104 research outputs found

    Regulation for the Translation of Gene and Cell Therapy into Medical Practice in East Asian Countries

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    SCIENTIFIC RELEVANCE. Currently, the Russian Federation lacks a comprehensive regulatory framework for the use of gene and cell therapy (GCT) products. There is no standard for conducting clinical trials for purposes other than marketing authorisation in Russia. In contrast, international practice shows that, in addition to marketing authorisation, including approval based on incomplete data with post-approval commitments, there are regulatory mechanisms for the use of unregistered GCT products, such as hospital exemptions, expanded access, or compassionate use in the European Union and the USA. Relatively recently, this framework has been reformed in East Asian countries.AIM. This study aimed to analyse the regulatory mechanisms for translating GCT products into medical practice in East Asian countries and to assess the possibility of transferring elements of international experience to Russian practice.DISCUSSION. East Asian countries have adopted legislation on requirements for the manufacturing and medicinal use of GCT products. These requirements include having a mandatory license for production in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice, consideration of the rationale for the use of GCT products by regulatory authorities or special committees, risk classification of investigational GCT products, approved registries of medical institutions authorised to use GCT products, and necessary monitoring and control of patients after GCT administration. Only cellbased innovative medicines, including genetically modified cells, are used within the framework of medical technologies (Japan, China, and Taiwan) or services (Republic of Korea), and in vivo gene therapy products can be used only in investigator-initiated clinical trials.CONCLUSIONS. The East Asian experience in translating GСT products into medical practice would be extremely useful for the Russian Federation, especially in terms of GСT use for specific indications based on accumulated clinical experience. The review suggests that it would be appropriate to establish legal provisions for investigator-initiated clinical research in Russian national legislation

    World practice of providing scientific advice on the development and authorisation of innovative medicines

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    Current challenges to healthcare, i.e. the emergence of new diseases, lack of therapies for known diseases and life-threatening conditions, identification of patients who do not respond to standard treatment, on the one hand, and the evolution of scientific understanding of disease processes, medicines, therapies, causes of treatment failures, and implementation in clinical practice of innovations related to molecular biology and genetic engineering, on the other hand, create conditions and opportunities for the development of innovative medicinal products. A relatively new class of medicines is based on human cells and tissues (the term used in Russian legislation is biomedical cell products, BCP). However, the inability to accurately predict the efficacy and financial rewards of such medicines for pharmaceutical companies, as well as significant labour and financial costs associated with their development and clinical use, hinder their entry into the market. The aim of the study was to analyse the foreign regulatory setting for the development and launch of human cell- and tissue-based products, as well as approaches of foreign regulatory authorities to scientific advice, which can be drawn upon by the Russian expert authority when providing advice to BCP developers. The paper summarises the results of analysis of regulations establishing the procedure for providing scientific advice by EU, USA, and Russian regulatory authorities, and analyses the advice provided for the human cell- and tissue-based products which are now authorised in the EU and USA. The analysis of advice provided by foreign regulatory authorities shows that the largest number of consultations were given for medicinal products based on genetically modified cells for the treatment of cancer and genetic diseases. The questions were mainly related to the contents of specifications for finished pharmaceutical products, safety evaluation, curtailing of preclinical studies due to the lack of relevant animal/disease models, the number of subjects and efficacy endpoints in clinical studies, assessment of the appearance of replication-competent retroviruses

    Gene therapy of neurodegenerative diseases: achievements, developments, and clinical implementation challenges

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    Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) are promising objects for the development of gene therapy products, primarily, due to the possible cause of these diseases (disruption of a gene or several genes), lack of effective therapy, and negative impact on the quality of life of both patients and their families and friends.The aim of the study was to identify trends and challenges in the development and preclinical and clinical studies of gene therapy products for NDDs and to analyse the international experience of expert assessment of the dossier for Zolgensma®, which received a conditional marketing authorisation.According to the analysis of the ongoing studies of gene therapy products for NDDs, the following major challenges arise at preclinical and clinical stages. For animal studies, a particular challenge is to select a disease model, a route of administration, and a target for effective gene therapy for polygenic disorders. For clinical trials, problematic aspects are the selection of a control group, the development of inclusion criteria for patients with a genetic variant that is an indication for a gene therapy product and exclusion criteria for patients with antibodies to this gene therapy product, the selection and justifi cation of a safe therapeutic dose since a gene therapy product can be administered to a patient only once, and the complexity of assessing clinical benefi ts of transgene expression in the human body due to the inaccessibility of brain tissue for analysis. Recent years have witnessed a breakthrough in gene therapy with the introduction of Zolgensma® (Novartis) to the world pharmaceutical market to treat children with spinal muscular atrophy type 1. The article analyses the experience of expert assessment of the marketing authorisation dossier for Zolgensma®, which can be used by drug developers bringing new medicines to the market of the Eurasian Economic Union under conditional marketing authorisation, which implies that the benefi ts of immediate patient access to these medicines will exceed the risks associated with incomplete data on their characteristics


