10 research outputs found

    The Relationships among the Experiences of Racial Microaggressions in Supervision, Traumatic Experiences, and the Supervisory Working Alliance in Professional Counselors and Counselors-in-Training

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    Supervision of counseling services is a crucial component to professional counselor development (Bernard & Goodyear, 2009). A common and pervasive threat to cross-cultural interpersonal relationships, such as supervision, is the presence of racial microaggressions (Constantine & Sue, 2007). According to Carter (2007) and Helms, Nicholas, and Green (2012), microaggressions are so damaging, that they may even trigger traumatic responses in recipients. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among racial microaggressions in supervision, the supervisory working alliance, and traumatic symptomatology in supervisees. This study collected survey data from 86 participants who self-identified as racial, ethnic, or cultural minority group members and who were counselors-in-training, professional counselors, or counselor educators. Data collection included responses to demographic questions, the adapted Experiences of Black Supervisors Scale (EBSS adapted; Barnes, 2011), the Trauma Symptom Check-list 40 (TSC-40; Elliot & Briere, 1992), and the Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory – Trainee Version (SWAI-T; Efstation, Patton, & Kardash, 1990). Bivariate correlations revealed significant relationships among all three of the main variables. The SWAI-T full-scale scores had a moderate negative correlation with the EBSS (adapted) full-scale scores (r = -.637, p \u3c .01) and a moderate negative correlation with the TSC-40 full-scale scores (r = -.372, p \u3c .01). The EBSS (adapted) full-scale scores had a moderate positive correlation with the TSC-40 full-scale scores (r = .513, p \u3c .01). Regression analysis yielded a model whereby 40.6% of the variation in the supervisory alliance can be explained by microaggressions in supervision F (1, 48) = 32.752, p \u3c .01. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis determined that the presence of traumatic experiences does not add to the predictive capacity of the model. The results suggest that the presence of racial microaggressions is an important impediment to the supervisory working alliance. Implications, limitations, and future directions were provided

    Prevalence of extreme detergent resistance among the \u3ci\u3eEnterobacteriaceae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The detergent-resistance properties of 208 independent isolates of the Enterobacteriaceae have been examined. Of these bacterial strains, 200 were able to grow in the presence of ≥5% sodium dodecyl sulfate, including all members of the Klebsielleae tribe. This resistance does not appear to be plasmid encoded. It is proposed that detergent-resistant organisms he termed saponotolerant or saponophilic, by analogy with other microorganisms occupying harsh ecological niches. In contrast to their prevalent resistance to anionic detergents, not one of the 208 strains tested was found to grow in the presence of three different cationic detergents. This sensitivity to cationic detergents may be of significance in combating nosocomial infections. La resistance it I\u27 action de detergents a ete evaluee chez 208 souches non-apparentees d\u27 Enterobacteriaceae. Deux cents de ces souches bacteriennes incluant tous les membres de la tribu des Klebsielleae ont ete capables de pousser en presence d\u27une concentration ≥5% de dodecyl sulfate de sodium. Cette resistance ne semble pas de nature plasmidique. Pour designer ces organismes resistants aux detergents, il est propose d\u27utiliser les termes saponotolerants ou saponophiles par analogie avec d\u27autres microorganismes qui occupent aussi des niches ecologiques hostiles. Contrastant avec la forte prevalence des souches resistantes aux detergents anioniques, on constate qu\u27aucune des 208 souches n\u27etait capable de pousser en presence de trois detergents cationiques differents. Cette sensibilite aux detergents cationiques pourrait s\u27averer interessante it exploiter dans la lutte aux infections nosocomiales

    Racial Mislabeling in Multiracial Individuals: Implications for Professional Counseling and Education

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    With the extreme growth of people who identify as Biracial or Multiracial, it is evident that their unique racial experiences need to be better understood, especially within the field of professional counseling to underscore competent practice (Charmaraman, Woo, Quach, & Erkut, 2014; Jackson, Yoo, Guevarra & Harrington, 2012; Tran, Miyake, Martinez-Morales, & Csizmadia, 2016). As a result, the researchers in this study investigated the lived experiences of racial mislabeling for Multiracial individuals. The participants of this study were fourteen (n=14) individuals who identified as Multiracial and endorsed experiencing the specific form of racial invalidation entitled racial mislabeling. Data were collected through individual, semi-structured interviews. The data was analyzed using phenomenological methods within Moustakas’ (1994) transcendental approach, which led to themes that described the essence of the participants’ experience. These themes are discussed in detail and recommendations for researchers and counselor educators to improve training and education are provided

    Social Services Will Not Touch us with a Barge Pole’: Social Care Provision for Older Prisoners

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    Older prisoners are the fastest growing subgroup in the English and Welsh prison estate. Older prisoners have high levels of health and social care needs. This mixed method study involved the distribution of a questionnaire examining the availability of health and social care services for older prisoners to all prisons housing adult males in England and Wales, followed by qualitative telephone interviews with representatives from eight prisons. Over half of establishments had some contact with external social care services but reported significant difficulties in arranging care for individuals. A professional lead for older prisoners had been identified in 81% of establishments; however the value of this role to positively affect practice appeared questionable. Statutory social care was often non-existent in prison due to the lack of understanding of what it constituted and who was responsible for its provision

    Development and Validation of the Mental Health Professionals\u27 Attitude Towards People Living with HIV/AIDS Scale (MHP-PLHIV-AS)

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    This study focused on the creation and validation of an instrument to measure mental health professionals\u27 attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS. Rasch analyses (Rash, 1960, 1980) provided evidence to support a two-dimensional (societal and personal dimensions) measurement of this attitude construct


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in postural control and knee joint position sense (KJPS) during a trek to high altitude. Postural control during standing balance and KJPS were measured in 12 participants at sea-level, 3619m, 4600m and 5140m. Total (p = 0.003, d=1.9) and anterior-posterior sway velocity (p= 0.001, d=1.9) during standing balance with eyes open velocity was significantly greater at altitudes of 3619m and 5140m when compared with sea level. Despite a gradual ascent profile, exposure to 3619 m was associated with impairments in postural control. Importantly, these impairments did not worsen at higher altitudes. The present findings should be considered during future trekking expeditions when considering specific strategies to manage impairments in postural control that occur with increasing altitude

    An Emerging Theory of the Persistence of Social Class Microaggressions: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study

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    Eleven counselor education doctoral students participated in an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis study aimed to understand their social class microaggressions (SCMs) experiences. A tentative theory emerged from the data that SCMs persist to preserve homeostasis. The super-ordinate theme, Unequal, Embedded, Societal Structures is corroborated by the subordinate themes, Social Class Invisibility, Intersecting Identities, Perceptions and Assumptions about Social Class, Privilege and Unawareness about Social Class, and SCM Manifestations. Together, the superordinate theme and subsequent subordinate themes culminate in the preservation of homeostasis. We offer a data driven model to depict the theory, present participant data with extensive quotes, counseling implications, future research, and a call to the profession to resist the pull of homeostasis so SCMs no longer serve a socio-cultural purpose to oppress others

    Prevalence of extreme detergent resistance among the \u3ci\u3eEnterobacteriaceae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The detergent-resistance properties of 208 independent isolates of the Enterobacteriaceae have been examined. Of these bacterial strains, 200 were able to grow in the presence of ≥5% sodium dodecyl sulfate, including all members of the Klebsielleae tribe. This resistance does not appear to be plasmid encoded. It is proposed that detergent-resistant organisms he termed saponotolerant or saponophilic, by analogy with other microorganisms occupying harsh ecological niches. In contrast to their prevalent resistance to anionic detergents, not one of the 208 strains tested was found to grow in the presence of three different cationic detergents. This sensitivity to cationic detergents may be of significance in combating nosocomial infections. La resistance it I\u27 action de detergents a ete evaluee chez 208 souches non-apparentees d\u27 Enterobacteriaceae. Deux cents de ces souches bacteriennes incluant tous les membres de la tribu des Klebsielleae ont ete capables de pousser en presence d\u27une concentration ≥5% de dodecyl sulfate de sodium. Cette resistance ne semble pas de nature plasmidique. Pour designer ces organismes resistants aux detergents, il est propose d\u27utiliser les termes saponotolerants ou saponophiles par analogie avec d\u27autres microorganismes qui occupent aussi des niches ecologiques hostiles. Contrastant avec la forte prevalence des souches resistantes aux detergents anioniques, on constate qu\u27aucune des 208 souches n\u27etait capable de pousser en presence de trois detergents cationiques differents. Cette sensibilite aux detergents cationiques pourrait s\u27averer interessante it exploiter dans la lutte aux infections nosocomiales

    Multidisciplinary Partnership: Targeting Aggression and Mental Health Problems of Adolescents in Detention

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    Justice-involved adolescents meet diagnostic criteria for mental health disorders at much higher rates than their counterparts, and this increased risk persists into young adulthood (Abram et al., 2015; Teplin, Abram, McClelland, Dulcan, & Mericle, 2002). Despite growing recognition of this problem, there remains a dearth of adequate therapeutic services in juvenile detention and marked variation in the quality and availability of community-based services (Kretschmar, Butcher, Flannery, & Singer, 2016). This article presents the development of a multidisciplinary partnership among clinical research psychologists and court professionals to address aggressive behaviors and unmet mental health needs of adolescents in the juvenile justice system. We describe the early stages of collaboration, in which experts from disparate disciplines joined forces to address a mounting problem in the juvenile justice system that represented both a gap in the research–practice continuum and a lack of vital mental health resources in the local community. We delineate the team composition, outline key players’ roles and contributions, and describe the principles that guided our collaboration across disciplines and agencies. We were effective in developing a sustainable multidisciplinary team, developing a new intervention, and implementing this new intervention in a challenging setting. The challenges we encountered throughout the process as well as the solutions that were generated and the lessons learned are discussed in detail. We discuss the substantive outcomes of our research and conclude with recommendations for readers interested in organizing similar academic-research/community partnerships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved

    Changes in balance and joint position sense during a 12-day high altitude trek

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in postural control and knee joint position sense (KJPS) during a trek to high altitude. Postural control during standing balance and KJPS were measured in 12 participants at sea-level, 3619m, 4600m and 5140m. Total (p = 0.003, d=1.9) and anterior-posterior sway velocity (p= 0.001, d=1.9) during standing balance with eyes open velocity was significantly greater at altitudes of 3619m and 5140m when compared with sea level. Despite a gradual ascent profile, exposure to 3619 m was associated with impairments in postural control. Importantly, these impairments did not worsen at higher altitudes. The present findings should be considered during future trekking expeditions when considering specific strategies to manage impairments in postural control that occur with increasing altitude