization of management for epileptic patients at the level of an administrative region, for this state structure has all necessary conditions for rapidly and rationally implementing the most successful developments of specialized care to the population

    SvSv-lines is an effective tool for involvement of the valuable genepool of 1 EBN diploid potato species into breeding

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    There is a set of wild potato species valuable for breeding, in particular 1 EBN diploid species from Mexico, which is practically not crossable to cultivated potatoes, including Solanum tuberosum dihaploids (2х, 2 EBN), because of strict pre- and postzygotic interspecific reproductive barriers. It is proposed to involve that species germplasm into breeding by using the original SvSv-lines (F2 S. tuberosum dihaploids×S. verrucosum), in which St -alleles have been substituted for Sv from the self-compatible diploid species S. verrucosum not producing stylar S-RNase. It was anticipated that SvSv-lines have the same ability for elimination of prezygotic incompatibility in interspecific hybridization as S. verrucosum due to S-genes of that species in homozygous state. However, their use would help avoid undesirable effects associated with S. verrucosum application (male sterility and reduced tuber formation in hybrids). The aim of the research was estimation of the efficiency of using SvSv-lines, in comparison with S. verrucosum, as a bridge for involvement of the 1 EBN potato species S. bulbocastanum, S. pinnatisectum and S. polyadenium into breeding. It was revealed that SvSv-lines excels S. verrucosum in hybridization efficacy due to abundant and prolonged flowering in later term than S. verrucosum, when flowering of pollinator species occurs. There were significantly less sterile or low fertility genotypes among the hybrids between SvSv-lines and 1 EBN wild species. They had higher ability for tuber formation, and so they were suitable for long term field trials, contrast to hybrids with S. verrucosum. The interspecific hybrids produced were crossed as female parents to S. tuberosum dihaploids

    Economic and mathematical modeling of regional industrial processes

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    The paper presents a method for the parallel optimization of the structure of sown areas for calculating economic and mathematical models for the traditional and organic-oriented land use systems characterized by the introduction of an additional set of environmental criteria constraints. Based on the proposed methodology, an economic-mathematical model has been calculated and the effectiveness of the functioning of the Altai Foothills zonal agroecocluster has been proved. Considering the full involvement in the agricultural production turnover of land suitable to produce organic products, the level of profitability was 39.7% against 17.3% in case of optimizing the structure of the sown areas in the traditional system of agricultural production.peer-reviewe