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    The aim – to study and determine the possibilities of using the anthropometric method in conducting differential diagnosis in HIV patients with lower respiratory tract lesions. Materials and methods. A longitudinal retrospective study was conducted. The object of the study – HIV patients with lower respiratory tract lesions. The subject of the study is the differential diagnosis of pulmonary system lesions in HIV-infected patients. To achieve the goal of the study we used anthropometric method, which included measuring body weight with medical levers, patient height with a medical height meter and the thickness of the fat layer in the biceps, triceps, subscapular and umbilical region with a caliper. Measurements were performed according to the instructions for the medical device. After receiving the results of the study, statistical data processing was performed using methods of variation statistics and correlation analysis using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for Microsoft Windows. Research results. Differential clinical criteria for bacterial pneumonia in HIV and HIV/TB co-infection are difficult to determine, especially against the background of severe immunosuppression. During the measurement of weight and height of patients and calculation of body mass index, it was found that the body mass index (BMI) in both groups was within acceptable limits (≥18.5 and <25), but in the group of HIV co-infection / TB was significantly lower than in the group of HIV patients with bacterial pneumonia (p <0.001). The thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer in the group of patients with HIV / TB co-infection was significantly smaller compared to the first group, which indicates a difference in the pathophysiological processes underlying the development of pathology that caused lung damage on the background of immunodeficiency. The analysis performed in the studied groups with the compared indicators revealed a strong direct correlation (p <0.001). Based on the obtained data, a diagnostic anthropometric formula is proposed in order to optimize the differential diagnosis in the group of HIV patients with bacterial pneumonia and HIV/TB co-infection. Conclusion. Our study revealed that HIV patients with bacterial pneumonia and HIV/TB co-infection have special differences in anthropometric data: the difference in body mass index and subcutaneous fat fold thickness at four specific points, the cause of which lies in immunopathogenesis. and due to more pronounced immune and metabolic changes in HIV/TB, which is due to the phenomena of chronic inflammation and was confirmed by anthropometry with subsequent correlation analysis. A diagnostic anthropometric formula is proposed, using the data of body mass index and subcutaneous fat layer thickness at four defined points, which can be used as an additional factor and criterion for differentiation of tuberculosis infection in HIV-infected persons. The obtained data can be used in the differential diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia and tuberculosis in the category of HIV patients.Мета – вивчити можливості використання антропометричного методу у диференційній діагностиці при ВІЛ-інфекції з ураженням нижніх дихальних шляхів. Матеріали і методи. Проведено повздовжнє рет­роспективне дослідження. Об’єкт дослідження – хворі на ВІЛ-інфекцію з ураженням нижніх дихальних шляхів. Предмет дослідження – диференційна діагностика уражень легеневої системи у ВІЛ-інфікованих. Для реалізації мети дослідження використаний антропометричний метод, що включав вимірювання маси тіла за допомогою медичних важелів, росту хворого за допомогою медичного ростоміру та товщини жирового шару в зоні біцепсу, трицепсу, підлопаткової та навколопупкової ділянки за допомогою каліпера. Вимірювання проводили згідно з інструкцією до медичного приладу. Після отримання результатів дослідження здійснена статистична обробка даних за допомогою методів варіаційної статистики та кореляційного аналізу з використанням програми Microsoft Office Excel 2007 для Microsoft Windows. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Диференційні клінічні критерії бактерійної пневмонії при ВІЛ- та ко-інфекції ВІЛ/ТБ визначити складно, особливо на тлі вираженої імунодепресії. Виявили, що індекс маси тіла (ІМТ) в обох групах був у межах допустимих норм (≥18,5 та <25), але в групі з ко-інфекцією ВІЛ/ТБ достовірно меншим, ніж у хворих на ВІЛ-інфекцію з бактерійною пневмонією (p<0,001). Товщина шару підшкірно-жирової клітковини у групі хворих на ко-інфекцію ВІЛ/ТБ виявилась достовірно меншою, порівняно з першою групою, що свідчить про різницю патофізіологічних процесів, закладених в основу розвитку патології, що спричиняла ураження легень на тлі імунодефіциту. Проведений аналіз у досліджуваних групах з показниками, що порівнювались, виявив сильну пряму кореляцію (p<0,001). На підставі отриманих даних запропонована діагностична антропометрична формула з метою оптимізації диференційної діагностики у групі хворих на ВІЛ-інфекцію з бактерійною пневмонією та ко-інфекцією ВІЛ/ТБ. Висновок. Здійснене дослідження дозволило виявити, що у хворих на ВІЛ-інфекцію з бактерійною пневмонією та ко-інфекцією ВІЛ/ТБ є особливі відмінності антропометричних даних: різниця у значеннях індексу маси тіла та товщини підшкірно-жирової складки у чотирьох визначених точках. Причина цього лежить в імунопатогенезі поєднаних інфекцій та обумовлена значнішими імунними та метаболічними змінами при ВІЛ/ТБ, що було підтверджено методом антропо­метрії з подальшим проведенням корелятивного аналізу. Запропонована діагностична антропометрична формула з використанням даних індексу маси тіла та товщини підшкірно-жирового шару в чотирьох визначених точках, яка може бути використана як додатковий фактор і критерій диференціації туберкульозної інфекції у ВІЛ-інфікованих осіб. Отримані дані можуть бути використані в диференційній діагностиці бактерійної пневмонії та туберкульозу у категорії хворих на ВІЛ-інфекцію


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the features of hemostasis disorders in patients with coronavirus infection. Materials and methods. 78 medical records of inpatients hospitalized in the Regional Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital of Kharkiv for the period from May to September 2020 were analyzed. To assess the state of the hemostasis system and the risk of thrombohemorrhagic complications, the level of platelets, fibrinogen, D-dimer, active partial thromboplastic time (APTT), international normalized ratio (INR) was monitored. Results. During the study, disorders of cellular and plasma indicators of hemostasis were analyzed. Patients were divided into groups, depending on the severity of respiratory failure. Coagulation tests were monitored every 48 hours. Conclusion. In patients with moderate severity, disorders of the hemostasis system in the form of hypercoagulation prevailed. Prolonged course of the disease for more than 21 days or in patients with severe, extremely severe course, hypercoagulation changed to hypocoagulation and DIC syndrome occurred. There is a direct relationship with the state of hemostasis and the severity of coronavirus infection.Мета роботи – проаналізувати особливості порушення системи гемостазу у хворих на коронавірусну інфекцію. Матеріали та методи. Проаналізовано 78 медичних карт стаціонарних хворих, госпіталізованих в обласну клінічну інфекційну лікарню м. Харкова за період з травня по вересень 2020 р. Для оцінки стану системи гемостазу та ризику виникнення тромбогеморагічних ускладнень проводили моніторинг рівня тромбоцитів, фібриногену, D-димеру, активного часткового тромбопластинового часу (АЧТЧ), міжнародного нормалізованого відношення (МНВ). Результати дослідження. Під час дослідження були проаналізовані порушення клітинних і плазматичних показників гемостазу. Хворі були поділені на групи, залежно від ступеня тяжкості дихальної недостатності. Моніторинг коагуляційних тестів проводили кожні 48 год. Висновок. У пацієнтів із середнім ступенем тяжкості переважали порушення системи гемостазу у вигляді гіперкоагуляції. Тривалий перебіг хвороби понад 21 добу або у хворих із тяжким чи вкрай тяжким ступенем гіперкоагуляція змінювалася на гіпокоагуляцію та виникав ДВЗ-синдром. Показники гемостазу прямо корелювали зі ступенем тяжкості коронавірусної інфекції

    2D Spectroscopy of Candidate Polar-Ring Galaxies: I. The Pair of Galaxies UGC 5600/09

