76 research outputs found

    Effect of climate change on human health and some adaptive strategies – a review

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    The impact of human-induced climate change and ozone depletion are now observed to compromise the sustainability of human development as it threatens the ecological support system on which life depends. Evidences abound to show that there is climate change and ozone layer depletion in the last 2-4 decades. The Earth is warming, the warming is accelerating, and human actions are responsible. If the current climate change and warming trends remain uncontrolled, humanity will face more injury, disease and death related to natural disasters and heat waves; higher rates of food-borne, water-borne and vector-borne illnesses; and death that is more premature and disease related to air pollution. Moreover, in many parts of the world, large populations will be displaced by rising sea level, and many others will be affected by drought and famine. As glaciers melt, the hydrological cycle shifts and the productivity of arable land will change. That is the bad news. Nevertheless, the good news is that through increased interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration, and rapid deployment of mitigation strategies to stabilize climate change as well as development of proactive adaptation programmes to minimize health impact of climate change, the global community will be better prepared to cope with the challenges of protecting health from the impact of climate change. Key Words: Climate Change, Human Health, Adaptive Strategie

    Bootstrap Method for Estimating Error Rate in Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)

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    This paper proposes a Bootstrap algorithm for linear discriminant analysis. The apparent error rate in the Linear discriminant method and the proposed bootstrap method were compared. From the result, it is evident that the proposed Bootstrap method compares favorably with the Linear discriminant method with a reduced error rate. Keywords: bootstrap, linear discriminant, apparent error, multivariate, algorith

    Design, Construction and Evaluation of a Cylinder Lawn Mower

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    A manually operated mechanical machine for cutting grass was design, fabricated and tested. The machine was design with an internal gear system which transfers the torque to the mower mechanism. The machine's performance test evaluation was conducted in delta state sports stadiwn Asaba. Area of grass cut 2.1 m2 , desired height of cut 20m, time taken 2 min, area of grass cut to desired height 1.92 m2 which gave the cutting efficiency of the cylinder lawn mower 91% with 0.244 KN hwnan effort were obtained. The cutting effectiveness was achieved with a total power of 579.6 W at a rotary speed of 135 rpm of shaft. Its friendly to the environment because it does not emits carbon monoxide into the environment and the noise level is drastically reduced. The machine is considered highly efficient and is readily adaptable to different cutting conditions


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    Wind turbine is a machine that is powered by the energy from the wind. It is designed to convert the kinetic energy from the wind into electrical power (electricity). This study focus on the development of 0.5KW horizontal axis wind turbine. The major components of the wind turbine which include the blades, hub, shaft and the tower, were design and fabricated to meet the required 0.5 KW and the turbine was mounted on a tower height of 5m from the sea level. The test result showed that the wind turbine is capable of producing about 500 W, at a rotor speed of 153.5 rpm. The necessary design details that have been applied at the design and fabrication stages of the wind turbine guarantees the high hope of this wind turbine performing better


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    Wind turbine is a machine that is powered by the energy from the wind. It is designed to convert the kinetic energy from the wind into electrical power (electricity). This study focus on the development of 0.5KW horizontal axis wind turbine. The major components of the wind turbine which include the blades, hub, shaft and the tower, were design and fabricated to meet the required 0.5 KW and the turbine was mounted on a tower height of 5m from the sea level. The test result showed that the wind turbine is capable of producing about 500 W, at a rotor speed of 153.5 rpm. The necessary design details that have been applied at the design and fabrication stages of the wind turbine guarantees the high hope of this wind turbine performing better

    Source of information on family planning among married men in Ekpoma, Edo state, Nigeria

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    Population in Nigeria is turning into an issue that needs public alertness. Informing men on family planning services and contraceptives is extremely necessary. For this will promote more favorable attitudes and increase their involvement. This study aimed at investigating the source of family planning information for married men. This is a questionnaire base study targeting 350 married men in Ekpoma. Participation was by choice and the collected data were analyzed for descriptive statistics using SPSS(version 16). While 2.0% reported their first source of information as the questionnaire use in this study, 98.0 were familiar with family planning services. The most prevalent single source of information was from television/Radio (34.01%). However, 16.3% got their information from more than one sources. Family planning information in Nigeria should increase to encourage men. However, efforts should be made by concerned bodies to increase information in stickers and encourage peer discussion. Conclusively, places of worship such as churches and mosques should talk about family planning and teach responsible parenthood

    Haemoglobin Level and Intestinal Parasites in Pregnant Women in Eziama, Imo State of Nigeria

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    This prospective study was carried out between January to June, 2008 at Eziama in Isiala Mbano Local Government Area of Imo State to determine the haemoglobin level and intestinal parasites in pregnant women attending antenatal clinic. In total, 281 stool and blood samples were collected from the women. The stool samples were examined using direct wet preparation and formol ether concentration technique while the haemoglobin levels of the women were estimated using cyanmethaeoglobin technique. The overall prevalence of E. histolytical, A. Lumbricoides, Hookworm Spp, T. trichuria and G. lamblia  was 10(3.6), 31(11.0), 29(10.3), 10(3.6) and 3(1.1) respectively. The proportion of pregnant women with helminithic infestation was 83 (29.6%) while their mean Heamoglobin concentration was 9.7+1.8g/dl while the pregnant women without helminthic infestation had Heamoglobin concentration of 10.4 + 1.3g/dl. The poor socioeconomic status of the women coupled with poor environmental sanitation and lack of clean portable water supply may have contributed to the high prevalence


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    The presence of sand particles flowing along with reservoir fluids in a pipeline increases the probability of pipeline failure. The risk of pipeline failure is either accentuated or abated by the flow conditions of the fluids in the pipeline. In this study, a quantitative risk analysis of the effect of sand on pipelines during multiphase flow, under the pipeline failure modes; sanding up, erosion, and encountering abnormal pressure gradient was conducted. Three piping components were considered: line pipe (nominal size 1.5 in [3.8 cm]), swing check valve (nominal size 12.007 in [30.5cm]) and 90 deg LR Elbow (nominal size 2.25 in [5.7cm]). Correlations that indicate the critical velocities and the critical sand concentrations above/below which these failures occur were employed and implemented in a Visual Basic program. The analysis was conducted at a temperature of 204 °C and pressure of 604 psi [4.2×106 Pa]. A probability distribution, simulating real-life scenario was developed using Monte Carlo simulation. This determines the probability of deriving critical sand concentration values that fall beyond the set statistical limits which indicates the probability of occurrence of the failure being investigated. For all three failures, the severity of occurrence (represented by CAPEX incurred in solving the failures) was multiplied with the probability of failure which gave rise to the risk indexes. Based on the histogram plot of average risk index and analysis, the study reveals that larger diameter components are prone to turbulence which lead to greater risk of erosion. The risk of abnormal pressure drop and sanding up were considerably lower than that for erosion (abrasion).Prisutnost čestica pijeska, koje zajedno s proizvodnim fluidom protječu cjevovodom, povećava vjerojatnost nastanaka kvara na cjevovodu. Rizik od kvara na cjevovodu uvelike ovisi (ili je dodatno potenciran ili je smanjen) o uvjetima protjecanja fluida u cjevovodu. U ovome su radu prikazani rezultati kvantitativne analize rizika utjecaja pijeska na cjevovode tijekom višefaznoga protjecanja u uvjetima nastanka kvara na cjevovodu: nakupljanja pijeska, erozije i pojave povećanoga gradijenta tlaka. U analizi su razmatrane tri komponente cjevovoda: cijev (nominalna veličina 1,5 in [3,8 cm]), ventil s povratnom zaklopkom (engl. swing check valve) (nominalna veličina 12,007 in [30,5 cm]) i LR koljeno od 90 stupnjeva (nominalna veličina 2,25 in [5,7 cm]). Korelacije, koje upućuju na kritične brzine i kritične koncentracije pijeska vrijednosti iznad ili ispod kojih se navedeni kvarovi cjevovoda javljaju, prikazane su u programu Visual Basic. Analiza je provedena na temperaturi od 204 ˚C i tlaku od 604 psi [4,2 × 106 Pa]. Distribucija vjerojatnosti, simulirajući realan scenarij, dobivena je korištenjem Monte Carlo simulacije. Utvrđena je vjerojatnost pojave kritičnih vrijednosti koncentracije pijeska, koje se nalaze izvan postavljenih statističkih granica, što upućuje na vjerojatnost pojave uzroka kvara koji se istražuje. Za sva tri uzroka kvara posljedice pojave (prikazane kapitalnim troškovima (CAPEX) sanacije nastalih kvarova) pomnožene su s vjerojatnošću kvara, čime je dobiven indeks rizika. Na temelju histogramskoga dijagrama prosječnoga indeksa rizika i analize, provedenim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da su komponente većega promjera sklone turbulenciji, što dovodi do većega rizika od erozije. Rizik od velikoga pada tlaka i nakupljanja pijeska bio je znatno manji od rizika od erozije (abrazije)

    Design and Implementation of 0.5kw Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine for Domestic Use

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    Due to the high demands of energy with the speedy diminishing of fossil fuel assets and the ecological difficulties related with the application of fossil fuel which gave rise to development of alternative energy sources such as wind turbine for power generation in Nigeria. Wind turbine is a machine that is powered by the wind; it is designed to convert the kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy and the produces electricity. This study focuses on the design and implementation of 0.5KW horizontal axis wind turbine for domestic usage. It was mounted on a tower height of 5m from the sea level. The major components of the wind turbine which include the blades, hub, shaft and the tower, were machined and fabricated to meet the required 0.5 KW of the wind turbine. The test results showed that the wind turbine is capable of producing about 515 W, at a rotor speed of 153.5 rpm. The necessary design details that have been applied at the design and fabrication stages of the wind turbine guarantees the high hope of this wind turbine performing better in Nigeria

    Experimental and Mathematical Modeling for Prediction of Tool Wear on the Machining of Aluminium 6061 Alloy by High Speed Steel Tools

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    In recent machining operation, tool life is one of the most demanding tasks in production process, especially in the automotive industry. The aim of this paper is to study tool wear on HSS in end milling of aluminium 6061 alloy. The experiments were carried out to investigate tool wear with the machined parameters and todevelopedmathematicalmodelusingresponsesurface methodology.Thevariousmachiningparametersselected fortheexperimentarespindlespeed(N),feedrate(f),axialdepthofcut(a)andradialdepthofcut(r).Theexperimentwasdesignedusingcentralcompositedesign(CCD) inwhich31sampleswererunonSIEG3/10/0010CNCend milling machine. After each experiment the cutting tool wasmeasuredusingscanningelectronmicroscope(SEM). Theobtainedoptimummachiningparametercombination arespindlespeedof2500rpm,feedrateof200mm/min, axialdepthofcutof20mm,andradialdepthofcut1.0mm wasfoundouttoachievedtheminimumtoolwearas0.213 mm. The mathematical model developed predicted the toolwearwith99.7%whichiswithintheacceptableaccuracyrangefortoolwearpredictio