3,466 research outputs found

    Double quantum dots as a high sensitive submillimeter-wave detector

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    A single electron transistor (SET) consisting of parallel double quantum dots fabricated in a GaAs/Alx_{x}Ga1x_{1-x}As heterostructure crystal is demonstrated to serve as an extremely high sensitive detector of submillimeter waves (SMMW). One of the double dots is ionized by SMMW via Kohn-mode plasma excitation, which affects the SET conductance through the other quantum dot yielding the photoresponse. Noise equivalent power of the detector for wavelengths about 0.6 mm is estimated to reach the order of 101710^{-17} W/Hz\sqrt{Hz} at 70 mK.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX, submitted to Appl.Phys.Let

    Higgs-inspired corrections to the RG flow in the finite-temperature 3D Georgi-Glashow model and its SU(N)-generalization

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    The Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) RG flow in the ensemble of monopoles existing in the finite-temperature (2+1)D Georgi-Glashow model is explored in the regime when the Higgs field is not infinitely heavy, but its mass is rather of the same order of magnitude as the mass of the W-boson. The corrections to the standard RG flow are derived to the leading order in the inverse mass of the Higgs boson. According to the obtained RG equations, the scaling of the free-energy density in the critical region and the value of the critical temperature of the phase transition are found to be unaffected by the finiteness of the Higgs-boson mass. The evolution of the Higgs mass itself is also investigated and shown to be rather weak, that enables one to treat this parameter as a constant. The same analysis is further performed in the SU(N)-case at N>2, where the RG invariance is demonstrated to hold only approximately, in a certain sense. Modulo this approximation, the critical behaviour of the SU(N)-model turns out to be identical to that of the SU(2)-one.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Information entropy and nucleon correlations in nuclei

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    The information entropies in coordinate and momentum spaces and their sum (SrS_r, SkS_k, SS) are evaluated for many nuclei using "experimental" densities or/and momentum distributions. The results are compared with the harmonic oscillator model and with the short-range correlated distributions. It is found that SrS_r depends strongly on lnA\ln A and does not depend very much on the model. The behaviour of SkS_k is opposite. The various cases we consider can be classified according to either the quantity of the experimental data we use or by the values of SS, i.e., the increase of the quality of the density and of the momentum distributions leads to an increase of the values of SS. In all cases, apart from the linear relation S=a+blnAS=a+b\ln A, the linear relation S=aV+bVlnVS=a_V+b_V \ln V also holds. V is the mean volume of the nucleus. If SS is considered as an ensemble entropy, a relation between AA or VV and the ensemble volume can be found. Finally, comparing different electron scattering experiments for the same nucleus, it is found that the larger the momentum transfer ranges, the larger the information entropy is. It is concluded that SS could be used to compare different experiments for the same nucleus and to choose the most reliable one.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Social-philosophical analysis of legitimacy conditions of state power

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    Социально­философский анализ выявил следующие условия легитимности государственной власти: 1) реалистичная прогрессивность – определение социально неприемлемых нововведений; 2) погруженность в национальное сознание – политика, соответствующая местным культурно­историческим особенностям подобной предрасположенности; 3) умеренная либеральность – баланс между недостаточной и чрезмерной жесткостью;  4) соблюдение договорной дисциплины – общественно­договорная суть взаимоотношений между руководством страны и ее населением; 5) мнимая подотчетность, проявляющаяся в двойственной природе государственной власти, которая для удержания легитимности, с одной стороны, должна выглядеть совершенно прозрачной, с другой стороны, вынуждена конспирировать свои аморальные практики, необходимые для достижения общего блага; 6) демократическая политика, завоевывающая признание большинства посредством исполнения его воли; 7) научная интегрированность – противоколлизионный, системообразующий фактор для самой государственной власти, а через нее ­ и для всего социума; 8) открытость, обеспечивающая внутрисистемный синтез всех остальных факторов, благодаря непрестанному обновлению личного состава правящих структур наилучшими кадрами; 9) абсолютная меритократия – комплектование державной элиты деятелями, которые обладают профессиональными качествами, соответствующими ожиданиям народа; 10) соблюдение естественных прав  базируется на осознании данного перманентного начала социально­государственных отношений и эмпатии его темпоральных модификаций; 11) актуализация юснатуралистической идеи в конкретных актах трансличностного взаимодействия; 12) дозированное невмешательство в частную жизнь – превентивное удовлетворение человеческого индивидуализма; 13) организация сублимации властного инстинкта – политика, фундирующаяся на осознании того, что данное стремление свойственно всем людям, и состоящая в миротворческом управлении его реализацией. Социально­философский анализ выявил следующие условия легитимности государственной власти: 1) реалистичная прогрессивность – определение социально неприемлемых нововведений; 2) погруженность в национальное сознание – политика, соответствующая местным культурно­историческим особенностям подобной предрасположенности; 3) умеренная либеральность – баланс между недостаточной и чрезмерной жесткостью;  4) соблюдение договорной дисциплины – общественно­договорная суть взаимоотношений между руководством страны и ее населением; 5) мнимая подотчетность, проявляющаяся в двойственной природе государственной власти, которая для удержания легитимности, с одной стороны, должна выглядеть совершенно прозрачной, с другой стороны, вынуждена конспирировать свои аморальные практики, необходимые для достижения общего блага; 6) демократическая политика, завоевывающая признание большинства посредством исполнения его воли; 7) научная интегрированность – противоколлизионный, системообразующий фактор для самой государственной власти, а через нее ­ и для всего социума; 8) открытость, обеспечивающая внутрисистемный синтез всех остальных факторов, благодаря непрестанному обновлению личного состава правящих структур наилучшими кадрами; 9) абсолютная меритократия – комплектование державной элиты деятелями, которые обладают профессиональными качествами, соответствующими ожиданиям народа; 10) соблюдение естественных прав  базируется на осознании данного перманентного начала социально­государственных отношений и эмпатии его темпоральных модификаций; 11) актуализация юснатуралистической идеи в конкретных актах трансличностного взаимодействия; 12) дозированное невмешательство в частную жизнь – превентивное удовлетворение человеческого индивидуализма; 13) организация сублимации властного инстинкта – политика, фундирующаяся на осознании того, что данное стремление свойственно всем людям, и состоящая в миротворческом управлении его реализацией. Social­philosophical analysis had displayed the next conditions of state power legitimacy: 1) realistic progressiveness – definition of social unacceptable innovations; 2) absorption in national consciousness – policy, which conforms to local cultural­historical peculiarities of such predisposition; 3) moderate liberal views – balance between insufficient and excessive harshness; 4) observance of contractual discipline – social­contractual essence of relationships between direction of a country and its population; 5) pretended accountability, which shows oneself in dual nature of state power, that must look clear for retention of legitimacy, on the one hand, and has to make a secret of ones immoral practices, on the other hand; 6) democratic policy, which conquers recognition of majority by means of execution of their will; 7) scientific integration – countercollision, system making factor for state power and, through state power, for whole society; 8) openness, which provides intrasystem synthesis of  all other factors thanks to incessant renewal of state power stuff by the best cadres; 9) absolute meritocracy – stuffing of state elite by figures, who have professional characteristics, which conform to people’s txpectations; 10) observance of natural rights – is based on knowing of this permanent principle of social­state  relations and on empathy of its temporal modifications; 11) actualization of natural low idea in concrete acts of transindividual interplay; 12) dosated non­interference into privacy – preventive satisfaction of human individualism; 13) organization of power instinct sublimation – policy, which fund oneself  on knowing of the fact, that this aspiration is an all people’s way, and which consists in peacemaking management of aspiration realization.