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    Observations of the pair of galaxies VV 330 with the SCORPIO multimode instrument on the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope are presented. Large-scale velocity fields of the ionized gas in H-alfa and brightness distributions in continuum and H-alfa have been constructed for both galaxies with the help of a scanning Fabry Perot interferometer. Long-slit spectroscopy is used to study the stellar kinematics. Analysis of the data obtained has revealed a complex structure in each of the pair components. Three kinematic subsystems have been identified in UGC 5600: a stellar disk, an inner gas ring turned with respect to the disk through ~80degrees, and an outer gas disk. The stellar and outer gas disks are noncoplanar. Possible scenarios for the formation of the observed multicomponent kinematic galactic structure are considered, including the case where the large-scale velocity field of the gas is represented by the kinematic model of a disk with a warp. The velocity field in the second galaxy of the pair, UGC 5609, is more regular. A joint analysis of the data on the photometric structure and the velocity field has shown that this is probably a late-type spiral galaxy whose shape is distorted by the gravitational interaction, possibly, with UGC 5600.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Генная терапия нейродегенеративных заболеваний: достижения, разработки, проблемы внедрения в клиническую практику

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    Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) are promising objects for the development of gene therapy products, primarily, due to the possible cause of these diseases (disruption of a gene or several genes), lack of effective therapy, and negative impact on the quality of life of both patients and their families and friends.The aim of the study was to identify trends and challenges in the development and preclinical and clinical studies of gene therapy products for NDDs and to analyse the international experience of expert assessment of the dossier for Zolgensma®, which received a conditional marketing authorisation.According to the analysis of the ongoing studies of gene therapy products for NDDs, the following major challenges arise at preclinical and clinical stages. For animal studies, a particular challenge is to select a disease model, a route of administration, and a target for effective gene therapy for polygenic disorders. For clinical trials, problematic aspects are the selection of a control group, the development of inclusion criteria for patients with a genetic variant that is an indication for a gene therapy product and exclusion criteria for patients with antibodies to this gene therapy product, the selection and justification of a safe therapeutic dose since a gene therapy product can be administered to a patient only once, and the complexity of assessing clinical benefits of transgene expression in the human body due to the inaccessibility of brain tissue for analysis. Recent years have witnessed a breakthrough in gene therapy with the introduction of Zolgensma® (Novartis) to the world pharmaceutical market to treat children with spinal muscular atrophy type 1. The article analyses the experience of expert assessment of the marketing authorisation dossier for Zolgensma®, which can be used by drug developers bringing new medicines to the market of the Eurasian Economic Union under conditional marketing authorisation, which implies that the benefits of immediate patient access to these medicines will exceed the risks associated with incomplete data on their characteristics.Нейродегенеративные заболевания (НДЗ) являются одними из перспективных объектов для разработки препаратов генной терапии, в первую очередь ввиду возможной причины их возникновения (нарушение работы гена или генов), отсутствия эффективной терапии, негативного влияния на качество жизни как самого пациента, так и его окружения.Цель работы — анализ направлений и проблем разработки, проведения доклинических и клинических исследований препаратов генной терапии для лечения нейродегенеративных заболеваний, а также изучение зарубежного опыта экспертной оценки регистрационного досье препарата Zolgensma®, получившего условную государственную регистрацию. Анализ проводимых исследований продуктов генной терапии в области НДЗ показал, что основными проблемами являются: в исследованиях на животных — выбор модели заболевания, способа введения, подбор мишени для эффективной генной терапии при заболеваниях, затрагивающих работу нескольких генов; на этапе клинических исследований (КИ) — выбор группы сравнения, разработка критериев отбора пациентов для участия в КИ с учетом наличия генетической мутации, которая является показанием к проведению генной терапии, исключения из КИ пациентов при наличии у них антител к продукту генной терапии, выбор и обоснование безопасной терапевтической дозы вследствие единственного шанса у пациента на введение препарата генной терапии, сложность оценки клинической пользы по экспрессии трансгена в организме у человека вследствие недоступности тканей мозга для анализа. Прорывом последних лет является вывод на мировой фармацевтический рынок препарата генной терапии Zolgensma® (Novartis) для лечения детей со спинальной мышечной атрофией 1 типа. В статье проанализирован опыт экспертной оценки регистрационного досье препарата Zolgensma®, который может быть использован разработчиками в ходе вывода на рынок Евразийского экономического союза лекарственных препаратов по механизму условной регистрации, подразумевающей, что польза от немедленного доступа пациентов к препаратам будет превышать риски, связанные с неполными данными об их характеристиках

