47 research outputs found

    Self-Consistent Modeling of Reionization in Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations

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    The ultraviolet background (UVB) emitted by quasars and galaxies governs the ionization and thermal state of the intergalactic medium (IGM), regulates the formation of high-redshift galaxies, and is thus a key quantity for modeling cosmic reionization. The vast majority of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations implement the UVB via a set of spatially uniform photoionization and photoheating rates derived from UVB synthesis models. We show that simulations using canonical UVB rates reionize and, perhaps more importantly, spuriously heat the IGM, much earlier z ~ 15 than they should. This problem arises because at z > 6, where observational constraints are nonexistent, the UVB amplitude is far too high. We introduce a new methodology to remedy this issue, and we generate self-consistent photoionization and photoheating rates to model any chosen reionization history. Following this approach, we run a suite of hydrodynamical simulations of different reionization scenarios and explore the impact of the timing of reionization and its concomitant heat injection on the the thermal state of the IGM. We present a comprehensive study of the pressure smoothing scale of IGM gas, illustrating its dependence on the details of both hydrogen and helium reionization, and argue that it plays a fundamental role in interpreting Lyman-alpha forest statistics and the thermal evolution of the IGM. The premature IGM heating we have uncovered implies that previous work has likely dramatically overestimated the impact of photoionization feedback on galaxy formation, which sets the minimum halo mass able to form stars at high redshifts. We make our new UVB photoionization and photoheating rates publicly available for use in future simulations.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, matches version accepted in Ap

    The High-zz Universe Confronts Warm Dark Matter: Galaxy Counts, Reionization and the Nature of Dark Matter

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    We use NN-body simulations to show that high-redshift galaxy counts provide an interesting constraint on the nature of dark matter, specifically Warm Dark Matter (WDM), owing to the lack of early structure formation these models. Our simulations include three WDM models with thermal-production masses of 0.8 keV, 1.3 keV, and 2.6 keV, as well as CDM. Assuming a relationship between dark halo mass and galaxy luminosity that is set by the observed luminosity function at bright magnitudes, we find that 0.8 keV WDM is disfavored by direct galaxy counts in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field at > ⁣ ⁣10σ>\!\!10\sigma. Similarly, 1.3 keV WDM is statistically inconsistent at 2.2σ2.2\sigma. Future observations with JWST (and possibly HST via the Frontier Fields) could rule out 1.31.3 keV WDM at high significance, and may be sensitive to WDM masses greater than 2.6 keV. We also examine the ability of galaxies in these WDM models to reionize the universe, and find that 0.8 keV and 1.3 keV WDM produce optical depths to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) that are inconsistent at 68% C.L. with current Planck results, even with extremely high ionizing radiation escape fractions, and 2.6 keV WDM requires an optimistic escape fraction to yield an optical depth consistent with Planck data. Although CMB optical depth calculations are model dependent, we find a strong challenge for stellar processes alone to reionize the universe in a 0.8 keV and 1.3 keV WDM cosmology

    Modelling the cosmological Lyman-Werner background radiation field in the Early Universe

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    The Lyman-Werner (LW) radiation field is a key ingredient in the chemo-thermal evolution of gas in the Early Universe, as it dissociates H2 molecules, the primary cooling channel in an environment devoid of metals and dust. Despite its important role, it is still not implemented in cosmological simulations on a regular basis, in contrast to the ionising UV background. This is in part due to uncertainty in the source modelling, their spectra and abundance, as well as the detailed physics involved in the propagation of the photons and their interactions with the molecules. The goal of this work is to produce an accurate model of the LW radiation field at z6z\geq6, by post-processing the physics-rich high-resolution FiBY simulation. Our novelties include updated cross sections for H2_2, H^- and H2+^+_2 chemical species, IGM absorption by neutral Hydrogen and various spectral models for Population III and Population II stars. With our fiducial set of parameters, we show that the mean LW intensity steadily increases by three orders of magnitude from z23z\sim23 to z6z\sim6, while spatial inhomogeneities originate from massive star-forming galaxies that dominate the photon budget up to a distance of 100\sim100 proper kpc. Our model can be easily applied to other simulations or semi-analytical models as an external radiation field that regulates the formation of stars and massive black hole seeds in high-zz low-mass halos.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, plus 4 figures in the appendices. Main result in Figure 16. Published by MNRA

    Inhomogeneous Reionization Models in Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations

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    In this work we present a new hybrid method to simulate the thermal effects of the reionization in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The method improves upon the standard approach used in simulations of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and galaxy formation without a significant increase of the computational cost allowing for efficient exploration of the parameter space. The method uses a small set of phenomenological input parameters and combines a semi-numerical reionization model to solve for the topology of reionization and an approximate model of how reionization heats the IGM, with the massively parallel \texttt{Nyx} hydrodynamics code, specifically designed to solve for the structure of diffuse IGM gas. We have produced several large-scale high resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (204832048^3, Lbox=40L_{\rm box} = 40 Mpc/h) with different instantaneous and inhomogeneous HI reionization models that use this new methodology. We study the IGM thermal properties of these models and find that large scale temperature fluctuations extend well beyond the end of reionization. Analyzing the 1D flux power spectrum of these models, we find up to 50%\sim 50\% differences in the large scale properties (low modes, k0.01k\lesssim0.01 s/km) of the post-reionization power spectrum due to the thermal fluctuations. We show that these differences could allow one to distinguish between different reionization scenarios already with existing Lyα\alpha forest measurements. Finally, we explore the differences in the small-scale cutoff of the power spectrum and we find that, for the same heat input, models show very good agreement provided that the reionization redshift of the instantaneous reionization model happens at the midpoint of the inhomogeneous model.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. Minor changes to match published versio

