816 research outputs found


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    The Islamic Defense Movement movement had made headlines from various national media outlets in Indonesia. Although the last series of demonstrations, when this research was written, took place on December 2nd, 2016, the echoes of the Islamic Defense Action can still be seen in various opinions of internet users on social networks. This study discusses the perceptions behind internet users’ opinions of the action, using the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) method. Taking a sample of Twitter Twitter chants, the authors make a percentage of the main ideas behind the various opinions. As a result, the concept of self and other is the dominant idea behind the chirp with tagar #AksiBelaIslam . Keywords: Aksi Bela Islam, Twitter, Critical Discourse Analysis, Self, and Othe

    Minimization of Imbalance Caused By Forecasted Demand and Actual Generation

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    Audio Podcast and Video Practical for Short and Long-Term Memory Student

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    Listening items on the Marlins Test are more varied with various nationality accents. Seafarers' listening ability can be improved by listening to different language accents. This research used here is a quasi-experimental research design. The sampling method used for Non-Probability Sampling.  Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, the following conclusions are obtained: there is no significant difference between Using Audio Podcast and Video Practical Training (Students with Short Term and Long-Term Memory) groups; there is no significant difference between Student Short Term Memory – Student Long Term Memory; there is a significant difference between the two Audio Podcast groups (Student Short Term Memory – Student Long Term Memory); there is no significant difference between the two Video Practical Training groups (Student Short Term Memory – Student Long Term Memory). The use of audio podcasts in teaching listening needs to be increased because it is effective for students inside and outside the classroom. The existence of podcasting contributes to helping teaching and learning activities run well. That is because listening comprehension becomes a complex process to understand spoken language in English Foreign Language learners. The use of audio podcasts in achieving listening skills in teaching activities needs to be investigated further. Literature research using the systematic review method to determine the effectiveness of audio podcasts in teaching listening at all levels of students needs to be studied further. The use of audio podcasts in teaching listening needs to be increased because it is effective for students inside and outside the classroom

    The Washback Effects of Testing Practices on English Language Teaching

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    Teachers often confused how they can get feedback from their students as one of supporting education components they need. Therefore, washback effects are important as the feedback. This essay studies the washback effects of testing practices on English language teaching. This essay covers three important parts which discuss washback effects. The first part tells the introduction which consists of background to the study, objectives of the study, and limitation of the problem. The second part clarifies English language teaching in Indonesia, English language teaching in Junior High Schools, testing practices on English language teaching, factors influence testing practices, washback effects of testing practices, and areas affected by washback. The third part reviews research studies on washback effects to explore the washback effects of testing practices on English language teaching. The last part, conclusion, is consistent with the effects of washback of testing practices on English language teaching


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    Sumber Urip Sejati Utama Ltd. is a company that runs in the fertilizer industry. Technically, Sumber Urip Sejati Utama Ltd.'s board of directors purchase urea fertilizer for the factory, then sold the urea fertilizer to consumers. As a urea fertilizer distributor, Sumber Urip Sejati Utama Ltd. should fulfil tax administration obligations, such as reporting tax payments and calculations. However, Sumber Urip Sejati Ltd.’s administration is highly engineered by the company’s directors because Sumber Urip Sejati Utama Ltd. is operating even though it is declared bankrupt. The situation escalades when the company is faced with unfulfilled tax obligation. Therefore, the main problem in this research is the director board of Sumber Urip Sejati Utama's Ltd. civil liability and legal consequences towards the tax in debt due to the board’s negligence. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical approach, which is an approach based on the primary legal material by examining theories, concepts, legal principles and legislation. The research elaborates that the civil liability of Sumber Urip Sejati Utama Ltd.’s director board towards the tax in debts is in a form of joint responsibility or responsibility. Moreover, the legal consequences faced by the director boards due to their negligence is that directors should bear all of the company's debts to creditors and third parties, to the extent of using the directors' assets to cover the losses


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini tentang hasil belajar matematika mengenal konsep bilangan siswa autis dalam aspek memilih, membandingkan, menghitung, mencocokkan dan mengurutkan benda atau bilangan 1-10 yang masih tergolong rendah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran matematika yang sesuai dengan karakteristik atau gaya belajar siswa autis dengan menggunakan multimedia easy fun math berbantuan android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh multimedia easy fun math berbantuan android terhadap hasil belajar matematika pada siswa autis. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis pre-eksperimen dengan menggunaka rancangan one-group pretest posttest design. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu statistik nonparametris dengan rumus wilcoxon math pair test. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa tes dengan jenis tes tulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar matematika mengenal konsep bilangan siswa autis dengan Zhitung (Zh)=2,52>Ztabel (Zt) dengan nilai signifikansi 5%=1,96, yang artinya ada pengaruh multimedia easy fun math berbantuan android terhadap hasil belajar matematika pada siswa autis. Kata Kunci: autis, hasil belajar matematika, multimedi


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    Chemical compounds belonging to dioxin group are known to be highly toxic environmental pollutant. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and polychlorinated dibenzofuran are produced during organic materials burning process. Pentachlorophenol, a compound similar to dioxin, is widely used as wood preservative, fungicide, bacteriocide, herbicide, algicide and insecticide. Some white-rot fungi have potential to produce lignin degrading enzyme and degrade dioxin compounds. The diversity of white-rot fungi in Indonesia provides potential source for environmental pollutant-degrading microorganisms. In this study, basidiomycetes were isolated from fruiting body and rotted wood samples which were collected from seven provinces in Indonesia. Three hundred seventy basidiomycete isolates were screened for dioxin degrading activity using dye-decolorization method. The result indicated that sixty isolates had dioxin degrading activity, three of which showed significant activity.Keywords: Ligninolytic, basidiomycetes, biodegradation, dioxin, fungus ABSTRAKSenyawa-senyawa kimia dalam kelompok dioksin telah diketahui sebagai polutan lingkungan yang sangat beracun. Dibenzo-p-dioksin terpoliklorinasi dan dibenzofuran terpoliklorinasi dihasilkan selama proses pembakaran bahan-bahan organik. Pentaklorofenol, suatu senyawa mirip dioksin, banyak digunakan sebagai pengawet kayu, fungisida, bakterisida, herbisida, algisida dan insektisida. Beberapa jamur pelapuk putih memiliki potensi untuk menghasilkan enzim pengurai lignin dan mendegradasi senyawa-senyawa dioksin. Keanekaragaman jamur pelapuk putih di Indonesia yang tinggi merupakan sumber potensial mikroorganisme pengurai polutan lingkungan. Pada kajian ini, basidiomisetes diisolasi dari sampel-sampel tubuh buah dan kayu lapuk yang diambil dari tujuh provinsi di Indonesia. Tiga ratus tujuh puluh isolat basidiomisetes telah diseleksi aktivitasnya sebagai pendegradasi dioksin. Metode dye-decolorization digunakan pada seleksi ini. Hasil seleksi menunjukkan bahwa enam puluh isolat basidiomisetes memiliki aktivitas sebagai pendegradasi dioksin, tiga isolat di antaranya menunjukkan aktivitas tertinggi.Kata kunci: Ligninolisis, basidiomisetes, biodegradasi, dioksin, jamurÂ
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