305 research outputs found

    A territorial indentity as a basis for city’s promotional scheme and paths of development. A case study of the city of Lodz

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    Zarządzanie marką miasta jest ważnym elementem systemów promocji jednostek terytorialnych. Jednakże, aby zbudować silną markę, należy ją oprzeć na wyróżnikach tożsamości miasta. W celu ukształtowania pożądanego i prawdziwego wizerunku miasta niezbędne jest również dokumenty strategiczne opierały się na cechach charakterystycznych jednostki. Przykładem jednostki terytorialnej, której władze zdecydowały się zmienić jej industrialny charakter, by bazując na dziedzictwie, stymulować kreatywne działania, jest Łódź. Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka wyróżników świadczących o unikatowości miasta Łodzi i analiza działań marketingowych w ich kontekście. Artykuł podejmuje kwestię relacji pomiędzy dziedzictwem materialnym, społecznym i kulturowym miasta, tworzącym jego tożsamość, a wykorzystaniem tych charakterystyk do budowania współczesnej marki Łodzi i wspierania kierunków rozwoju nowoczesnych działalności opartych na kulturze.City brand management has recently become one of the most important parts of the regional promotion systems. However, if the city’s brand is to be strong it has to be based on the city’s identity. Lodz is given as an example of a city which builds brand on its most recognizable characteristics. The council of the city of Lodz has decided to turn the urban postindustrial heritage info a new, creative and modern path of development. Numerous renovated factories are now premises of service companies, art centers and loft apartments. City marketing is also aimed at young people, students and entrepreneurs whose future is the future of this urban area. There are several initiatives to enhance the graduate to stay and work in Lodz. In order to attract people to Lodz it has to offer wide range of cultural and entertaining events. The city has taken part in the competition of hosting the European Capital of Culture 2014. The campaign which was prepared for this reason has given a great lesson of marketing to the city’s authorities, but most important of all, it has increased citizens’ participation in urban management and decision making process. However, the competition was lost by Lodz, it was able to draw conclusions and set up the creative vision for the city’s further development. The authorities does not avoid raising difficult issues and problems which are part of the city’s identity. That is why the city’s new brand is perceived as challenging, but consistent

    Physiotherapeutic procedures used in patients after surgical treatment of maxillofacial and occlusal disorders

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    The treatment of patients with craniofacial defects is interdisciplinary and long term. In order to restore the function of the stomatognathic system (chewing, swallowing, speech, breathing) and to improve the aesthetic appearance of the face, patients with malformations and acquired defects require combination therapy. It is necessary to cooperate with a surgeon, orthodontist, phoniatrist, speech therapist, prosthetist, psychologist and physiotherapist. The earlier treatment of facial cranial defects is started, the better final results can be obtained. The aims of rehabilitation are prevention of pulmonary complications, prevention of deep vein thrombosis, restoration of the efficiency of the stomatognathic system, removal of functional and organic consequences of surgery. The implementation of these goals begins on the first day after surgery and continues until the patient is discharged from the hospital. The next step is ambulatory rehabilitation

    Assessment of the influence of hypotherapy on psychosocial development of children until 18 years old

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    Introduction. Hippotherapy is one of the most popular forms of zootherapy. The ability to provide a disabled person with a close contact with a horse has a strong impact on the emotional, cognitive, social and physical spheres. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of hippotherapy on psychosocial development of children up to the age of 18. Material and methods. The studied group consisted of children and adolescents aged 4-18. The study involved 100 people, and the studied group was divided into two groups: intellectually disabled (n=59) and physically disabled (n=41). Additionally, in order to study the effect of the length of therapy attendance in relation to the achieved effects, the studied group was divided into 3 subgroups depending on the duration of therapy attendance (T1-0-2 years, T2-3-4 years, T3-5-10 years). The research tool was an original questionnaire addressed to parents and carers of disabled children. Results. During the study a significant improvement in the motor sphere was achieved, it was mainly an improvement of balance, posture and muscular strength. In the psychic sphere, aspects such as communication skills, speech development, motivation and family life improved. Conclusion: Hippotherapy has a positive effect on the psychosocial development of children, taking into account both the motoric and mental spheres