    Modeling the HeII Transverse Proximity Effect: Constraints on Quasar Lifetime and Obscuration

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    The HeII transverse proximity effect - enhanced HeII Ly{\alpha} transmission in a background sightline caused by the ionizing radiation of a foreground quasar - offers a unique opportunity to probe the emission properties of quasars, in particular the emission geometry (obscuration, beaming) and the quasar lifetime. Building on the foreground quasar survey published in Schmidt+2017, we present a detailed model of the HeII transverse proximity effect, specifically designed to include light travel time effects, finite quasar ages, and quasar obscuration. We post-process outputs from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation with a fluctuating HeII UV background model, plus the added effect of the radiation from a single bright foreground quasar. We vary the age taget_\mathrm{age} and obscured sky fractions Ωobsc\Omega_\mathrm{obsc} of the foreground quasar, and explore the resulting effect on the HeII transverse proximity effect signal. Fluctuations in IGM density and the UV background, as well as the unknown orientation of the foreground quasar, result in a large variance of the HeII Ly{\alpha} transmission along the background sightline. We develop a fully Bayesian statistical formalism to compare far UV HeII Ly{\alpha} transmission spectra of the background quasars to our models, and extract joint constraints on taget_\mathrm{age} and Ωobsc\Omega_\mathrm{obsc} for the six Schmidt+2017 foreground quasars with the highest implied HeII photoionization rates. Our analysis suggests a bimodal distribution of quasar emission properties, whereby one foreground quasar, associated with a strong HeII transmission spike, is relatively old (22Myr)(22\,\mathrm{Myr}) and unobscured Ωobsc<35%\Omega_\mathrm{obsc}<35\%, whereas three others are either younger than (10Myr)(10\,\mathrm{Myr}) or highly obscured (Ωobsc>70%)(\Omega_\mathrm{obsc}>70\%).Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Ap

    A New Precision Measurement of the Small-Scale Line-of-Sight Power Spectrum of the Lyα{\alpha} Forest

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    We present a new measurement of the Lyα{\alpha} forest power spectrum at 1.8<z<3.41.8 < z < 3.4 using 74 Keck/HIRES and VLT/UVES high-resolution, high-S/N quasar spectra. We developed a custom pipeline to measure the power spectrum and its uncertainty, which fully accounts for finite resolution and noise, and corrects for the bias induced by masking missing data, DLAs, and metal absorption lines. Our measurement results in unprecedented precision on the small-scale modes k>0.02skm1k > 0.02\,\mathrm{s\,km^{-1}}, unaccessible to previous SDSS/BOSS analyses. It is well known that these high-kk modes are highly sensitive to the thermal state of the intergalactic medium, however contamination by narrow metal lines is a significant concern. We quantify the effect of metals on the small-scale power, and find a modest effect on modes with k<0.1skm1k < 0.1\,\mathrm{s\,km^{-1}} . As a result, by masking metals and restricting to k<0.1skm1k < 0.1\,\mathrm{s\,km^{-1}} their impact is completely mitigated. We present an end-to-end Bayesian forward modeling framework whereby mock spectra with the same noise, resolution, and masking as our data are generated from Lyα{\alpha} forest simulations. These mocks are used to build a custom emulator, enabling us to interpolate between a sparse grid of models and perform MCMC fits. Our results agree well with BOSS on scales k<0.02skm1k < 0.02\,\mathrm{s\,km^{-1}} where the measurements overlap. The combination of BOSS' percent level low-kk precision with our 515%5-15\% high-kk measurements, results in a powerful new dataset for precisely constraining the thermal history of the intergalactic medium, cosmological parameters, and the nature of dark matter. The power spectra and their covariance matrices are provided as electronic tables.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, machine readable tables will be made available after publication in the journa

    Core Formation in Dwarf Halos with Self Interacting Dark Matter: No Fine-Tuning Necessary

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    We investigate the effect of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) on the density profiles of Vmax40 km s1V_{\rm max} \simeq 40~km~s^{-1} isolated dwarf dark matter halos -- the scale of relevance for the too big to fail problem (TBTF) -- using very high-resolution cosmological zoom simulations. Each halo has millions of particles within its virial radius. We find that SIDM models with cross sections per unit mass spanning the range \sigma/m = 0.5500.5 - 50 cm2 g1cm^2~g^{-1} alleviate TBTF and produce constant density cores of size 300-1000 pc, comparable to the half-light radii of MM_\star ~ 105710^{5-7} MM_\odot dwarfs. The largest, lowest density cores develop for cross sections in the middle of this range, \sigma/m ~ 510 cm2 g15-10~cm^2~g^{-1}. Our largest SIDM cross section run (\sigma/m = 50 cm2 g150~cm^2~g^{-1}) develops a slightly denser core owing to mild core-collapse behavior, but it remains less dense than the CDM case and retains a constant density core profile. Our work suggests that SIDM cross sections as large or larger than 50 cm2 g150~cm^2~g^{-1} remain viable on velocity scales of dwarf galaxies (vrmsv_{\rm rms} ~ 40 km s140~km~s^{-1}). The range of SIDM cross sections that alleviate TBTF and the cusp/core problem spans at least two orders of magnitude and therefore need not be particularly fine-tuned.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure