58 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Penilaian Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Mts Pada Aspek Pengetahuan

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    The purpose of writing this article to describe how to process the results of the assessment of the aspects of knowledge made by MTs English teachers, both in assessing the learning process and student learning outcomes. Assessments made by teachers in determining the student's final grade, consisting of the Daily Test Score , the Mid-Term Test Score and the End-Year Test Score . This assessment is carried out to measure students' abilities in the form of factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge, as well as low to high level thinking skills. The competency measured in this activity is related to the achievement of Basic Competence (KD) on KI-3 conducted by MTs English subject teachers. The assessment technique used is in accordance with the characteristics of each. These include written tests, oral tests, and assignments. The method used in writing this article is descriptive analytic, to describe the ability of English MTs teachers, in making decisions using information obtained through measurement of student learning outcomes. As for the results of this writing, teachers are expected to be able to process the results of the assessment of knowledge used for the benefit of learning. For this reason, teachers must be able to process the results of the assessment of knowledge for various purposes, including to determine the success of learning, to do remedial or for enrichment

    Teknologi Nuklir dalam Pengendalian Vektor Penyakit Malaria

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    Penyakit malaria merupakan penyakit yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah utama kesehatan masyarakat di dunia dan Indonesia khususnya yang belum bisa ditangani secara tuntas. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh infeksi parasit Plasmodium sp yang disebarkan oleh nyamuk betina Anopheles sp dan ditularkan dari orang sakit ke orang yang sehat melalui gigitan nyamuk tersebut sebagai vektor malaria [1]. Tercatat ada 4 spesies parasit penyebab malaria yaitu Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium vivax dan Plasmodium falciparum. Yang terakhir ini yang paling ganas, karena dapat menyebabkan kematian, terutama pada anak-anak dibawah usia lima tahun. Parasit yang ditularkan lewat nyamuk biasanya masuk ke hati dan berubah menjadi merozoites, masuk ke aliran darah, menginfeksi sel darah merah dan berkembang biak. Gejala tiap jenis malaria biasanya berupa meriang, panas dingin menggigil dan keringat dingin. Dalam beberapa kasus yang tidak disertai pengobatan, gejala-gejala ini muncul kembali secara periodik. Jenis malaria yang paling ringan adalah malaria Tertiana yang disebabkan oleh Plasmodium vivax, dengan gejala demam yang dapat terjadi setiap dua hari sekali setelah gejala pertama terjadi (dapat terjadi selama 2 minggu setelah infeksi). Demam rimba (jungle fever), malaria aestivo- autumnal atau disebut juga malaria tropika, disebabkan oleh Plasmodium falciparum merupakan penyebab sebagian besar kematian akibat malaria. Organisme bentuk ini sering menghalangi jalan darah ke otak, menyebabkan koma, mengigau serta kematian. Malaria kuartana yang disebabkan oleh Plasmodium malariae, memiliki masa inkubasi lebih lama dari pada penyakit malaria tertiana atau tropika; gejala pertama biasanya tidak terjadi antara 18-40 hari setelah infeksi terjadi. Gejala tersebut kemudian akan terulang kembali setiap 3 hari dan ini merupakan jenis malaria yang paling jarang ditemukan, disebabkan oleh Plasmodium ovale dan mirip dengan malaria teriana

    Pendekatan Qspm Sebagai Dasar Perumusan Strategi Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah

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    The aim of this research is to analyse of increasing Local Original Income (LOI) strategy and his influence to increasing the regional income. The research was done at Local Government Income of Batang regency. This research also want to know that the LOI strategy was based on the potencies and opportunities. The analyzing use the IFE, EFE, SWOT, and then QSPM to choose strategic formulation; and proportion models. The result of Internal – External analysis show that increasing strategy of LOI have not based on the potencies and opportunities that they have yet. The Local Government Income of Batang Regency needs the intensification strategy for increasing the LOI. By the QSPM analysis, the Local Government Income of Batang Regency needs extensification strategy for LOI acceptance

    Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru dengan Supervisi Akademik di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Yaspuri Lowokwaru Malang

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    Kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor haruslah selalu berusaha memperbaiki cara guru mengajar, cara siswa belajar, meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran dan meningkatkan hasil belajar yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki dan mengembangkan situasi belajar dan mengajar yang lebih baik sehingga mampu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, dan dapat tercapai tujuan pendidikan di sekolahataumadrasah.Pelaksanaan ideal supervisi akademik oleh kepala madrasah di MIYaspuri Lowokwaru Malang masih kurang maksimal. Hal ini dapat diindikasikan pada Kenyataan bahwa supervisi belum mampu dilakukan secara berkala dan belum ada tindak lanjut dari hasil supervisi sebagai upaya perbaikan atau peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian tindakan, yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari pelaksanaan tindakan pada siklus I dan siklus II, dapat dilihat bahwa ada kenaikan nilai yang diperoleh dari masing-masing guru kecuali untuk seorang guru. Bila dibandingkan nilai yang diperoleh secara rata-rata pada siklus I adalah 74.29, dan nilai yang diperoleh pada siklus ke II rata-rata sebesar 79.38 maka mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan, yaitu sebesar 5.09. Artinya dengan pelaksanaan supervisi, mengalami peningkatan nilai rata-rata guru sebesar 5,09, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa supervisi akademik dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru, terutama dalam kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional

    Pengaruh Kondisi Ekonomi Terhadap Tingkat Pendidikan Anak Di Desa Sinar Tebudak Kecamatan Tujuh Belas

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    This study aimed to find out the economic condition and educational level of children in the Village Sinar Tebudak District Tujuh Belas. The economic condition of equal to 81,93% included in low category and education level of child 45,78% in low category with equation Y = -2,303 + 0,803 X. The method used in this research is descriptive method with research form study relationship. Then, the populations in this study were parent of farm families in the village of Sinar Tebudak District Tujuh Belas amounting to 508 families with the sample used amounted to 83 families. Data collection techniques in this study used direct technique, indirect technique and documentary study technique. Meanwhile, to analyze the data of the researcher used the formula with SPSS version 22.0 statistic program with the result of data analysis stated that there is influence between the economic condition of the child education level is 36.1% with the coefficient of determination is 0,601 (R) with R square 0,361 and level Interpretation of strong relationships

    Telaah Kritis Terhadap Teori Perkembangan Moral Lawrence Kohlberg

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    The theory of moral development from Kohlberg has become a prominent theory and has been widely used to explain individual moral development, as well as a reference in designing the process of moral education. As a theory, Kohlberg's moral development possesses some strengths as well as weaknesses. Kohlberg divides human moral development into three levels and six phases. Level I is pre-conventional level, consisting of phase 1: Obedience and punishment- anxiety orientation, and phase 2: Egotistical naïve/instrumental hedonism orientation. Level II is conventional level, consisting of phase 3: Good child orientation, and phase 4: Morality of maintaining authority and social regulations. Level III is post-conventional level, consisting of phase 5: Morality of social contract and individual rights, and phase 6: Morality of individual principles and conscience.Kohlberg's theory constitutes a classical theory of cognitive development, giving an emphasis on integrated characteristic. One strength of Kohlberg's moral development theory is on the phases of development themselves which make it easier for people to understand moral development. Besides that, this theory shows more on the cross cultural universality compared to other moral development theories.Meanwhile, some notes on the weaknesses of Kohlberg's theory are: 1)methodologically, the scoring procedure used in this theory is esoteric,subjective, and unstable, thus the results is rather unacceptable for someexperts; 2) it is difficult to prove that there is consistent correlationsbetween Kohlberg's moral development and one's moral attitudes. Thetheory proposed by Kohlberg cannot explain about moral excellencebecause its emphasis is on moral rationality and it tends to ignorecharacter and moral features; 3) although it is considered more universal,the definitions of phases and assumptions on which the theory lays arecultural bias and ethnocentric; 4) the moral reasoning phase of Kohlbergcannot be applied equally between men and women; and 5) Kohlberg'schoice towards one philosophical tradition brings about negative impacts,i.e.: (a) a rigid emphasis on law and fairness; (b) a moral concept which islimited to cognitive aspects, yet pays no attention to feelings, attitude andcharacter, and (c) a failure in using phenomenological perspective fromsubjective morality experience
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