6,635 research outputs found

    Performance of internal Covariance Estimators for Cosmic Shear Correlation Functions

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    Data re-sampling methods such as the delete-one jackknife are a common tool for estimating the covariance of large scale structure probes. In this paper we investigate the concepts of internal covariance estimation in the context of cosmic shear two-point statistics. We demonstrate how to use log-normal simulations of the convergence field and the corresponding shear field to carry out realistic tests of internal covariance estimators and find that most estimators such as jackknife or sub-sample covariance can reach a satisfactory compromise between bias and variance of the estimated covariance. In a forecast for the complete, 5-year DES survey we show that internally estimated covariance matrices can provide a large fraction of the true uncertainties on cosmological parameters in a 2D cosmic shear analysis. The volume inside contours of constant likelihood in the Ωm\Omega_m-σ8\sigma_8 plane as measured with internally estimated covariance matrices is on average 85%\gtrsim 85\% of the volume derived from the true covariance matrix. The uncertainty on the parameter combination Σ8σ8Ωm0.5\Sigma_8 \sim \sigma_8 \Omega_m^{0.5} derived from internally estimated covariances is 90%\sim 90\% of the true uncertainty.Comment: submitted to mnra

    Quiet Planting in the Locked Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    We study the planted ensemble of locked constraint satisfaction problems. We describe the connection between the random and planted ensembles. The use of the cavity method is combined with arguments from reconstruction on trees and first and second moment considerations; in particular the connection with the reconstruction on trees appears to be crucial. Our main result is the location of the hard region in the planted ensemble. In a part of that hard region instances have with high probability a single satisfying assignment.Comment: 21 pages, revised versio

    Cosmic variance of the galaxy cluster weak lensing signal

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    Intrinsic variations of the projected density profiles of clusters of galaxies at fixed mass are a source of uncertainty for cluster weak lensing. We present a semi-analytical model to account for this effect, based on a combination of variations in halo concentration, ellipticity and orientation, and the presence of correlated haloes. We calibrate the parameters of our model at the 10 per cent level to match the empirical cosmic variance of cluster profiles at M_200m=10^14...10^15 h^-1 M_sol, z=0.25...0.5 in a cosmological simulation. We show that weak lensing measurements of clusters significantly underestimate mass uncertainties if intrinsic profile variations are ignored, and that our model can be used to provide correct mass likelihoods. Effects on the achievable accuracy of weak lensing cluster mass measurements are particularly strong for the most massive clusters and deep observations (with ~20 per cent uncertainty from cosmic variance alone at M_200m=10^15 h^-1 M_sol and z=0.25), but significant also under typical ground-based conditions. We show that neglecting intrinsic profile variations leads to biases in the mass-observable relation constrained with weak lensing, both for intrinsic scatter and overall scale (the latter at the 15 per cent level). These biases are in excess of the statistical errors of upcoming surveys and can be avoided if the cosmic variance of cluster profiles is accounted for.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Weak Lensing Reconstruction and Power Spectrum Estimation: Minimum Variance Methods

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    Large-scale structure distorts the images of background galaxies, which allows one to measure directly the projected distribution of dark matter in the universe and determine its power spectrum. Here we address the question of how to extract this information from the observations. We derive minimum variance estimators for projected density reconstruction and its power spectrum and apply them to simulated data sets, showing that they give a good agreement with the theoretical minimum variance expectations. The same estimator can also be applied to the cluster reconstruction, where it remains a useful reconstruction technique, although it is no longer optimal for every application. The method can be generalized to include nonlinear cluster reconstruction and photometric information on redshifts of background galaxies in the analysis. We also address the question of how to obtain directly the 3-d power spectrum from the weak lensing data. We derive a minimum variance quadratic estimator, which maximizes the likelihood function for the 3-d power spectrum and can be computed either from the measurements directly or from the 2-d power spectrum. The estimator correctly propagates the errors and provides a full correlation matrix of the estimates. It can be generalized to the case where redshift distribution depends on the galaxy photometric properties, which allows one to measure both the 3-d power spectrum and its time evolution.Comment: revised version, 36 pages, AAS LateX, submitted to Ap