    The influence of powerlifting on pain frequency in the musculoskeletal system

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    Introduction Powerlifting consists of exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift) that are corresponding to the three popular movement patterns. Working on proper functioning of muscles involved in these movements should have a positive impact on their performance in everyday life. However, on the other hand, significant workout strain may cause overloading and lead to musculoskeletal pain. Aim To determine the impact of regular powerlifting training on the movement organ functioning. Material Study group consisting of 185 people who regularly train powerlifting. Control group consisting of 193 people who declared lack of any physical activity in terms of strength training. Methods The research was conducted with the diagnostic poll method using author’s questionnaire. Results People who train experience pain in lower spine less often. There were also significant differences in the number of people experiencing pain when walking on a flat surface, lifting items from the floor, and moving objects above the eye level between the study and the control group for the benefit of the study group. There were no statistically significant differences found between these two groups regarding joint pain or the number of people who feel pain while sitting down. Discussion People who train powerlifting are less likely to experience back pain, what suggests beneficial effect of strength training on spine functioning. Powerlifting training positively affects the quality of movement during lifting objects from the floor and moving them above the eye level, but it does not have a significant influence on the frequency of pain in peripheral joints or while sitting down

    Relations between the occurrence of hypermobility and gender in the group of children aged 6 - 10 years

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    Introduction:Hypermobility of joints in healthy people may be either acquired or congenital be a symptom of a connective tissue disorder such as Marfan syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, or Ehler-Danlos syndrome. If that occurs increased joint mobility does not have the characteristics previously mentioned teams innate, it may indicate the presence of articular hypermobility. Hypermobility otherwise called excessive joint laxity or increased their chattel. This dysfunction is based on a wider range of movement in large and small joints relative to the standards for age, gender and race, in the absence of rheumatic diseases. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between hypermobility and gender of the children aged 6 - 10 years.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in November and December 2017, in two primary schools in Szczecin. Studied 66 children, whose average age was 7 years and 10 months. To assess the prevalence of hypermobility used Beighton scale. It consists of preparation of 5 steps: slope forward from the position the hand flat on the floor, the passive hyperextension V above the finger 90, the passive thumb adduction to the volar side of the forearm hyperextension elbow joint and knee joint. The maximum number of points available is a ninth score 4 points or more indicates presence of hypermobility. Results: The results of 4 points or above on a scale Beighton was observed in 24 of 66 children. Boys was 10, and girls 14. Among girls male person with hypermobility accounted for 30.30%, and among female patients with hypermobility was 42.42% .Conclusions: There was an increased incidence of joint mobility of females than males. The need for screening tests in that group of children was also highlighted

    Sense of coherence, its meaning and coping with stress among people after orthopedic surgery

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    Aim: Assessment of the sense of coherence, methods of coping with stress and the relationship between their components among people after orthopedic surgery. Materials and methods: 100 people were examined. The proper group consists of 50 patients after orthopedic surgery. The control group consists of 50 healthy people. All the subjects completed a questionnaire with questions about basic metrical data and two standardized questionnaires: SOC-29 and Mini-COPE. The results underwent statistical analysis. Results: Both groups did not differ in the level of the sense of coherence, the distribution was notably similar to normal (p > 0,05). However, the differences in the strategies of coping with stress were observed. Differences in correlations between individual coherence components and remediation strategies have also been noticed. Conclusions: The patients were characterized by a greater intensity of non-constructive coping strategies compared to the control group. Only among them the stronger sense of coherence coexisted with lower inclinations to negative patterns of behavior. Higher global life orientation was associated with a more favorable and positive approach to problems among healthy people

    Cystic fibrosis newborn screening enables diagnosis of elder siblings of recalled infants--additional benefit.

