41 research outputs found

    A escrita idiomática para guitarra

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    O presente Trabalho de Projecto pretende definir o que se pode considerar escrita idiomática para guitarra, de forma a sistematizar técnicas e regras que auxiliem a produção de música escrita para este instrumento. Após uma abordagem inicial às características do instrumento, o autor analisa algumas qualidades que lhe são inerentes, e enumera recursos idiomáticos da tradição clássicoromântica. A análise de repertório dos séculos XX e XXI, bem como a investigação bibliográfica, as entrevistas com guitarristas experientes, e a composição de obras originais e respectivo estudo que o autor apresenta, tentam proporcionar um conhecimento aprofundado das potencialidades da guitarra, exemplificando uma série de recursos idiomáticos da escrita contemporânea. Estes favorecem a qualidade do discurso musical, em proveito de compositores que tenham interesse na utilização deste instrumento para as suas criações musicais; ABSTRACT: “Idiomatic Writing for Guitar in Contemporary Music” The present Project aims to define what can be regarded as idiomatic composition for guitar, in order to systematise rules and techniques that may assist the production of written music for this instrument. After an initial approach to the instrument’s characteristics, the author analyses some of its inherent qualities, and enumerates idiomatic features of the classical-romantic tradition. The analysis of XX and XXI century repertoire, as well as the bibliographic research, the interviews with experienced guitarists, and the study of original works composed by the author, attempt to provide a thorough understanding of the potential of the guitar, exemplifying a number of idiomatic features of contemporary writing. These can enhance the quality of the musical discourse and may benefit composers who are interested in writing for this instrument

    A axonometria e a cor no projeto de objeto artístico

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    Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, 2015O presente relatório tem como objetivo a apresentação da planificação, execução e reflexão da unidade didática lecionada em contexto da prática supervisionada integrada no Mestrado em Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3º ciclo e secundário. A unidade didática, A Axonometria e a Cor no Projeto do Objeto Artístico, foi desenvolvida no ano letivo de 2013/2014 na disciplina de Educação Visual, numa turma de 8º ano, na Escola Básica 2/3 D. Luís de Ataíde, em Peniche. O projeto compreendeu um total de 18 sessões semanais de 90 minutos e incluiu aulas e uma exposição final. Recorreu-se a um conjunto variado de partilhas de experiências de artistas plásticos e arquitetos, como estratégia de motivação e promoção do desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico do aluno.This report aims to present the planning, execution and analysis of a didactic unit within the supervised teaching practice in the Visual Arts Teaching Master’s Degree. The didactic unit Axonometry and Color in the Project of Artistic Object was developed in the academic year 2013/2014 in the visual education subject, in a 8th year class at D. Luís de Ataíde, in Peniche. The project had a total of 18 weekly sessions of 90 minutes each and included classes and a final exhibition. We resorted to a variety of shared experiences of artists and architects, as a motivational strategy and promoting the development of critical thinking student

    Efficacy and Planning in Ophthalmic Surgery - A Vision of Logical Programming

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    Different variables should be considered in order to identify the critical aspects that influence ophthalmologic surgery and, in particular, the patient's conditions that can become the key factor in this process, i.e., in situations that can influence the stability and surgery of the patient. Protocol of ophthalmologic surgery has as main concern Glycemic Index, Maximum Blood Pressure, Abnormal Cardiac Index, and Cardiac-Respiratory Insufficiency. Such variables will be used to construct a dynamic virtual world of complex and interacting entities that map real cases of surgical planning situations, understood here as the terms that make the extensions of mathematical logic functions that compete against one another in a rigorous selection regime in which fitness is judged by one criterion alone, its Quality-of-Information. Indeed, one focus is on the development of an Evolutionary Clinical Decision Support System to evaluate patient stability and assist the physicians in the decision of doing or postponing surgery, once cataract is the leading cause of blindness in the world

    Variación en la explotación de la cuarcita durante el Paleolítico Superior en el Suroeste de la Península Ibérica

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    The Upper Paleolithic of SW Iberia is marked by the presence of chopper and flake assemblages in quartzite. Detailed characterization at regional and chronological levels of these assemblages is of the utmost importance because, in the most Paleolithic recent phases, they can be found without type-fossils associated or in non-datable deposits. In this study, we used 24 quartzite assemblages from SW Iberia, to test the diagnostic character of this raw material through attribute analysis and refitting. Results indicate that Gravettian, Solutrean and Magdalenian can be distinguished on their quartzite assemblages, enabling, by itself, the differentiation of the Upper Paleolithic key-sequence. They also indicate that Gravettian and Magdalenian assemblages are technologically closer to each other than to Solutrean, a pattern possibly related with the adaptation to the Last Glacial Maximum.El Paleolítico Superior del Suroeste de la Península Ibérica está marcado por la presencia de conjuntos de cantos tallados y lascas en cuarcita. La caracterización detallada a nivel regional y cronológico de estos conjuntos es de la mayor importancia, ya que, en las fases más recientes del Paleolítico, se pueden encontrar sin asociación a fósiles-guía o depósitos datables. En este estudio, hemos utilizado 36 conjuntos de cuarcita de esa región para poner a prueba el carácter diagnóstico de esta materia prima a través de análisis de tributos y remontajes. Los resultados indican que Gravetiense, Solutrense y Magdaleniense se pueden distinguir en sus conjuntos de cuarcita, lo que permite, por sí mismo, la diferenciación de la secuencia clave del Paleolítico Superior. También indican que los conjuntos Gravetiense y Magdaleniense están tecnológicamente más próximos entre sí que respecto al Solutrense, un patrón posiblemente relacionado con la adaptación al Último Máximo Glaciar

    Quality in Hospital Administrative Databases

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    The clinical content of administrative databases includes, among others, patient demographic characteristics, and codes for diagnoses and procedures. The data in these databases is standardized, clearly defined, readily available, less expensive than collected by other means, and normally covers hospitalizations in entire geographic areas. Although with some limitations, this data is often used to evaluate the quality of healthcare. Under these circumstances, the quality of the data, for instance, errors, or it completeness, is of central importance and should never be ignored. Both the minimization of data quality problems and a deep knowledge about this data (e.g., how to select a patient group) are important for users in order to trust and to correctly interpret results. In this paper we present, discuss and give some recommendations for some problems found in these administrative databases. We also present a simple tool that can be used to screen the quality of data through the use of domain specific data quality indicators. These indicators can significantly contribute to better data, to give steps towards a continuous increase of data quality and, certainly, to better informed decision-making

    Desenvolvimento do arco plantar na infância e adolescência: análise plantar em escolas públicas

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    O arco plantar é desenvolvido nos primeiros anos de vida da criança e diversos factores podem influenciar a sua formação, como a idade, o género e o excesso de peso. O objectivo do presente estudo foi examinar o desenvolvimento do arco plantar em crianças e adolescentes, verificando a prevalência dos diferentes tipos de arcos plantares e investigar quais os factores que podem contribuir para a formação deste arco. A amostra foi constituída por 1.090 alunos de escolas públicas do concelho de Silves, Algarve, de ambos os géneros, com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e 18 anos. Foi calculado o Índice de Massa Corporal e os alunos foram classificados como normopeso, magreza, excesso de peso e obesidade. A análise do arco plantar foi realizada com a utilização de um podógrafo com o indivíduo em posição estática. A impressão plantar foi analisada com a medição do ângulo de Clarke’s, do índice Chippaux-Smirak e do índex do arco de Staheli’s. Os valores médios do ângulo de Clarke’s, do índice Chippaux-Smirak e do índex do arco de Staheli’s revelaram uma prevalência de arco plantar intermédio, pequeno arco longitudinal e arco plantar caído, respectivamente. Os valores do ângulo de Clarke’s, do índice Chippaux-Smirak e do índex do arco de Staheli’s diferiram de forma significativa em relação a ambos os géneros, aos grupos etários e aos grupos com excesso de peso e obesidade. De acordo com os dados obtidos no presente estudo, acredita-se que o género, a idade e o peso corporal são factores que podem influenciar a formação do arco plantar

    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the Algarve region of Portugal: a retrospective registry trial with outcome data

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    Background and importanceOut-of-hospital cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in Europe. An understanding of region-specific factors is essential for informing strategies to improve survival. DesignThis retrospective observational study included all out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients attended by the Emergency Medical Service of the Algarve in 2019. Outcome data were derived from hospital records. Main resultsIn 2019, there were 850 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests treated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the Algarve, representing a population incidence of 189/100 000. Return of spontaneous circulation occurred in 83 patients (9.8%), of whom 17 (2.0%) had survival to hospital discharge and 15 (1.8%) had survival with good neurologic outcome. Among patients in the Utstein comparator group, survival to hospital discharge was 21.4%. Predictors of return of spontaneous circulation were age, witnessed arrest, initial shockable rhythm, time of year, time to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and time to advanced life support. Predictors of survival to hospital discharge were age, initial shockable rhythm, time to rhythm analysis, and time to advanced life support. Predictors of survival with good neurologic outcome were age, initial shockable rhythm, and time to return of spontaneous circulation. ConclusionsThe incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the Algarve was higher than in other jurisdictions while return of spontaneous circulation, survival to hospital discharge, and survival with good neurologic outcome were comparatively low. An aging population, a geographically diverse region, and a low incidence of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation may have contributed to these outcomes. These results confirm the importance of early cardiopulmonary resuscitation, early rhythm assessment, and early advanced life support, all of which are potentially modifiable through public education, broadening of the defibrillator network and increased availability of advanced life support teams.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance

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    System analyses deal with interrelationships between different variables that keep the system in balance. In many analysis of complex thinking, a system is viewed as a complex unit in which the ‘whole’ is not reduced to the ‘sum’ of its parts; the system becomes an ambiguous item because it consists of several entities that interact with unforeseen results or, in other words, it is situated at a transdisciplinary level, it is impossible for an area to have a complete reading of its complexity. It was also mentioned that the concept of the open system best describes complexity by stating that ‘the laws of the organization are not equilibrium, but an imbalance that is restored or compensated for by stabilized dynamics’. This idea originated from the field of thermodynamics and the second law, in which the imbalance that it maintains allows the system for an apparent balance. This fragile steady state has something of a paradox, since the structures remain the same, but their constituents are changeable. The concept of open system undoes the door to a theory of evolution that can only derive from the interactions between a system and its ecosystem. Within this systemic approach, the focus of the analysis takes into account the ambiguity, multidisciplinary and complexity associated with system adjustment, i.e. it is intended to qualify an employee job based on their experience and knowledge as a measure of their impact on the organization performance

    Development of plantar arch in childhood and adolescence: footprint analysis in public schools

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    The plantar arch is being developed in the first years of children’s life and there are many factors that can influence this formation such as age, gender and overweight. The aim of this study was to examine the development of plantar arch in children and adolescents checking the prevalence of different types of plantar arch and investigating which factors may contribute to the formation of this arch. The sample consisted of 1.090 students from public schools in the area of Silves, Algarve, of both sexes, aged between 2 and 18 years. The body mass index was calculated and the students were classified as normal weight, thinness, overweight and obesity. The analysis of the plantar arch was performed using a podograph with the person in a static position. Footprint was analyzed by measuring the Clarke’s angle, the index of Chippaux-Smirak and the Staheli’s arch index. The average values of the angle of Clarke’s, the index of Chippaux-Smirak and the Staheli’s arch index revealed a prevalence of intermediate arch, small longitudinal arch and fallen plantar arch, respectively. The values of the angle of Clarke’s, the index of Chippaux-Smirak and the Staheli’s arch index differed significantly for genders, age groups and groups with overweight and obesity. According to data obtained in this study, we believe that gender, age and body weight are factors that can influence the formation of the plantar arch