    Coulomb-Enhanced Spin-Orbit Splitting: The Missing Piece in the Sr2RhO4 Puzzle

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    The outstanding discrepancy between the measured and calculated (local-density approximation) Fermi surfaces in the well-characterized, paramagnetic Fermi liquid Sr2RhO4 is resolved by including the spin-orbit coupling and Coulomb repulsion. This results in an effective spin-orbit coupling constant enhanced 2.15 times over the bare value. A simple formalism allows discussion of other systems. For Sr2RhO4, the experimental specific-heat and mass enhancements are found to be 2.2.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Phase diagram of the ABC model with nonconserving processes

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    The three species ABC model of driven particles on a ring is generalized to include vacancies and particle-nonconserving processes. The model exhibits phase separation at high densities. For equal average densities of the three species, it is shown that although the dynamics is {\it local}, it obeys detailed balance with respect to a Hamiltonian with {\it long-range interactions}, yielding a nonadditive free energy. The phase diagrams of the conserving and nonconserving models, corresponding to the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles, respectively, are calculated in the thermodynamic limit. Both models exhibit a transition from a homogeneous to a phase-separated state, although the phase diagrams are shown to differ from each other. This conforms with the expected inequivalence of ensembles in equilibrium systems with long-range interactions. These results are based on a stability analysis of the homogeneous phase and exact solution of the hydrodynamic equations of the models. They are supported by Monte-Carlo simulations. This study may serve as a useful starting point for analyzing the phase diagram for unequal densities, where detailed balance is not satisfied and thus a Hamiltonian cannot be defined.Comment: 32 page, 7 figures. The paper was presented at Statphys24, held in Cairns, Australia, July 201

    Exact Quantum Solutions of Extraordinary N-body Problems

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    The wave functions of Boson and Fermion gases are known even when the particles have harmonic interactions. Here we generalise these results by solving exactly the N-body Schrodinger equation for potentials V that can be any function of the sum of the squares of the distances of the particles from one another in 3 dimensions. For the harmonic case that function is linear in r^2. Explicit N-body solutions are given when U(r) = -2M \hbar^{-2} V(r) = \zeta r^{-1} - \zeta_2 r^{-2}. Here M is the sum of the masses and r^2 = 1/2 M^{-2} Sigma Sigma m_I m_J ({\bf x}_I - {\bf x}_J)^2. For general U(r) the solution is given in terms of the one or two body problem with potential U(r) in 3 dimensions. The degeneracies of the levels are derived for distinguishable particles, for Bosons of spin zero and for spin 1/2 Fermions. The latter involve significant combinatorial analysis which may have application to the shell model of atomic nuclei. For large N the Fermionic ground state gives the binding energy of a degenerate white dwarf star treated as a giant atom with an N-body wave function. The N-body forces involved in these extraordinary N-body problems are not the usual sums of two body interactions, but nor are forces between quarks or molecules. Bose-Einstein condensation of particles in 3 dimensions interacting via these strange potentials can be treated by this method.Comment: 24 pages, Latex. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Royal Societ

    Formation of ultrashort pulses from quasimonochromatic XUV radiation via infrared-field-controlled forward scattering

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    © 2016 American Physical Society.We suggest a highly efficient method of ultrashort pulse formation from resonant XUV radiation due to sub-laser-cycle modulation of the excited state of non-hydrogen-like atoms by a nonionizing IR laser field. This modulation results in formation of the Raman-Stokes and anti-Stokes sidebands in coherently forward-scattered radiation, which, in turn, leads to formation of short pulses, when the phases of the sidebands are matched. This method is a generalization of a recently suggested technique [V. A. Antonov, Phys. Rev. A 88, 053849 (2013)10.1103/PhysRevA.88.053849] for a non-hydrogen-like medium. The possibility to form 2-fs XUV pulses in the gas of helium atoms and 990-as XUV pulses in the plasma of Li+ ions with efficiencies over 80% is shown