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    The different clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis, with variable intensity and timing, often delay the diagnosis of this genetic autosomal recessive disorder. Many countries have introduced newborn screening for cystic fibrosis to facilitate diagnosis prior to the development of the disease. The advantages and harms of such screening programmes are regularly reassessed. In the five families presented in this article the elder siblings of screened infants were diagnosed thanks to CF NBS. This is an example of a benefit for children not even directly covered by the screening programme, adding another CF NBS advantage to the balance

    Visual rehabilitation training in a patient with large central scotoma due to Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy

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    Background. Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a disease associated with pathogenetic mutations of mitochondrial DNA which affects predominantly young adult males and leads to loss of central vision, low visual acuity and unstable fixation. The purpose of this study was to allow the patient to establish the best possible fixation in the best area of retinal sensitivity in LHON patient with central scotoma. Methods. A 17 years old patient with confirmed mitochondrial LHON 11778G > A mutation was included in the study. The patient underwent 16 visual rehabilitation sessions — two for each of 8 weeks using the training module available in the equipment — MAIA microperimeter. Visual acuity and standrad microperimetry examination were performed before and 8 weeks period of training. To measure the fixation stability with MAIA microperimeter, P1, P2 and Bivariate Contour Ellipse Area (BCEA) parameters were used. Results. Visual acuity of the trained better eye was 0.08 at the baseline versus 0.063 after 8 weeks training. Fixation stability parameter was P1-21%, P2-64% at the first session versus P1-60%, P2-90% at the last session. BCEA values 29.2°˛ before and 14.2°˛ after training, respectively. Conclusions. Visual training via microperimetry could potentially be a method that improves the fixation stability in patients with LHON.

    The evaluation of parents' knowledge about psychophysical development of the 0-12 months old children

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    Introduction: A process of psychomotor development should take place harmoniously according to a fixed plan. Because of the fact, that not every child develops properly, parents ought to possess basic knowledge of child’s psychomotor development. It could enable them to notice any possible abnormalities and turn to a specialist for help in time. Aim: The aim of the study is to assess parents' knowledge about the psychomotor development of children aged 0-12 months and the impact of selected socio-demographic factors on the level of this knowledge Materials and methods: The research involved 111 parents who filled in the questionnaire form on psychomotor development of a child in its first year. Results: It has been proven that a general level of parents’ knowledge ranges from low to good. Moreover, based on the research it can be claimed, that people who graduated from universities gain better knowledge on a person’s development than people who didn’t. Similarly, parents with a bigger amount of children and what’s connected, better experience, achieve better results. Finally, a large majority of parents claim that their knowledge is better that it really is. Conclusions: Comparing the outcome with the results of other researchers it can be concluded, that the level of knowledge on child’s psychomotor development is rather low. The reason of that might be the lack of needed education on the area. Taking into consideration a quite wide range of available sources of information, parents can find many possibilities to broaden their knowledge. To improve the situation various actions encouraging self-improvement of parents’ level of knowledge should be introduced. In the future a similar research should take place to check if the level of awareness of this issue is heightened. &nbsp

    How air pollution affects the eyes — a review

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    The aim of this study is to present scientific reports concerning the influence of air pollution on eyes. Air pollutionis nowadays a common problem. The most significant pollutants are carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide(NO2), ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), particulate matters — PM10 and PM2.5. The main source of toxins in theair are cars, burning of the fuels and burning of the charcoal in household stoves. Most attention is paid to negativeeffects of air pollution on respiratory system, such as asthma and lung cancer, however, it is worth remembering thatinfluence on the eyes is equally important. Children are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of air pollution.Anterior segment of the eye is the most exposed. Substances, which are part of the smog have an irritating effecton the surface of the eye, cause disturbances in the tear film and an inflammation. Medical conditions associatedwith increased air pollution are mainly eye irritation, conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome (DES), meibomian glanddysfunction (MGB) and blepharitis