    Electromechanical Reliability Testing of Three-Axial Silicon Force Sensors

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    This paper reports on the systematic electromechanical characterization of a new three-axial force sensor used in dimensional metrology of micro components. The siliconbased sensor system consists of piezoresistive mechanicalstress transducers integrated in thin membrane hinges supporting a suspended flexible cross structure. The mechanical behavior of the fragile micromechanical structure isanalyzed for both static and dynamic load cases. This work demonstrates that the silicon microstructure withstands static forces of 1.16N applied orthogonally to the front-side of the structure. A statistical Weibull analysis of the measured data shows that these values are significantly reduced if the normal force is applied to the back of the sensor. Improvements of the sensor system design for future development cycles are derived from the measurement results.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    The Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project (WeCAPP): the M31 Nova catalogue

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    We present light curves from the novae detected in the long-term, M31 monitoring WeCAPP project. The goal of WeCAPP is to constrain the compact dark matter fraction of the M31 halo with microlensing observations. As a by product we have detected 91 novae benefiting from the high cadence and highly sensitive difference imaging technique required for pixellensing. We thus can now present the largest CCD and optical filters based nova light curve sample up-to-date towards M31. We also obtained thorough coverage of the light curve before and after the eruption thanks to the long-term monitoring. We apply the nova taxonomy proposed by Strope et al. (2010) to our nova candidates and found 29 S-class novae, 10 C-class novae, 2 O-class novae and 1 J-class nova. We have investigated the universal decline law advocated by Hachichu and Kato (2006) on the S-class novae. In addition, we correlated our catalogue with the literature and found 4 potential recurrent novae. Part of our catalogue has been used to search for optical counter-parts of the super soft X-ray sources detected in M31 (Pietsch et al. 2005). Optical surveys like WeCAPP, and coordinated with multi-wavelength observation, will continue to shed light on the underlying physical mechanism of novae in the future.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables, A&A accepted for publication. The appendix is stored in the Data Conservanc

    Automatic detection of arcs and arclets formed by gravitational lensing

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    We present an algorithm developed particularly to detect gravitationally lensed arcs in clusters of galaxies. This algorithm is suited for automated surveys as well as individual arc detections. New methods are used for image smoothing and source detection. The smoothing is performed by so-called anisotropic diffusion, which maintains the shape of the arcs and does not disperse them. The algorithm is much more efficient in detecting arcs than other source finding algorithms and the detection by eye.Comment: A&A in press, 12 pages, 16 figure

    The GALATEA Test-Facility for High Purity Germanium Detectors

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    GALATEA is a test facility designed to investigate bulk and surface effects in high purity germanium detectors. A vacuum tank houses an infrared screened volume with a cooled detector inside. A system of three stages allows an almost complete scan of the detector. The main feature of GALATEA is that there is no material between source and detector. This allows the usage of alpha and beta sources as well as of a laser beam to study surface effects. A 19-fold segmented true-coaxial germanium detector was used for commissioning

    The old and heavy bulge of M31 I. Kinematics and stellar populations

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    We present new optical long-slit data along 6 position angles of the bulge region of M31. We derive accurate stellar and gas kinematics reaching 5 arcmin from the center, where the disk light contribution is always less than 30%, and out to 8 arcmin along the major axis, where the disk makes 55% of the total light. We show that the velocity dispersions of McElroy (1983) are severely underestimated (by up to 50 km/s) and previous dynamical models have underestimated the stellar mass of M31's bulge by a factor 2. Moreover, the light-weighted velocity dispersion of the galaxy grows to 166 km/s, thus reducing the discrepancy between the predicted and measured mass of the black hole at the center of M31. The kinematic position angle varies with distance, pointing to triaxiality. We detect gas counterrotation near the bulge minor axis. We measure eight emission-corrected Lick indices. They are approximately constant on circles. We derive the age, metallicity and alpha-element overabundance profiles. Except for the region in the inner arcsecs of the galaxy, the bulge of M31 is uniformly old (>12 Gyr, with many best-fit ages at the model grid limit of 15 Gyr), slightly alpha-elements overabundant ([alpha/Fe]~0.2) and at solar metallicity, in agreement with studies of the resolved stellar components. The predicted u-g, g-r and r-i Sloan color profiles match reasonably well the dust-corrected observations. The stellar populations have approximately radially constant mass-to-light ratios (M/L_R ~ 4-4.5 for a Kroupa IMF), in agreement with stellar dynamical estimates based on our new velocity dispersions. In the inner arcsecs the luminosity-weighted age drops to 4-8 Gyr, while the metallicity increases to above 3 times the solar value.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&