    Клинические исследования препаратов клеточной терапии: опыт рассмотрения зарубежными регуляторными органами

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    Currently, the problem of adopting viable human cell-based drugs – biomedical cell products (BCPs) – in medical practice in the Russian Federation includes, among others, lack of experience in clinical trials for such drugs and insufficient expert assessment under the national state registration procedure. In global practice, by the beginning of 2020, there were over 30 cellular therapy products (human cellular- and tissue-based products) known to have undergone clinical trials for sales licenses from regulatory bodies in the United States, European Union, Japan, and South Korea. Most cellular therapy products are intended for treatment of severe orphan diseases and lifethreatening conditions that currently cannot be treated by traditional drugs or methods. The aim of this study is to analyze the global experience in clinical trials for cellular therapy products and also to examine conclusions reached by regulatory authorities with regards to issuance of sales licenses for the products. Particular attention was paid to clinical trials that subsequently led to granting of sales license (state registration). In reviewing such trials, we also focused on the types and number of clinical trials, the number of patients involved in the clinical trials, conclusions made by expert regulatory agencies on the efficacy, safety and risk/benefit ratio. Most of the products were approved for use based on uncontrolled phase II clinical trials. In the clinical trial, apart from the historical group and the placebo-controlled group, there was also a control group that received nothing. The number of patients in most clinical trials was limited, especially for drugs intended for treatment of rare genetic diseases, as well as drugs approved for use in Japan.В настоящее время проблема внедрения в медицинскую практику в Российской Федерации препаратов на основе жизнеспособных клеток человека – биомедицинских клеточных продуктов (БМКП) – включает, в том числе, отсутствие опыта проведения клинических исследований (КИ) таких препаратов и их экспертной оценки в рамках национальной процедуры государственной регистрации. В мировой практике к началу 2020 г. известно более 30 препаратов клеточной терапии (препаратов на основе клеток и тканей человека), которые прошли процедуру рассмотрения результатов клинических исследований в рамках получения разрешения на продажу регуляторными органами США, Европейского союза, Японии, Южной Кореи. Большинство препаратов для клеточной терапии предназначены для лечения тяжелых орфанных заболеваний и жизнеугрожающих состояний, потребность в лечении которых в настоящее время не обеспечена традиционными лекарственными препаратами или методами. Целью данного исследования является анализ мирового опыта проведения клинических исследований препаратов клеточной терапии и рассмотрения регуляторными органами их результатов в рамках получения разрешения на продажу. Особое внимание было уделено КИ, на основе которых препарат получал разрешение на маркетинговую авторизацию (государственную регистрацию): типам и количеству КИ, количеству пациентов, участвующих в КИ, выводам, сделанным экспертами регуляторных органов по эффективности, безопасности и отношению ожидаемой пользы к возможному риску применения этих препаратов. Преимущественно препараты были разрешены к применению на основе неконтролируемых КИ II фаз, в качестве контрольных групп сравнения использовался исторический контроль, плацебо или введение в КИ группы без применения препарата; количество пациентов в большинстве КИ было ограниченным, особенно для препаратов, предназначенных для лечения редких генетических заболеваний, а также препаратов, разрешенных к применению в Японии

    Study of the structure and kinematics of the NGC 7465/64/63 triplet galaxies

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of new observational data for the group of galaxies NGC 7465/64/63, which were obtained at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) with the multimode instrument SCORPIO and the Multi Pupil Fiber Spectrograph. For one of group members (NGC 7465) the presence of a polar ring was suspected. Large-scale brightness distributions, velocity and velocity dispersion fields of the ionized gas for all three galaxies as well as line-of-sight velocity curves on the basis of emission and absorption lines and a stellar velocity field in the central region for NGC 7465 were constructed. As a result of the analysis of the obtained information, we revealed an inner stellar disk (r ~ 0.5 kpc) and a warped gaseous disk in addition to the main stellar disk, in NGC 7465. On the basis of the joint study of photometric and spectral data it was ascertained that NGC 7464 is the irregular galaxy of the IrrI type, whose structural and kinematic peculiarities resulted most likely from the gravitational interaction with NGC 7465. The velocity field of the ionized gas of NGC 7463 turned out typical for spiral galaxies with a bar, and the bending of outer parts of its disk could arise owing to the close encounter with one of galaxies of the environment.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure