376 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Circular Helmholtz Resonator dengan variasi jumlah Mononec pipa kapiler terhadap Supercharging yang digerakan elektromotor. Penelitian eksperimenal ini dilakukan dengan 6 variasi Mononeck yang dipasang secara longitudinal up side down. Piezotronics, National Instrument dan Matlab digunakan untuk mengakuisisi data menjadi lebih akurat. Hasil pengukuran selisih rata-rata tekanan output dan input menyatakan bahwa Circular Helmholtz Resonator berpengaruh terhadap tekanan udara keluaran yang merupakan tekana udara input motor diesel

    Melting of aluminium clusters

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    The melting of Al clusters in the size range 49 <= N <= 62 has been studied using two model interatomic potentials. The results for the two models are significantly different. The glue potential exhibits a smooth relatively featureless heat capacity curve for all sizes except for N = 54 and N = 55, sizes at which icosahedral structures are favoured over the polytetrahedral. Gupta heat capacity curves, instead, show a well-defined peak that is indicative of a first-order-like transition. The differences between the two models reflect the different ground-state structures, and neither potential is able to reproduce or explain the size dependence of the melting transition recently observed in experiments


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    The pulsatile fluid flow in a transverse grooved channel would become chaotic flows in low Reynold numbers. The Reynold number where flows become chaos depends on grooves distances. The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of grooves distances on the behavior of chaos. This research was done by implementing a closed square cross-section channel, where the bottom surface of the channel was semicircle grooved. The frequency of flow oscillation measurement was done by setting up a resistance sensor that is Wheatstone bridge where the resistance sensor was located in a U manometer. Measurement was done at several Reynold number. From the research result, it is seen that the periodic fluid flows in the transverse grooved channel had become chaos at Reynold number Re 950 in the channel without grooved and at Reynold number Re 700 in the grooved channel. Chaos took placed since a vortex appeared at every treatment

    Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Informal pada Transfer Pengetahuan Kecakapan Ketog Magic

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    This study aims to find out the learning strategy on informal education on the transfer of knowledge of ketog magic skills. This research use qualitative method with case study design. Research subjects in this study is a workshop owner and 4 (four) employers/workers who are participant learning in the workshop ketog magic Bangsri Village Nglegok District Blitar Regency. Data using the method. The results showed. Learning strategy in learning transfer knowledge of ketog magic skills is by using active learning strategy.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pembelajaran pendidikan informal pada transfer pengetahuan kecakapan ketog magic. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang pemilik bengkel dan empat orang pemagang/pekerja yang merupakan warga belajar di bengkel ketog magic Desa Bangsri Kecamatan Nglegok Kabupaten Blitar. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran transfer pengetahuan kecakapan ketog magic adalah dengan menggunakan strategi active learning

    Programming patchy particles to form three-dimensional dodecagonal quasicrystals

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    Model patchy particles have been shown to be able to form a wide variety of structures, including symmetric clusters, complex crystals and even two-dimensional quasicrystals. Here, we investigate whether we can design patchy particles that form three-dimensional quasicrystals, in particular targeting a quasicrystal with dodecagonal symmetry that is made up of stacks of two-dimensional quasicrystalline layers. We obtain two designs that are able to form such a dodecagonal quasicrystal in annealing simulations. The first is a one-component system of 7-patch particles but with wide patches that allow them to adopt both 7- and 8-coordinated environments. The second is a ternary system that contains a mixture of 7- and 8-patch particles, and is likely to be more realizable in experiments, for example, using DNA origami. One interesting feature of the first system is that the resulting quasicrystals very often contain a screw dislocation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Proportion of Agriculture, Industry and Services Sector to Value Added Tax Revenue in Low Income and Lower-Middle Income Countries: Rule of Law as a Moderating Variable

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    This study aims to determine how much the agricultural, industrial and service sectors affect Value Added Tax revenues in low and lower middle income countries with rule of law as moderating variable. The independent variables used in this study are the proportion of the agricultural sector to GDP, the proportion of the industrial sector to GDP, the proportion of the service sector to GDP, the dependent variable used is VAT revenue while the moderating variable is the rule of law. This study uses secondary data with a population of 27 countries with low and lower middle income in a span of seven years, from 2009 to 2015. The statistical method used in this study is quantitative method with multiple linear regression using panel-corrected standard error regression model. The results showed that before being moderated by the rule of law, the agricultural, industrial and service sectors had no effect on VAT revenues. But after being moderated by the rule of law, the agricultural, industrial and service sectors have a positive influence on VAT revenues. Thus, the government is expected to focus attention on the rule of law. Good rule of law will increase investor confidence in the existence of applicable laws and also related to property rights, law enforcement officers, courts and also low levels of crime and violence which ultimately increase tax revenues reflected in increased VAT revenues


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    Cavitation is a complex phenomenon of dynamic processes in hydraulic machines that can cause a decrease in energy performance, vibration and damage the blade surfaces. Analysis of cavitation symptoms in hydraulic machines is carried out through cavitation performance studies, namely the relations between energy parameters. Each hydraulic machine has a critical value on a different cavitation performance curve. Therefore, a study of the effect of cavitation changes is needed to determine the working zone of hydraulic machines without cavitation. In this study, cavitation performance analysis was carried out on a waterjet propulsor model with 5 impeller blades and 7 stator blades using experimental methods. The cavitation coefficient was varied at σ = 2.25 to 0.25 by setting and controlling the inlet pressure on the cavitation test rig. The critical point value will be observed at the point where the thrust coefficient decreased to 3.28%. &nbsp;The results showed that cavitation begins at σ = 1, the critical point is obtained at σ = 0.75. From these studies, we find that waterjet must be operated at conditions where is σ &gt; 0.75

    Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-Citrate Microparticle Using Ionic Gelation Methods

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    A study has been conducted aimed to synthesize chitosan-citrate using the ionic gelation method and its characterization with FTIR, SEM, SAA, and PSA, as well as solubility and swelling tests. The results showed that chitosan reacted with sodium citrate producing chitosan-citrate particles. The product of chitosan-citrate has a rough and thickened surface morphology. Surface area is obtained by 35.233 m2/g and pore size is 0.027 cc/g, smaller than chitosan. Based on solubility and swelling tests in acidic, alkaline, and neutral media, chitosan-citrate has good resistance and low swelling effect